Ass Class Der Description Fun Has Join Lobby Obby Owner Ter This Und Underworld World

minecraft lobby server

The server owner ‘lobby’ has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.19.2 Abuse Drx Duping Etho Exploit Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Nut Roof Sethome Sethomes Starting Survival Xin

1.19.2 New vanilla lifesteal smp sethomes tpa and such

The server will be run on 1.19.2
-no exploiting
-or forms of harassment
if you see abuse or any breakage of these rules
please bring proof either to me, or Pyro
when you try to join if it says starting wait a minute or two and enjoy 🙂


119server 119smp 119survival Awesome Canada Canadian Casual Chill Cool Eastcoast Freedom Friendly Friendlystaff Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftstyle Longlasting Longterm New Newplayerswelcome Newserver Noob Noobfriendly Relaxed Shop Shops Slowpaced Small Smallcommunity Smallserver Smp Smplive Social Socialize Survival Tightknit Village

styxZs Casual SMP

1 Week old Chill Casual Vanilla Java Server
I recently started a Java Minecraft SMP with a few friends and randoms and would like more people. I am looking to have an always expanding player base to interact with one another and make the server feel alive. I’ve had issues in the past with greifers and speedrunners and am looking for players that like to take the game somewhat slow and play casually. If you’re a 15+ casual minecraft player looking to meet new people and make friends on a vanilla server with minimal quality of life plug-ins, feel free to add me at styxZ#0511 Hope to see you on the server

3v3 Arcade Cracké Cracked Example Gameland Hank Hey Ip Server Iron Ngrok Pls Skywars Survival They

Gameland Mine Server

Gameland Is Cracked . Gameland mine the best serverin iron and they are many Game mode for Example




In prison



Ip server on the discord server because we maked with ngrok

pls donate We

We need to sponser for serverif you want to sposered we server pls send ticket on the discord server

Discord server :

Thank you, Gameland mine Community.

/r/ 2022 A Minecraft Game Beef Gamer Gamers Max Mew Minecraft Game Released Risk Rui Survival Teams Vanilla

The Hollow SMP NEW 2022 Minecraft Server

Welcome to the Hollow SMP! We are a small welcoming community of java minecraft gamers looking to have some fun on vanilla minecraft without all of the mods and plugins which ruin the game. The server isnt released yet but we are planning on releasing somewhere between 3/9/22 – 5/9/22 depending on how many people fill out this form and join the server. There will either be teams max of 3 or 1 big group but it will be a friendly server unless beef happens. GL with your application any questions msg Risky#1539 on discord 🙂

Fill this form out to apply or join the discord server



1.13 Dedi Dedicated Economy Economysurvival Faction Faction Pvp Hank Hosted Legend Legends Newest Survival Swe Website



The newest survival/economy server. We have a friendly community always willing to help new players.

24/7 hosted / no lag!

Dedicated staff willing to answer any questions you might have!
Have any questions or just want to chill check out our website.

Thank you for reading and have fun!

1.8.9 Ars Crate Crates Factions Rat Rates Romania Sro Star Survival Tes Title Wait Waiting


We are waiting for you on PLAY.STARSRO.EU
We are waiting for you on PLAY.STARSRO.EU
We are waiting for you on PLAY.STARSRO.EU

2.11 Automatic Canon Creators Curseforge Darkness Dream Smp Evil Fire Furniture Mesa Roleplay Social Twitch Videos

Sovereign SMP

I am looking for 50 content creators (non-content creators are also allowed to apply but content creators are prioritized) from ages 14-21 to join the SovereignSMP. Members need to be actively interested and engaged with lore.

The server is on forge and we have many mods to engage the player base including Ice and Fire, Furniture and much more! We’ve been up for about a month but yesterday we had a complete server reset! Check out this video below to get a feel for what our server is like!

Our lore works a lot like the Dream SMP! The *main* lore events are streamed weekly on a Saturday. This lore is mostly planned out by our two lore writers. However, players are still encouraged to create and stream their own side lore and do their own events which can of course be linked to the central lore.

We have a few rules about the server that make it how it is!
I. Each player has one canon life for the server (excluding lag or bloopers). If you die you will be automatically teleported to the Departed Realm, a place of darkness and deep evil.
II. You must be able to live stream on Twitch or create videos for YouTube!
III. You need to be able to play Java edition and install our custom modpack with CurseForge.

How do we join?

To join, you must Join the discord and apply OR DM Mesacake#3085

Discord Username
Channels and social media handles (twitch, youtube, etc) (not required)
Age & Timezone
How active you will be (hrs/day)

Have a good one!

100playercivilizations 100playercivilizationsevents 100playeringame 100players 5gb Civilization Civilizations Custom Custommaps Discord Discordserver Events Eventserver Extravmhosting Java King Kingdoms Kingpvp Minecraftevents Minecraftserver New Paid Paidserver Plugin Pvp Rule Ruler Server Smp Team Teampvp Teams Updated Vertex Vertexevents Vertexmc Vertexsevents Vertexz

Vertex’s Events (100 Day Civilization Events)

– Vertex’s Social Events is a new events server which will be focusing on the PvP genre. It will
include 100 player civilizations event, but since it is a new server, players will be needed. It has a few discord members but that is soon to change!
– Version 1.16.5 – 1.19
– Weekly events
– ExtraVM Hosting Premium 5GB
– You can compete in intense PvP battles, team up with friends, and dominate the events!
– There is an infinitely number of event ideas to choose from, and you the player gets to vote what to choose from!
– Battle in wars, take place in player votes and publically decide who your next ruler will be! Or who knows, you could be the next ruler of your civilization!
– Defeat, gain, conquer, become the most powerful!

The server IP is

(IMPORTANT) Join the Discord server!

It will say the server has 0 members when there is no events, so don’t worry, the server is not dead!

Added Ass Aternos Class Description Has Mines Nes Owner Shi Shild Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

mineshild server minecraft

The server owner “mineshild” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Anti Anti-grief Ask Banned Casual Design Gang Mature Mcserver Minimal Sign Ssg Survival Twitch Witch

Gigglepuss MC

A casual SMP server designed for TheGigglepussGang twitch community.
Minimal plugins, friendly community, Anti-Grief
Please follow the rules and be mature or you will be banned.
Do not ask for rank.

1.19 Survival Adult Crates Custom Customenchantments Discord Enchants Griefprevention Mcmmo New Newserver Quests Share Staff Survival

MixelMC – 1.19 Survival – Adult (Need Staff) – Discord – mcMMO – Quests – Crates – mcMMO – GriefPrevention

About the server
MixelMC is a long lasting name that has been multiple servers throughout the past few years. It started roughly 2017 and has been on and off since then. MixelMC is now a Survival server that offers: Crates, Jobs, Quest, mcMMO, Events, Discord, and much more!
About the Owner
I have been server developing since 2012 and I have earned my fair share of ups and downs with it. I am 21 years old and love to interact with my players and give what the players want, not what I want.Come check us out, if the server is not for you, I would ask kindly you leave a reasoning before leaving so I can improve the server!

Clans Design Fort Horizon Max Nen Night Pass Sign Survival Multiplayer Table Tut Uptime Wip Wipe

Far Horizon Institute server Minecraft

The server is designed for a classic gaming experience, supplemented with components that are important for a comfortable game: clans, private, trade, night pass. There are no wipes on the server, maximum uptime.

Active Best Building Community Communitydriven Discord Dream Dreamsmp Economy Empire Farms Freespeech Friendly Fun Goodstaff Grian Griefprevention Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hypixel Landclaim Lgbt Lgbtq Lgbtqia Minigames Mumbo Mumbojumbo Nolag Public Redstone Scicraft Shoppingdistrict Shops Smp Techno Technoblade Vanilla Voicechat Womanowned Youtube

Block Bodega – 1.19.2 [Brand New Map] [Hermitcraft Like] [Grief Prevention] [No Whitelist] [Discord]


Block Bodega is a small, HermitCraft inspired SMP where you can build cool things and make new friends.

Server IP: Invite: Photo Gallery: URL:

Our Community:

  • Meet new people, make new friends. Our community is kind and accepting and our players are outgoing and easy to talk to. Hop in and say hello!
  • Our Discord server isn’t littered with unnecessary, excessive bots, roles, or channels. We keep things simple and fun. The voice chat is active nightly and the vibe is chill. We host movie nights and other events semi-regularly, so there’s always something to do!
  • Our community values free speech, you will never be reprimanded for having an opinion, making a joke, or anything like that. So long as you respect the Discord TOS and our community guidelines, you can say whatever you’d like.
  • Block Bodega is primarily composed of USA, CA, and EU players. The server is hosted in North America (Toronto), and peak hours are typically afternoon/night EST. The server is relatively small, and the server hardware is robust, so lag is minimal.
  • Server Features:

  • Not a fan of Mojang’s player reporting? Neither are we. We’ve installed plugins to disable player reporting for all messages sent on our server.
  • Our economy is 100% vanilla — the most common currency is diamond, our market is free, and all the shops are player-made. Head to our Shopping District and get rich or die trying.
  • We like to keep things simple. There aren’t excessive roles, obnoxious prefixes, and technicolor nicknames; you will never be solicited for donations, and there is absolutely no pay-to-win, buyable cosmetics, or any of that malarkey.
  • Land claiming and rollback plugins make vandalism virtually impossible. Our staff members are responsive and helpful — if you have any issues with griefing or theft, let a staff-member know and we’ll get it fixed promptly.
  • Work together on fun projects! When you’re not building a base or fighting the dragon, stop by and lend a hand to whichever community project that strikes your fancy!
  • Sick of playing survival? We also have a creative server (with access to WorldEdit) available for anyone in our Discord!
  • Other Fun Facts:

  • We’re making an official server cookbook in the Discord. If you have any recipes you’d like to share, drop them in our recipes channel!
  • The server is woman-owned! Any and all genders are welcome, though!
  • We have a custom server resource pack available in the Discord. It’s not required and it doesn’t change much, but it adds some fun easter eggs and server references.
  • Our Plugins:

    Our Datapacks:

    Bot Dedi Dedicated Family Full High High School Hole Kor Love Member Multiplayer Server Ip Smp Survival

    Junior High School

    Korok SMP is a new, fully dedicated server for Minecraft. We use our Discord server both as a community, and for the Minecraft Server as a whole. Please join as we are looking for new members! We would love if you joined the Korok SMP Family! – Server IP for Minecraft

    1.19 1.19.2 Bandit Bandits Better Builds Club Dad Everything Hey Modalidades No Premium Premium Settings Toxic

    Bandits Network

    Hey, do you know Bandoleros Network?

    With us you will have a better time with everything at your disposal.
    ▬▮ IP ▮▬
    ▬▮STORE ▮▬ Coming soon…

    | Premium & No Premium (JAVA & BEDROCK)
    1.8 – 1..19.2

    0% lag / Unique builds / Good settings / Events every day / Non-toxic community.

    SURVIVAL 1.17.x up to 1.19.2 AND WE ALSO HAVE BEDWARS 1.8

    unique that you will not find in any other network. Come, what are you waiting for! ▬

    Afk Banner Banners Crossplay Enchanting Glitch Maybe Nether Room Skyblock Starter Survival Tall Tpa Vannila


    A Aternos Minecraft Server With Afkbot Installed! (maybe down sometime)


    -added skyblock beta

    -added glitchy looking hub

    -added tpa command

    -added home

    -added nether

    -added starter item kit

    -added enchanting room

    1.19.2 Bedrock Chestshop Clans Custommobs Economy Minecraft Version Minecraft World Missions Permissions Residence Sale Share Survival Version 1.19

    Papocraft 1.19.2 – Your minecraft world

    Play the best survival with your friends! We have an economy, based on the sale of items between users through shops and jobs, clans, hostile mobs with a level system, missions, a residence-based protection system that will allow you privacy and even share permissions with the users you want, available at Minecraft version 1.19.2. In-game registration for ease of use.

    200 Added Ass Class Count Des Description Has Milo Owner Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

    miloCraft server Minecraft

    Server owner “miloCraft” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Datapack Forward Homes Hot Latest Snapshot Panda Performance Shot Snap Snapshot Snapshots Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Tpa Vanilla

    Snapshots – Pandamium

    Pandamium is a Vanilla Survival Minecraft Server which will always update to the latest snapshot.

    The server runs on a dedicated server with top hardware to ensure the best performance possible.

    Pandamium also uses a datapack to offer custom features like homes, tpa and voting rewards.

    We’re looking forward to seeing you on the server!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Most Popular Minecraft Servers Right Now. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!