Advancedchests Advancedenchantments Artmap Bank Chestshop Crazyenchantments Economy Epicspawners Gadgetsmenu Jobsreborn Mcmmo Minecord Particles Playervaults Playerwarps Pocketgames Rainbowspro Shopgui Survival Vehicles Voodoo


Please play here. Same as most but when you play here you will start to notice that a lot of the features are free here. There are a lot of plugins from custom enchantments to rainbows with leprechauns. There will be all kinds of tournaments to win Premium ranks and Keys so come play. Thank you for your time.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Auto Enviro Features Island Money Nam Pub Public Rad Today Unique Upgrade Upgrades Wait Warp

EnviroMC Skyblock Server [1.8-1.16]

EnviroMC Offers a unique fun approach to skyblock, here you can find features such as /Upgrade Free upgrades for anyone to achieve for there island /Warp Mine A public mine for anyone to earn money and much more. Our server has great staff and also a friendly community, so why wait?…. come and join us today! IP :

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

100 100% Auto Cod Coded Custom Lec Les Nam Name Plugin Plugins Rule Rules Survival NO RULES 24/7 100% custom plugins

Do you want to play on a server without ANY rules?

This server is for you.

100% custom coded plugins.

1.9 6969 Bedwars Challenge Challenges Edit Eng Experiment Hypixel Lore Mad Mechanics Ored Rime Tail

1.16 “Hypixel” (Using 1.9 Mechanics)

Hello, all! I’m experimenting with some sort of a Hypixel with 1.16 game mechanics, and with all new challenges made and tailored for 1.16+.

EDIT: Whitelist on for a few more hours, until we finish Bedwars.

Flags Friendly Furi Gay Homo Instagram Lgbt Lgbtq Lives Minecraft Movement Rainbow Server Survival Tlauncher

LGBTQ+ Furia Survival

✦🏳️‍🌈✦ Who is the server made for? ✦🏳️‍🌈✦

Our server is for premium and non premium players. You don’t have to purchase Minecraft to play with us. All you have to do is download a free launcher (for example: SKLauncher or TLauncher). The most important thing for us is to make a server for everyone. A safe place where everyone can be themselves without judging. We strongly support LGBTQ+ Community and Black Lives Matter Movement.

✦🏳️‍🌈✦ What do we offer? ✦🏳️‍🌈✦

Easy survival server with fun plugins. You can chat with other players to get to know people who are just like you!
What else? Everyone is equal so no pay to win!
When it comes to LGBTQ+ you can find a rainbow parkour on spawn and lots of pride flags in our Pride Crate. If your flag is not there dm us on Instagram ( and we’ll make sure to add it as soon as possible.

Sooooo if you are looking for new friends, unlimited fun, kind, mature staff and a friendly community, you’ve come to the right place. Furia is your way to go!

✦🏳️‍🌈✦ Don’t wait any longer and join us now! ✦🏳️‍🌈✦

Club Eee Eye Faction Factions Freeranks Hiring Hiringstaff Hoe Island Islandmc Kitpvp Lol New Oins

The Island

A new Factions and Kitpvp server! We are hiring staff and giving away free rank to whoever joins within the first week! Come check it out and have fun!

I don’t really have much else to add to this thing lol but i worked on this for a while so join and apply for staff and be staff on a minecraft server and yeyeyeyeyyyeyeyeyeyeyyeywheeeeeeeeeee

/a/ Address Bedrock Challenges Claim Construction Crates Images Imgur Keys Midland Rock Semi Survival Villager


> **MidLands | Semi-Vanilla Minecraft Survival **[1.16.2]

║ We now support **1.16.2!**

║ No non Survival Items
║ Daily Events
║ Friendly Community
║ Small Minigame Challenges for Fun

║ New type of “minecraft genera” in construction! open to community approx: 1 month +
║ Now supporting bedrock! join our discord for the ip address and port!

> **Join now at:**
> **or Join our Discord!**
> *images:*

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1.16.1 City Dates Die Ign Neu Pie Pig Pvp Sin Spigot Ten Update Updates Vie


Hallo auf diesem Server gibt es viele Spiel Modis und wir sind auch noch ziemlich neu darum werden in der nächsten Zeit sehr viele Updates kommen !! Kommt gerne drauf ( ; (1.16.1)

1.12 1.12.2 Account Add Added Ate Best Cent Donate Has Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer This You

❤️ BvrCraft ❤️ Best Donate, PVP ⭐1.12.2 Minecraft server

Server owner “❤️ BvrCraft ❤️ Best Donate, PVP ⭐1.12.2” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.


Advertising Crest Decent Keepinv Keepinventory Panda Pandas Playershop Playershops Rtp Sethomes Silkspawner Silkspawners Spring Survival

Hillcrest Survival [Many Features]


I got bored and wanted to make a decent server with heaps of stuff to do that isn’t P2W. We’re a 1 month old server that gets around 10 people or so in our peak hours, just looking for mature cool people to come hang out and play MC. I’ll keep this post simple and outline the server and its’ features below.

Rankup system, each with a kit. First being Guest, last being Veteran. The last rank has /fly.
/ptime, /echest, you can have 3 /sethomes’
Advanced Achievements
Starter kit!
SilkSpawners for everyone
Jobs to help you earn your way up the ranks.
Pandas that mate and produce offspring
Staff are not given any special permissions and must play like the players (Including me!)
RTP for an easy start
Small, fresh community
No donation ranks. We are strongly against the P2W mentality, hence the rankup system
KeepInventory true
Minimal chat restrictions, however advertising and disrespect are strongly against the rules.
Active Staff
Just a well made server that I put alot of effort into.

Our discord and server chat are also linked, making it easy to talk to your friends and the community if you are unable to come on. In addition to our server, you can join discord at

The staff and I hope to see you online! Thanks for taking your time to read up until this point

Economy Economychestshop Economysurvival Fun Kits Kitstarter Lands Mcmmo Pve Pve Economy Shops Spawners Spawnersilk Survival Vanillalike

[1.16.2]L3E Economy | Kits | MCMMO | Shops | Lands | Ranks

Level 3 Engineers is proud to debut our 1.16.2 survival economy server!

  This server is designed to capture the the vanilla Minecraft experience and augment that experience with a fully featured economy system! When we set out to create this server, we wanted the economy to be well balanced while maintaining a level of enjoyment you’ll love! We have elected to add some quality of life plugins, such as EpicBackpacks and Ultimate Timber. Players can protect their bases with Lands!

  Our server is running on our network’s dedicated machine, which has an overclocked i7-7700K, 64GB DDR4, and NVMe SSDs in raid 0. All our servers are online 24/7. We conduct rigorous maintenance of all our servers to ensure the upmost player experience.The Overworld has been pre-generated 10K block in every direction from Spawn City.


Join us today! IP:

Server located in Beauharnois, Québec, Canada.

Dream Economy Friends Hunter Launching Minigames Pvparena Runner Speed Speedrun Speedrunner Speedrunner Vs Vanilla Versus Wagers


Im a plugin developer launching my new Vanilla MC server with SpeedRunner vs Hunter(2+ people), PVPBattle, ParkourBattle, Wagers, and more. New Server, Custom plugins, Looking for staff, Message Dodgers69 In game!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

100% Bte Explora Extra Fru Ios Jet Magic Max Mundo Pal Pit Reino Survival Vie


¡Bienvenid@ a EpicLandCraft!

¡Compite y gana el trono del Reino!

Esperamos que disfrutes al máximo nuestro server, el principal objetivo de el Reino de EpicLandCraft es que tod@s se diviertan y disfruten en nuestro genial mundo survival, teniendo horas y horas de infinita entretención. Pero aunque tememos decirte que no todo es 100% survival, ¡no temas! pues se trata de increíbles ventajas, que te invitamos a descubrir mientras exploras el mágico mundo de EpicLandCraft.

Y aún más, si quieres aumentar la diversión al límite puedes obtener más y soñados beneficios y mejoras aportando a nuestro server. Donando, estarías contribuyendo a hacer de EpicLancraft el mundo mucho más épico y extraordinario de todo Minecraft.

Esperamos que te diviertas : )

Con cariño,

El equipo de EpicLandCraft

1day 1week Apply Developer Discord Free Hermitcraft Jumbo Minecraft Mumbo Needed New Nopay2win Noplugins Smp Staff Survival Whitelist

ViveSMP | Hermitcraft | Whitelist | Community | New

We are a small SMP server looking to expand our community further. This server is only 1 week old meaning you wont be very far behind other people. So bring your friends on with you and join us. We use whitelist system with discord to ensure the people we accept are serious about the play style. Our developer keeps the server lag free and runs cool server wide games for everyone to enjoy. Did you say land claim? pay to win? Nope not here. We are vanilla server sticking to trust and loyalty and so far we have had no issues. Join us if you are serious.

Join the discord. Answer the questions in the apply channel and get accepted 😀

300 Alcohol Ares Creative Early Griefprevention Legion Plugins Pvp Resource Resources Siege Survival Testing Worldguard

The Indominus Legion Minecraft Server!

Welcome to the official Indominus Legion Minecraft server!

The Indominus Legion is a gaming community with over 300 members. We are a community that cares very much for our members and will dedicate all of our resources to ensure players have a good time!

Please note that this server is still in early testing.

We hope to see you soon o7.

Bungeecord Canada Customizable Duping Maine Many Players Miecraft Older Optifine Optional Rserver Sleep Stands Survival Ungee

Homiecraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.2} {14+

Homiecraft is a friendly, English-speaking, semi-vanilla server. Our median for communication is our Discord server. We have been around for 4 years now and we are currently on our fourth world. We have had many players come and go throughout the years, but we always have remained a close-knitted community. The server is hosted in Canada but we have multiple players from the EU as well.We have a Bungeecord and have 4 Servers that can be accessed via /server “name”

whitelistnew – Latest whitelisted survival server. Difficulty:Hard
whitelistold – Older survival server that will be deleted near the of this year (2020) Difficulty:Normal
kingdoms – Factions based server, join a team,work together and build a city while other factions. Be careful who you trust for griefing is allowed.Keep chat respectable though no divisive topics.Difficulty:Hard
lobby – Lobby server ,mainly a welcoming place: Difficulty:Peaceful

How to joinLeave a comment or send me a dm in this format

1. Minecraft username [Required]
2. Discord Username [Required]
3. Why you want to join [Optional]
4. Timezone

INFORMATIONServer IP: [Whitelist only]
Version: 1.16.2Core ProtectOne Person SleepNo World BoarderPlayer Head DropsCustomizable Armour Stands

Be mature and respect builds. Build at least 100 blocks from someoneNo griefing/stealingBe respectfulObey StaffOnly mutually agreed PvP is allowedX-Ray, hacking, duping and other exploits will result in an immediate banOptifine is allowedAt least age 14 or olderServer official language is English: If you would like to bring a non-english friend you must translate for them

Atm Atmosphere Cheat Cheater Creativity Elf Griefers Heat Mini-game Mini-games Relax Schoo School Survival Multiplayer Tir

MakeWorld server Minecraft

Tired of the same mini-games? Come to MakeWorld and immerse yourself in the tube atmosphere of survival and creativity. There are no griefers and cheaters here, but mostly an adequate community plays. Do you want to relax? Creativity for you. Want vanilla survival without various school plugins? Survival mode is your choice. Our server on Discord:

900 Almost Buildings Elves Mission Private Russia Russian Russian Minecraft Sand Ssia Survival Multiplayer Usa Wip Wipe

Loudest House [1.16.2] // There was a wipe recently! Minecraft server

Description of the server Our mission is to create a server where everyone can realize themselves.

We have integrated many features into the game that you will not find on other vanilla servers of the Russian Minecraft community.
Also, we do not have griffing that affects the gameplay of donation and other slag. Almost pure vanilla will allow
you will be fully realized, and the privates, with a total number of blocks of more than 900 thousand, will help make sure that your buildings remain intact.

Happy playing at Loudest House!

1.16.1 2020 Auto Bar Content Faction Pvp Lec List Mcserver Nam Name Plot Plots Ten Upload



De BosBar Server || 1.16.1 ||
Factions || Creative Plots || Survival || Skyblock

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Advanced BuildCraft Endless Exchange Forest Forestry Industrial Industrial Craft Limited Minecraft Spleef Nen Ores Starter Trial Unlimited

BestMineNN Hi-Tech Minecraft server

SUPER Hi-Tech assembly consisting of: Industrial Craft 2 Experemental, Advanced Solar Panels, Gravitation Suite, Applied Energistics 2, Buildcraft, Forestry and much more)))) Adequate Administration, who are glad to see you on our project. There are Starter Kits, Economy, Shops, Events, Exchangers, UNLIMITED world, ENDLESS possibilities. For each ordinary player from 2 private to 150 k. + Donation system and much more))))

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Eternia Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!