Action Actions Ass Block Class Com Craft Easy Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Friends Inecraft Join King Looking Lookingforstaff Mine Minecraft New Newer Old Pro Pve Pvp Red Riends Ring Server Staff This Title

Factions 24/7


We are a newer server, but progressing like we are a year old.

LOOKING FOR STAFF! Come join up and find some friends.

Tired of the boring minecraft? To easy? Try this server.

Creative Disney Disneyland Games Haunted Mansion Matterhorn Mcrides Minecraft Mountain Park Project Resort Rides Roleplay Rollercoaster Scale Soarin Space Studios Theme Themepark Universal Universalstudios

Soarin’ Resort

Welcome to Soarin’ Resort! We are a 1:1 scale Disneyland recreation in Minecraft that is heavily dedicated to making the most accurate Disneyland in Minecraft! NOW OPEN!! Get your ears on at the Soarin’ Resort! IP: . If you would like to get involved with the Soarin’ Resort community, feel free to join our server Discord!

Be sure to join us for our summer event starting June 5th!!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Action Anything Ass Block Class Com Core Create Design Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Game Gamer Hard Hardcore Ill Lin Lit New Play Playing Rol Rules Server Servers Sign This Title Way

The Gamer Den

A new hardcore factions server. Few rules, endless possibilities. We designed this server after playing other servers and finding that there were too many rules, and too many other confinements getting in our way of playing. Now, weve created a server that allows you to do almost anything you want. Will you control the next ruling faction?

Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchyserver Block Cat Claim Class Community Discord Faction Factions Factionserver Factionsurvival Free Fun Game Good Help Ill Join King Network Noop Open Play Pro Rules Server Smp Staff Staffneeded Super Survival Survivalserver Survive Survivial Title


Welcome to the SuperHOT MC! In this server you will find multiple avenues with which to have fun with and help expand the server. We are currently looking for staff so feel free to fill out the application on our discord! All help is appreciated but not all will be accepted. Follow the rules, or not, either way you’ll have a good time, we promise!

Also join our discord server to be apart of our community.

Disclaimer: We are in no affiliation with the video game Superhot and or its creators.

Action Anti Ass Block Cheat Class Custom Day Discord Ect Erver Event Events Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Giveaways Heat King Lin Link Looking Noop Open Plugin Plugins Release Server Staff Style Title Today Tournament Tournaments Way Youtube Youtuber Youtubers


Releases: June 7th 3pm est![​TODAY]

Looking for staff

Op factions!

Many Youtubers!

Custom Plugins


Strong anti cheat

Big Block Bungeecord Class Com Community Craft Creative Discord Ect Enjoy Erver Fun Game Gaming Help Hub Inecraft Irc Join King Link Make Mine Minecraft Ming Network Noop Open Paper Plot Plots Rules Server Store Title Welcome


Welcome to the Circuiteers Network!

We are a Gaming Network, and community!

Join our discord at:
Join our Minecraft server at:

You can also directly join the hub or plots from:

We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before!

The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules

If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at:

We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network!

Balance Block Class Discord Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Enjin Forums Fun Has Island Item Items Land Mission Missions Money Noop Open Permissions Play Player Players Rol Role Roles Sell Server Shop Sky Skyblock Title Website

OblivianMC Skyblock Server!!

Hello, welcome to OblivianMC!!!

OblivianMC is a Skyblock server with a shop, enchantments, control of borders, missions, boosters, and more!! On OblivianMC players can sell items to other players using the /shop command and if you don’t know how much money you have you can do /bal or /balance to find out!! You also have full control of your island of permissions for certain island roles, co-op with other players, and much more! OblivianMC also has a discord server where we have all sorts of fun stuff ( and we have a forum website ( So if you wanna have some fun on skyblock make sure to check out OblivianMC at

Have fun! -Hitoriono

Adventure Claim Community Computers Create Creative Custom Customplugins End Event Events Faction Factions Floating Friendly Fun Home Map Minecraftserver Mod Modified New Play Player Plugin Redstone Server Servers Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Survive Title Tweaks Unique Vanilla Vault Worldedit


VaultMC | [​Survival] [​Creative] [​Custom Items]
Looking for a new server?

Then VaultMC is definitely your choice! We have a wide variety of game modes, friendly staff/community and a lot of unique features. We also have occasional events for you to have fun.


Survival has been a huge part of VaultMC’s gameplay since its beginning. It’s about generally having fun exploring and creating.
While in survival, you can use /claim to claim a chunk of land as yours. You can also use /claim add and /claim remove to allow/disallow players from interacting within your claim.
We have a unique system for survival that contains modded items (fully server-side). However, you can also play for a vanilla experience. Use /crafting to find out all the craftable modded items.

It is Factions that you will enjoy on most of the servers, however it offers a semi-vanilla experience with some tweaks to make it easier to understand. Our custom Factions plugin aims to give you a bug free, community focused game. Join a Faction or create your own today! (Features custom server side items)

It’s about simply having fun creating anything you want. From a dirt hut to advanced redstone computers, you can do anything in the creative world.
To claim a plot in creative, run /p auto. To return to your plot, run /p home. The higher your rank, the more access to WorldEdit you’ll have!

SkyBlock is like survival, however you survive on a floating island.

Our custom SkyBlock maps have been built to give you a fun but challenging adventure.
Join us on today.

Ass Bed Block Class Cube Cubed Ect End Erver Friendly Friends Full Fun Host Ill Join Make Makefriends New One Plugin Plugins Pro Pure Riendly Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Survive This Title Vanilla Vive




<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Aus Ban Block Class Craft Create Discord End Event Friendly Furry Furryfandom Grief Griefing Inecraft Item Join King Lag Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Modded Mods Nation Need Noop Open Play Real Rol Rules Server Title Whitelist World

Cult of Nozo.kuma3

Welcome to the Cult of Nozo.kuma3! We are a furry modded minecraft server that welcomes all furs only! You have to join our discord server to get the mods in order to prevent trolls;


1. Keep the server friendly and work with everyone; don’t create a depressing atmosphere or just don’t be a bad person effectively.
2. No griefing; we backup the world every 2 hours so there isn’t really any point to grief the server.
3. No harassment.
4. No racism, sexism, or any discrimination of the sort.
5. Common sense please
6. No item-generators which cause lag;
7. Be a furry.

Only Punishment for breaking the rules: IP-ban.

We can choose to whitelist the server at any time. You NEED a discord to play on this server.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Allowed Block Bungeecord Class Community Craft Creative End Family Familyfriendly Fox Friendly Grief Griefing Keepinv Keepinventory Meme Nogriefing Nogriefsurvival Play Player Players Plots Pvp Rol Rps Server Servers Small Survival Title War Warp Warps Waterfall Who

FoxCraft – Survival and Creative!

Welcome to FoxCraft! We are a small server with a community of players who play in our survival or our creative servers! We are family friendly and griefing is not allowed. KeepInventory is on and PvP is off unless in pvp warps.

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Crate Crates Ect Erver Moon Network One Pro Proteccion Protecciones Rad Ran Rank Rankup Rat Rates Rvival Server Sit Site Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survivalop Tes Title Tok Tokens Trade Two

MoonWolf NetWork


¡Y más!

Active Block Cat Class Com Dedi Dedicated Discord Dynmap Erver Free Fresh Ill Join King Looking Mall Map Mature New Persona Personal Play Player Players Playing Please Real Rvival Server Small Survival Talk Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival

Looking for new active / dedicated players to join my vanilla survival server


Im currently in the works of attempting to get my server back on its feet.

I run a small Vanilla Survival server which was doing really well until some personal stuff went down and lead to me not being on as much as wished to…

(we also have dynmap)

after a small break im trying to get some fresh players onto my server.

Im looking for the following as a player…

  • Dedicated
  • Mature
  • Active
  • Committed to playing on the server.
  • If your serious then please feel free to contact me through Discord so we can talk!

    Discord: DylSkiii#5926

    Thank you for reading.

    Ars Ass Block Class Craft CTF Discord Ect End Erver Hard Has Kywars Link Mod Noop Open Parcelas Pet Pets Plugin Plugins Pro Reviv Revive Rvival Server Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Survival Tiendas Title Trabajos Vip Vive War Wars


    Servidor Hard Survival. Sobrevive, construye e intenta sobrevivir.

    Tambien muchas otras modalidades

    Plugins de interés: Trabajos, pets, tiendas, skywars, parcelas, luna de sangre, menas de protección, RANGO VIP y muchos mas.


    Servidor abierto las 24h.


    Active Ass Best Block Class Com Community Craft Custom Discord Ect End Erver Friendly Giveaways Good Head Heads Ill Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Old Plugin Plugins Riendly Ring Rvival Server Survival Title Ves

    Xiavic Survival 1.15.2 – Friendly Community – Good ol’ Survival

    ** Xiavic Survival **

    Right now you must be thinking… “wow, another minecraft server with the same old boring stuff!” but I can guarantee that it will not just be “another minecraft server”, it is a server that strives to be the best community wise and overall in the survival section!


    + Heads
    + Custom plugins
    + Active Discord
    + Giveaways
    + More being added every week!

    Active Adventure Antigrief Build Claim Community Creative Custom Discord Eco Economy End Event Events Friendly Grief Job Jobs Lore Mcmmo Mmo New Open Play Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Ranks Server Skyblock Staff Survival Title Town Towns Trading Unique Wilderness

    ❅❅❅ [1.15.2] IceCraftNation ❅❅❅

    [​1.15.2] VEHICLES ARE BACK! ICN is a community-led server with active staff contactable 24/7. Play however you want; become the richest player, build the most elaborate towns, or live with others!

    ICN has Jobs, Custom Collectable Trading Cards, McMMo, and More!
    Do /warp or /wild when you get in game to explore the wilderness and find a place to call your own! Or join other players in their own towns!

    Anti-Grief Survival
    FREE In Game Ranks
    Adventure Mode: Get diseases, do quests and be careful stepping out of your claim…
    Staff available 24/7
    Friendly Community!
    Weekly events hosted!
    Staff Cards! A unique and collectible card game on Survival! Win free prizes!
    New and exciting plugins added frequently!

    Survival | Creative | Skyblock | Adventure Mode

    Join us now! IP:

    Android Bedrock Bedrockedition Bedrockeditionserver Claims Crossplay Dynmap Friendly Geyser Ios Java Javaedition Mcpe Nogrief Nopvp Notpaytowin Peaceful Playershops Pocketedition Portals Premium Protectionstones Semivanilla Shopkeepers Smallserver Vanilla Windows10 Windows10edition

    ✅ Peaceful Vanilla Club 🧡 [Crossplay] [Bedrock] [Java Edition] [Pocket Edition] [Classic survival] [Peaceful community] [Semi-vanilla]

    Peaceful Vanilla Club

    1.15.X | Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience,
    with no grief, no pay to win ranks and no PvP outside arenas.
    Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries.

    LGBTQ+ Friendly.

    The server is based on Java Edition but you can play with Bedrock Edition too!
    This means you can play with MCPE (Pocket Editon) on iOS and Android smartphones.
    Xbox PlayStation and Switch can play too if you change DNS to allow 3rd party servers!
    Of course, you can (and should) play also with the good old Java Edition.

    To play on Java Edition:
    To play on Bedrock (Pocket): (default port)

    Claim land placing a Protection Stone

    Then you can invite your friends and make plots for them! Build an Home, a Base or a Village! You will get your first claim block at 30 minutes of playtime. Then you can buy them at the spawn. You will be also able to Rent, Sell or Buy claims!

    ✅ No teleportation or warps. Use Railways and Iceways.

    This is part of the vanilla feel. There are no /warp or /tp or /spawn so we decided to build a giant transportation system.You can find stations in the dynamic map. You will discover many interesting places to visit!

    ✅ Make your shop with a Villager Shopkeeper

    Buy a villager egg at the spawn shop and then set up your own shop!

    Dynamic map to see claims, portals and places to visit:

    Discord server for chat, purposes and hack reports:

    Customworld Discord Dynmap Economy Factions Kingdoms New Politics Pve Pvp Roleplay Semivanilla Smp Survival Towny Whitelist

    Kingdoms of Exilus

    A rogue in an unknown land, you don’t know who or what is waiting right around the corner. It’s a dangerous thing to be on your own. Can you best the wilderness and the brigands waiting in the shadows? Or will you swear allegiance to a kingdom in exchange for safety and safe trade? Choose your leaders carefully: peaceful diplomats, wandering merchants, or powerful tyrants. Engage in politics and, if you play your cards wrong, go to war. Gather other rogues and create your own kingdom. Create a name for yourself in the server’s lore library. In this fantasy medieval land, the possibilities are endless.

    Server rules can be found HERE.

    To apply to the whitelist, join the discord and check out the #peasants channel for the whitelist form. Once you’re whitelisted, you can dive in and begin your story.

    See you soon, adventurer.

    Server IP:


    Kingdoms of Exilus Wiki

    Beta Block Class Discord Economy Fac Faction Factions Features Fun Future Galaxy Game Gaming Head Hub Ill Kit Kitpvp Lit Mod Network Pro Professional Pvp Quality Real Realm Server Survival Tea Team Title Town Towny Version


    Welcome to our network page!

    Moko Galaxy is a realm that refers to the quality of conviviality on the server, professional server game modes built up, a project with passion behind it and many more things that will be added in the future. We are still in beta version with full steam ahead to maximize gaming fun.

    – Factions
    – Towny
    – KitPVP


    119 Aether Ass Auto Blo Block Class Discord Ect Erver Eth Follow Fun Join Mall Nam Nether Noop Open Play Player Players Playing Server Small Smp Survival Time Title Tps

    Aether heights

    It’s sometimes fun when you’re only playing with a small amount of players! check out for more info. What are you waiting for? Join now!
    Discord Server:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Servers to Join Bedrock. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!