Action Active Arena Ass Cat Cked Class Dedi Dedicated Eam Eat Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Great Hun Hunger Hunger Games Ked Mini Games Mob Mob Arena Pure Purepvp Pvp Pvpfaction Server Slots Staff Survival Games Taff Tea Team


PurePvpFactionMc. We are a dedicated pvp/hunger games/ mob arena/ faction server. We have 300 slots. We have an immense staff team. We would greatly appreciate if you checked out our server!
Our ip is:

Action Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Class End Enjin Experience Experienced Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Has Ill Job Jobs Mall Mcmmo Mini Mmo People Play Player Players Please Prison Riendly Server Small Staff Style Support This Upgrade


This is a OP factions server which will soon upgrade to have many more options suchas MCMMO factions and Prison and many more, so if you get a few minitues please pop on and show us some support and you might even grow to like the server. we have friendly staff the all do their jobs correctly and we have put alot of effort into the server and we hope we can grow together, the server was set up by a small group of experienced factions players so we know what people want from factions.


Ars Art Ass Bed Bedwar Bedwars Block Blockparty Class Classic Craft Dupes Erver Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Economy Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Party Pve Pvp Run Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Tnt Tntrun Vanilla Like War Wars Minecraft Server

Description of the TNTRun BedWars BlockParty Survival server

Action Actions Active Ass Blo Block Class Com Creative Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Ill Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Multi Network Prison Prisons Pro Pvp Retro Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Two Work


Retro-MC is a very fun network with multiple servers! We provide Prisons, Creative, KitPvP, Factions, Skyblock, and FLAPPY BIRD! So what do you say? Wanna come and check it out? Come on and check it out! We promise you that you will have fun. Fun indeed.

Ant Battles Bed Wars Build battle Castle Battles CS GO Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Mario Party Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅ SIDEMC ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⚡ COOL MODS ⚡ Minecraft server

✅ SideMC ✅ – A huge variety of servers with mods for every taste ✅

⭐ DONAT CASE everyday
⭐ Free HD skins and HD cloaks for all players
⭐ Cool / kit start and secret / kit top special for you
⭐ Awesome online and responsive tech support

⚡ HitechCraft 1710
• Industrial server with a large number of technical mods
▼ Main modifications
1 Industrial Craft 2 Experimental and add-ons
2 Applied Energistics 2 and add-ons
3 OpenComputers and addons
4 Forestry and addons
5 Draconic Evolution

⚡ MagicCraft 1710
• Learn magic spells, create altars and cast lightning on opponents using magic staves
▼ Main modifications
1 ThaumCraft 42 and add-ons
2 Witchery
3 BloodMagic and addons
4 TinkerConstract
5 Forestry and addons

⚡ TechnoMagic 1710
• A mixture of industrial and magic mods
▼ Main modifications
1 Thaumcraft and Addons
2 Industrial Craft 2 Experimental and add-ons
3 Draconic Evolution
4 Forestry and addons
5 witchery
6 OpenComputers and Addons
7 Grimoire Of Gaia 3
8 Electro-magic Tools
9 Applied Energistics 2 and add-ons

⚡ Galaxy 1710
• Industrial server with a large number of technical mods, which are based on GalactiCraft and GalaxySpace
▼ Main modifications
1 Draconic Evolution – Mod, adding new powerful tools, armor, cars and
various elements using Redstone Flux to work
2 GalactiCraft – A mod that adds rockets to the game with which you can conquer
space, explore new planets, as well as many interesting things
3 GalaxySpace – Add-on for GalactiCraft, which adds several new planetary
systems, and also complements the solar
4 Industrial Craft 2 – Modification that adds industrial production to the world
(metallurgy, electrical engineering, agricultural industry), due to the appearance of various types
energy, new devices and tools

⚡ DivineRPG 1710
• A mixture of magic mods and RPG elements
▼ Main modifications
1 ThaumCraft 4235 – Modification that adds to the world of sorcery and many related
him things
2 DivineRPG – Modification that adds new worlds and new mobs to the game Makes Survival
much more interesting
3 Botania – A large and unusual, magical-technical mod, in which as resources
it is necessary to use plants and the natural component
4 Witchery – This is a modification that adds many items necessary for
rituals and transformations in other creatures

⚡ DraconicTech 1710
• You are waiting for a really interesting and unusual development system, which includes a mixture of technological elements
▼ Main modifications
1 IndustrialCraft 2 – Modification that adds industrial production to the world
(metallurgy, electrical engineering, agricultural industry), due to the appearance of various types
energy, new devices and tools
Advanced Solar Panels – Supplement to Industrial Craft 2, adding a few new types
solar panels that are noticeably better than ordinary
2 Draconic Evolution – This mod diversifies the game with a lot of different details, will appear
unique sets of armor and tools, items for weather / teleportation control,
player detection
3 Advanced Solar Panels – Supplement to Industrial Craft 2, adding several new types
solar panels that are noticeably better than ordinary
4 Applied Energistics 2 – Modification, which contains a large number of new content, in
mostly centered around the concept

⚡ HiTech 1122
• An industrial server with a large number of mods for Minecraft version 1.12.2 everything will be new for you
▼ Main modifications
1 Industrial Craft 2 – Modification that adds industrial production to the world
(metallurgy, electrical engineering, etc.)
2 AdvancedSolarPanel – Supplement for the IndustrialCraft 2 mod adding new, more powerful types of solar panels
3 Advanced Machines – Supplement introducing improved mechanisms from the Industrial Craft 2 mod
4 Applied Energistics 2 – Modification, which contains a large number of new content, in
mainly centered around the concept of energy use and conversion
in a unique way Most of the functions are connected with the ME network or are part of it

Active Allowed Build Claim Creative Eco Economy Enjin Games Grief Griefing Hunger Games Map Mcmmo Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob Mobs Normal Perks Play Player Plots Pve Pvp Raid Rank Ranks Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Teamspeak Vote War Website World

Planet of the Tops

Planet of the Tops – ►Economy, ►Raid, ►Creative & ►MiniGames
★ IP: ★ TeamSpeak: ★
★ Website: ★ ServerMap: ★
★ Vote for rewards: ★
Pick either Amplified or Normal terrain generation and start earning money. In-game money can be used to buy items or ranks that will give you more perks. No PvP or grief in this world. Gain mcMMO levels by collecting resources and killing mobs for rewards.
Once you leave the spawn you’ll be on your own to fight the players and the mobs. No protected areas or locked chests. Griefing is allowed and PvP, TNT & lava are enabled here.
Claim a 100*100 plot to build whatever you like, you’ll be able to claim more plots by ranking up.
› Hunger Games › PvP Arena › SkyBlocks › And more

Active Admin Combat Community Craft Custom Easy Eco End Enjin Faction Factions Fun Good Head Kit Latino Map Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Need New Normal Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Server Servers Skills Sky Spawn Testing Vault




[font=book antiqua, palatino]UnnamedPVP is a freshly made Factions server that hopes to offer something new to Minecraft community, which isnt an easy thing to do. We have Active Admins and Mods, A well designed spawn and faction bases around the map that are perfect to be raided, However we lack a community of players to raid these bases and in order for the server to grow, we need these players. So were here, asking for players to give our server a test and see if they like and enjoy it.[/font][/center]

[center][font=book antiqua, palatino]A list of some of the plugins we offer. [/font][/center]


[font=book antiqua, palatino]While this plugin doesnt tend to work well with Faction servers, we have edited so it provides all the perks in normal gameplay without giving the older players a massive advantage over the newer ones in PVP. So youll still have your Herbalism, Your Iron Block Anvil and your Fishing Skills, but you wont be able to use your Swords and Unarmed skills in Combat against players. Some of you may not like this but it is an addition we have added so that we can make new players not feel like everyone they try to fight is OP and unfightable.[/font]


[font=book antiqua, palatino]A must have on all PVP servers. Bounty is a plugin that allows you to place an amount of money on someones head, and if another player were to kill them, they would receive the money you placed on them. Lets say a bunch of guys in Diamond gear come and raid your beggining base, take your gear and run off leaving you with nothing more than a Starter Kit. You likely wouldnt have a chance to be able to beat them, but you really want someone to kill them and take that gear off them. So you place a bounty on them. Someone comes along and kills them, you lose a little bit of money, the raider likely loses a lot of gear.[/font]


[font=book antiqua, palatino]This is a risky plugin for a Factions Server to own but we are willing to give it a test. Private Vaults are similar to Ender Chests and provide unraidable Inventory space for the Player, By using this plugin, we remove a bit of the risk of PVP which will therefore, hopefully, encourage more players to take part in it. If they are out running around the map, see a player in some good gear and want to fight them, but know that they are carrying loot from a recent raid, they tend to make the smart call of not attacking the player. With the Vaults, You can just chuck the gear in and go fight. Now you may think that removes any point in PVP-ing as there would be less gear gained by a kill, but please note that we are only testing using this plugin, and if it gets to the point where PVP becomes useless, it will be removed.[/font]


[font=book antiqua, palatino]We also have some custom arenas.[/font]

[font=book antiqua, palatino]These are but 3 of the many plugins we offer our players. Together with other plugins, these make a new, exciting and fun Factions Server for the community to play on. All we ask is that players give the server a chance, to wait through the lack of players and to help us expand the server to serve the many. [/font]

[size=x-large][font=book antiqua, palatino][/font][/size][/center]



Boss Bosses Build Class Classes Cool Craft Dungeon Dungeons Eco Help Ill Inecraft Join Kill Leveling Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Npc Open Play Player Players Quest Quests Rpg Server Skills Spawn Standard Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique War Weapons Who World

Your RPG .. Classes Dungeons Quests Boss Skills Server Minecraft

Server description Survival with RPG elements on version 1.15.2 and quests, to which anyone can join.

A system of 4 classes, choose for yourself who you want to become a Strong and powerful Warrior, heavily armored Cleric, Mage or even a dangerous Thief.
Each class is unique and has its own set of skills that open with leveling as well as its own armor and weapons, which are prohibited for other classes.

The quest system that you can get by finding the right NPC

Dungeons with non-standard mobs and unique bosses will not let you get bored and will help you level up.

And also our chip is the location of the spawn in the ordinary world, thanks to which you can lock the territory of the spawn, build a cool house to show it to all the players passing by.

Ant Battles Bed Wars Build battle Castle Battles CS GO Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Mario Party Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ❤️ ONELAND ❤️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ❤️ BEST ❤️ Minecraft server


❤️ Daily rewards and crazes cases!
❤️ Juicy / kit top to everyone!
❤️ Ability to become a moderator!
❤️ Exclusive author assemblies and thoughtful economics!
❤️ Stable premium hosting!
❤️ Responsive and friendly administration!

✅ HitechCraft 1.12.2:
• A large number of mods for Minecraft version 1.12.2
• On the server are the familiar mods, all translated to the new version of minecraft!
• Visit us and inhale the smell of biofuel, oil and put on glasses so that chips from the sawmill do not get into your eyes!

✅ HitechCraft 1.7.10:
• Industrial server with a large number of technical mods!
• Minimum prohibitions!
• Samopisny modifications!

✅ Industrial 1.7.10:
• Classic industrial!
• Completely updated and new craft!
• A unique mod with its own modern chips!

✅ SkyTech 1.7.10:
• Build your island in the sky!
• You have a small island, but many opportunities!
• Pump and create your own world that you have always dreamed about!

✅ MagicCraft 1.7.10:
• Learn magic spells, create altars and cast lightning on opponents with the help of magic staves!
• Do you like constant exploration of new territories? Do you like magic and everything unknown to mankind? This server is for you!
• Become the wisest server wizard and gain power over everyone around!

✅ TechnoMagic 1.7.10:
• TechnoMagic Server is a mixture of industrial and magic mods!
• It will take a really long time to develop, but it will be very interesting!

✅ TechnoMagicRPG 1.7.10:
• TechnoMagicRPG server is suitable for you if you crave adventures, and not ordinary crafting!
• A truly interesting and unusual development system is waiting for you!
• Fight, develop, fight and go to meet adventures!

Action Actions Active Ark Ass Ball Block Class Com Comingsoon Craft Enjin Fac Faction Factions Forums Game Games Ill Ming Pain Paint Paintball Park Parkour Prison Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Soon Super Surviva Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival Vis


Visit Our Forums:

We Have Prison,Skyblock,SheepGames (ComingSoon),Parkour,Factions,Paintball,VanillaSurvival

Ask Base Based Call Class Crack Cracked Craft Custom Event Events Fresh Fun Game Games Has Help Inecraft Map Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames New Open Premium Pvp Quest Server Snow Staff Star Survival Underground Who


CraftSnow is a survival based minecraft server with PVP. CraftSnow also has very fun minigames, events and other stuff. CraftSnow was started in 2011, and in 2013 CraftSnow went down, but now we are open, with a whole new server. The map is fresh. And there is one custom map called The Underground. Welcome. If you have questions you can ask staff for help 🙂


Ace Ars Ass Build Builder Class Classic Com Craft Enjoy Erver Everyone Farm Farmer Full Ill Inecraft Magazine Mine Minecraft Minecraft Kit Start One Origin Place Rvival Server Soul Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter War Warrior World

ForSoulOrigin Minecraft Server

Server description On our server, you can fully enjoy the struggle for survival in the harsh world of Mine! Will you be a builder, or a warrior, or a farmer! Everyone will find a place in the harsh world of classic minecraf!

Active Ass Ations Bukkit Cat Class Craft Current Date Economy Ect Erver FTB Heist Inecraft Kit Lag Lit Little Mine Minecraft Open Pig Prison Pvp Quick Ram Run Server Spigot Ter This Update Version Website


We’ve an A-Z OP Prison Server! We run on Spigot which is an optimized version of CraftBukkit, this also allows us to have the server running a lot quicker after a Minecraft update!
We’re open 24/7 and have little to no lag! Current server specifications:
Intel Xeon E3-1245 V2
8GB Ram

Check out our website at
Connect to the server on

Active Arena Bar Based Class Craft Economy End Experience Fac Faction Factions Free Friendly Ill Knight Lag Mob Mobarena Multi Multiverse Nocheat Paintball Parkour Plugin Plugins Pro Road Server Servers Staff Survival Tree Treeassist Welcoming Who

Knight Craft

We are a mainly a factions based server who have managed other servers and are very experienced in running servers. We provide a Lag Free experience with welcoming and friendly staff who are ready to answer any queries you have. We have lots of plugins and will see if we can improve the server. We are currently still developing the server and it will be finished soon!!

Plugins installed on server: [Factions], [ NoCheatPlus], [ Multiverse], [AutoBroadcast], [TreeAssist], [Mobarena], [Paintball]

Active Anarchy Ass Class Com Craft Creative Creativity Day Dead Dev Development Dun Dungeon Dungeons Eat Elo Erver Geo Huge Ill Inecraft Lab Light Mine Minecraft Minecraft Dungeon Mod Play Pro Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter Vanilla World


Description of the server A promising server on which such modes as:
SURVIVAL VANILLA (huge world, without creativity)
It is in active development:

Active Allowed Ban Best Build Building Challenge Claim Claims Community Competitive Craft Create Creative Custom Faction Factions Force Kit Kitpvp Lore Market Need Network Peaceful Play Player Prison Pvp Resources Server Servers Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Thirst Who

OreCraft Network

“A community driven server with a thirst for meeting basic player needs and keeping them happy. Here at Orecraft, we believe that the player comes first and we’re doing everything we can to ensure that our servers are tailor made for player enjoyment.

Our survival server is our flagship server. The original and some would say the best. Survival has been finely tuned over many months to enable players to get the most out of interacting with other players and building their own structures. PvP is enabled on survival but is disabled around claims to give players breathing room to build.

Our kitpvp and factions servers are designed to cater for players who have a competitive streak as well as allowing a way for players to express their aggressive nature without being banned on our less competitive servers. PvP is enabled everywhere except at spawn locations.

Our creative and skyblock servers are for those who are peaceful at heart. No pvp is allowed and we challenge our players on both servers in different ways. Creative challenges players to create truly magnificent structures within large plot confines and skyblock challenges players to make the most of the resources they are given. Our artistic and logical players get the most out of these servers.

Last but most definitely not least we have our prison server. A server that is designed for those who enjoy being ambitious and having goals set for them by the server itself. The prison itself is a state of the art custom built design with many areas to explore. The prison server also includes features such as a black market for greater community interaction and a law enforcement system to ensure that prison feels like a real prison with one crucial difference… It’s an enjoyable experience!… This Is OreCraft.”

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Class Craft Currency Dynmap Fac Faction Factions Game Games Ill Inecraft Kill Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mmo Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Ranged Rewards Rpg Server Servers Skills Survival Unique Version War Who

KegS Survival


Don’t feel like reading?
Slots: 100
MC Version: 1.14.2

KegS Survival is a McMMO RPG Faction server. This server has a unique McMMO unlock program where you determine which skills you buy (in-game currency). In addition to this system, we have given a twist to Factions.

Here below a few examples of the plugins:
* Daily Rewards, log in every day and get a reward.
* Faction boosts, buy (in-game currency) a boost for your entire faction. (Also works for players who log in after activation)
* Unique menu where everything can be arranged, think of skills, upgrades, teleports etc …

What you can expect soon.
* Dynmap
* Mini Games


Active Anti Auction Auctions Awesome Bar Bee Class Community Drop Duels End Experience Features Free Friends Gaming Help Join Mine Parkour Play Player Players Plot Plots Premium Prison Pro Pvp Race Rank Rankup Real Staff Tea Team


MineOrb OP Prison is a community stacked with kind, enthusiastic, awesome players and a well-trained staff team that have been together for about three years to help enhance every player’s experience. MineOrb features the following for all of our registered and premium players:
Plots, Prestiging, Auctions, AntiDrop, PvP, Duels, real-time rankup progress bar, and much more!

Join us today to have a fantastic gaming experience for you and your friends; race from A-Z to be Free!

Arena Best Clan Clans Class Cmi Craft Currency Drug Drugs Fac Fly Game Games Head Huge Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mob Money Online Parkour Pvp Server Shop Sky Skyblock Spawn Spleef Tech Tnt War Warp Wars

MiDex Huge Online Heap of Minigames 1.8-1.12.2 Minecraft server

Server description ✑✑ Our site for the purchase of donat – MiDex.Su
✒✒ Our IP –
✑✑ Our group in VK –
✏ Mini games
-ʘ Sky Wars
-ʘ Bed Wars
-ʘ SkyBlock
-ʘ TNT Run
-ʘ Spleef
✏ Game Currency – $
✏ Money for the time spent – $
✏ Clans
✏ X over head
✏ Donut cases
✏ Random Teleport
✏ Shop Interface – / shop
✏ Beautiful spawn built by yourself!
✏ Mob Arena – / warp mob
✏ As well as a convenient menu – / menu
✏ Weddings
✏ Parkour
✏ Drugs
☑ High guarantees in the purchase of donut
☑ Best Tech Support
☑ Low prices for Donat

Action Actions Active Ass Best Block Class Com Craft Creative Fac Faction Factions Forums Fun Ice Inecraft Join Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Network Networks One Play Pvp Rvival Sign Sky Skyblock Surviv Surviva Survival Two Vis


Come join the fun on one of the best Minecraft networks!


Visit our web site and sign up on our forums at

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Pvp Servers Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!