
[font=book antiqua, palatino]UnnamedPVP is a freshly made Factions server that hopes to offer something new to Minecraft community, which isnt an easy thing to do. We have Active Admins and Mods, A well designed spawn and faction bases around the map that are perfect to be raided, However we lack a community of players to raid these bases and in order for the server to grow, we need these players. So were here, asking for players to give our server a test and see if they like and enjoy it.[/font][/center]
[center][font=book antiqua, palatino]A list of some of the plugins we offer. [/font][/center]
[font=book antiqua, palatino]While this plugin doesnt tend to work well with Faction servers, we have edited so it provides all the perks in normal gameplay without giving the older players a massive advantage over the newer ones in PVP. So youll still have your Herbalism, Your Iron Block Anvil and your Fishing Skills, but you wont be able to use your Swords and Unarmed skills in Combat against players. Some of you may not like this but it is an addition we have added so that we can make new players not feel like everyone they try to fight is OP and unfightable.[/font]

[font=book antiqua, palatino]A must have on all PVP servers. Bounty is a plugin that allows you to place an amount of money on someones head, and if another player were to kill them, they would receive the money you placed on them. Lets say a bunch of guys in Diamond gear come and raid your beggining base, take your gear and run off leaving you with nothing more than a Starter Kit. You likely wouldnt have a chance to be able to beat them, but you really want someone to kill them and take that gear off them. So you place a bounty on them. Someone comes along and kills them, you lose a little bit of money, the raider likely loses a lot of gear.[/font]

[font=book antiqua, palatino]This is a risky plugin for a Factions Server to own but we are willing to give it a test. Private Vaults are similar to Ender Chests and provide unraidable Inventory space for the Player, By using this plugin, we remove a bit of the risk of PVP which will therefore, hopefully, encourage more players to take part in it. If they are out running around the map, see a player in some good gear and want to fight them, but know that they are carrying loot from a recent raid, they tend to make the smart call of not attacking the player. With the Vaults, You can just chuck the gear in and go fight. Now you may think that removes any point in PVP-ing as there would be less gear gained by a kill, but please note that we are only testing using this plugin, and if it gets to the point where PVP becomes useless, it will be removed.[/font]

[font=book antiqua, palatino]We also have some custom arenas.[/font]
[font=book antiqua, palatino]These are but 3 of the many plugins we offer our players. Together with other plugins, these make a new, exciting and fun Factions Server for the community to play on. All we ask is that players give the server a chance, to wait through the lack of players and to help us expand the server to serve the many. [/font]
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