Economy Minecraft 2 Mypet Mypets No Premium Protections Protectionstone Protectionstones Proxima Pve Pvp Rp Minecraft Stones Survival Vanilla

ERP Minecraft 2019

Java 1.14.4
Premium & No Premium
Survival Hard PvE (Proximamente PvP)
Plugin MyPets
Plugin ProtectionStones
Dead Chest
Server Store
And much more!

Boss Bosses Companions Economy Enjoyable Pve Pvp Rive Survival Towny Upcoming Vanilla Virtual Wip Wipe

Virtual Network

Virtual Network is an upcoming survival community. We strive to give players an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Survival Features:
– Player Shops
– Vote Rewards
– Custom Items and Bosses
– No Map Wipes
– Grief Protection
– Companions

We hope to see you on the server!

3v3 8bp Bastion Building Communitydriven Controversial Dmz Hxh Mnm Oceania Rtx Survival Trove Vanilla Whitelisted

The Old Bastion ♣ 18+ Whitelisted Community

Old Bastion Logo

Welcome to the Old Bastion — a private hard-mode-survival community with a focus.

The Old Bastion is a brand new whitelisted hard difficulty vanilla survival server with the goal of building up a beautiful world as a small, tight-nit community of mature adults over the long haul. Survive from the darkness, gather materials, and build the homes, towns, cities and monuments of your dreams as part of the community. This means you should have some skills in building to show in your application. It should also be said that the Old Bastion has a strict 18+ policy. We also desire members who can play around the oceanic time-zones.

Myself and any future moderators will all be playing in survival mode alongside everyone else. The only time creative will be used is for moderation purposes and content production (i,e. screenshots, etc). The only time it was used to spawn in blocks was for the spawn point circle.

Origin Story
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, a lone man sought to find a place that he could call home. Unfortunately for him, he would always find certain aspects of these servers that left much to be desired. He wanted a place where he could let his imagination roam free alongside a small yet mature community that endeavours to do the same, all whilst having some good fun. He also doesn’t appreciate how most servers are often modded to hell and back with plugins. He very much prefers a minimalist approach to the use of plugins. So this is how the Old Bastion came to exist. It is a server that will scratch his itch and potentially scratch the itch of others as well . The only plugin currently enabled is Paper for its performance improvements. There may be a permissions plugin at some point simply for management purposes.


– Do not touch other members builds or items unless you have permission to do so.
– Keep the terrain and generated structures as tidy as possible.
– Respect your fellow members.
– Be mature in your actions and interactions.
– Do not discuss politics, ideologies or potentially controversial issues that would dampen everyone’s mood. This place is aimed at being a positive place to escape from life a bit.
– No hacks or scripts are allowed (includes afk fishing and afk mob grinding scripts). Optifine and other quality of life/visual mods are fine though.
– Additional rules can be found in the discord

– Mob griefing is disabled
– Fire tick (spread) is disabled
– Datapack: CoordinatesHUD
– Datapack: Nether Portal Coordinates
– Datapack: Custom Nether Portals
– Datapack: Double Shulker Shells
– Datapack: Afk Display

Application Requirements:
– 18+
– Be able to provide a few samples of survival builds you’ve done.
– Be able to play alongside those in oceanic timezones (namely Australia)
– Be at least semi-active each week.

If this interests you at all, join the discord and send me an application in the #application channel. Read the pin for details.

Server Information
Hosted by Stipe Servers
Located: Sydney, Australia

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Change Custom Mobs Economy Lms Mcmmo Post Pve Realms Rmc Season Seasonal Seasons Survival Theme Vanilla

Diamond Realms

We are a survival server with custom loot and mobs. We have events every day happening 24 hours a day. We have MCMMO with custom mobs. The custom mobs drop custom loot that you can buy and sell to another player. The server changes theme based on seasons. There will be custom seasonal events happening year around. Join now and make yourself at home on Diamond Realms, we are friendly with active and helpful staff members. Join today for a great time and post on our friendly forums at WE look forward to getting to know you. We will see you on Diamond Realms.

1.14 Active Staff City Dcraft Deal Economy Gar Idea Pve Pvp Rankup Skyblock Stad Survival Uhc

Asgard Craft

Asgard Server
IP :
Server 1.8 to 1.14
SkyBlock and Uhc Run coming soon
Recurrences, City, Tops
More than 10 Ranks for Users (RankUp by Time)
Host 24/7 * Open ALL day *
ACTIVE STAFF * Looking for STAFF *
0 LAG Hostado EEUU
Ideal for playing with friends and hanging out

1.14 1.8 A Minecraft Awesome Bed Bedwar Bedwars Bug Cut Cute Factions Kie Prison Skyblock Survival

Hyskies Network

Hyskies Network is a Minecraft server (1.8.8 – 1.14.4) owned by ooAddman and Cuteybugplays. We have games on our server like SkyBlock, Bedwars, and more. Join to be a part of the awesome community today!

Our Discord:

Crafters Economy Emerald Emeralds Forest Portal Potion Potions Pve Pvp Save Shop Shopkeepers Smp Survival

Ruin Crafters

MC.RUINCRAFTERS.NET is a survival server with an emerald based economy.
Go through the portal at spawn into the wilds, create your base, farm materials to sell for emeralds and buy weapons, armor, and potions.

Things to know about this server:

  • No land claiming
  • You tp with your mount
  • the forests will naturally regrow
  • save your emeralds with /deposit

  • Categories
    A Minecraft Ats Creative Gon Imple Ita Kywars Rats Sever Simple Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival These

    Nalgonas rats

    We are a Minecraft community. We offer several game modes where you can have fun. These modalities are Survival, Skyblock, Creative and Skywars. We want to keep our server simple and fun for everyone. Every day we do our best to bring them what they deserve.

    Activedevelopers Activestaff Boy Cosmos Customenchants Customplugins Economy Factions Koth Mcmmo Playervaults Pve Pvp Pvpareans Tokens

    The Sacred Cosmos [AUS] | Factions – PVP | MCMMO

    Welcome to The Sacred Cosmos.
    We’re back and even stronger then ever, we as a team have the sole purpose to change the way Minecraft survival, pvp, and factions works together in a server.

    We offer everything that a factions server would and more, but there is a twist and more to be added in the future.

    The server is still being developed and boy do we have some things in store, changing the way combat works, with KOTH, PVP arenas etc to come the server is only going to grow,
    we have an immerse economy system all running in with the newest version of Minecraft (1.16.1)

    Currently we use our discord as our server website, we have a store running using the web, but currently the server’s website is run and based completely through the discord!

    The list of plugins are massive, with the most unique features added to give the players a unique feel.

    We look forward to seeing you in the server,
    Good Luck cosmonaut you’re going to need it.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Address Bar Blog Brazil Brazilian Economy Light Mcmmo Pot Pvp Slime Slimefun Super Survival Vanilla


    Brazilian Minecraft server
    Type: Survival (Vanilla with light and simple plugins and fun)
    Added plugins: Slimefun, Pets
    Server Address:

    Alia Army Factions Famous Gamemodes Hub Official Prison Skyblock Survival Uber Updated Welcoming Youtube Youtuber

    Ali-ACraft Network

    Ali-ACraft Network (1.8+)

    Welcome to Ali-ACraft, the official server of famous Youtuber, Ali-A! We’re a hub server with unique features, gamemodes, and a welcoming community! Our server is 99% lag-free, has friendly staff, and is constantly updated with new features to ensure players always enjoy the network, experiencing all the features we have to offer.

    We hope to see you soon!
    – Ali-A Army

    Apex Arenas Claiming Clan Clans Dun Dungeon Geo Land Claim Leaderboard Leaderboards Maps Monthly Pve Economy Reviv

    CenturyMC OG

    CenturyMC OG is a revival of a minecraft server me and old friends made in 2012-2013! CenturyMC is a PvP/PvE Clan server full of things to do. We provide PvP Arenas, PvE Dungeon Maps, Jobs with leaderboards and other community events. We will add new content monthly for every player to enjoy. Features: -PvP -Dungeon Maps -Jobs -Clans -Mob Arenas -Land Claiming

    Ace Ask Aternos Ava Emc Explore Happy Java Lore Make Pac Playing Riendly Space Survival


    Welcome to PlayRoomMcJava, In this server you can explore and make friend in a friendly server. If the server is down ask Drago#7423 To activate it, Happy Playing!

    Courage Cru Death Default Limited Mcmmo Nostalgic Party Pve Pvp Silk Silkspawner Silkspawners Survival Votes

    Toxik Survival

    Here at Toxik Survival, we strive to bring a unique and nostalgic experience to the Minecraft community. We offer a friendly and responsive staff team, along with a friendly player base! We encourage individual gameplay styles with limited rules on in-game behavior aside from chat based rules.

    Plugins and perks we offer for players include but aren’t limited to:
    SilkSpawners access by default
    Multiple homes (up to 3 for normal members!)
    XP kept on death
    Access to a 3×9 /bp
    GriefPrevention and a high block-accrual rate
    Full access to mcMMO and all it’s abilities
    Vote rewards and a vote party every 50 votes!
    and more!

    200 District Economy Killing Limited Navi Pve Pvp Selling Shopping Towny Tut Tuto Tutorial Tutorials

    Lantern – Towny Server

    Lantern is a new small towny server designed to be easy to claim land, navigate and understand its plugins, It also has a shopping district using essentials and an entirely player based economy were you make money buy selling items, killing mobs and mining blocks, there are tutorials on the server for almost every plugin and feature we have.

    The server is new player and PvE friendly with a toggle able PvP plugin, we also have an arena for players that want to PvP, this doesn’t mean its limited to the arena, If you want to PvP you can turn it off at any point and announce that you want to be fought.

    There is currently a small staff team and no need for more although you can in the future become staff under certain conditions which are listed on the server.

    1.8 1.8.9 Current Events Hate Host Kitpv Kitpvp Long Oup Please Plot Soup Souppvp Version


    Souppvp is a kitpvp server. We host events every so often. so please join and play along. we are currently working on adding creative where you have a plot to build whatever you want

    version: 1.8.9

    Afk Cheap Donor Economy Fantastic Mcmmo Minimap Mob Farm Optifine Permissions Price Prices Survival Towny Valhalla

    The Valhalla project Reborn

    Why Join Valhalla
    – Valhalla has a small very friendly community
    – Theres around the clock support varying from in-game to discord
    – The server is always being constantly updated with new features and plugins
    – We host a refferal scheme, You invite your friends and i will reward you
    – There will be special events for players as the server grows
    – AFK Mob farming is allowed
    – Minimaps are allowed (No x-ray or any other kind of mods)
    – Optifine is allowed
    – Fantastic Donor ranks, in-game items , commands and kits for very cheap prices
    – The ability to purchase permissions with in-game currency

    and lots, lots more! come join the fun!

    1.16 Axe Bed Bedwar Bedwars Economy Kitpv Kitpvp Looking Mini Games Minigame New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Survival Wars

    Axe Craft

    Axe Craft is a new minecraft server looking for players! We have survival, kitpvp, economy, bedwars, and we are curremtly working on more minigames. Come and join us!

    1.16 Anarchy Ats Boy Cook Cookie Crafty Hate Hats Kie Nether Nether Update Oys Survival World Update

    Crafty boi

    this server has no rules, come do whatever, survival world, version 1.16 so nether update if thats your thing. yeah should be fun.

    Accepting Added Alpha Economy Enhanced Factions Server Imple Rage Rive Simple Stage Survival Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Tag


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Building Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!