1165server 247server 247uptime 24x7 Authme Best Bestminecraftserver Bestserver Better Betterminecraft Betterminecraftmodpack Betterminecraftmodpackserver Discord Forge Forgemods Instagram Joinnow Minecraft Mods Mojang Noonline Noonlinedating Normal Normalmode Onlyfans Planetminecraft Pvp Rlcraft Rlcraftonline Rlcraftserver Rlcraftservers Secure Survival Survivalgames Survivalserver Tag Tags Tiktok Tluncher World

PolishPolskiegoPysiora Server ❄ Better Minecraft [FORGE] v 57❄1.16.5❄NoOnline Mode with account secured❄New Areas❄Custom Towns❄Custom Items❄Custom Blocks & Plants❄Custom Mobs❄Dungeons❄Quests❄24/7

PolsihPolskiegoPysiora Serwer by Better Minecraft v57 [​FORGE] 1.16.5

What the server offers:
❄ NoOnline Mode❄ Uptime 24/7
❄ Account Secured: /register /login account secure

❄ NEW Dimension to Explor
❄ QUESTS to help you progress into the different Dimensions!
❄ Tons of New and Unique Bosses, Dungeons & Mobs
❄ Tons of New Crops, Food & Decorative Blocks

❄ Dragon Egg can now be hatched! [​Different types of dragons too]
❄ Tons of QOL mods [​Quality of Life]
❄ 210+ Mods to bring life to your world [​Much more content to explore!]
❄ A Brand New Experience of Vanilla Minecraft

CurseForge Mod location:


Curse Forge Aplication
Download and install CurseForge installer:
– Open CurseForge app
– Click Broswe Modpacks
– Search for a game: Better MC [​FORGE]
– Select Versions
– Select version: v57
– Install

– click Play
In game use /register your_password your_password to protect no online accounttype
/login your_password and play

Curse Forge

Tluncher Apication
– Download Tluncher for Minecraft and install form Google
– Open TLuncher
– Click TL Mods
– Serch: Better MC [​FORGE] – 1.16.5
– Click Versions Better MC [​FORGE] v57
– Install
– Select the installed version from the bar next to the nickname
– write nickname
– click enter the game
In game use /register your_password your_password to protect no online account

type /login your_password and play


Artic German Heart Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifestealsmp Nen Permanent Season 3 Seasons Smp Smp Minecraft Survival

SurvivalDings Staffel 3

SurvivalDings Staffel 3

A German SMP Minecraft server, with a self-programmed “Lifesteal” plugin!
If you die you lose a permanent heart, if you kill someone you get a permanent heart, the other loses one.

Discord Server: CLICK HERE

Information on the Discord server. There is a whitelist, all on the Discord.

Number of players currently: 5

The server runs via Aternos, so it’s free & not continuously online.
To start the server, you can ping the admins on the Discord server (from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.)

I would be very happy about participants, there will also be several seasons.
As you can see, we’re in season 3 right now.

Ash Greif Greifing Hut Laim Minehut No Mods Nothing Place Plot Plots Sol Solar Stealing Survival


Hi This is Solaratis the server host

If your looking for old fashioned minecraft no mods no nothing just survival

Your in the right place

Things we offer:

Greifing Allowed

Stealing Allowed

Claim Plots NO This wont ever exist

Mods NO

Old fashioned survival SMP Come Join


Actu Actually Custom Map Jack Jackson Mcmmo Mcrp Minecraft Roleplay Oriented Percyjackson Quests Roleplay Survival Tried Universe

Percy Jackson Minecraft Roleplay


Is a Roleplay oriented Minecraft server, where you can play Survival with friends, enjoy custom quests, explore our custom maps, and Roleplay with friends in the world of Percy Jackson.

Inspired by the books, we tried to make our maps as book accurate as possible and a way to make every player feel like they’re actually in the Percy Jackson Universe.

Come Join us today!

MC version: 1.18.2

119server Curse Curseforge Edition Forge Guy Map Maps Multiplay Multiplayer Skyblock Test Testing Vanilla Worlds

Test Server Skyblock Classic Edition

hi guys today i need your help to test multiplayer. you have to enter the server here is IP: for the Skyblock Classic Edition – Worlds.

Center Class Club Count Cri Description Has His Men Minemen Minemen Club Our Owner Script Survival Multiplayer

Minemen Club EU server Minecraft

Minemen Club EU server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

119server Beefz Community Donator Fun Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hill Mature Minecraft Owner Plugins Semivanilla Slx Smp Staff Survival Toast Vanilla Whitelisted

TrophySMP [Fun] [Community] [Mature] [Hermitcraft-like] [SMP]

Are you on the hunt for a fun and welcoming SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on the TrophySMP. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about this info in our discord. We are whitelisted and we have a way to apply. We strive to be the best SMP one could ask for. With our expanding staff and playerbase, we’re always looking for new friends.

We have a way to add custom model designs aswell as some datapacks to keep the server running smoothly and give it a bit of spice.

Join discord to apply!

1165server 117server 118server 119server Armorstandeditor Art Community Creative Creativeplots Creativeserver Fastasyncworldedit Goldeco Goldeconomy Magic Mcmmo Minecraft Modified Network Paper Prerelease Ranks Resourcepack Roleplay Runecraft Smp Survival Texturepack Towny Townyserver Townyservers Townysurvival Updates Worldedit

Havens Edge MC [1.17.X-1.19.X] [MMO Survival Experience with Towny] [Creative Plots WITH WorldEdit] [Active Updates] [More Coming soon]


Joinable Versions: 1.17-1.18

Discord server:

Havens Edge MCCreative||Survival||Community
Welcome to HavensEdgeMC.

Recommendation: Turn your particle settings to decreased or minimal for survival

What started out as a passion project, has grown into a full community based server. Our friendly staff and 24/7 servers aim to provide you with the best game-play our servers can offer.

With our custom Texturepack with Optifine (Optifine is NOT required though as some to most features will work without it.) features and Multiple Servers we aim to create a truly unique RPG influenced experience.

The Texture-pack will AUTO DOWNLOAD when joining the server, but it will only do it once per a join so it doesn’t need to re-download every time you switch to another server in the network. The texture-pack has been seen to run pretty well on something like a 1050ti and relatively old cpu’s so most people should be fine with it. if there is issues with joining because of it downloading please make a ticket and get help on our discord with: As we can help you with the issue to the best of our ability

We also have deemed the texturepack is now also use-able outside of the server and are going to release it, so if you prefer to have it downloaded and use that one rather than the server one you can download it here: Than you just need to do /usepack empty and you will disable the server resource pack Do not be surprised if some things don’t work without it though

Gold Based Economy
Find or earn gold with /jobs and trade with players and NPCs alike.

Got too much of one item? Auction it off to the highest bidder with /auc.

Grief Prevention
Create and grow your town and nation with Towny, sethomes and RandomTeleport.
Make great kingdoms and establish yourself within the world.

MMO and Magic Based Survival
Level up your skills with Runecraft, McMMO, Magic, and much more!

Creative Plots
Grab your friends and add them to your plots or build solo as you craft your
own mini-map. Merge your plots together or with friends and get
creative with World Edit to see how far your skills can go.

Keep up with your friends with our servers friends list!
And join our Discord Server to stay up to date with community projects; See
sneak peaks on features coming to our server and much more.

Ranks and Cosmetics
Support our server and get some cool perks by purchasing ranks and cosmetics in our Estore (

Servers Progress
Lobby: Open Pre-Release
Survival: Open Pre-Release
Creative: Open Beta
More Coming soon…

Apply Ask Attack Bot Cracked Hun Hunger Hunger Games Hunger Games Server Hungergames Kill Killa Nokits Nop2w P2w


a hunger games server where you can play play play and enjoy a non p2w server

to apply for admin ask me ingame
my username is gcattack

any killarua hack is not allowed but any aimbot is allowed if you are lazy 🙂

Anticheat Antigrief Antixray Bedrock Bedrockandjava Bedrockedition Bedrockjavacrossplay Betterrtp Bettersleeping Bungee Bungeecord Bungeecordserver Chestshop Coreprotect Craftbook Customenchants Customgeneration Customnether Customworld Deadchest Discord Discordchat Discordserver Discordsrv Gsit Jobs Jobsreborn Lwcx Mcmmo Mobsdropcash Spartan Survival Vanilla Vault Voice Voicechat Voiceproximitychat Vote Votifier Waterfall

Zelkyn MC

1.7.0 – 1.19.2
+Bedrock Support

Custom Survival – beta*
Vanilla Survival – beta*

Years of minecraft server hosting experience and many hours of care are going into the creation of your new go to Minecraft server!
We are now in open beta and are looking for new players to try out our server and join our new and budding community.
For more info feel free to join our server any time or come chat with us on our discord server.

*Beta world/player data will be wiped apon leaving beta

Aero Ambient Bridges Decorative Javasmp Luckyblocks Mod Modded Modpack Mods Orbs Rifts Smp Survival Survivalsmp

Rift SMP (Brand New Modded SMP)

This server is a Modded Survival SMP it’s brand new and looking for players the main mods are listed below and don’t worry too much about performance even though this has a total of 92+ mods a lot of them are performance-based so at least try playing before thinking that your pc can’t handle it

AmbientSounds 5 – Makes Minecraft sound better with stuff like echoing caves
appleskin – Shows the saturation you will receive from food items
Better advancements – Makes the advancements page better
Better animals plus – Adds tons of new mobs
Better than mending – Makes it so that when you shift and right-click with mending on a tool you can add your levels to repair the tool
Better end – Makes the end much nicer and just overall better with new biomes and much more
Better F3 – Makes the F3 Screen better
Better Nether – Adds new biomes to the nether
Bosses of Mass Destruction – Adds tons of new Bosses to fight
Charm – Adds a bunch of things to the game to improve looks and make the game feel better
Charm of undying – adds an extra slot so you can have totem and shield equipped
Chipped – Adds new variations to blocks
Clumps – Groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag
Continuity – Makes textures connect
Controlling – Makes changing button settings easier
Cosmetic Armor [​FABRIC] – allows you to have two sets of armor one that you are wearing and one that’s just for show meaning you can have diamond armor on and look like you don’t
Creeper Overhaul – Adds new types of creepers for different locations
Decorative Blocks – Adds tons of new decoration blocks
Dragon Loot – Makes the Dragon drop scales which can be crafted into armor, tools, and more
Ecologics – Adds a couple of cool mobs
Elytra Protection – Allows you to add protection to elytra’s
End Remastered – Improves Stronghold and requires different eyes for portal
Entity Culling – Performance mod
Equipment Compare – Allows you to compare equipment to see which is better
Fabric Seasons – Adds seasons to the game
Falling Leaves – Adds falling leaf particles
FallingTree – Makes cutting trees down easier
Farsight – Allows you to use higher render distances while still getting good FPS
Freecam – shhhhh you didn’t see this
FTB Ranks – Adds ranks
FTB Teams – Allows you to create teams
Illuminations – Makes the game more visually appealing with things like fireflies(well there kind of fireflies)
Indium – Performance mod
Inventory HUD+ – Changes HUD and makes it better
Iris – Allows you to add shaders to fabric
Jade – Shows you what block/animal you’re looking at
JourneyMap – Adds Map to the screen
Just Enough Items – Helps by showing how to craft or make items, blocks, and more
KleeSlabs – This mod allows you to break only one half of a double slab
LambDynamicLights – Adds Dynamic lights meaning if you hold a torch it will emit light as well as if you throw it the light will stay with that item
Lithium – Performance mod
Lucky block Mod – Adds blocks that when broken can have good or bad effects (I’m sure you’ve heard of the mod)
MaCaws Bridges, Fences, Walls, Lights, Lamps, Paintings, Paths, Trapdoors and Windows lots of new decoration blocks
Mod Menu – Adds a mod menu to fabric
More Axolotl Varients Mod – Adds more types of Axolotls to the game
Mouse Tweaks – Replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics, and the ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.
Natures Compass – Adds a compass that lets you select a biome then it points towards that biome
Not Enough Animations – Adds new Animations to the game
Obsidian Equipment – Adds obsidian tools and armor to the game
OpenBlocks Elevator – Adds a block that you can use as an elevator by shifting to go down or jumping to go up
Phosphor – Performance mod
Reese’s Sodium Options – Makes the Menu screen for fabric a bit better
Repurposed Structures – Adds new structures to the game
Savage Ender Dragon – Makes the ender dragon fight more difficult and also scales it depending on how many players are fighting it
Simple Voice Chat(Coming soon) – Proximity chat and Voice chat groups
Skin Layers 3D – Makes Skins 3D
Sodium – Extreme performance mod
Sodium Extra – adds extra sodium features
spark – performance mod
Tips – adds tips during loading screens
ToroHealth Damage Indicators – Adds damage indicators
Visuality – Makes the game more visually apealing
When Dungeons Arise – Adds dungeons that you can raid
Xaero’s World Map – adds a large full-screen map to the game
You’re in Grave Danger – When you die a grave spawns with your stuff that way it doesnt despawn
Zoomify – Allows you to use optifine zoom

Ass Aternos Center Class Count Cri Description Has His Our Owner Script Survival Multiplayer Ter This

ruslidon server minecraft

The server owner “ruslidon” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Film Five Ios Microsoft Minecraft Fr Minecraft Smp Mojang Mojang Studios Ranch Studios Survival Ultime Video Game Video Games Wiki

Vanilla Minecraft SMP – No Rules

No rules – Minecraft is a media franchise developed largely by Mojang Studios and centered around the video game of the same name. It consists of five video games, along with various books, merchandise, events, and an upcoming theatrical film. Microsoft acquired Mojang Studios in 2014alongside the Minecraft franchise and its editions.

Bedrock Boatrace Callofduty Crossplay Custommobs Customplugins Dragon Guns Java Leveling Levels Parkour Pokemon Races Ranks Rcmc Resortcraft Rpg Semivanilla Survival Wildtp

RC3 [SMP] [RPG Survival] [Leveled Mobs] [GUNS] [Mob-Catcher-Eggs] [Java/Bedrock] [1.19.2]

RC3 is the product of a tightly knit community that has been going strong for 11+ years. Over time people have come and gone from our community and there have been several iterations of RC (Previously known as RCMC 2019-2020, and ResortCraft 2011-2014). We are well aware that most everyone has experienced the typical SMP boatloads of times. Which is why we created our server from the ground up with the intention of giving you a unique Minecraft experience. We doubt you have ever played a server like RC3 before. We don’t think that because of the economy we have, or the RPG skill system we have, or even our custom gun minigame! We think that because our community is the best this game has to offer, without a doubt.

Earnable ranks:
As you progress through our in-depth RPG skill system you will earn levels in 15 skills such as mining, excavating, fighting, archery, alchemy, enchanting & more! Your overall level will determine which rank you will be placed in. The higher your rank means you will have more access to perks such as extra set-homes and kits.

Mobs scale with your skill level:
As you level up and gain more offensive and defensive skills so will hostile mobs around you. Mobs can range from tiers 1-10 and levels 1-103. This means that as you progress through our RPG system so will mobs around you. Higher level mobs will drop even more rare items, armor, and weapons.

Catch mobs with catcher-eggs:
Craft eggs to catch mobs (Like Pokemon)! We have custom egg recipes that when crafted will allow you to catch various mobs in the game and bring them back to your home.

If you get tired of playing our survival world you can hop over to our CrackShot area! CrackShot is a game mode that allows you to drop into any map at any time with any gun you’d like and shoot ‘em up with other players. It’s a free for all game that has no start or end. There’s no timer and no score. You just hunt down other players on very small maps and get your killstreak as high as possible. There are killstreak rewards for just about every kill after 2 kills in a row, and once you get to 10 kills something big happens.

Watch the sky at night!
(You will have to join and look at the night sky to figure out what this one means..)

Our server is Java and Bedrock edition compatible. So you will be able to play on your PC and pick up right where you left off on mobile/xbox/playstation/switch editions of Minecraft!

Feel free to check it out and see if you like it! We hope you enjoy.

Ace Aero Age Chill Features Hill Mad Multi Pac Place Stage Survival System Tag Test


The Anarchy505 pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic–….

—- A Place to Chill —-
Anarchy505 is a new anarchy server made from the dust.

It features a no rule system. All goes.

1.19 1.19.1 1.19.2 9.2 Animal Build Claims Greif Grief Prevention Light Prevention Pvp Quality Smp Survival

The Pl3x SMP. Semi-Vanilla – 1.19.1 / 1.19.2 –

This is a Semi-Vanilla , Greif-Prevented Server.

We have the following.

– Animal Grabbers :stare:
– Shops
– Grief Prevention / Claims
– Slight PVP
– High Quality Anti-Cheat

Come join the Pl3x SMP today.

2b2t Anarchy Earnings Economy Evil Farms Iece Imperial Master Noob Noobs Oins Pie Piece Upgrade

IMPERIAL Minecraft server

Anarchy with economy 1.12.2 Harder than 2b2t! No wipes, admins, evil anti-cheat! Kill noobs or build masterpieces! Create clans and upgrade clan land. Build farms for earnings!

119server 2000 Fun Griefing Minecraft Schematic Season 3 Smp Streamers Survival Trail Trailer Trapping Unique War

Orange SMP – Season 3 out now! (1.19)

IP: (1.19)
Orange SMP is a unique SMP experience!

At Orange we have very lenient rules, we are a sort of mix between factions and SMP, mostly focusing on the SMP aspects.

At Orange, all of the following are allowed:
– Griefing (exlcuding spawn)
– TP Trapping
– Raiding
– Printer and schematic usage
– Scamming In game items
– PvP Enabled everywhere (apart from spawn and shops)

We also have the following which makes us a unique and great SMP
– Earth Map (1:2000)
– A great economy
– Friendly community
– Exciting events
– Streamers who stream / host events regularly
– Dynmap
– Great staff
– Easy claiming
– lenient and clear rules
– fantastic builds

If you are looking for a great server to join which includes PvP, War, and exciting things happening everyday then join Orange SMP!

Bedrock Bedrock And Java Honey Java Method Money Making Money Making Method Parties Playerwarp Playerwarps Recruiting Resourcepack Smp Staffneeded Survival

HoneycombSMP | Releasing September 1st | Custom Survival Multiplayer

Honeycomb SMP

We are a minecraft server that is run on minehut, and planning to grow and expand. The server is Survival with so many more features such as, events, jobs, money making methods, parkour, parties, fun commands, ranks, shops, playerwarps and so much more to explore!

General Information
– Server is 1.17, although you can join from any version.
– Bedrock and Java players can both connect to the server.
– The IP address is: COMING SOON
– There is no current server resourcepack, although in future one is planned.

Extra Information for Bedrock playersTo join the minecraft server you must connect to minehut, then type /join COMING SOON. This will transfer you to Honeycomb SMP.
NOTICE: The server is still in the development stage, we will be opening as of September 1st, please join our discord server until then.

1.19 Address Bedwars Bedwarspractice Club Information Kbffa Lifesteal Minigames Minigamesserver Practicepvp Pvp Ram Site Website


Welcome to FloraMC!
Version: 1.8 x 1.19

Server Information:

IP Address:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Pixelmon Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!