360 Adventure Crew Date Dates Dventure Harry Hut Lud Minehut Survival Tes Update Updates Venture

This my server for the 360 crew. It includes fun games come join! for an amaizing adventure. more updates on the server coming soooooooooooooo soon!

1.16.5 Ations Esp Espanol Faction Factions Factionserver Follow Noop Official Site Spanish Survival Target Vanilla


TheFactionServer ESPAÑOL!

A Factions / Survival server in Spanish to play and have fun.
Have a great time with your friends.
Mod-free server so anyone can play without complications.

Version 1.16.5.

Official Discord:

Official WEBSITE: SOON !!!

Bars Discordsrv Essentialsx Health Hot How To Paper Papermc Pvp Share Sleep Sleeping Speak Survival Vanilla

Endershead PVP NEW

We have made a new Papermc server for pvp and for fun, also you are welcome to join our discord channel which is , to share photos of minecraft or to talk to new people, or speak or team up. Also who knows maybe you became admin one day or you wanna give us ideas how to improve our discord or server, you are most WELCOME! we have staff as well, as active owners who play on the server too, world have right now 80player slot Server is open 24/7 remember to read Rules.

Plugins as for now
sleeping pluging, essentialsx, discordsrv, health bars for everyone.

its an basic survival server without too many mods!

Ban Big Craked Everyone Goodserver Hacker Minecrafts Minecraftsmp Multiplayer Name Restart Roble Smp Survival Tsm

The smp

This is a good smp for everyone! and we are a good server! we ip ban hackers so don’t hack. and we wil restart server if there is new plugin or a big problem NOT A 24 HOUR SERVER

Aternos Auto Bloc Dio Ect Ever Lec Nam Name Put Read Sever Survival Title Type



Adventure Challenge Cracked Elo Eth Fun Goal Hardcore Love Name Neko Rmc Skyblock Together Vanillasurvival


Why are we named as SkyHiker?

Since we are a Skyblock server.

We hope to hike to the top of the sky together with all our beloved players.

Reaching the goals of our server.

Having fun with our Hikers.

We can’t wait to see you there with us!

Construction Hype Hyper Lands Oneblock Plane Planet Planetminecraft Plot Plots Plotsquared Skyblock Square Survival Unknown

Welcome to our server list by

Hey people,

the server is currently under construction.


What to expect!

OneBlock Server





When can you expect the server to start?

The server start is currently unknown. We do everything we can to get started as soon as possible!

21w39a Anarchy Aves Caves Cliffs Hot Iffs Nowhitelist Plane Planet Planetminecraft Shot Snap Snapshot Survival

PlayDelphi | Latest Caves & Cliffs Snapshot | Anarchy – No Whitelist

Dig Deeper with the latest Caves & Cliffs snapshot in Multiplayer!

No Whitelist – No Plugins – No Rules

Brought to you by the good folks at Delphicraft!

Aim Claim Economy Grief Griefprevention Laim Land Claim Lec Mcm Mcmmo Name Ops Prevention Shops Survival Survival

The server name is It is great. Please join today.

Land Claim (GriefPrevention)


Player shops




Current Emo Fut Future Gamemode Gamemodes Lec Name New Game Onepointeight Practice Pvp Sts Title Wait

Vantex Network

Vantex is a network that consists of only Practice at current. We will be adding new gamemodes in the future to grow our community; so what are you waiting for? Come join the fun!

Auction Casino Coinflip Customenchantments Customenchants Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factionspvp Factionsserver Lottery Mcmmo Mobcoins Oldpvp Pvp

GypsyPVPâ•‘KOTHâ•‘Factionsâ•‘Casinoâ•‘GenBucketâ•‘McMMOâ•‘SellWandsâ•‘MiningDrillsâ•‘Any Version 1.7+

Welcome to GypsyPvP, a Factions server with older styled play in mind!

  We’ve structured our server to feel similar to an older, 2014-2015 server but with newer mechanics and plugins in mind!
PvP is set back to the old 1.7-1.8 mechanics, and cannoning has been debuffed so corner pillars/wrap arounds are no longer
necessary for a safe base. We have many economy/casino plugins that provide players access to armor and custom items
that are unique to our server! Come play now and enjoy PvP, raiding, and gambling in a well balanced and fun environment!

  The old meta of grinding for 18 hours a day for a 3 week map just to claim /f top is outdated and frankly, boring! we’ve crammed as many different minigames and PvP/raid events as we saw feasible in order to create the perfect environment to collect loot, grind out god sets using a list of over 240 custom enchantments, create brand new grinder designs using our over 20 available spawners, find rare Hero Armor/tools by fishing, mining, or killing mobs, raid your enemies, and much more! Come join us today, and start your factions farm so that you can participate in our lottery games, our casino, slot machines, bar gamble drinks, coin flips, and many more casino games!

  Sick of spending days if not WEEKS building a base, just to get split by an OP CANNON in less than 10 minutes???
We’ve fixed all of that by DISABLING leftshooters and midairs, as well as adding GenBuckets and 3x3x3 pickaxes to
make base building a breeze! No longer are corner pillars and wrap around walls necessary for a safe base – build it
like we used to in 2014 – with just a few wrap around walls and basic defenses!

Farming on a large server can be annoying – but with our Harvester hoe and Sell Wand items, you no longer have to waste hours of your play time going back and forth to warp shop or trying to pick up crops off of the ground. These items allow you to spend more time PvPing, Raiding, and building the best base on the server!

Plugins / Features :
– Factions
– Drop Parties
– Item Crates
– MoneyPouches – Win a random amount of money!
– Trivia Games – Win Crates by answer correctly!
– Sumo Minigames (Knock your opponent out of the ring for rewards!)
– Parkour for better sell rates per-inventory and rare drops!
– Admin bases that respawn weekly, with different levels of difficulty and rewards!
– Custom Enchantments – Create your own unique god set!
– Gen Buckets (Generates a line of blocks for in game $)
– 3x3x3 Pickaxes – Easily mine a base!
– Harvester Hoes – Place items directly in your inv, or sell them automatically! (for a reduced rate)
– Sell wands – sell items by right clicking chests (for a reduced rate)
– Auction House (Auction up to 5 items at a time)
– /coinflip
– Player Satistics, track blocks broken, mobs killed, and more! All on a leaderboard
– /bargames (gamble money in different casino games!)
– SlotMachines
– /Lottery
– MobCoins (Earn tokens from killing mobs!)
– MobArena
– SilkTouch Spawners
– 2 Factor Authentication, to prevent people from accessing your base if your account is hacked!
– Obsidian Destroyer
– EnderChest Vaults (More Private Vaults!)
– RankVouchers (earn ranks as rare drops)
– Debuffed Cannoning (No Midair, Leftstacking, or AC130)

Buddy Cosmetics Custom Decade Funny Landclaim Mcmmo No Mods No PvP One Block Pvp Rpg Serious Survival X 3


RATED THE BEST NEW SERVER IN 2021! Come experience a new custom SOCIAL-RPG with ZERO mods! NO P2W / Cosmetics / Balanced Gameplay / Friendly Community / Constant Updates

LIMITED TIME: All players can collect a free exclusive Beta Hat and Beta Handheld! Visit the King at spawn!

What is MineBuds?
The best new social-RPG server! Seriously. First, there’s NO MODS required. Explore the world, finding new (and custom!) mobs, ores, tools, bosses, and more! Hang out with your friends and collect cosmetics!

– We’re brand new! However, the mastermind behind it all has over a decade of experience
– Completely custom. We’re from the future!
– No Pay-To-Win! Don’t believe us? Log-in and type /fly 🙂
– Easiest land claiming plugin + biggest claims! Just place one block down and your base is safe
– Frequent giveaways <3
– Multiple updates every single week
– Super chill, friendly, and funny community
– Earn “Buddy Bits,” which are REAL MONEY, but in-game, to buy ranks, keys, and perks
– 40+ minigames
– Active Discord server with 2,500+ members
– No PVP (Seperate world for PVP!)
– World border set to 30k x 30k
– …and literally SO MUCH MORE! We pinky promise!

Why are you still waiting?! IP: (Version 1.17.1)

800 Aids Biomesoplenty Gts Minecraftserver Pixelmon Playtime Rtp Safari Shiny Survival Technicpack Tour Tournament Wondertrade

Pixelmon OC

Pixelmon 8.3 & BiomesOPlenty modpack at Technic Launcher)>TechnicPack Link<
>Discord Link<Shiny Starters, Warps, RTP, Hunt, Safari, Tournaments, GTS, Teams
Wondertrade, Raids, Vote Crates, Daily Events, Friendly Staff, Unique Events
Economy, Quests, Playtime Rewards, Keep Inventory

Boss Bosses Communitydriven Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Localchat Magic Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Semihardcore Semirp Semivanilla Smp Survival Vanillatweaks

Frontier SMP [1hr Death-Ban][Semi-Anarchy][Local Chat]

The FrontierFrontier SMP [1hr Death-Ban][Semi-Anarchy][Local Chat]  Minecraft Server
Server IP:

**Join our Discord Server to stay up-to-date on the status of the server!**

(Disclaimer! This server is in Open Beta! Features are subject to change over the course of development. Player feedback is very appreciated!)Frontier SMP is a survival server with a couple of gameplay changes. The world was created on March 2nd, 2021.)

This server is mostly vanilla, aside from a couple of changes.

The Frontier SMP is a sandbox RPG with some hardcore aspects. Use magic, fight NPC bosses, battle players, all in a minimal-moderation sandbox environment. With inspiration from classic MMORPG games like World of Warcraft, Runescape, and Guild Wars, Frontier SMP strives to give you the abilities and gameplay of your favorite RPG game all in the borderline limitless world of Minecraft. With no land protection, no factions, and no gimmicky donation perks, you are free to do pretty much whatever you like!

There are only a few rules:

-No hacking.

-No exploiting.

-No DDoSing/Doxing of players or the server. (Threats count! This is the only rule with an immediate perm-ban.)

Besides these 3 rules, we want players to be able to do anything they wish to within Minecraft’s gameplay!

Here’s a quick list of features we’ve added to the server (With much more to come!):

-No global chat! Players will only be able to see your chat if you’re close enough to realistically be heard. Chats will also appear above your head! There are a few ways to communicate with players over long distances though. A low-tech and very cheap method is to use notes! Just hold a piece of paper and type /note and a carrier pigeon will fly your message to the player. The downside of this is that pigeons can take some time to reach their destination, flying at a speed of 1,000 blocks a minute. So if you’re 10k blocks from someone, it will take 10 minutes for your message to reach them. A faster method of communication is to create a “radio”! Simply place 1 iron block and 1 iron fence on top of it to create a radio. While standing near a radio, you can type /radio and your message will instantly go to the recipient wherever they are! You can receive radio messages from anywhere but have to be near a radio to send messages.

-Magic! At the moment, there are only a few spells on the server, but more are coming out constantly, each with unique abilities! Magic comes in the form of consumable “Spell Pages”. These spell pages are created by imbuing regular paper near a strong source of magic. The only magic source in the world right now is the “Fountain of Youth”, located near 25k, 25k. Spell pages cannot stack, so you’ll need to make sure you stock up on plenty of spells if you’re gonna make the long journey to the Fountain of Youth. Simply type /imbue to imbue the paper you’re holding with a spell! Right-click while holding a spell page to cast the spell!

(Don’t know the command to imbue the spell you want? Type /imbue help to get a list of spells!)

-Bosses/Raids! You can find custom NPC bosses in dungeons hidden around the world. Each of these bosses has unique abilities and unique drops! The first (and at the moment, only) boss is the Creeper King and his unique drop is the “King’s Crown”, a headgear with the same protection level of a netherite helmet, but gives the player an additional 5 hearts of max health. A powerful piece of kit, but it only has a 1/50 drop rate, so you’ll likely have to defeat the boss a number of times to get it. He also drops other valuable items, so it’s not a waste of time if you don’t get the rare drop!

-Incredibly limited teleports! We feel like most servers go way overboard with letting players teleport around however they like. This totally defeats the purpose of all of Minecraft’s unique methods of travel (and frankly makes the game too easy). We only have one teleport, to the world spawn, but you can only use it once every 12 hours. (It’s mostly just in case you get stuck somewhere due to a bug and there’s no staff on at the time to help you out).

-Semi-hardcore! We think that most survival servers are a bit too easy to be genuinely good fun, so we’ve turned up the heat a little. But not too much, being perm-banned for dying once is no fun at all in a multiplayer setting! If you die (more like WHEN you die), you’ll be banned from the server for one hour. This significantly raises the stakes if you die in a precarious situation, but also eliminates those annoying times when you kill someone and they keep coming back. Play it safe or you won’t get to play long at all!

We plan to add all sorts of RPG-style content to the server, while still allowing players to explore and change the world how they see fit! We don’t want to interfere with gameplay at all, so our staff is known simply as Observers. We just watch to make sure the gameplay is balanced and fair, but don’t step in unless absolutely necessary. The moderation style is very laid back because we want our server to be fun and all options to be on the table for our player base.

We’ve made a commitment to the fairness of our server by promising our player base that we will never add any feature that unfairly benefits players for donations. In fact, we’re not even accepting donations at the moment. We hate it when a server shows promise, but totally upsets the balance of power by giving donators unfair and unreasonable perks, so we decided to create our own community where that will never happen! This server is a passion project for all involved and we just want to create a new unique game mode that all players can enjoy!

We hope you join us out on the Frontier! We’re looking forward to more friends and foes, allies and enemies, merchants, mages, warriors, thieves, and scoundrels! Play how you want, nobody can tell you what to do! There’s no law on the Frontier after all…

Any questions, comments, queries, concerns, or conundrums can be taken up with Observer 7 at [email protected] or by messaging them on Discord.

1.19 Different Give Luna Mcmmo Minecraft New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Prem Premium Pve Pvp Rive Survival Unique

Luna MC New and Unique


We have lots to offer including McMMO and more PREMIUM plugins!

2021 Claiming Economy Endless Enhanced Fur Kingdom Craft Kingdomcraft Medieval Pve Rich Riche Silk Survival Upload

Kingdom Craft – An Enhanced Survival Experience

Kingdom Craft - An Enhanced Survival Experience Minecraft Server
If you are looking for an improved survival experience from a server that has a lot to offer, than look no further. Kingdom Craft is a server with endless opportunities. You can play how you want in Kingdom Craft. Build an empire, explore the deepest dungeons, become the richest player, the possibilities are endless. Kingdom Craft is an ever expanding server and dedicated to putting the player first, always.

Currently Kingdom Craft offers the following features:

– Online 24/7
– Ranks
– Economy
– Auctions
– Jobs
– Land claiming
– Loot crates
– Silk spawners
– Player shops
– Time is money
– And much more planned to come!

1164server 1164smp Abuse Average Contentcreators Creator Creators Dream Dreamsmp Middle School Phantom Phantomsmp Smp Survival Survivalsmp

Phantom Middle School

This is Phantom SMP

This is a great SMP for people who want to have fun free of admin abuse/strict rules and for content creators looking to grow their channel. We average 15-20 people on a good night and we usually average 8-12 people. We have a discord server where we talk outside the SMP. Here’s the link:

Atmosphere Chestshop Coreprotect Damage Essential Etho Griefers Hestshop Inventory Mage Magma Stand Standard Survival Trans

MC Magma Survival

Welcome to MC Magma Survival!

Our goal is to create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere in a survival server. We wish for this to translate to gameplay as well, therefore we have protection from griefers for a worry-free experience. If you do get griefed, one of our staff members will use CoreProtect to identify the griefers and reverse the damage they have done. We also have keep inventory enabled, so you do not have to stress about losing items.

Also, we have other standard survival server features like /sethome, Essentials, mcMMO, ChestShop, and more.

Come check the server out!

Brandnew Community Discord Dreamsmp Freeworld Fresh Friendly Hermitcraft New Noafkkick Nolandclaim Oneonesever Oneonesevern Pig Poa Redstone Smp Survival Whitelist

Reloaded SMP | Whitelist | Hermitcraft Like | Dream Like | No Land Claim | No AFK Kick | Brand New

Here at reloaded SMP we strive to reach a vanilla style play style. No warps, No land claim, No Afk Kick, No Farm limitations. Simple to join, click the link below and apply. Simple.

We could describe the server to you in this description but it would be easier for you find out yourself. Join now and join the community

Admins Creative Dedi Eau Edit Fort Griefing Kid Kids No Griefing No swearing Respect Swe Swearing Worldedit

Kids only minecraft server!

Kids only minecraft server!



and more feautures coming soon!

JOIN NOW (only if u are a kid)


worldedit is only for admins.
im the only admin

1. no griefing
2. Respect other players
3. no swearing
4. be nice

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Servers 2023. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!