The Taco Republic is a server that is 100% FREE TO PLAY. We currently offer 15 ranks that are all purchased with in-game currency. Swing by to become part of our server. Bring your family and friends and have a good time on the Taco Republic. Enjoy the free server features and play Minecraft the way it was always meant to be played-free and unrestricted!
Server Features:
FREE, Ranks, Fly, Player Vaults, Voting Keys, Head Database, Bank, Heal, Grief Prevention, Nick, Events, Survey, Good Staff, GUI Shop, Vouchers, Marriage, Mythic Mobs, Player Shops, Auctions, Cake Clicker, Mob Money aka MobHunting, Ranks, Kits, Menu, GUIs, Spawner Shop, Silkspawners, Mob Hunter, Shop, RandomTP, Anvil Colors, Disguise, Chest Master, Egg Catcher, (AND MANY MORE!!!)