Dear friends, we are in a hurry to tell you the good news! FoxAndRaccoon server successfully passed all the test work and is already running on the same card, beloved by everyone!
Access to New World is temporarily through the airship, which is located above the spawn, it is also the launch pad for fans to fly on wings 🙂
The future of the server.
What kind of future awaits our beloved server, you ask? In fact, stable operation, for the most part, is up to you.
At the moment, hosting is paid until the 25th. Most of you probably know that Seryozha and I organized a fundraiser at Patreon’e to pay for hosting the server and improve the performance of the machine.
And this no matter how it means that having said to himself: “Okay, someone else will pay, and I’ll just play.” It will happen. No, after consulting, we decided that the server will exist exactly until the moment when you will need it. We will carry out its full control, configuration and organization of funds, with subsequent payment. But how can I not pay it out of my personal pocket, I hope everyone understands this. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to support the server, then do not sit back on the side counting on others. After all, we are counting on you ??
We also have a TeamSpeak server, which you can connect to using the IP address of our server. Now it’s even easier to communicate 🙂
From time to time we will go there with Sergei. And who knows, maybe you can communicate with us.
We will inform about the rest later. Now is the time to say …
We wish you a pleasant game and unforgettable adventures!
Support server:
New IP Address:
Server Version: 1.10.2