Auto Bot Ect Going Going To Jus Lea Lec Name Please Put Survival Title Try Vanilla


Hi please just try it. so im just going to spam

118server 16plus 18plus Adult Agelimit Community Craft Fun Hermit Hermitcraft Mature Pve Relaxed Semivanilla Shoppingdistrict Simple Smp Survival Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

ImperiumMC Whitelisted Survival

Simple, relaxed, and mature 1.19 whitelisted semi-vanilla. No hollow or confusing gimmicks, no trolls, just Minecraft as it should be. Adults (18+) preferred, minimum 16.

Join our active community on Discord to share your experience with others in voice calls or simply by showing off your latest build in text channels.

Express your creativity, grow your wealth, and purchase much-needed items in the shopping district around spawn.

Donors, test out your ideas with our community superflat creative world, then construct them in survival

Is there /home? Yes, but it only returns you to your spawnpoint/bed
Is there /tpa? No, we prefer to keep a tight-knit community, so long-distance travel will need to be done on nether highways

If you have questions, join the Discord server and ask! We look forward to seeing you!


Cracked Emb Faction Pvp Factions Growing Help Kits Looking Member Oli Rlcraft Rlcraftmultiplayer Sol Vote Votes


Welcome! We are a new and growing RLCraft server, we have kits/votes/plugins and much more. We are a Faction Server looking for active members to help us grow!

Areashop Cauldron Dynamap Lgbtfriendly Lgbtowned Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Noresets Silkspawners Slimefun Smp Survival Tinkertools Ultimatetimber Veinmine

The Quiet Cave – 1.18.2 No Resets

Welcome to The Quiet Cave! TQC is a newly established server with big plans for a bright future. We are looking for some new players to check us out! As long as you don’t mind a few hiccups here and there, our community is looking for mature players who enjoy playing for the long haul, and having fun with the game while being respectful to others. Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server, but an active community and group of friends as well. Our map will never reset, and we plan to keep it that way. We are big on rules and one of our biggest rules is no griefing. So we use anti-griefing tools like GriefPrevention and WorldGuard to help keep your builds safe! Claiming land is easy and you can even let other people you trust build with you too. Use /kit starter to receive goodies and claim tools! We hope to see you online!

TQC offers many quality of life improvements such as…= Slimefun = Nether Portal Coords = Cauldron Concrete = Durability Ping = Custom NetherPortals = Double Shulker Shells = More Mob Heads = Chest Sort= SilkSpawners = UltimateTimber = VeinMiner = McMMO = Jobs = PhantomX – No MorePhantoms! = BBeeKeeper = AreaShop = Plus more!

Want to check us out? Here is some useful links!

+ IP:

+ Dynamap:

+ Discord:

Rules=No hacking or griefing of any sort.

No hate speech, flaming, or unkind language

All unclaimed land is available, but do not use claims to grief.

Keep the overworld clean. Do not make purposefully trashy or inappropriate builds.

No spamming.

Exploits, glitches, duping, and xray texture packs are NOT allowed.

1.19 Buy Imple Latest Minecraft Version Pretty Rad Sim Simp Simple Survival Tes Test Trade Way

simple minecraft server few rules, pretty much no plugins. always on the latest minecraft version
join now!
server version – 1.19

Armor Force Kingdom Maj Maybe Nations Orc Power Powers Rpg Skills Survival Towns Towny Wns

Land of Vale

Come join a BRAND NEW SERVER! it is player ran! That means what ever the people vote for on our discord we make it happen! It is a player ran world so that means everything ran by the players the only thing staff dose on the server is help answer questions and enforce the server rules!

Create your own town, join a nation, or make a new one. Trade, protect, or go to war with other towns and nations. Create a big enough nation and help make server rules with the other major powers of the world!

Maybe just: Rule The World

Unlike many other servers most of this server’s rules are voted on by the nation leaders!

We even have our own way of pvp unlike most servers we have weighted armor and skills!! so come check it out!

Join our discord!

Always Improving Climb Euro Europe Gang Guide Instant Jump Leaderboard Matt North Performance Solo Spicy Survival

Enigma SMP

Welcome To Enigma !

Enigma is a server that gives you cool and unforgettable gaming experience, we have a friendly community that welcomes you warmly. We also have an very active staff team that will guide and help you in your journey, dont hasitate to ask anything.

Owners previous server was one of the most voted server in Northen Europe, we have many gamemodes and some cool things to spicy your normal survival experience, but still keeping the game as survival.

Make your way to the top by working hard, passing all the mines and climbing through the 12 ranks we have. Are you more of a team player rather than solo? Build your gang and bring it to the top of the leaderboard, making a name for yourself!

No matter the path you wish to go for, start your adventure today and prepare for the best journey of your life!

Our server performs highly and runs 24/7, we try our best to maintain a no lag server, with staff on hand to instantly jump to the aid if there are any issues with server performance or any in-game issues. We are always improving our server, adding more features based around players feedback.

Join now !

And dont forget to join our discord via link here or type /discord ingame, discord is best place to keep on whats happening and contact staff and players.

Added Com Come Des Exaroton Layer Oto Play Player Rip Rot Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Welcome You

Welcome to aKeriOns player server Minecraft server

The server owner “Welcome to aKeriOns player’s server” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Airship Ares Battle Battles Capture Core Deathmatch Destroy Europe Flag Minigames Monument Project Pvp Pvping Team Pvp Wool

Project Good

Project Enyo is a objective team PvP server running classic maps from the golden days of Minecraft PvP. There are iconic maps featuring Capture the Wool, Destroy the Core and Team Deathmatch!

Miss playing Airship Battle by dewtroid? You can play it on Enyo, as well as many other maps.

All versions from 1.7.2 to 1.18.x is supported. After you connect, type /join to enter the match.

Minecraft IP Webpage Mumble IRC #enyo @ Discord

Balance Bax Canada Death Law Normal Papyrus Popular Social Survival Towns Trap Trapping Uptime Wns

★ Papyrus Network ★ [Network] | [99% uptime / Owned Hardware] [Active Friendly Community]

Papyrus network is a minecraft server that is under development and hosted in canada on a dedicated server

Gamemodes include

Towny is a popular gamemode of multiplayer minecraft. Where players make money, build towns, and chat with friends.

The goal is to either create or join a faction and build a base that other players can’t raid. Factions have power and claims which need to be in balance. Factions is a very PvP-based gamemode and many things that normally aren’t allowed, such as death-trapping and scamming are allowed.

Our Social Links



Contact us
Baxwar#9182 Nah 😶#9218 Lawlaw#4861

Ava Bed Bedro Bedrock Ifesteal Java Life Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Name Rock Steal Survival Tea

LamerSMP (LIFESTEAL!!) [Java/Bedrock]


1.11 Admins Aserver Ask Brain Change Client CTF Hacks Hate Random Respect Respectful Vanilla Vanillaserver


As the name suggests, this is is a small vanilla server, which currently has no plugins (there might be plugins to help admins later).

Feel free to do whatever you want, however, there are a few rules:

  • be respectful to others
  • don’t mess with the server operation
  • don’t use “hacks” (if you are unsure about a client modification, please ask)
  • common sense/use your brain
  • the rules can get changed at any time

  • Categories
    /r/ 5h4d0w 5h4d0w5 Avatarkage Battleground C0m3un17y Community Glowing J01n5h4d0w Network October Shadows Smp Subreddit Survival

    5h4d0w_c0m3un17y (1.8 – 1.18.2)

    5h4d0w_c0m3un17y (1.8 - 1.18.2) Minecraft Server
    The world has many mysteries and wonders hidden in bizarre locations. Perhaps one of these is something seen on a daily basis. A thing so common, no one would have thought of looking at it in a different way, or perchance, even a bit closer….

    But for those who found us, we are a community mainly based around art and games of all kinds especially electronic dance music. Shadows or 5h4d0w5 are followers of AvatarKage and are skilled people in the arts of defense, communication, survival, and creativity but not everyone and that’s fine too. Wearing all black with a glowing insignia, they blend perfectly within the dark night. Tho for the many outsiders who have met these people believe they operate some sort of flying machinery. However, their direct location remains completely anonymous…

    This is its official Minecraft server with a hopefully future group attached to it here on PMC if approved. The community dates back from July 10th 2020 but only has approx. 80 members on the Discord nowadays with 30 others on the Facebook Group. Let’s expand it! Here are the Minecraft server’s timelines.

    The server has kits, parties, ranks, chat leveling (will be synced with Discord later on), chat from MC to Discord, skills, and so much more slowly coming out!

    – New world
    – New chat functions
    – Better moderation
    – Working kits
    – 24/7 uptime
    – 5 GB RAM (4 GB last time)
    – New lobby and functions
    – Warps
    – Updated ranks
    – Fixed permissions
    – Private or public parties
    – Chat and skill Leveling
    – New achievements
    – Can connect from 1.8.0 to 1.18.2
    and best for last – new BUGS! 😀

    5h4d0w Minecraft Server History

    November 21, 2020; 5h4d0w Minecraft server created

    April 30, 2021; 5h4d0w Minecraft server SMP rebuild 2.0 BETA

    May 12, 2021; 5h4d0w Minecraft server SMP goes public

    October 2, 2021; 5h4d0w Minecraft server rebuild 3.0 PRE-ALPHA

    October 8, 2021; 5h4d0w Minecraft server goes private till 2022

    February 22, 2022; 5h4d0w Minecraft server rebuild 3.0 starts

    April 12, 2022; 5h4d0w Minecraft SMP returns public as a BETA

    The Minecraft server has many goals currently working on being reached including the following game modes and so much more. There is no estimation as to when this will be fully available but expected within the next couple of years.

    SMP [​BETA] (85% complete)
    SMP aka survival multiplayer is a no PVP survival with the community with a planned PVP-only arena near the portal so players can challenge others for perhaps goods or simply to test their skills without the use of pro-PVP-made kits.

    PVP (0% complete)
    PVP aka player vs player is a dangerous place where there are areas and pro-PVP-made kits for battling each other. This game mode may also include a PVE aka player vs entity compartment for those who’d rather have a wilder fight.

    Battlegrounds (0% complete)
    Battlegrounds is a battle-royal-like mode with special kits and abilities to choose from before being sent to an island that consists of all 60+ Minecraft biomes. Many kits are native to certain biomes and are overpowered if used in said biome. Some in which you can send armies of mobs against your opponents to help you win the battlegrounds round. There will be a points and coins system to purchase higher-level kits.

    Mini-Games (0% complete)
    Not much information can be provided on this specific model as it is the least planned for as far as design go but could be anything really.

    Creative (0% complete)
    For artists of the community… for real tho? Mostly everyone is an artist here haha. Creative plots are spaces of a certain amount of blocks given in a cube for building your own structures for whatever purpose you may have for building them then showing them off to your friends and if you don’t have friends, I’m sure the community would appreciate to see your creative hard work.

    Survival (0% complete)
    Survival is an adventure mode world with enemies and bosses for you to defeat alongside, leveling up, completing quests, and raising to the max level. Currency and level here will be critical.

    Parkour (0% complete)
    Parkour is the newest planned mode and not much thought was put into it yet but basically you have to climb your way to the highest level possible.

    Currently, we need builders but anyone is welcome to apply for something else! APPLY HERE if text click fails)

    Official Site (WIP)

    [email protected] (if you want to appeal a ban)
    [email protected] (if you need non-moderation related support)

    Join 5h4d0w

    Discord Server

    Facebook Group


    Twitter Community
    Coming soon…

    Minecraft Server (JAVA & BEDROCK) (
    use the second address is the main one fails

    Planet Minecraft Group
    Coming soon…

    Follow the c0m3u17y

    Twitter Profile

    Instagram Profile

    TikTok Profile

    Facebook Profile

    5h4d0w_c0m3un17y (1.8 - 1.18.2) Minecraft Server

    /d/ Accepting Friendly Fun Halo Jack Mods Noclaim Origins Origins Mod Pvp Scrim Smp Survival Whitelist

    Oridem Smp

    Oridem smp is a modded mc smp containing many mods such as the origins mod, better end and nether mod and many more

    we are a friendly community welcoming anyone to the community as long as they are nice and non discrimminatory

    If you wish to join the discord is
    if you wish to check out the modpack
    bear in mind updates will happen and it may lead to some mods being removed and some being added it will allways be announced on the discord and released on the discord channel modpack

    feel free to dm me Jackaboi#4358 or the co-owner Ultrahalo274912#1593

    Note: You must be whitelisted to Join

    Chestshop Cracked Economy Hotel Lucky Blocks Mcmmo Serves Slimefun Smop Streams Survival Termina Terminal Tntrun Version 1.19

    Cosmoplex Slimefun server

    This minecraft server deserves the attention of players due to its distinctive features. It always works on the latest versions of minecraft whenever possible (not without problems, of course, but still). At the moment it works on just released version 1.19.

    Such a core of the server is the Slimefun plugin, which is actively used on the server, as well as add-ons to it. (Terminals, plants, chests, lucky blocks, various types of energy, heads) Each of these skills, when leveling up, gives its own bonuses (Sliding, drop doubling, crop increase).

    The server has close integration with the Discord service, due to this, players can watch and send chat messages directly in the discord community, communicate with other players, even without being in the game. Also on the server quite often there are game streams on which we have fun as we can. Also on the server you can create your own city with various buildings, such as shops, hotels, various sawmills, mines, and industries.

    If you install the Voice simple chat mod, you can talk with other players)

    You can play on the server for free with friends, as well as on a pirate 🙂

    Admin Admins Build Builder Builders Era Ger Kie Mode Moderator Moderators Need Rat See Survival Multiplayer

    -e-Geriefersekiey Seereveer-e- Need admins of those admins builders moderators Minecraft server

    Server owner “-e-Geriefersekiey Seereveer-e- Need admins for those admin builders moderators” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.19 Achievement Achievements Antigrief Bases Claims Ecipes Enhanced Events Immersive Jobs Mcmmo Recipes Survial Survival

    The West Kingdom Survival | 1.19

    Welcome to The West Kingdom!

    Enhanced Survial 1.19 | McMMO | Economy | Ranks | Achievements | Regular Events


    Here at The West Kingdom, our community is the thing that sets us aside from other servers. Our server and plugins have been specifically designed to offer an immersive and fun adventure for any players looking for an enhanced survival experience.

    Whether you’re here to play Minecraft, meet new friends or become part of our community – we’re sure you’ll love it here with us!

    Our Features: McMMO, Jobs, No Griefing or Raiding, Over 790 Custom Achievements, Friendly Staff, Regular Server Events, Ranks System, Custom Recipes, Player Warps and much more!

    We have dedicated Resource worlds that are reset regularly. Our main (build) map is not reset very often to allow players to build large bases, towns and cities!

    Built by the players, for the players!

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Acting Advancements Beginner Caves Chat Minecraft Custom Discord Economy Socializing Straight Survival Tweaks Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Voicechat


    Voice Chat Minecraft is a simple semi-vanilla survival server with tweaks to help enhance vanilla gameplay. Voice Chat Minecraft is about interacting with others and socializing in ways that wouldnt be possible on a regular survival server. Anyone is welcome to join, as there is no whitelist.

    – Simple and beginner friendly server
    – Simple Voice Chat mod
    – Custom advancements (Blaze and Caves Advancement Pack)
    – Straightforward economy
    – Small and chill community of players and staff.


    Chestshop Community Economy Essential Essentials Fish Fishing Jobs Mcmmo Nogrief Quest Quests Ranks Survival Uests

    Simia Survival

    Welcome to Simia, a no-grief survival server featuring Essentials, McMMo, Jobs, Quests, and much more! With a friendly community and player-driven economy, everyone is welcome and has the opportunity to shape the server! Make your mark on this non-pay-to-win server.

    Aon Atm Atmosphere Bee Die Dies Different Eren Live Long Neo Private Spy Survival Multiplayer Ukraine

    UkraineOne server Minecraft

    I live! Have you been spying on a private ukrainian server for minecraft for a long time?? Follow you to us! Aje UkraineOne server, the same server with a lamp atmosphere, here you can be different buddies and argue, hoard other people’s territories or create your own team?‍♂️?‍♀️

    So check you already at the same time??

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Survival Economy Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!