Aesthetic Amazing Chill Creative Creative Mode Culture Different Ender Eren Gamemode Hill Matt Race Smp Survival


Ever wanted to play on a chill server that has different gamemodes and accepts for who you are, no matter what gender, culture and race you are?

EdenianCraft is that server! Come and join this wonderful, amazing and very aesthetic looking server. We have a ton of game modes ranging from our Friendly Towny Economy SMP, Creative Mode and many more!

We can’t wait to see you on our server! See you there!

1.19.1 333 Ashes Cursed Custom Immersiveportals Modded Origin Origins Origins Mod Origins Smp Survival THC Toomanyorigins Weird

EarthCrack SMP

EarthCrack SMP is a dimension stack origins SMP, something that has never been done before.
You are open to explore a looped shattered world full of weird structures and monoliths – the world generation turns your gameplay on the head! The world has almost all resources from every dimension, with otherwise unnatural structures and mob spawns.

The server also has the Origins mod with some addons – so you can choose your race, which gives you benefits and drawbacks in gameplay.

The rules are simple:
Hacking is disallowed.
Very mild griefing is allowed, but major griefing (lavacasting and exploding a base one spent hours of time on) would result in a ban.
Stealing is allowed as long as hacks are not used to find one’s secret stashes.

The mods required to join are Origins, TooManyOrigins, Origins: Classes, Immersive Portals and Pehkui. A ZIP file with the mods (Fabric 1.19.1) may be found here, and the discord server is here (if the link before is broken, chances are an up to date download is there).

(Although the server is on 1.19.1, it has No Chat Reports installed, so unless you have the mod on your side you may get red chat indicators – that’s normal!)

1.19.1 Catholic Christian Community Jesus Lgbtq Network Review Roman Smp Survival Thoughts Unfair Vanilla Whitelist

[Roman Network] Catholic Minecraft Server | Vanilla Survival

Welcome to Roman Network’s Catholic Minecraft Server! This server is a 1.19.1 Vanilla Survival Minecraft server. That means there are no plugins, just Minecraft’s server jar for the server. If you are looking for a serious community and a vanilla survival server that doesn’t have plugins then this server is for you. Although we are a Catholic server host, anyone who wants to join a serious community can come join Roman Network.

How can I join?

Leave a message down below or private message Glazikan of your filled out application and he will get back to you

1. In game name:
2. Age:
3. Are you Catholic?
If not, then what are your beliefs, are you open to the Catholic faith, and are you willing to respect the Catholic faith when playing?
4. What are your thoughts on the Pope, the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus, and the current state of the Catholic Church?
5. What other communities are you apart of or used to be apart of? (Please distinguish if you are/aren’t apart of said group)
6. What is your stance on abortion?
7. Have you ever griefed or hacked on a server in the past?
If yes, do you still engage in said activity?
8. Why do you want to join Roman Networks?
9. Any other things you’d like us to know?
General Rules
1. No – griefing, hacked clients, unfair advantage mods, duping, or stealing
2. No – swearing, bad dad jokes, or blaspheming God
3. No lgbtq+ propaganda/builds *To be clear, as this will be misunderstood, we do not hate, dislike, disrespect etc… anyone, as in the person, who identifies as lgbtq+. However, we do disagree with lgbtq+ beliefs, as in the ideology, that it is ok for one to be lgbtq+. Also, being lgbtq+ won’t get you banned or disqualify one to be accepted into the community*
4. Respect all players
5. Staff can punish players of anything else not mentioned in the rules after reviewing if said action of player is deemed punishable*This rule is mainly so we don’t have to have a long list of rules as some things are just common sense not to do on a server*
For those who want to join and/or have been accepted
Server IP: *mc. or play. before the ip works too*
Discord: Currently under development

1165server Fall Fivenightsatfreddys Fnaf Fnafrp Modded Night Older Paid Rockstar Roleplay Roleplays Sites Skin Upload

FNAF Rockstar Nightfall

Hello. I know this might be a bit of an odd thing to see but me and my friends help our friend Aziz Qasem and do roleplays and upload them onto YouTube we’ve gotten to a good point but there are only four of us now in 2018 we had good numbers but now we’re down to four people. So I’m going onto various websites asking for assistance in these roleplays, some things to nobody is being paid that’s probably going to cause a lot of people to turn away but these are just for fun. The only requirement is that you’re at least 13 or older.

Join us at:

1.14 Change Combine Fat Fate Hole Iris Magi Magic Pac Presents Space Survival Multiplayer Tech Techno

IRISMINE server Minecraft

AOG presents:

Once upon a time, there was such a kingdom as IrisMine.

A world where techno-magic and the vulture are combined into a single whole.

Only you can change the fate of this world.

We are waiting for you!

Version 1.14 -1.17

Better Claims Land Claim Land Claims Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Quality Rps Sell Super Survival Towns Warp Warps Wns


Boy Duels Dupe Earth Smp Earthsmp Lifesteal Manhunt Minecraft Mining Partner Powerful Practice Pvp Smp Survival Uhc

SpasboyMC – {Earth SMP} {Lifesteal Dupe} {Duels} {Partnered SMP’s} {Manhunt} {UHC} {More In Future!}

Server IP:

You can Grind With The Economy Or Grind Using Normal Minecraft Mining! You Can Also Become The Most Powerful With The Most Land On The Server! You May Also Play Duels On The Same Network! What Are You Waiting For Come Join!!

Server IP:

Bikes Discord Drills Earth Earthmap Earthsmp Helicopters Hub Landclaiming Minigames Movecraft Planes Pve Economy Survival Tanks War

Eris MC

Eris MC is a New World SMP Server















VERSION -1.12.1-1.19- ON PC

PORT: 25579

Center Com Cri Dmc Enter His Otter Our Play Pot Potter Script Survival Multiplayer World Your

PotterworldMC. – . Minecraft server

Server owner “PotterworldMC . – .” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Anything Best Minecraft Builder Client Community Daily Developed Dio Factions Goat Minecraft Experience Remo Server Smp Survival

Kraft goats

Astro Castr Cern Doctor Doctorwho Doctorwhominecraft Drama Free To Play Lord Rey Survival Tardis Timelord Timetravel Trolling

Castrovalva [Doctor Who Server][Tardis][Time Travel]

Welcome to Castrovalva! We are a nice community with a Doctor Who style. Here you will be able to build bases, mess with tardis’, make friends, visit the realm of Galifrey, visit the nether, visit the end, and many other features being implemented. This is a friendly community and I advise every new person to take a peek at the rules found in the forums.

Vote every 24 hours for in-game rewards! This really helps us meet new players! Make sure to follow the rules, and maybe invite some of your friends! Let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or problems.

Staff Applications are open, if you have an excellent application you have a chance of getting accepted! Be active on the website by posting in the forums.

The staff you find here are nice and welcoming. If you ever feel violated/not welcomed please let me know, I will try my best to fix the problem. I do not like to deal with drama.

This server is FREE to play on. You may own a tardis, time travel, create bases, play survival, become a time lord, and do many other fun activities. If you have any questions feel free to reach out.

Please make sure you read our server rules as we do not tolerate griefing, hacking, trolling, disrespect, etc.

1.19.1 Cheating Cloud Datapack Enderman Geyser Geysermc Java Edition Minecraft Java Minecraft Java Edition No Griefing Pig Random Spigot Survival

Random Loot SMP

Minecraft Java Edition server with random loot datapack. Bedrock players can join (GeyserMC Spigot). The server is at 1.19.1 for Java players.

The rules:
– Always stay on Survival
– No griefing/cheating/hacking

Advertisement Caps Clicker Destruction Eaten Facilities Flood Mute NSFW Religious Replay Role Play Role playing Sfw Survival


Small mostly vanilla survival server that i’m running with some friends. Feel free to join and check it out!


  • No cheats/exploits.
    includes: x-ray, game algorithm exploits, hacked clients, mini-maps,
    replay mods autoclickers, macros, intentional glitching, other
    unapproved mods, item duping, book&quill exploits, block rotation
    calculations, simultaneous alt use, seed related endeavors, and more.
  • No major griefing
    This includes destruction of another player’s builds, farms, etc.
    Explosive pvp within a town or an array of builds will be considered major grief.
  • No access or use of the nether roof.
  • No Lag Machines or intentional lagging of the server
    Attempting to crash the server results in a permanent ban.
  • Respect all fellow players. no political or religious discussion.
    excessive swearing or offensive language. Hate speech, racism,
    scamming, and threatening behavior are all considered toxic. Trade
    swiping and being dishonest while using official server facilities is
    also considered toxic. No role playing politicians. doxxing and
    ip-grabbing will result in a permanent server and discord ban.
  • No advertisement or links in-game
    Do not advertise other servers. Do not post any links in game chat.
  • No spam
    Do not use excessive caps or otherwise spam chat. Do not flood the chat with several messages.
  • No NSFW/sensitive content.
    Do not use or encourage sensitive or inappropriate content, including builds, names, and skins.
  • Do not evade a ban/mute.
    or mute evasion by any method will result in a permanent server ban. If
    you wish to contest any disciplinary measures taken by our staff, do so
    in appeals.
  • No PVP unless both parties consent
    We reserve the right to ban any player we deem harmful to the community.
  •   Server Discord:

    Bedrock Bedrockjava Bedrockjavacrossplay City Factions Fun Java Javabedrock Javabedrockcrossplay Kingdom Land Nohacking Norules Semianarchy Smp Survival


    NorthMC is a Minecraft server unlike any other.
    With only one gameplay rule to follow. No hacking. This server has kingdoms, towns, factions, wars, all set in a massive world where you can play however way you want to, without being restricted by a hundred plugins. This is a server where griefing isn’t frowned upon but is an integral part of how the game is played.

    The server has an active and generally friendly community, and we love new players joining.

    Ask Banned Decent Hanks Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Microphone Proximity Proximity Chat Survival Thanks Thread

    NEW Lifesteal SMP 1.19, 16+

    Thanks for checking this out! My friend notsmile and I have recently opened up a lifesteal server and are currently looking for new, active players!

    All we ask is you be over the age of 16 and a friendly person, other than that we’re not too picky.

    I am however trying to diversify the player population a decent amount based on minecraft-related skills, so if I don’t respond to you please don’t be offended.


    There’s banned items listed in the discord as well

    Leave your application in this thread!




    Do you have a mic? (there is a proximity chat mod req)

    Minecraft skill(s):

    What was the last SMP you played on like?:

    anything else:

    Battle Creator Mod Modded Moddedoriginserver Moddedserver Moddedsmp Mods Modserver Modsmp Origins Pve Pvp Server Small Smallyoutuber Smp Smpbattl Smpbattle Smpwar Survival Videos War Youtube Youtuber Youtubersmp

    L’Cana MODDED Origins SMP! (We make youtube videos)

    I make Youtube videos and I wanted to play on a modded minecraft server. So i made one. We have a lot of fun and mods make the experience so much better. We have wars and we also have times of peace. Join to see what we will do next! a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

    1.19.1 Action Defeat Expensive Hearts Hunt Leb Lifesteal Minecraft Reviv Revive Survival Survivalgames Survive Tag


    LebensRaub is a semi-vanilla server on the 1.19.1. You can make friends or wage wars here, but be careful because if you die you will lose a heart.
    If you reach 0 hearts you will be banned from the server 💔.
    If an opponent has defeated you, he will receive your lost heart as a reward.
    However, you can revive banned players (but at a high cost).
    If you have already lost a lot of hearts, you can also farm new hearts, but this can take time because you need a lot of expensive items for it.
    Basically everything is allowed as long as you don’t use hack clients or actively work on damaging the server. if you want to plunder a pair of bases or hunt newcomers, we wish you a lot of fun on!

    Chat Friendly Fun Java Javaediton Love Property Proximity Proximityvoicechat Public Smp Smp Survival Voice Voicechat Voicechatmod

    Oakwoodsmp server

    This server is vanilla for the most part in playstyle. There are various quality of life things that are almost necessary to having a server with a healthy public SMP community ITS A BETTER SERVER oakwoodsmp server.

    We do not accept donations as we don’t need it and we don’t want anyone to be missing out on features because they cannot pay. There are some features that require you to join the discord, but if that is not a viable option we can make it work for you.

    We have been on the same map since the server has started (over 2 years) and everything that you see is built in survival.

    Server Features:
      - Proximity Voice Chat powered by Simple Voice Chat
    – Better hardware
    – Faster internet
    – bettertp
    – Good spawn
    – Bukkit server
    – Have fun


    Server is friendly with a happy community 🙂 Feel free to stop by.

      - Do not xray or cheat in any regard
      - No griefing or stealing people’s property, even if it is unclaimed
      - Try to be respectful
      (more server specific rules can be found by typing /rules in game)

    Ations Beau Beautiful Cloud Eau Eee Ender Enderman Generation Loud Nations Semianarchy Semivanilla Server Survival

    Survity SMP

    New another Nations SMP, with nice community, beautiful world generation and coolowner 😉 .

    Bet Beta Cas Case Com Dont Est Fre Free FTB Join Mcd Ree Tes Test

    l ln.l -bl lnDontflnCraftb ll -bl ln. rre BETA TEST JOIN f Free Case – clDONT server Minecraft

    Server owner “l ln.l – bl lnDontflnCraftb ll -bl ln. rre BETA TEST GO f Free Case – clDONT” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Bedrock Edition Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!