Bedrock Booga Capital Capitalist Console Crossplay Dynmap Edition Java Ooga Pit Rock Survival Vanilla Voice

RavineSquaad 2 – Electric Boogaloo

Agarain Compactclaustrophobia Counter English Eternal Maturecommunity Modded Modded Minecraft Modded Minecraft Server Permanent Po3 Serious Sevtech Vanilla Voice


Get Whitelisted

We are a whitelist community. To play on our servers you need toregister on our website and apply for getting whitelisted. Beingwhitelisted on our website grants you access to all our Minecraftservers.

Discord Voice Chat Server

All our Minecraft servers are linked with our Discord server. If youwant to chat to us or get whitelisted quickly this is the place to be.

Invite link can be found on our website: shapethecube.netServer


Our rules are located on our website and are accessible to

Banned Items

We keep our banned items lists as small as possible if not entirely empty. Banned items list for each server can be found on our forum thatis accessible to whitelisted members.

About the servers

We run modded Minecraft servers.We have a vanilla server. All of our server ips are on our website.

All our servers are being backed up on a hourly basis so in case something happens we have it fully covered.We take griefing very seriously and if we do encounter someone stealing they will get permanently banned from our community without an option to return.

District Districts Dynamic Fail Kings Maj Mega Builds Playing Minecraft Racing Rankings Shopping Thread Unfair Vanilla Voice

Lastage [Semi-Vanilla] {whitelist} {1.14.4} {community focus}{Hermitcraft-Like} {events}{Discord}

We are a curated Vanilla Minecraft experience, with a focus on building a community of like-minded players who want to enjoy Minecraft without crazy game-modes or plugins.

We are looking for like-minded players who want to have fun together without the hindrance of game modes. Players who seek just to play Minecraft in an environment where they do not have to worry about players or hackers ruining their time.

We use a whitelist to eliminate the majority of these players who only seek to ruin others fun or have an unfair advantage. If you would like to join, check out our community background below and fill out a whitelist application via our Discord.

OUR Community

We are committed to providing a great semi-Vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any game modes (Towny, Factions, Mini-games etc) and we will never add anything which will fundamentally make the game different, easier or harder (mcMMO, rankings).

We are transparent about any issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players and integrity changes to how the server functions.

Our Community Voice

We always pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome feedback and honest opinions any time and use it to make changes for the betterment of the player experience and community.

If we are ever going to make a change to our community, be it a new plugin, a config change, or anything that would affect the vanilla or community dynamic, it will be polled. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a 75% approval rating. If a poll fails, we look at why it fails and then make changes until most of our player-base are content.

We Love Working Together

The server was founded on this major principal to create a space for players to come together and play Minecraft without limitations set by game modes. So, this allows us to bring players together, we work on large projects such as shopping districts, minigames, mega builds… and also want to run exciting events such as Racing and PvP tournaments. Above all else, we are about playing with other people!


White list Application

To join, please copy and complete the application below and post it on our Discord or reply to this thread.

Minecraft Username:



How often are you likely to play?

Why would you like to join?

What is your favorite aspect of playing Minecraft with other people?

Do you/will you use Discord & Voice Chat:

Applications are approved at random times throughout the day as our team check this thread.


All players are welcome to join our Discord. This is where we host our rules, FAQ and run sign-ups for events. All are welcome whether whitelisted or not. To join, click HERE.

1.20 Culture Forest How To Get Laidback Mountain Mountains Overworld Plains Regenerate Survival Trees Vanilla Voice World Map

Kytros Forest

Join our discord on how to get whitelisted!

We mostly like to hang out on voice chat and it’s not necessary to join or have a mic to be in it!

Kytros Forest’s overworld map was pregenerated with a realistic world generation. We have mountains that go up to the sky limit, rivers that cut the continent, trees taller than vanilla and plains that stretches across far and wide. We a new server with plans to keep this world going for months to come.

Our goal is to build a community of people who love to build or just hang out. We are super laidback with a focus on bonding the community, we discourage economy and encourage the culture of shared resources along with community farms. We are semi-vanilla with only a few quality of life plugins or fun/interesting ones. Hence, we have no teleport commands to encourage people to explore and map the world at their own pace. We have people building at spawn and are slowly expanding out in building new towns and area of interests. We are looking for like-minded people who share an interest in world building, being part of a community or just wanting to have fun!

Combat Elves Mechanics Pvp Raiding Reset Resets Sets Survival The End Truly Vanilla Vanillasurvival Voice Weekly


No tp, home, or fancy commands; just basic vanilla mechanics.
To help new players get started, they have an hour of protection from PvP combat, and hunger.
Our server also features bi-weekly end resets to ensure new players get to explore the end for themselves.
Friendly owners and staff are usually available 24/7 but if not, you should be able to contact them through our discord.

Over on our discord, you can enhance your server experience by linking your Minecraft account and accessing other custom features.
Chat with players in-game, post your builds, or hang out with other players in voice chat.
Our discord integrations truly add a new depth of connectivity to your Minecraft experience.

Bov Cut Farm Farms Prem Seri Serious Stream Streamer Survival Vanilla Voice Witch Youtuber Zero

The ZeroTick Server

Number of platers: 6/20

Want a server experience a cut above the rest?

Then the ZeroTick Server is waiting for you.

We are looking to build a premium whitelist server experience for players. The goal is a YouTube/streamer friendly world where we can maintain a level of quality and community. We want people who will play regularly, are friendly with a good sense of humor, and are committed to building an amazing community with their fellow players.

Being a YouTuber/streamer is obviously not a requirement, but that is the level of quality/mindset that we are looking to foster. We want to keep our player base over 18 years of age.

We plan on capping the player base at 20 people in order to allow for large farms and serious builds.

There will be a requirement for a brief Discord dialogue (voice) to determine if our goals align and to go over the brief rules of the server.

If you’re interested, reach out to me on Discord: FizWitch#1803

1.19 Casual Curseforge Customnpc Modpacks Questing Rdm Revive Roleplay Rpg Spoke Tax Tech Voice Voicechat


Dear community, im Taknax and im a Modpacker, who created a modpack named Taknaxpack, with 234 mods uploaded on Twitchapp. A stable server atm with 20 slots is running. Im looking for tester and player. Aspecialy Bugfinder, Crafttweakercoder, Customnpcdesigner, Betterquestingwriter and casual player, who just want to have fun and try out something new. Discordmoderator and ppl with other special knowledge are highly welcome. The includet mods are very special. Tech, magic, adventure, rpg and city mods brings minecraft to another lvl. Pings, teams, revive and Voicechat mods make a mmo feeling. If u want try out with ur friends, write me a message with ur Username, Spoken language and ur age. My english isnt perfect, but enough. Most important thing is, u have to love minecraft and u welcome.


My modpack:

Claiming Limitedplugins Mechanics Modifications Post Resets Selection Sets Survival Tfp The End Truly Vanilla Vanillasurvival Voice

Vanilla Survival

Home to a simple, vanilla survival experience; how it should be.
The only modifications to your play are basic land claiming, and a modest selection of plugins to protect fair play, and yourself.
Team up with your friends and form a group, as you venture from spawn to explore, build, and fight the way you want to.

No tp, home, or fancy commands; just basic vanilla mechanics.
To help new players get started, they have an hour of protection from PvP combat, and hunger.
Our server also features bi-weekly end resets to ensure new players get to explore the end for themselves.
Friendly owners and staff are usually available 24/7 but if not, you should be able to contact them through our discord.

Over on our discord, you can enhance your server experience by linking your Minecraft account and accessing other custom features.
Chat with players in-game, post your builds, or hang out with other players in voice chat.
Our discord integrations truly add a new depth of connectivity to your Minecraft experience.

Check us out when we launch on (22-08-2020 5:00pm EST) but for now hang out with us over on discord:


Creativity Early Economy Mcmmo Mini Games Moddé Modded Modded Survival Neta Power Powerful Survival Tale Trans Voice

My Voice

The most powerful Minecraft experience. Survival, modded survival, minigames, and much more! Minetale is where creativity transcends. Become an early tester today!

Economy Farming Forever Friendship Launched Lifes Living Mcmmo Proper Property Standard Survial Survival Towny Voice


UckCraft has officially been updated to 1.16.1!!
Are you looking For a Unique and Friendly Survial/Towny Server?
Join today! There is a great ranking system in which you can unlock loads of perks!

The world doesnt reset, so you dont have to worry about losing your progress!!

The towny plugin helps with claiming land and protecting your property.

We offer a place to relax, have fun and play with your friends. We are a very friendly peaceful community, staff members make sure it will stay like that forever! We meet great quality standards, and try to create a community where players interact with one another on the basis of friendship and love the game as much as we do!
UckCraft was launched on the 27th of June 2020!
We try to put in all our experience into one server to give all of you out there the best experience that any minecraft server can provide.

You have the ability to pursue whatever lifestyle you desire, whether its ruling an empire, or living a humble farming life.
We love to voice our opinions, so jump into the discord server!
Join today, you wont regret it :

Factions Skyblock Skywars Survival


Server 1.8.X – 1.14
– Factions 1.8.X
– SkyWars 1.8.X
– SkyBlock 1.8.X
Survival 1.14
Server 1.8.X – 1.14
– Factions 1.8.X
– SkyWars 1.8.X
– SkyBlock 1.8.X
– Survival 1.14

Economy Factions Survival


Fun, classic server! Factions, voting rewards, economy, ranks, and more! New server, open to suggestions! Help create the community!

Anarchy Pvp Raiding


Anarchist’s Adventure

1.14.1 anarchy server, no resets. Server started 2 weeks ago, so you won’t have to fear being years behind everyone else!



Hi there, Welcome to Flexed Lands. The Worlds Okayest Survival Server. We are officially launching today, at 3:30pm EDT. We have all staff positions open, so come apply! We hope to see you there.


Cooldude Smp

Hello everyone, :D. So basically, I put in a mod called a Lifesteal Mod. Basically, what it does is when you kill someone, you take their heart and every time you die, you lose a heart. If you lose all of your hearts, you get banned. Good luck, Have fun! 🙂

Factions Parkour Prison Skyblock


Hello and welcome to our server, here you can find a few gamemodes like: SkyBlock, Factions, Prison and Parkour.

And a few more gamemodes will come later as we progress as a server.

We have an amazing staff team, a very respectfull one.

Survival Towny

Retro Minecraft

Welcome to Retro Minecraft
Retro Minecraft is a Minecraft Beta Server currently operating on the version Beta 1.7.3 that is focused on the creation of an awesome PVE Towny experience which allows players to work together. Retro Minecraft is the oldest active Beta server running since late 2014 and in that time has developed an amazing community backing it. RetroMC is designed carefully to bring back Nostalgia while integrating advanced plugin systems to improve a mostly vanilla playstyle. Our development team has heavily customized the software and plugins of Beta 1.7.3 in order to make the most stable server possible in the community.

Survival Vanilla


Are you feeling creative and want to join a creative and friendly whitelisted community then Crashlandia might be for you. Drop by for a chat

120server Charity Economy Economysurvival Giveaways Pvp Quests Rewards Shops Smp Survival

Wicked Gaming SMP

Wicked Gaming is a community dedicated to providing the best experience to it’s players at all costs.
We currently have a SMP with shops, quests, economy and more!We host Giveaways, Charity events, and more!


Join us here!

Economy Factions Pve Survival

Inferium Network

Inferium Network
We’re a small survival minecraft server with much ambition, we have many features for our players. Slimefun, Reputation Ranks, Daily Rewards, Kits, Ranks, Survival, 1.13.2, We’re always looking to improve, if you have anything you’d like to suggest or inform us on, please join our discord: Apart from this, if you’d like to visit our website, the link is:



We are a new server just starting up and we would love to have some new people I guess. We’re going to add factions and um and a shop plz join.

Economy Mcmmo Pve Survival


1.13.2 Spigot server looking for new players. There are currently two active players. If you would like to join a server with a small player base, come on over.



WoodCutter, SerialKey, FlatBedrock, VeinMiner, mcMMO, gravy, Vault, bPermissions, dynmap, ChestShop, Essentials, AdvancedAchievements, EpicSpawners, GUIShop

Mcmmo Survival Vanilla


1.16 Nether Update Live!

The server is purely survival at the moment however, we may add games soon!

Land Claiming:
You should be given a golden shovel which is used for land claiming and a book that tells you everything. You can also type /claim and to allow another player to build in your land type /trust
Each player starts with 200 claim blocks and you gain another 100 each hour you play on the server. All claims expire after 120 days.

You can directly support the server here:

Creative Economy Mini Games Survival Towny


A Minecraft adventure you will love!
(Server isint finish , should be finish soon…)
-a whole RPG World with Custome Mobs
-More then 20 Minigames , Creative and more!

Applications possible! —– Applications available

Economy Pvp Survival Vanilla

Minecraft Village Semi Vanilla Survival

Custom plugin server with zone claim, pvp, economy, and more interesting custom coded plugins to spice up vanilla Minecraft!

Pve Pvp Skyblock


This server is a skyblock server there are still many bugs to be fixed but so far it is playable we are looking for staff that is above the age of 13 we do not want players who cannot talk with a mic

Pve Pvp Survival Towny Vanilla



Brand new custom Kingdom Wars Survival Server!


– Hard to obtain Custom Enchants!
– Custom Shop World
– Player Shops
– Jobs
– Custom Builds
– All Custom biomes!

Join us at
And join our discord:


Galaxys Edge | Disneyland MC Server

-+= Galaxys Edge =+-
– A Custom Disneyland Minecraft Server
– Modded
Mods Used are on the website WITH Download Links to each of them with a download link to forge.
– Looking For Staff which you can apply for on our website!
– Looking For Actors
– Looking For Builders
– Looking For Ride Designers

Anarchy Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla

Apotheosis MC

This is a pure anarchy server inspired by 2b2t. There are NO RULES to hold you back from doing whatever you want. You can build, destroy and everything in between. Here, your imagination and freedom are completely unrestricted.

There will be no moderation outside of game-breaking issues.

IP Address:

Version: 1.12.2

Creative Factions Prison Skyblock Survival


Hibernus is devoted to giving you unique Minecraft experience on a high-quality level. To ensure so, we have a set of custom coded games and a team of dedicated staff, to make sure you’re being served the best.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!