2b2t Allowed Anarchy Anarchy Server Base Based Hack Hacks Mad Please Riends Rule Rules Stuff Universal


So uhh this server is just some anarchy server i made with my friends and its based off of 2b2t so yeah no rules hacks are allowed and stuff have fun on the server! And please join our discord.

Clan Dupe Edm Factions Fight Items Journey Prem Purchase Pvp Raiding Space Survival Theme Themed


ReveredMC is a space themed dupe factions. Come and join now to start your journey!

Fight with our premade kits!

Purchase ranks and other more to have the advantage with other players.

Duplicate selected items and start earning more money.

Raid and fight other peoples clan!

Different Economy Gamemode Gamemodes Kitpvp Light Mcmmo Mining Port Pvp Skymining Stuff Support Survival Tmc


SkyLight is an fun to play server with loads of stuff to do. Earn your ranks, mine and get to the top! We support 1.7.x-1.16.x! And we have different gamemodes! Survival/KitPVP/Skymining! See you there!

Change Donator Emo Enviro Environment Epl Feature Features Gamemode Gameplay Honey Iron Survival Unique Vanilla


Honey –
we are a community server that is active, we currently provide a vanilla experience with gameplay improvements and unique features that changes the shape of our gamemode! we provide an donator free environment that is play-to win!

Adventure Ark Ava Discord Dventure Exciting Gaming Join Lab Ming Rlcraft Rod Sco Survival Venture

ArkNet Gaming RlCraft

ArkNet Gaming Introduces RLCRAFT join us on this exciting adventure.
More info available on Discord

1v1 Anarchy Bedwars Ceptive Civcraft Civilization Creative Creativeplus Hyneo Launch Plus Server Skyblock Skywars Surivival

HyNeo Network

«HyNeo Network» – Minecraft server with a high-quality implementation of game modes,
monthly tops, interesting quests,
lack of strong emphasis on donating for players,
loving to compete, create and have fun with friends.

■ IP:
■ IP:
■ IP:

– Skins work for everyone!
– Versions 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 +
– All plugins and modes were coded by ourselves ^_^
– Focus on quality
– Unique perks, suffixes and collections
– Everyone will find a mode to their liking
– Monthly tops and daily tasks
– Good anti-cheat
– Responsive moderation
– No lags, freezes!


✦ Survival with privates, pets, clans, Splif Arena,
✦ parkour, music, auto mine and shop.
✦ Only here you can ride a real steam locomotive!

✦ Do you like griefing? Steal? Kill?
✦ This mode is for you! Lack of power, lawlessness
✦ Everyone is trying to survive, a game without rules!
✦ Build huge bases, unite into clans
✦ Become the greatest griefer on the server!

✦ Unique server development!
✦ This is your world – build anything
✦ Invite your friends and build together
✦ World rating system
✦ Create your own mini-games right on the server!

✦ Only here you can run vanilla servers.
✦ Play Captive – Achievement Mode.
✦ Play SkyBlock – the most basic and vanilla skyblock.

▶ CivCraft ◀
✦ Build your own civilization!
✦ Become a leader and take the victory.
✦ New weapons, craft.
✦ Buildings are built automatically.
✦ Fight new mobs.
✦ Wartime. You can kill and grief.

▶ PVP ◀
✦ Improve your PvP skill!
✦ Duels, UHC, Sumo, Parkour and more
✦ Statistics of murders and deaths
✦ Grab the top of this mode!

✦ Awesome economy
✦ Variety of cards
✦ Unique items
✦ Whales and perks for everyone!

✦ SOLO, TEAM and LUCKY modes
✦ Upgrade perks and whales for everyone
✦ Try your luck in Lucky Mode with Lucky Blocks!
✦ Cases for played matches
✦ Really unique maps!
✦ Heavenly sendings – what’s inside?
✦ The sooner you start, you will find out faster!

✪ When registering, they give free cases, from which donation can fall! You can also get free cases every day – /vote

You can buy it on the official server website ->

Claiming Hardmode Imple Land Claim Pve Pvp Rdm Simp Steal Stealing Survival Teaming Theme Themed Vanilla


Welcome to Zelunia 1.8-1.16 a tough and simple server.
Zelunia is a hardmode vanilla themed server with land claiming. It is a very simple, but tough server!
1.Griefing is allowed Claim your land!
2.Ganking is allowed
3.Teaming is allowed
4.Stealing is allowed
5.Scamming is allowed

Anarchy Couple Couples Couplesonly Guard Oup Protect Protected Pure Pvp Roleplay Survival Vanilla Void Worldguard

Couples Only Vanilla Survival

Anyone can join, however, Couples that join to play together will be able to request protected land with WorldGuard to avoid grief!

If you have someone you want to play with just join with them and let an Admin know where you want protected land!

For anyone else, it will be pure survival.


Bros Faction Factions Factionserver Factionsurvival Fun Kitpvp Largemap Minebros Rtp Sethome Shops Smp Survival Warp

MineBros Survival/Factions server 1.16

Minecraft 1.16 Survival/Factions server, join and play with the official MineBros! We are an open and fun community.

We have quests for when you get bored, a shop to buy from and a KitPvp arena for whe you get fiesty!

Build Data Dates Faction Factions Factions Server Kingdoms Link Little Needed Pocket Pve Pvp Tournaments Updates


We are a small little Kingdoms/Factions Server
Come create a kingdom! Staff Needed! Join discord for updates!
Hope you enjoy your stay!


Ability Bounties Clans Drug Drugs Economy Maps Nether New Map Pvp Raiding Skyblock Skywars Survival Vanilla


The Pear of the west.
Game mode:
Survival semi-vanilla con chest protection
– SkyBlock with minerals, shop, nether and the ability to expand your own island
– Server Drugs con clans, bounties, e armi
– Classic Skywars with new maps coming soon

8.2 Addon Addons Economy Enjoy Friendly Jus Mall Mining Play Minecraft Red Relax Riendly Small Survival

redneck mining

Just a small friendly minecraft server, come have fun and relax and play minecraft. some addons for your enjoyment

2020 Apocalypse Creative Factions Fou Gamemode Kitpvp Large Mcmmo Mini Games Popular Skyblock Survival Survivalgame Survivalgames


PixelBlock Network is a Minecraft Server founded in 2020 with a large amount of minigames. The network currently runs as 1.15.2+ and is rising in popularity everyday. It also involves SkyBlock, Creative, Survival and more!

Over 15 gamemodes including survival, survivalgames, creative, minigames, skywars, skyblock, factions, Apocalypse and more!

Enchant Enchanted Enchants Fut Future Hey Jobs Level Long Matt Mob Mobs Multi Survival Tip


Hitrux is a Enchanted Survival server where we want to have a friendly community which accepts everyone no matter who they are as long as they accept others. We have multiple futures like leveled mobs, jobs to earn money and custom enchants. You can also join our discord to suggest things we should add. Hope to see you!

Economy Eye Eyes Factions Factions Servers Grind Mcmmo Points Problems Pve Pvp Riding Survival Switch Votes


NOW ON 1.8 – 1.15.2
Are you tired of getting lost in the crowds of people on those massive factions servers?
Not on StonahMC!

Welcome to StonahMC, a faction based RPG server currently running on 1.8 through whatever current version you’re running!

We are currently a tight knit community of fun and friendly people striding towards grow… but we can’t do that without you!
We have custom enchants as-well as a very efficient GUI’S for various commands. Upon joining StonahMC everyone is assigned to be a miner but you can switch jobs at any moment with ( /search ). You will complete job quests and earn points to spend in the job shop. You can also gain faction points to spend in the faction shop, or vote points to spend in the voting GUI. We have MCMMO, so you can grind till your eyes are tearing up and fight your way to the top of the balance-top!
Along with normal server voting ranks we also have one donation rank currently and more to come. Voting ranks give us to ability to reward you for supporting us. Check out the kits to find out how many votes it will take you to get to the next rank.

If you have any questions, problems, or issues, please let a staff member know at ( ) or feel free to reach out on our forums. So if you like a small, friendly, tight-knit server with an actively changing environment based off of community suggestions, as well as staff that strive to listen to the community and be as highly responsive as possible…


Advertisement ArmA Bully Creative Economy Gifts Karma Marketing Mcmmo Mini Games Pvp Raiding Reliable Sorry Survival


Sigh…Another community, another server, another description to read. Or is it?

Yes obviously this is another description to read, but hopefully nothing like the others out there. Hi, my name is x0Z3ro0x, and I don’t care about the normal way of things. For over 10 years our community has stood as sacred ground for our family and friends to come and enjoy the gifts of gaming without the negative side effects that the Internet communities bring. You see, whether you come from a background of wealth, poverty, or somewhere in between, you deserve two things.

1.) To be treated with respect and not like another player in a long list.


2.) To enjoy the game you came to play without interruptions, ads, marketing, bullying, power abuse, or the laundry list of things that most private servers come with.

Maybe we are just getting old and cranky, but gaming used to be about the entertainment. The love and laughter you shared with friends and family as you succeeded or failed together. I’m not going to pretend I know what happened, and I’m not going to try and sell you on some magic bullet. One size doesn’t fit all, and we know that. But what I can do is shoot you straight and cut the nonsense.

Dark Karma Gaming is a private gaming community for people who just want to game without all the headaches of private servers. No advertisements, no childish admins trying to abuse their powers, no lag, and most importantly, no “Oops sorry the server rolled back”. Get what you deserve out of gaming: A reliable experience from owners and admins you know you can trust. Remember when you used to get excited to be apart of a community? Remember when communities used to be all about the players and not about the money?

You don’t have to remember, you can experience it. Join a Dark Karma Gaming server today and see what peace you have been missing.

Anarchy Destroy Difficult Difficulty Duping Loaded Machines Moderators Pve Pvp Reddit Reloaded Remo Survival Vanilla

LZAnarchy Reloaded

LZAnarchy is a semi-vanilla anarchy server that allows hacking, griefing and duping.
Server does not have moderators or admins, but lag machines will be taken care of! Either by leaking coordinates on our reddit or by removing it.
Server is set on hard difficulty and is for the most part lag-free, at least we try our best to keep it lag-free.
Server is running with a new, undestroyed (yet) map.
We are running on version 1.16.1 and try to keep it always the latest.

Join us. We are looking forward to see you.


Complet Donator Economy Everything Factions Factions Server Place Pot Pvp Quick Ranks Rdm Starting Wizard Wizards



Join quick to get a free donator rank!

This is a new factions server that’s complete with everything you need like ranks, kits and even donator ranks! We’re just starting out so some things might be out of place but we will fix them as soon as we spot it!

Active Ass Ate Aternos Class Des Hit Info Lmao Pvp Sub Tab Ter Ush Zyph


Hi sub 2 zyphrus hiihitrih9fguehyfgegfyuegfhsudhfgyegfdjfksdjfheuifjsdhufheuhfuhsduifhuehufhsudhfuheushfudfueuhfushufhuehsfhdhfuiehushdufheuhfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffesuihdiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfhjiejdhfuihdijfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhffe

Aves Counter Elon Grave Graves Problems Proper Property Save Spectator Stage Straight Survival Survival Multiplayer Trusted

The Sitadel

Disclaimer! The server is still under development and in the beta stages. If you encounter any problems please contact our mod team or me @Slime on discord for help.

Coming out of beta stage! Season One coming out on August 31!

The Sitadel SMP Server:
The Sitadel is a Java survival multiplayer server that is in need of more players. Unlike other servers, we give access to our members a handful of useful commands, such as /echest,/home and even game mode spectator if you make it into our trusted group. You also will not be left behind when you join the server at a later state, because when you first join the server, you receive a new player kit containing gear that players have that have been playing since the start of the server. We also have a few plugins and data packs such as graves which saves your items when you die and gives you cords to your grave, not giving people straight on keep inventory but still saving the items for them to recover.

Join our discord for updates, full list of commands, plugins, help and way more.

Play on the server like how you would play on your single player survival world. Note that this is not a factions server so there should be no griefing others creations and no stealing others belongings. You should respect everyone’s property, creations and belongings. If you are in someone’s creation or property you follow their rules.

To get whitelisted:
To make sure we are letting the right people in, the server has a whitelist in place so that not everyone can join. In order to get whitelisted, you must submit a request on our discord stating why you would like to join the server and that you understand and have read the server rules.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Bedrock Minecraft Server List. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!