

MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players since our launch in 2010.

Join the third longest running survival SMP today!

About MineRealm:

From the creator of the Core Protect plugin! We've been up and running since Oct 28, 2010, making us the third longest running legit survival SMP server ever.

We strive to keep core gameplay as close to vanilla as possible, while adding on additional (and fully optional) meta-gameplay.

We offer a legit gameplay experience, where no items or blocks have ever been spawned in by a staff member. You won’t find a pre-built hub on MineRealm!

All additional gameplay features on the server are custom-coded, as well as our well known grief prevention system, CoreProtect. We also offer a custom land protection system, which allows the server to remain virtually grief-free.

If you haven't already, please be sure to join our Discord Server. We’d love to hear your ideas for the future of MineRealm.

For more information about the server, check out this forum post.

See you in game!



The best minecraft server with claims, skyblock, factions, bedwars, eggs, crates, keys, jobs, quests, and many people in minecraft 1.21 , Enjoy with your friends




HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with several gameplay features such as unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore such as the Skylands and Dungeons.




📖Our Values

We are a group of people with the ambition of creating something new and unique. We are always committed to putting quality work into gameplay. We love listening to community feedback and creating something that people enjoy.

Here are some of the values that we have pledged to:

  • Community voice & transparency
    • We are fully committed to creating an environment where the community is heard. Anyone is welcome to provide suggestions, discuss them, and vote on them. We give updates to pending suggestions and are fully transparent about decisions made on the development of the server, as well as the reasonings. If there are any major changes up for debate, they will be voted on by the whole community.
  • Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles
    • There are so many different ways to play and progress on the server, thanks to the wide range and combinations of abilities, stats, and custom items. For instance, you are up to what path they take on abilities. They can focus on ranged abilities for the perfect mage build, abilities that empower melee attacks for the maximum melee damage output, healing and damage resistance for support potential, and so much more! There are also 7 different stats you can level up to help them progress on the server, including strength, dexterity, intelligence, health, stamina, resistance, and criticals. HexArchon also provides a massive catalog of custom items each with unique skills to choose from many different play styles and builds. There are different weapon types such as long swords and greatswords that provide slow but heavy hits, daggers for fast and high DPS, staffs and other magic items for mage capabilities, and many different bows for ranged play styles.
    • Does all of this seem too complicated? No problem! You are free to play casual survival, even with cosmetics such as custom-modeled furniture, pets, decorative heads, and a shop containing a huge category of building blocks and items to enhance your builds. What’s great is that these are all optional additions – there is nothing preventing you from enjoying Vanilla Minecraft.
  • Trust & respect
    • We are committed to being transparent, honest, and a group that you can personally trust. We will help players out, enforce rules if needed, and even have casual discussions.
  • Dedicated updates
    • We are always looking forward to adding new and fresh content to the server for an always-improving experience on HexArchon. This ranges from anything such as new items, mobs, boss fights, dungeons, and frequently, ideas from the community.


🎮Gameplay Mechanics

  • Custom Mobs – We take pride in the distinctive traits of each mob. Each of our custom mobs are drafted and developed from scratch, featuring their own unique skills and behaviors. There are over 200 different custom mobs in total.
    • Regular Mobs
    • There are plenty of custom mobs that spawn across the Overworld, Nether, and End, with unique traits including attacks and skills. Custom mobs can drop money, exp, ability points, and custom materials for crafting custom items!
    • World Bosses
    • You may also encounter mini-bosses when exploring. Mini bosses have a lot more health than regular mobs and have more challenging attacks than normal custom mobs. They also drop larger amounts of money, exp, ability points, and can drop custom materials and even exclusive items!
    • Mini Bosses
    • World bosses are bosses that can be summoned in the Overworld, Nether, and End. They may require teamwork to defeat as they have a lot of health and are more difficult than other bosses. World Bosses can drop custom materials used to craft exclusive, high-tier items.
    • Arena Bosses
    • Arena bosses can be challenged solo or with up to 4 players. You will encounter bosses of varying difficulties as you progress, so watch out! Defeat the arena bosses to unlock new regions to explore.
  • Custom Items – There are many different types of custom items you can obtain. There are different weapon types for each category of weapons. Melee weapons include swords, katanas, daggers, long swords, greatswords, thrusting swords, spears, greatstaffs, hammers, and axes. All item types have varying attributes; for instance, daggers can sustain high DPS due to their fast attack speed, and greatswords have slow attack speeds but high damage per-hit. Magic weapons include staffs, catalysts, wands, and consumables. All custom items have unique abilities that you can use and even combo with other abilities. Custom items can also be upgraded and have runes applied to them to enhance them even further.
  • Custom Enchants – There are more than 240 custom enchantments all geared toward unique builds and uses. There are a huge variety of ways to obtain custom enchantments. They can be obtained from the shop with in-game money, enchanting tables, villager trades, dungeon loot chests and completion rewards, crates, fishing, supply drops, daily rewards, and server events. Enchantments can be upgraded and stacked onto multiple armor pieces to grant even more power.
  • Dungeons – Unlock and explore dungeons to discover ruins and obtain various exclusive loot! Complete various objectives and battle with gatekeepers, mini-bosses, and defeat the final boss to complete the dungeon! There are many hidden side objectives as well, so keep your eyes out!
  • Quests – There are more than 180 quests of varying types and difficulties. There are three varying difficulty levels of daily quests that each include a full-completion bonus. There are repeatable quests that you can start and finish at any time. There are also hardcore quests that may take a lot of effort to accomplish, but pay out the most. Each quest may ask you to locate and slay certain mobs, mine ores, interact with mobs, defeat varying levels of bosses, and much more.
  • Abilities – Obtain points from slaying custom mobs and bosses, and use them to unlock and upgrade abilities! Some abilities may contribute to a ranged mage build, a close-range melee build, or any build that you want!
  • Stats – Use XP to upgrade 7 different stats of your character! Stats can grant boosters to your abilities and custom items, such as attack damage, cooldown reduction, health/mana regeneration, attack speed, and much more.
  • Auto Farms – Auto farms can be bought and utilized to ease the management of your farms. They feature upgrades such as crop growth speed, radius, and collection bin size. Make sure to keep them fueled!
  • Furnaces – Furnaces can be enchanted to grant them special attributes. This includes increased smelting speeds, smelting multipliers, fuel duration, and fuel conservation.
  • Furniture – You can purchase many different furniture models to further decorate your builds! Some furniture can also be interacted with.
  • Player Shops – Build and run your own shop to sell items to other players!
  • Pets – You can purchase a variety of modeled pets to follow you around! You can also rename them, ride them, and showcase them around.
  • Fishing – Fishing can be quite extraordinary on HexArchon! Try it and see… 🙂 May involve some creatures and deaths.
  • Quality-of-life Improvements –
    • Discord Link: Talk with in-game players from Discord!
    • Keep Inventory: Never lose your items. You will still lose a partial amount of money though, so watch out!
    • Rollbacks: Ability to track and roll back any griefs – just open a ticket!
    • Invisible Item Frames: Label your chests with invisible item frames that you can click through.
    • Custom Armor Stands: Tweak your armor stands to the perfect postures you want.



We strongly prioritize server performance and responsiveness. Not only do we put focus on resource utilization during development, but we also have powerful top-of-the-line hardware that the server runs on.

The server is run on dedicated hardware with the following specifications:
* CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
* RAM: 3200MHz 64GB
* Storage: 2TB NVME SSD
* Hosted on the US East Coast.

We guarantee strict, zero-lag gameplay. If you are having any issues with lag, open a ticket and we will gladly help you out – even if it’s not the server’s fault.



  • Server IP:
  • Supports Bedrock (Port 19132). This is experimental with many technical limitations.

Thanks for reading! We hope to see you on 🙂




Welcome to BetterBusinesses! We are a new survival economy server with a special focus on business.

Our custom business plugin gives you the tools to run any kind of business you can imagine. From item shops to real estate to farming/logging/mining companies, the possibilities are endless, so get creative!

Hire employees, manage finances, and advertise your business through a robust business GUI. Start small and develop your business into a large corporation. Create, compete, and collaborate with friends.

If you have the next billion-dollar idea, join us at (Java 1.21), and consider joining our Discord server!

Key Features

  • Custom business plugin with robust GUI
  • Survival economy gamemode
  • Jobs
  • Chestshops
  • Friendly community


  1. You must treat others with kindness and respect.
  2. You may not grief others or the server.
  3. You may not abuse exploits. If you discover one, you must report it immediately.
  4. You may not use hacks or cheats. You may only use performance mods such as Optifine.
  5. You may not advertise or spam.
  6. One account per player only.
  7. Have fun!


Thank you for being part of our community!


Modern Anarchy

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!

🌐 Server IP:

👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:

• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.

• No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.

️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:

• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.

• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.

🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:

• Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border.

• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.

• Explore and exploit the nether roof.

🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy

• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.

• Speed and flight hacks limited to encourage pvp; bypass if you can, no rules!

• Uncover the mysteries below spawn – good luck!

💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.

• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.

️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.21).

• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.

💎 Support the Chaos:

Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.

🌐 Server IP:


Spectre SMP

Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP based on the foundation set by Hermitcraft. We aim to provide a collaborative and friendly space for friends to play Minecraft together and for awesome creations to be made! Begone, playing singleplayer in multiplayer survival servers! Begone, being the only person working on a creative project! ✨

What do we offer?

  • Spectre SMP offers an established, friendly and symbiotic community to help each other get what we want done! Players are encouraged to hold their events and communal projects, not just staff! 🫂
  • We focus on longevity, so you can expect a long-term world that continues to spark motivation in its players. We discourage speedrunning all the best farms and rushing to get every little thing you can; we want players to give back to the world by building beautiful builds and awesome redstone projects! 🏰
  • The economy is based on diamonds, which means you can sell your goods and services for that oh-so-lovely blue stuff! All the while, generosity is promoted, so no one holds a monopoly over anything important! 💎

We are looking for:

  • builders and redstoners who want to show off their skills and help make the server a fun environment. PVP and brainless grinding is not what we want.
  • players who interact often and well with other members.
  • creative and dedicated minds who set large and impressive goals for the long term.
  • active community members who will regularly set aside time to chat in meetings and discuss projects for the server.

Server specifications and mods:

  • Fabric 1.21 and hosted in Europe
  • Lots of performance mods
  • Minor recipe changes for easier large-scale building
  • Faster minecarts
  • Simple Voice Chat
  • Image2Map
  • FSit (sit on stairs, slabs, etc.)

If you're interested in joining, hop into our Discord server. You can send us an application there.



Where adventure awaits! Our semi-vanilla economy-based server offers a rich gameplay experience. Earn your fortune by taking on various jobs, from mining to farming, and watch your wealth grow. But that’s not all!

🌟 Explore the immersive world: We host events, contests, and a fun atmosphere to explore. Keep inv is enabled, and there are resource worlds to aquire needed resources so that the main build world does not get griefed.

🔑 Unlock in-game ranks and perks: Vote daily to ascend the ranks and gain exclusive perks. There’s always something to strive for. See the "Ranks" page for a full list of ranks and details on how to aquire them.

🎁 Dive into custom crates: Unbox rare items, enchanted gear, and mysterious artifacts. Our custom crates add an element of surprise to your journey.

🤝 Join our supportive community: Connect with fellow adventurers, share stories around the campfire, and collaborate on epic builds. We’re more than just players; we’re a family.

🚀 Embark on your quest: From soaring hot air balloons to hidden treasure troves, TartariaMC invites you to forge your legend. Are you ready?"\* 🌿🗺️🔥

At Tartaria MC, we believe that community is where it all begins. Our Java/Bedrock cross-play server provides a relaxed, grief-free environment where players can come together to pursue their goals, forge new friendships, and create magnificent things. Our semi-vanilla economy-based server offers jobs to earn money, voting for in-game ranks, keys, and perks. Explore custom crates, connect with our supportive community, and uncover hidden wonders. Forge your legend in TartariaMC

Visit us @ play.tartariaMC.Org. 25591

Have questions? Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to offer our support! Feel free to leave us a message on the Forums, in Discord, or email us at [[email protected]. ](courtesy:[email protected])Have an amazing day!


The Perfect SMP

We have officially moved to 1.21! Join today to explore the new chunks!

Check out this short tour of some of the server builds!

Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We've selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others!

This server is meant for the more skilled and unique Minecraft players. If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week!

What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP:

  • A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience.
  • A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential.
  • A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access.
  • A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard.
  • A friendly and inclusive community.
  • Unique datapacks like player head drops and armor stand improvements to enhance gameplay.
  • Regularly planned events, both in-game and externally, to keep the community vibrant.
  • BlueMap integration for a detailed server map.
  • A thriving community of over 300 members.

Think you would be a good fit? Follow the links below to begin your adventure with us!

Discord Server | Server Website



🏴‍☠️ Welcome to Corsaire! 🏴‍☠️

Ahoy, adventurers! Get ready for a unique pirate adventure with Corsaire. Where every type of player finds a mission!

⚔️ Strategic Towny Warfare

  • 🔹 Build your empire | Form alliances | Conquer rivals

  • 🔹 Shape the world with your strategy!

🚢 Custom Ships

  • 🔹 Sail the seas | Explore uncharted waters.

  • 🔹 Command your fleet and claim your destiny!

  • 🔹 Build your very own block-warships!

🐉 Unique Creatures

  • 🔹 Face custom-designed monsters | Unlock rare rewards

  • 🔹 Test your skills and bravery!

🛠️ Innovative Crafting

  • 🔹 Create unique items | Customize your gear

  • 🔹 Gain the edge in every adventure!

💰 Dynamic Economy

  • 🔹 Trade and build your wealth | Manage resources

  • 🔹 Your economic decisions shape your power!

⚓ Why Corsaire? ⚓

🤝 Engaging Community

  • 🔹 Join a world where your actions impact the story

  • 🔹 Connect with fellow pirates and buccaneers!

*⚓️ Start your adventure today!*

Casino Parkour Plugins Pvp Skyblock Survival

🍓 FunnyMC 🍓 Survival, BedWars, Vulture ▶️ 1.8-1.21 Minecraft server

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬

FunnyMC server on version 1.8 – 1.21+

Survival, Vulture, BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, Hunger Games, SkyBlock, MurderMystery

— Clans, arena for clan battles, and also top clans

— Top Players Statistics

— Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, casino, den, mob-gym, fishing, beach recreation, prostitutes

— Unique plugins made by our programmers

— Rare wipes, and there is also a world of donators – without wipes

— Secret Easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts

— Honest donation

IP –


VK group:

A cozy server with experienced administration, guaranteeing you a comfortable game without lags.

We are already more than 7 years old. Excellent survival and PvP server with good online.

Beautiful buildings, there is a world without wipes. Unique set of plugins for convenience.

A sea of ​​entertainment, on our server you will not have time to get bored 🙂

Here you will find everything you like, and nothing extra!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬


Xbox One Enthusiasts

●Welcome to Minecraft Xbox One Enthusiasts! Here we host both creative and survival mode worlds on the Xbox One Legacy Console Edition for people to enjoy and play on.

●General Info:
●We have a whitelisting/verification system in place to ensure safety and hospitality for all members, which you can learn more about in the Discord server.
●Primary host is me. My timezone is MST. My schedule can vary, but I'll typically try to host at least once a week.
●The main worlds are a creative mode world where you can build things in plots, and a survival world. Which one I host more often will depend on demand.

●For more information, join the Discord:

●If you have an Xbox One and love Legacy Console, we hope you consider joining! 🤗



TwinScythe is a modded minecraft server based around minecraft comes alive mod.

There are guns, cars and planes with bio fuel production.

Tons of furniture and decorations.

Playable music instruments.

Economy Mod with player shops.

Create your own paintings to hang on the wall and a lot of QoL mods.

New weather system with tornados

Zombie Awareness which lets zombies group up in groups and are attracted to light, scent and sound.

Join the discord to see how to get the mod pack and on server.

Economy Pvp Roleplay Skyblock Survival Vanilla


Amazing Skyblock server, burn is a smelly meanie head. How long does this thing have to be for it to work?!?!



Looking for a server that lets you explore like never before? Welcome to Parallela semi-vanilla SMP where players can travel through rifts between worlds in order to face great dangers, traverse uncharted territory, and collect gleaming treasure, while also keeping the vanilla feel of the base game. Featuring a vibrant community and continuous updates, you're sure to never get bored.

🔮 IP Address (1.20.5+):
🎉 Join our Discord:

💻 Server Website:

📸 Server Photos: ("Server Images" tab)

Server Features

  • An Even Bigger Armored Paws Update: Featuring NINE new dog breeds (that's right, we added Shiba Inus!), dog armor, armadillos, and a new advancement points system to encourage advancement progression, this Armored Paws drop is something special!
  • In fact, it's more like open-universe gameplay. Players aren't restricted from exploring all aspects of vanilla Minecraft, and they can also check out a bunch of interconnected worlds, such as space, a sky dimension, and much more! Secrets are uncovered around every corner…
  • Custom Features: Explore rifts to other worlds, discover custom structures and fight through difficult custom dungeons, interact and trade with characters, add charms to your items, and much, much more!
  • Active, Dynamic Community: You'll never have trouble finding a friendly face on here! Players are also willing to help you out in any way possible, whether it be building, fighting, or gathering resources. Join our Discord to learn about our regular server events!
  • Participate in Lore: Players actively shape the server's story that has been taking place since April 2020 – learn more about it here!
  • Active Economy: An actively-maintained Shopping District featuring dozens of vanilla chest shops! Characters also sell custom goods in and around the spawn town!
  • Quality of Life Improvements: Better wandering traders, shooting stars, player + mob head drops, XP storage… no detail is too small!
  • NO LAG: Parallel uses dedicated server hardware to deliver you a constant stream of 20 TPS, lagless gameplay

Server Rules

  • No griefing/looting (staff can roll back damages)
  • No hacking (our anticheat mitigates hacked clients)
  • Be respectful when interacting with other players through chat and gameplay
  • A fuller set of rules can be found on our website!

So what are you waiting for? Join Parallel to start your multiversal journey today!

Cross-Play Factions Pvp


A Box Server, owned by me and my brother. Its just a normal, but op box server. Epic fun. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Cross-Play Mini Games Pvp


Best BOX server, very grindy with a lot of things to do. Takes a lot of time to finish and new updates every bit.


AbuSMP – Whitelisted Vanilla+ Server – 1.19.2

Server Location: Montreal, Canada



The AbuSMP server started off as just a Realms server with 4 friends, and later expanded to a modded Minecraft experience that we wanted to share with others. We are a very small community based in North America – and by small, I mean, very small. We are only looking to have at most 20 members.

AbuSMP continues to maintain its culture of a "SMP with the boys" type of server, and wants to instill this culture of play within new members. This is a place for you to join and relax, have fun and mess around. There are a few things you'll need to know to get started.

We are running a Fabric 1.19.2 server. We have carefully cultivated our modpack to contain many QoL changes, new and exciting features, and overall improvements to the vanilla experience. We are generally a Vanilla+ server (with a few exceptions), and any mods we add in the future will typically follow this theme.

AbuSMP is a whitelisted Vanilla+ server. We maintain a whitelist as we only want to include players on our server who will not be disruptive to the community. To join the server, all you need to do is join our discord and write a short message telling us a little about yourself, just so our staff can see you'd be a valuable member of the community!

We are just starting our new season, which makes this the perfect time to join us since everybody is just starting out again!


  • We are a Vanilla+ server with a growing modpack. We generally aim to add mods that improve upon the quality of life, or add new Vanilla-esque features/content to the game. Some examples of this are waypoints mods, waystones, several new Vanilla-esque ores and armor sets, etc. However, we will always ensure that our modpack does not heavily alter the Vanilla experience. The gameplay is still Vanilla Minecraft!
  • We have a claim and container locking system to protect against griefing. This is built in to our world map mod, which you can open by pressing M. To claim chunks, all you need to do is select the chunk in your map and press claim. This is highly customizable and supports adding your party to your claim, or allies.
  • We have a strict no-tolerance policy for any cheating, exploits or glitches. We intend to play the game normally and we want to progress normally.
  • We have a server trading market, with players being able to put up posts and trade with others. There is no economy mod, our market and economy is entirely player-based! Since we have started a new season of the server, this means there are many opportunities for our economy to change.
  • Since we have started a new season, this means progress has been reset. Do not worry, as we don't intend to reset the world regularly. This reset only occured as the server was largely inactive for some time, and we have mostly new players now. If you're interested in joining up and helping us to establish our communal areas and farms, this is a perfect opportunity for you.



Home Sweeet Home is a brand new Survival server that is looking for players to join us on an adventure! We have custom features, GUIs, minions, star levels, voting, playtime rewards and so much more. Join us today and be part of our ever-growing, friendly community!

Pve Pvp Survival Towny

Vortex Valley

Welcome to Vortex Valley thank you for taking the time to check out this post and our server. We want to welcome you to our TARDIS Survival server with more.
– TARDIS, Jobs, Towny, Rewards
We wanted to bring back a great TARDIS server – what better then to add towny and jobs to a TARDIS survival server.
– With a Tardis you can travel around the world by a click of a button, once you step foot in your phone booth (or whatever you change it to) it is bigger on the inside. Make it how you want grow new rooms like a storage room plus lots more!
– We also have towny so you can make towns and nations! Create your own town and sell plots to others in your town. Set up shopping plots to sell and buy from others.
We want to build a great community, we are just starting out are looking forward to you to join a great community. We have a Discord also with everything you might need for our server.
– Tickets, Staff Applications, General Chat, Events



Welcome to, a thrilling Minecraft Bed Wars server that promises non-stop action and excitement! Join a vibrant community of players where strategy meets combat in the ultimate battle for supremacy. In Bed Wars, your mission is simple: protect your bed, gather resources, and destroy your opponents’ beds to eliminate them from the game. But be careful—once your bed is gone, you can no longer respawn, making every move critical. Our server features unique maps, custom upgrades, and an array of challenges that keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. Whether you’re a seasoned Bed Wars veteran or a newcomer eager to prove your skills, offers a balanced and fair playing field for all. Jump in, form alliances, and dominate the arena—your bed won’t defend itself!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Set up Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!