Welcome to FreedomOp: Remastered.
Hi there, I am Camzie99, one of the owners of the server and I really want to thank you for checking out our revamped server.
What is FreedomOp: Remastered?
FreedomOp: Remastered is a server which allows all players who join to become Op. FreedomOp runs the FreedomOpMod: Remastered; a plugin which I have personally designed over many hours to provide one of the best free-op experiences available taking aspects from the TotalFreedomMod, the CJFreedomMod and the original FreedomOpMod and redesigning them to allow maximum flexibility, expandability and freedom. The FreedomOpMod: Remastered (or FOPM: R for short) is a plugin which allows us to give all players op and experience the wonders of Essentials and World Edit (amongst others) without the risk of them banning everyone else on the server and kicking everyone. The FOPM: R could be seen as a form of management tool but it adds a few fun things of its own and assists our team of admins to complete their duties with as much ease as possible.
Connecting to the server couldn’t be much easier, simply go into your Minecraft server list and add a new server; for the server name enter ‘FreedomOp’ and for the server IP enter ‘fop.us.to’.
End Note
I sincerely hope you enjoy FreedomOp. Thank you for taking the time to read about our server!
~ Camzie99 (Server Owner & Lead of Development)