Added Ate Aternos Dbs Des Gra Gran Grand Las Ran Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer This You

minecraft server minecraft server

Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Coins Dino Dinos Dinosaur Dinosaurs Escape Ideo Inspiration Monthly Nitro Oins Survival Texture Texture Pack Video

𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭

Land of the found is a simple survival server aimed at people who want to escape from the harsh reality that is life.

If you’ve seen the video that’s right we’ve got Dinosaurs!
You can ride some around the map.

We’ve grabbed inspiration from Mizuno’s texture pack.

* ~ Things you can do ~ *

> Kill mobs and collect their coins.

> Trade items with other players using /trade

> Create player run shops!

> We’ve got custom crate keys the player can buy using in game currency to then use on crates

> Raiding is allowed so be careful

> Want more coins? /warp dungeon

We have a discord and will start doing monthly events ranging from crate keys to discord nitro!
Join our discord

119server 2b2t Aew Anarchy Dnd Keepinv Keepinventory Loaded Mts Semivanilla Survival Token Vanilla Worldborder Xray

Vanex.Online (Semi-Vanilla Anarchy) 1.19 Java

Welcome to Vanex.Online, where you can have the full vanilla experience. No excessive commands or plugins, just pure survival. This is as simple as it gets with no /tpa or /sethome commands, no /keepinventory, just imagine you loaded up a single player survival world and played as is.

• Discord:

• No Hacking
• No Xraying
• No Spamming

Server information:
Keepinventory: off
Worldborder: 1,000,000 x 1,000,000
Difficulty: Hard

World will NOT be reset, however due to my past experiences running servers, if the world file size gets too big to handle and we don’t have enough funds to run a server of such size, we will inevitably have to reset the world. Players may be able to keep their inventory if it ever reaches this point.

Beyond Cosmetics Factions Hypixel Hypixel Skyblock Missions Mix Osmetics Party Permissions Prison Skyblock Tool Tools Unlock


Hello!! My name is Ivyish, I have hosted and been apart of many servers in the past, small and large. Today I finally brought back an old server that I enjoyed hosting. It is called Flora. Flora is a mix between Hypixel Skyblock, economy, prison, and party games. People each have their plots where they are able to farm resources, these resources can then be traded for either better equipment or in game currency. You are able to purchase cosmetics, more plot space/ permissions, and more tools. There will currently and for the foreseeable future never be real transactions. Meaning you are able to unlock everything by playing.

So far nothing is built beyond one area, I have a few admins and friends working on this with me. I need people who are interested in building this server with me to please join and contact Ivyish or any of the current staff in game. Since its new your chances of getting a role is very high.

1.18.2 Blocks Cut Cute Function Fut Future Gamemodes Minecraft Oneblock Oneblockmc Skyblock Skyblocks Skyblockserver Teams | Sky-Server | SkyBlock | OneBlock | 1.18 – 1.18.2



  • SkyBlock
  • OneBlock
  • Old school function

  • SkyBlock Shop
  • OneBlock Shop
  • Small, Litte, Cute Server!!

    Come to us and Play with us!

    – SkyBlocks Teams

    Future Funktions will be aviable soon:

    Active Claim Community Diamond Discord Economy Java Landclaim Lush Lushsurvival Mcmmo New Playereconomy Playershops Pve Pvp Semivanilla Shops Survival Town Vanilla

    Lush Survival | 🏠Land Claim | 🏪Player Shops | ⛏️mcMMO | 🗺️Server Map | 💵Economy |

    🏠Land Claim
    🏪Player Shops
    💎Diamond Based Economy
    🐦Fly in claims
    ⚔️Toggle PvP
    ❌No Crates
    🛒Auction House
    📦Chest, Inventory, & Hotbar-Sorting
    ⛅Vote for Time & Weather
    ✅EULA Compliant (Not Pay to Win)

    Adventures Artic Cloud Cosmetic Cosmetics Decides Emotes Ender Enderman Faction Fat Fate Lives News Osmetics


    Here in Endcity we believe in the old non-pay-to-win system where the only factor that decides yours and your faction’s fate is your skill! We have taken all the feedback from the non-p2w community and turned it into a reality. Endcity is made by the community for the community!

    Endcity currently offers only Faction SMP but the plan is to expand to other game modes which will be determined based on your feedback!

    Good news for those who love cosmetics! We offer a variety of particle effects, emotes, and even pets for those who love a companion on their adventures!

    Join us for the adventure of your lives!

    Angel Angels Dungeon Dungeons Geo Giveaway Giveaways Kie Older Rise Roll Surprise Survival Tend Troll

    DolMI Survival

    Welcome to DolMi Survival ! We are a new server here to enjoy life sometimes in solitude sometimes with friends! Some of us are trolls in the dungeons and others are angels in the skies. Come try us out and give us a chance. The fun only begins when you are here so why pretend. Meet us on our ip you wont be surprised. Come on in. We don’t bite.

    New Survival Server.

    Planned Events.

    Crate giveaways.
    All around fun-ness.
    Older community.

    16x Board Buy Chunk Hun Leaderboard Leaderboards Onechunk Sell Server Ip Sol Solo Survival Trans Transform

    One Chunk Minecraft Server

    One Chunk Minecraft Server

    In one chunk, you are given a 16×16 chunk to be transformed however you please. Buy and sell items with other players and reach the top of the leaderboards. Team up with other players or go it solo. What will you achieve?

    One Chunk Server IP:

    Application Cru Detail Details Endgame Explora Exploration Modpack Nectar Party Pve Rui Survival Tail Uptime

    Nectar MC

    ALL THE MODS 6: Nectar MC !

    Brand New As of 18/06/22

    We are Nectar MC! This is a whitelisted PVE server aimed toward forming a small community of consistent players. Server is focused on modpack exploration and endgame completion. The server runs 24/7 and we are currently looking to recruit more players to join us.

    Server is hosted in NA, West Coast

    Server Details & Features: – 6GB Server with 24/7 Uptime

    Claimable land & party features


    We will reach out from discord if your application gets approved.

    1.19 1.19 Survival 119survival Cheating Decorative Fish Function Functional Inventory Paper Peace Peaceful Rise Surprise Survival

    Fishicraft – 1.19

    At fishicraft we have a very small community, don’t be surprised if you’re the only one online. Think of it as a nice peaceful place to do what you want to do. We don’t tolerate Hacking/Cheating/Griefing. We have a lot on our discord who are just friends of ours. This is a 1.19 Survival server, which will run Paper once its available along with mostly decorative and a few functional plugins. Keep Inventory is enabled, but there will not be any /back. Mobs will be able to grief in claims once that plugin is added. For now its pure vanilla but will be semi-vanilla as plugins become available.

    Auctions Australia Australian Chestshop Claims Crates Customenchants Economy Levelledmobs Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Silkspawners Survival Teen Warps

    LeanWorld | Enchanced SMP | Australia | 1.18

    LeanWorld strives to be the best new Australian-hosted survival server. you’ll always have things to do in a fresh new survival experience!

    The plugins used on this server were all carefully selected to enchance the vanilla Minecraft experience without creating a whole new game. The following is just some of what LeanWorld has to offer.

    Custom Enchantments: If you’re bored of Minecraft’s current selection of enchantments, LeanWorld offers seventeen fun new enchantments to discover and use. Full list at

    Levelled Mobs: Minecraft’s mobs are fairly easy to fight, but we’ve added a bit more of a challenge with health boosts, increased damage output, increased movement speed and better armour.

    McMMO: McMMO is a classic, recently overhauled RPG system with thirteen skills to master, each having their own powerful abilities.

    Levels: Make your way up in-game levels by reaching goals for money, playtime, McMMO power level and more for various perks and rewards!

    Claims: Players can claim the land around their builds in order to protect them from griefers and looters.

    Crates: Test your luck with our crates! You can get crate keys from voting for our server or by buying them with in-game money.

    Player Warps: Give players a way to access your shop, mob grinder, town and more for a small teleportation fee!

    Auction House: The simplest way to trade with other players! Simply list your items and wait for people to buy.

    All this plus SilkSpawners, ChestShops, and minimal lag with a friendly, growing community.


    Cool Dont First Good Jus Make Mods Name Opé Origin Origins Prince Rui Survival Vol

    Origins server 323

    This is a fun and cool origins server hope u all like it just come try it out

    where trying to make a fun and cool comunnietie so dont try to ruin the server good

    luck on ur first join the discord for the mods

    119 138 2022 300 Bedrock Bedrock And Java Community Fun Gamenights Java Lumi Nights Smp Survival Vanilla



    Who Are We?
    The Luminous SMP Is A Active Server With Over 300+ People In Our Discord Server. The Server Is Ran By A Streamer, And A Really Friendly Community!

    What Do We Offer?
    We Offer A Great Server To Play On, That Is Online For 24 HOURS! You Can Play On Both Bedrock And Java. We Host Monthly Large Events, Weekly Gamenights And In-Server Events. We Are A Close Community Of Amazing People!

    201 2012 Ast Emi Fast Host Mai Mcp Mcpe Mma Ost Pre Prem Premium Survival Multiplayer

    PremiumMain server Minecraft

    Server owner ‘PremiumMain’ hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    2b2t 2b2talternative 2b2tanarchy 2b2tclone 2b2tconstantiam2banarchy 2b2tcracked 2b2tlike 2b2torg 2bt2 2builders2tools Anarchy Ds 2 Minecraft Anarchy Spanishserver Survival

    2 lands 2 conquered

    welcome to, it is an up to date Spanish friendly Minecraft vanilla anarchy server with an active admin and good server hardware with an average playercount between 1 – 16. this server is cracked meaning any client can join. If you don’t have a Minecraft account and want help joining 2l2c please contact the owner on the discord. Since 2l2c is cracked, you can add alts to your clients like future and impact and 2l2c is optimised to work with minimal kicks and occasional rubber banding. If you are feeling generous and would like to donate to keep the server up and running, please visit:
    If you want to support the server without paying, you can vote for 2l2c with the vote button down below.
    thanks for playing and stopping by, if you have any questions please feel free to watch YouTube videos on the official channel or ask chongo the owner if you have any enquires

    welcome to, it’s an updated spanish compatible vanilla minecraft anarchy server with an active admin and good server hardware with an average of players between 1 and 16. this server is cracked which means any client can join. If you don’t have a Minecraft account and would like help joining 2l2c, please contact the owner on Discord. Since 2l2c is cracked you can add alternatives to your clients like future and impact and 2l2c is optimized to work with minimal kicks and occasional rubber bands. If you are feeling generous and would like to make a donation to keep the server running, please visit:
    If you want to support the server without paying, you can vote for 2l2c using the vote button below.
    Thanks for playing and visiting us, if you have any questions, please feel free to watch YouTube videos on the official channel or ask Chongo, the owner, if you have any queries.

    Allowed Boy Date Dates Enjoy Everything Guy Hack Oys Pls Pls Join Survival Tes Update Updates


    This is my server pls join the discord server for updates you guys are welcome to join as many as you want just don’t hack pls everything else is allowed I hope you guys enjoy

    Faction Factions Server Fol Follow Minecraft Faction Minecraft Factions Minecraft Factions Server Noop Port Pos Rive Sib Support Target Wars

    MCWars Factions

    Minecraft Factions Server

    Discord & Support Server


    We strive in giving our community the best possible experience!

    Announcement Bully Communitydriven Datapacks How To Get Instagram Latestversion Maintenance Minecraftsp Patreon Racism Religious Surprise Survival Vanilla

    Minecraft Sphere

    This server is WHITELISTED.
    Current event: 1.19 Vanilla, Season TWO

    Apply to gain access to the Minecraft Sphere Server!

    Join our Discord for more info and for much more than just Minecraft:

    ♥How to get whitelisted:

    If you are interested in being whitelisted to the Inspired Sphere’s Minecraft Server you must:

    1) Join the Inspired Sphere Discord server to stay tuned to server announcements, maintenance, updates and more!
    2) Fill out the following form to apply for whitelist:
    3) Follow all the server and community rules. No griefing will be tolerated. We also have a 0 tolerance level for any hate (sexism, racism, bullying, religious hate, etc. -> use common sense). If you feel like you will get the urge to break rules or hurt others in any way, this server is not for you.

    ♥What does Whitelisting give you?

    By getting whitelisted you gain access to the Minecraft Sphere server. This means you get to participate in a wonderful community of like-minded individuals of all age who are there to have fun and enjoy a common interest. This server is a vanilla experience with added surprise datapacks for you to uncover as you play. There are no claims; it is on trust basis. The staff are incredibly amazing people and are very helpful!

    If you wish to donate to help the Inspired Sphere continue improving the server and keep making these kinds of projects available to the public, we welcome donations here:

    Looking forward to building together!!!

    Banned Cloud Dad Days Dynmap Ender Enderman Gamer Hob Homo Mute Perma Sex Survival Vanilla


    New, but still great server. Have fun! Dynmap will be added in the future with more players.
    Be nice! There is no grief protection, but it will result in a 1-2 day ban. Please also be nice in chat! Saying racist/homophobic/sexist in chat will get you muted for 1-2 days. If you repeat this 3 times, you will be perma-banned.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server ip Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!