Alcohol Block Car Class Craft Eco Econ Economy End Eventos Events Gui Has Irl Keys Luckyblock Luckyblocks Map Mcmmo Mob Mobs Mod Mods Multiplayer Paperspigot Play Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Real Redstone Server Staff Sub Survival Tea Title


KeySet es un servidor survival que busca una experiencia de survival con mods, sin utilizar mods, unicamente con plugins, con una comunidad muy activa y un staff que os recibira sin problemas.

● Crossplay con beadrock (podeis entrar al servidor desde cualquier plataforma)
● Sistema de economía, selecciona un trabajo y gana dinero para comprar en la tienda.
● Crafteos personalizados.
● Bloques de protección (uno de regalo al entrar por primera vez).
● Torretas defensivas (disponibles en la tienda).
● Todo tipo de armas.
● Tumbas al morir.
● Ascensores (poniendo un bloque de lana y una alfombra encima).
● LuckyBlocks (puedes craftearlos con un soltador rodeado de lingotes de hierro).
● Mascotas (puedes conseguirlas comprandolas o matando a un mob con una rienda, entonces este se volvera tu mascota).
● Sensores de proximidad (envía una señal de redstone al estar cerca).
● Los mobs y los jugadores tienen mucha mas probabilidad de soltar su cabeza al morir.
● Decoraciones.
● Vehiculos.
● Sistema de pesca mejorado.
● Mapa en tiempo real.
● Drogas, alcohol y todo tipo de substancias.
● Sistema de amigos.
● Actualizaciones constantes con muchas mas caracteristicas.

Block Class Construcciones Craft Eco Econ End Ender Event Eventos Has Ill Kill Latino Mad Mcmmo Mine Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Npc Npcs Plugin Pro Pvp Residence Rpg Server Skills Spawn Survival Tale Title Trading Vanilla


Hola!! Bienvenido al CoCrafters! El server que estabas esperando.

Survival con Estilo de Juego RPG, en nuestro server puedes encontrar:

  • Skills y Talentos con Mcmmo, adquiere poderes increíbles aumentando tus niveles de batalla, agricultura, casería, minería, domador, etc.
  • Trading Avanzado. Encuentra Npcs en nuestro spawn que pueden venderte cosas artículos increíbles, y todos estos con los mismos recursos que consigas.
  • Economía. Consigue Dinero Minando y Matando Mobs.
  • Residence. Protege tus construcciones y casas con el Plugin de Residence. No te vas a arrepentir de esta modalidad de protección.
  • Mundos Pvp, de Eventos y Mazmorras. Muchas formas de divertirte!
  • Los estamos esperando!!! Comunidad Latina y abierta al crecimiento de nuestra comunidad!

    Auction Auctions Best Crates Creative Custom Discord Enchants Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fly Hub Job Jobs Kingdom Kit Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Network New Open Pay Pets Play Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Rewards Server Shop Skyblock Store Survival Title Town Towny Website

    Kingdom Craft [Factions] [Skyblock] [Creative Towny] [Survival]

    About Us:
    Kingdom Craft has many different options when you first join. You could choose from Classic Factions, Skyblock which has custom islands, custom enchants and much more, or you could choose Survival which has custom jobs, McMMo, custom weather plugin, we also have a brand new mode that’s called Towny Creative which combines two things people love Creative and Towny!



    Factions – ClassicTNT, Factions Top, McMMo, GUIShop, CustomTNTCannons

    Creative – Towny, Rewards, Crates, Quests

    Skyblock, CustomIslands, Crates, Pets, IslandFly, TokenShop, Mines, Farms

    Survival – Jobs, Backpacks, CustomWeather, Market, Auctions



    Factions – *FTOP* 1st place: $200 , 2nd Place Free Rank, 3rd place Free Ranked Kit

    Creative – *BEST TOWN* 1st place: $20 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

    SkyBlock – *ISLAND TOP* 1st Place: $50 PayPal + 500,000 in-game cash, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit + 200,000 in-game caash, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit + 100,000 in-game cash

    Survival – *MOST TIME PLAYED* 1st Place: $25 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

    *each prize is given quarterly*




    Ace Auction Auctions Block Class Crate Crates Crazy Crazycrates Discord Emo Enchantments Epic Free Help House Ill Job Jobs King Lottery Need New Noop Open Play Player Players Sellwands Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Title Top Wands World

    Ashanar We have Jobs,EpicFurnaces,DisplyShops,DeluxesSellWands,CrazyCrates,AuctionsHouse,AdvanceMonthlyCrates,Lottery,AdvanceEnchantments

    Ashanar looking for a dev and a new players please feel free to stop in
    plz copy from here and add server its a new world and new server

    Here is the discord

    Its a new server im still setting up please feel free to stop in if u would like to help

    We have Jobs,EpicFurnaces,DisplyShops,DeluxesSellWands,CrazyCrates,

    I need a dev and Staff for support for players

    Balanced Economy Ersion111 Faction Pvp Factionpvp Factions Ftop Greatstaff Griefing Mcmmo Noabuse Pvp Raiding Spawners Version110 Version112 Version113 Version114 Version115 Version18 Version19

    ChaseCraftX Faction Server [1.8 – 1.15]

    ChaseCraftX is a Factions Server With Fully Configured Plugins

    – PvP logging system
    – Raiding breaks obsidian in 6 TNT Hits
    – GUIShop /shop for fast convenient shopping
    – McMMO
    – Voting Rewards
    – AntiCheat

    Chat Class Cracked Create Custom Custommobs Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Events Friends Fun Great King Magic Magical Mob Mobs Mythicmobs Network Open Pve Quest Quests Ranks Rpg Server Servers Slimefun Spawn Staff Survival Title Unique Weapons Wilderness

    Null Network – [Custom Survival] – [Cracked]

    Null Network is a survival server that focuses on becoming a unique survival experience. Using a resourcepack we created, we made unique weapons and mobs that seperates us from other servers!


    – Unique Weapons:
    * Magical Instruments (Flute, Guitar, Harp, Bell)
    *More is under development!*

    – Custom naturally spawning mobs around the wilderness.
    – Quests with unique Dialogue GUI.
    – Direct Discord chat to in-game chat! Chat with your friends in between!

    – Custom music that can be used in music discs!
    – Skin changer in-game!
    – Discord 2FA. Secure your account even more!
    And many more!

    We hope to see you in-game soon!

    Server host is located at Singapore.

    P.S: We are NOT looking for STAFF. Please don’t ask to be staff, too. Thank you!


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Arena Blockhunt Datapack Ffa Games Gungame Has Hideandseek Knockbackffa Minigames Paintball Pigwars Server Skywars Spleef Tntrun Trapking Ttt Vanilla

    Vanilla Minigames [DE|EN]

    Version 1.15.2!

    Aktuell gibt es auf diesem Server 12 Spielmodi, alle wurden selbst mit Datenpaketen programmiert! Es werden keine Plugins verwendet!
    Alle (aktuellen) Spielmodi, Ideen werden gerne gesehen und umgesetzt:
    – Block Hunt
    – GunGame
    – Knockback
    – TTT
    – Mini-Bedwars (BW-Training)
    – Pigwars (ähnlich wie Bedwars, nur statt Betten Schweine)
    – Skywars 2vs1 & 4×2
    – Paintball
    – TNT-Run
    – Spleef
    – Trapking
    – Mobarena
    – MLG Training

    Alles, was möglich ist, wird auf Englisch übersetzt (mithilfe von /trigger Language im Spiel auswählbar).
    – Ticket-System ingame
    – Fliegen & Nick für YouTuber (kann auf dem Discord beantragt werden)
    – Spiele beobachten
    – Events

    This server consists only of data packs, (almost) everything is self coded! Our gamemodes:
    – GunGame
    – Knockback
    – Pigwars (a kind of Bedwars)
    – Mini-Bedwars (Stickfight/Stickjump)
    – Block Hunt
    – TTT
    – Skywars 2vs1 & 4×2
    – Paintball
    – TNT-Run
    – Spleef
    – Trapking
    – Mobarena
    – MLG Training

    Default language is german, but you can use /trigger Language ingame to see more english ^^


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Admin Allowed Auction Build Claim Color Crazy Creative Eco End Essentials Event Family Friendly Grief Griefprevention Job Jobs Map Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mypet New Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Ranks Server Servers Staff Survival Title Vanilla Vault

    Chugs and Beagles

    Server IP:
    :apple: by thebaum64 This is a simple 1.15.2 survival server.
    It was established in memory of 2 dogs, as well as to help cope with anxiety. :)

    Grief Prevention
    Crazy Auction House
    Player Vault
    PVP Toggle
    Sleep Plugin

    This server is mainly for family oriented players, parents, children, passionate builders and nature lovers, who simply want a quiet survival server without the noise of ranks, staff or pay2win.
    Everyone will have equal access to commands, including /nick & color use, as well as many other commands. If you become a trusted player, you can take a break from survival and work on creative projects or terraforming if this is something you are passionate about.

    The server was established on the 6th of March 2020. The map is brand new, with simple notice boards at spawn and roughly 200×200 admin claim around spawn. Players may be allowed to build in the admin claim if they prove they can be trusted. The map border is currently set to 10k, but this will be expanded as and if needed.

    If this server sounds appealing to you, please come check it out. Anyone is welcome, as long as they keep the server family friendly.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Anarchy Anarchy Server Anti Base Bee Block Car Cheat Class Com Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fresh Land Lands Make Map New Play Player Plugin Plugins Server Spawn Style Survival Title Toxic Tpa Trust Welcome Who

    Lost Lands Anarchy

    Welcome to the Lost Lands!

    We’ve been awaiting your arrival. Now that you’re here, make yourself a base and remember to be careful who you trust…you never know who may turn on you.

    We’re a brand new Anarchy server with a fresh new map, no installed anti-cheat plugins, and /tpa enabled! There’s no messed up spawn, inflated economy, or toxic player base (yet!)

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Anti Anticheat Block Cheat Class Economy Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fast Gui Guishop Hub Mcmmo Mmo Obsidian Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Rewards Server Shop Shopping Straight Title Tnt Version110 Version111 Version112 Version113 Version18 Version19 Voting War

    Flipcore Faction Server [1.8-1.15]

    Welcome to FlipCore Faction server fully configured plugins. It is a straight Faction server, no HUB.

    – PvP logging system
    – Raiding breaks obsidian 5 tnt clean hits
    – GUIShop for fast convenient shopping
    – McMMO
    – Voting Rewards
    – AntiCheat System

    Claim Claiming Class Classic Community Craft Discord Donor End Experience Friends Inecraft Item Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Multiplayer New Noop Open Play Player Plot Rol Semivanilla Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Trading Traditional Vanilla Website World

    Woodencraft Survival Multiplayer – A simple, community oriented survival server with trading shops!

    Some people don’t want to play a server loaded with features that takes forever to figure out — some want the traditional Minecraft experience with their friends.

    Welcome to Woodencraft Survival Multiplayer! As a community oriented server, we welcome you to our classic survival experience with a few added features such as land claiming and player controlled trading shops!

    We now have also added a donor world! Our many generous donors get a flat world to unleash their creativity in a non-plot, open world system.

    Our Website
    Our Discord

    Anarchy Bloodmoon Bloodmoonadvanced Crates Customitems Faction Pvp Factions Factionspvp Mcmmo Mobhunting Mythicitems Mythicmobs Parkour Pvp Semianarchy


    CheechCraft has it all!

    CheechCraft has many things to fulfill your minecraft server experience. From Factions and PVP, to a parkour and duel arena as well as a fantastic zoo, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Cheechcraft! You’ll never get bored like these other servers you log into and immediately log out. One main feature of our server is the incredible earned ranking system! Every rank is free to obtain, and users can strive to be on top! Be sure to vote every day for rewards! We are an unique, fun community of players who strive to have the best server on Minecraft!

    Based Block Chestshop Class Create Dark Diamond Diamonds Discord Economy End Enjin Friends Game Mcmmo Minecraft Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Noop Open Play Player Players Server Shop Shops Survival Title Town Towns Towny Townysurvival Twitch Twitchtv Website Wns Youtube

    [1.15.2] DarkageMC

    DarkageMC is a survival server based on Towny. Create towns with your friends or live in a town by yourself. The choice is yours. DarkageMC also offers shops that players can create to buy / sell stuff in game to other players. Sell anything from Sticks to Diamonds. The choice is yours.


    Adventure Challenge Combat Community Computers Customenchants Customitems Custommobs Customterrains Customworld Enchants Exploration Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fantasy Friendly Kingdom Kingdoms Leveling Magic Magical Magicalspells Magicclasses Magicspells Medieval Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Smp Spells Tech Technology Tripp Tripph Unique Winterhelm Wynterstudios

    [WinterHelm] (Vanilla Modded): Survival RPG/Kingdoms (Friendly Community)

    brightness_3The Best Survival RPG on Minecraft Reborn… 5 Years Revivedbrightness_3


    This is what makes WinterHelm WinterHelm
    We are a survival RPG server centered around raiding, while having the PVE experience. A lot of the servers inspiration came from DivineRPG and the old Voids Wrath pack by the Atlantic Craft. We expanded upon the idea of a Survival RPG in Minecraft and made it a reality. With Kingdoms, players can attack each other, while others go to fight bosses.

    We have a friendly community, with both conquerors and heroes. With a server so large, no one has ever completed it in our testing and old version. Now, we are just expanding. Fight others, explore the realm, do quests, and fight bosses. Have fun and enjoy WinterHelm!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Auctionhouse Build Community Crates Create Creative Currency Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Events Fun Irl Jobs Lottery Minecraft New Normal Play Plots Plugin Pvp Quest Quests Rewards Secrets Server Shop Shops Skyblock Small Survival Town Towny Trans Voting

    E-Public | The Server for Everyone

    E-Public is a towny and economy server for players of all ages. We aim to create a safe environment supporting a challenging survival mode, packed with quests and a variety of hidden secrets to find.

    In order to assist your progression, we have implemented auctioning systems, lottery, loot crates and shops (all using your in-game currency).

    In addition to the above, you can also find other players with whom you can fairly trade items. We love seeing this on our server as it is a prime example of the community activity we want to encourage.

    Towny is a huge part of our server, it allows players to claim and protect their land – feel free to request to join an existing town, make your own or start one with a friend. We’ve found that the more friends you bring, the more fun you’ll have!

    For those that want a minecraft experience not too different from the norm, we have added a selection of jobs. These roles can be filled easily with just the press of a button and allows the player to earn money passively

    Alongside the survival economy, you can also become a proud owner of one of our Skyblocks. You have the option to browse our exclusive shops designed specifically for Skyblock players and fill your inventory with a variety of items, some of which are physically impossible to obtain through playing the Skyblock normally.

    We reward players for voting on the server and host a range of custom events weekly. We started E-Public as a group of friends that enjoy playing Minecraft together, so we implemented a discord server, a creative world and a brand-new hunger games plugin to make it easier for players to experience E-Public together.

    Currently we are looking for builders to help us expand our vast maps for the aforementioned hunger games. They can be a bit daunting for one or two builders to tackle alone, so we’re allowing committed community members to help us craft these worlds. Should this seem a bit too big a job, we also encourage builders to create their own smaller-scale projects in our creative plots. This allows us to transfer them into the hunger games maps to create a collaborative experience that feels organic – we want our players to know that their work matters.

    We have a playtime-based rank system that rewards players at all levels with honours such as new warping privileges, XP, in-game currency and much more. These can all be unlocked by simply climbing the E-Public social ladder.

    Highly dedicated players may also gain access to our remarkable VIP zone, which overlooks the impromptu fights that may occur in our PVP arena. Feel free to join in with /warp pvp if you’re feeling lucky.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our new server, and we look forward to seeing you on E-Public!

    Action Admin Better Block Build Class Community Craft Create Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Hard Home Ill Inecraft King Kits Make Mine Minecraft Minigames Mod Moderator New Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Title

    Stayhome MC. Factions, PVP

    This is a newly created server. We are looking to build a well rounded community, we are still hard at work to make the server better and add more things to do. We currently have factions and skyblock as well as other fun plugins installed. We are also looking for 1 moderator and 1 admin on the server as well.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Arena Auction Block Build Buildbattle Cat Class Creative Creativeplots Custom Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Fun Game Games Ill King Mini Games Mob Mod Nice Parkour Play Plot Plots Realm Semi Semivanilla Server Small Survival Title Vanilla World

    Cat Realms

    Greetings and welcome to Cat Realms!
    We are a small yet friendly server with looking for both active and nice people to play with!1.-We have Semi-vanilla survival mode, with a nice economy, auction house, and /sell hand command available.
    2.-We have as well a Creative world, using the regular yet efficient PlotSquared system.
    3.-And last but not least, we have some mini games available! such as a custom mob arena, build battle, and a small but fun parkour for you to have fun!!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Build Chestshop Claim Claims Community Coreprotect Creative Discord Economy End Friendly Good Grief Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft New Nogrief Online Open Play Player Pve Rank Ranks Rewards Rol Rtp Server Shop Shops Small Staff Survival Survive Title Unique Voting War Welcoming

    TheLostWoodsMC 1.15.2 | Land Claims | No Grief | Player Warps & Shops | Rank Progression | Friendly Community



    We are a new Survival server running 1.15.2. Join us and work your way through the ranks by playing Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Build, break and survive! Our rank structure is unique to our server and will always keep you busy as you make your way to the status of Emperor.

    We offer land protection straight out of the gate as you join the server. You get 500 blocks to start a small build and can earn at least 5 per hour and more for voting or buying them with the money you earn on the server! You want to build and feel protected from griefers? This is the server for you. We also use a very comprehensive Anti-Cheat and CoreProtect to allow us to catch and rollback any damage done by cheaters!

    Our small but growing community are very welcoming to new players and go out of their way to make sure you get as easy a start as possible. If you just want to go solo they will respect that too! We always have someone from the staff team online to help if you ever need it to so feel free to ask in chat and we will be more than willing to help you!

    You can earn in-game rewards by voting for us and leaving good reviews about us on our various server pages and forum threads so be sure to leave your IGN if you do post!

    We are waiting for you to join!

    Active Admin Admins Class Craft Currency Diamond Discord Eco Econ Economy End Game Greif Greifing Hack Hacking Head Heads Inecraft Item Items King Mine Minecraft Mob New Play Player Reddit Semi Server Shop Survival Title Top Trade Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

    Sikatika Economy

    Sikatika Economy is a semi-vanilla survival minecraft server in the end game phase of the game. It has a shopping district where you can buy items and set up a new shop. The currency of the server is diamonds. We also have some datapcks like wandering trader micro blocks, player heads, and more mob heads. We also have active admins to stop greifing and hacking. Once you have played for a few days we will invite you to our discord. To get whitelisted contact OxygenBreather#7302 on discord, or GamboySanderson on reddit.

    Arena Ark Ass Blo Block Build Builder Class Conomy Creative Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Everything Has Kit Kits Need Park Parkour Plugin Plugins Pvp Rvival Server Soon Surviv Surviva Survival This Title

    The Everything Server

    This server has many plugins. It has survival, economy, parkour, and a creative server! There is more! Kits being added soon. IN NEED OF BUILDER FOR PVP ARENA!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Good Bedrock Skyblock Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!