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Block Worlds

Welcome to BlockWorlds! We are a long running public Minecraft server and we just released a new Skyblock map for 1.13.2. Here are a few reasons to join us:

– Still in service after over 7 years. We started in early 2012 and have no plans to quit any time soon.
– Talented staff of developers and server admins. We have our own custom plugins and personalized configurations for the various public plugins we use.
– Friendly community. Great place to meet and play together with others in a tight knit group.
– 100% EULA compliant with a focus on providing the best Minecraft experience possible for players.
– Constantly working on improving the server and adding more features.

Ant Battles Bed Wars Build battle Castle Battles CS GO Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Mario Party Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ❗ TECHNOMAGIC ❗ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⚡ WIPE 25.04 ⚡ Minecraft server

❤️ TechnoMagic is a mix of industrial and magic mods

❤️ Sometimes it’s boring to play on a magic or industrial server and you want something more

❤️ Our server will allow you to become a magician who also does not lag behind in industrialization, capable of using magic to create something more from ordinary quantum armor and power tools

❤️ It will take a really long time to develop, but it will be very interesting

❤️ Such a variety of mods just will not let you get bored

❤️ List of mods

Advanced Solar Panels – several new types of solar panels that are noticeably better than conventional ones, crystal growth cameras and much more
AFSU – energy storage for 1,000,000,000 Eu
Applied Energistics 2 – a large number of new content, mainly concentrated around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way. Most of the functions are connected with the ME network or are part of it
Botany – a huge amount of decor and plants
Build Craft – simplifying the extraction, transportation and storage of some liquids from their natural locations, and also allows you to transport and store large quantities of liquids from other mods
CaseReload – A self-made mod that adds cases to the game, with items, game currency and even pre-accounts
Compact Solar Arrays – Supplement to Industrial Craft 2, adding several new types of solar panels that are noticeably better than conventional
Computronics – several new items and API for working with them
CustomNPC – NPCs and Quests
Draconic Evolution – powerful new tools, armor, vehicles and various elements that use Redstone Flux to work
Dragons Radio Mod – Radio, using it you can listen to radio streams via URL
Extra Bees – various hives to generate the world, new improvements for large hives and frames
Extra Trees – an opportunity to bring out new types of various trees
Genetics – With it you can bring out a huge number of new bees, plant any genes, and indeed … Simplifies the life of beekeepers
GlebiusVC – the ability to communicate with other players through the microphone
Gravitation Suite – adding several new types of armor and tools to the game
Grimoire Of Gaia 3 – new mobs, custom items, as well as rings that give eternal buffs
Hats – various hats that will allow you to stand out among other players
IC2 Backpack HUD – displays the charge of your armor next to your lives
Industrial Craft 2 – industrial production (metallurgy, electrical engineering, agricultural industry), thanks to the appearance of various types of energy, new devices and tools
IronChest – new chests that hold up to 108 different items
JourneyMap – a map and a radar that you can easily navigate in this square world
Magic Bees – New Bee Species
Mouse Tweaker – quickly and easily manage your inventory
NEI – displays all the items that are in the game, you can also look at crafting any item with the R key and find out what you can craft from this item with the U key
Nodal Mechanics – allowing you to create your own nodes of auras
Nuclear Control 2 – allowing you to create a system to control and monitor your nuclear reactors
OpenBlocks – various useful and funny blocks to the world of Minecraft
OpenComputers – computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua 52
OpenPeripheralAddon – even more new mechanisms
OpenSecurity – new mechanisms that will ensure security for you and your data
PowerUtils – Convert EU energy to RF and vice versa
Status Effect HUD – Displays the currently active effects on the player.
Thaumcraft – sorcery that allows you to turn any item into a form of energy called “Vis” With this energy you can activate magic symbols, distort space and matter, enchant things, create powerful tools and much more
Thaumic Energestic – Add-on for Thaumcraft and Applied Energistics 2, created to integrate these mods
Thaumic Tinkerer – An add-on for Thaumcraft that adds many useful things, such as the Osmotic enchantment table, ichoric instruments, armor, new types of knobs, and much more
Thermal Expansion – new mechanics of resource processing and organization of automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage
TcInventoryScan – allows you to study objects with a Taumometer directly in the inventory and in chests
Waila – When you hover over a block, it displays detailed information about it
Witchery – the magic of witches, with which you can call different creatures, cook potions, hang curses on those who you do not like
Ztones – new types of custom blocks

Anticheat Build Building Buycraft Chestshop Claim Claims Combat Crates Crazy Create Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Essentials Force Grief Grind Grinders Map Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Network Open Permanent Play Player Plugin Reset Server Shop Smp Survival Multiplayer Survive Title Youtube Youtuber

Dedicated Superflat Dirt-Only SMP [24/7 | NO LAND CLAIMS | PERMANENT MAP]

Legacy Armies is a dedicated superflat dirt-only SMP that carries on the legacy of the original dirt-only server first created on Performium by RGA Gaming in 2017. Make your own army and try to survive and thrive in a world without ores. The map will never reset, and the server will never go down.

Youtuber MystS was a famous armies player back on version 2 and version 3 on Performium, and he made a video about it:

If you’re interested to learn more, join our

For a full guide to Minecraft armies check out my recent video:

Plugin List: CombatLog, BuyCraftX, JukeAlert, Citadel, OreObfuscator,
mcMMO, Essentials, ChestShop, CrazyCrates, Spartan anticheat

Basic overview:

Success on the server is dependent on how well you use minecraft mechanics to
make grinders and automate infrastructure to produce both resources and money!
We boast a dynamic economy plugin so that prices are affected by supply and
demand. Also, we use the citadel plugin, which allows you to reinforce
buildings by using resources as an alternative to formal land claims. Thus, for
every reinforcement, someone has to break a block that many more times. Also,
with juke alert, you can monitor block changes in an area and find out who
griefed your builds and hire bounty hunters to raid them.

Ace Action Active Aids Ass Class Com Custom Customplugin Customplugins Eco Econ Econom Emo End Fac Facciones Faction Factions Insane Kitpvp Obsidian One Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Servidor Spawn Spawner Spawners Sub Subastas Survival Tnt Top Version


INSANERAIDS es un servidor Factions NO PREMIUM de habla hispana que podéis hacer raids a otras Facciones y por eso hemos hecho que la TNT pueda romper cualquier bloque incluido la obsidiana.

Viendo en que estas versiones la fuerza 2 esta muy op hemos decidido hacer este servidor con el sistema de pociones de la versión 1.5.2, donde las peleas eran duraderas y divertidas.

Cosas top del servidor: Spawners, Lotería, Subastas, PvP, Economía, CustomPlugins, 24/7, Factions

Pagina WEB:

IP del servidor:

Ass Class Com Community Craft Eat Full Fun Great Growing Help Ice Ill Inecraft Long Mall Mine Minecraft Nice Nks Ommunity Ophion Owner Pvp Rvival Small Staff Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Vanilla


This is a small, hopefully growing, Minecraft vanilla PVP survival community. Come have fun. Great staff and great owners, along with some nice users to go along with it. Why choose anywhere else? Were here to help you.


Beta Block Brewery Chest Class Drills Everything Fox Fun Ill Item Items Join King Mod Modded Mods Paper Pig Play Player Rank Red Rvival Server Slime Slimefun Smp Spigot Survival Testing Texture Title

Mythril Skies

Have you ever wanted to play a modded survival server without having to install mods?

Well then come join Mythril Skies!

We welcome one and all. We are currently beta testing and every player will get a beta tester rank when it’s done. Everything is ran off paper spigot. We have slimefun, drills, brewery, chester, tamable foxes, and so much more! We also have cosmetic items which are currently being worked on, but are sadly not working at the moment. No texture pack required, just join and play!

Action Active Address Ass Class Com Craft Creative Eat Economy Emo Fac Faction Factionpvp Factions Fun Join Lin Ming Nline Online Pvp Raft Raiding Ram Slots Soon World


Join to PstraCraft and Have Fun!

For now is only , FactionPvP , and Creative World. More coming soon!
Slots number : 250
Memory (RAM) : 128 GB
IP address :
online 24/7

Ban Boss Bosses Casino Clan Clans Class Craft Create Eco Event Game Inecraft Item Items Kill King Lag Lucky Block Magic Maze Mine Minecraft Need New Online Parkour Play Player Players Quest Quests Server Servers Skills Top Unique Who World

BloodMine # 2 || MinecraftPE 1.0 Minecraft Server

Description of the server. You just need to visit the server, get comfortable on it and almost immediately you will like something. Average online on all servers reaches 400 players, while stable and without lags. There are a lot of categories and themes of the game. There are no restrictions either on the level of development or on the skills and experience gained or on any other parameters! Everyone who wants to become one of the participants of the long-awaited server, achieve new goals and meet new players.

It is on the BloodMine servers that you will meet many features and unique features such as unique crafts and world generation, tops of clans and players, Bank, Casino, Magic items, Bosses, Statistics, vampirism, Lucky blocks, Cases, parkour, cigarettes, multi-level quests and much more much more!
With us you can play tic-tac-toe, the king of the hill, go through the parkour and the maze, rob the bank, create your own event, sit on the steps, sell things to the buyer and much more.

Active Ass Bit Class Craft Deutsch Die Eam Erver Gen Inecraft Krieg Media Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Pvp Raft Rat Server Survival Survival Games Tea Team Ten Ter Vip Vote


Minecraft Server
Deutscher pvp Server _ Bitte weiterempfehlen
Die ersten 10 kriegen gratis Vip
Bitte voten
Dein Server-Team

Ass Blo Block Class Craft Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Raft Sky Skyblock Style Top Town

DennisTown SkyBlock



Adventure Adventures Architecture Bar Barrels Bee Block Build Chat Class Craft Creativity Development Dragon Dynamic Eco End Ic2 Inecraft Item Items Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Mods New Rol Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Super Tech Trees Version Voice Vote

NANOTEK 1.7.10 Minecraft Server

Description of the Applied Energistics 2 server (Storage, autocraft and much more)
Architecture Craft (More Creativity)
Adventures (Personal Dragon and many others) (under development)
Build Craft 7 (Oil, Pipes, Automation)
Biomes’O’Plenty (New Biomes, Flowers, Trees)
Benny Mods + Foresty Lite (Bees are so mysterious)
Carpenter’s Blocks
Chisel 2 (Decorative Blocks)
Ender IO (Pipes, spawners, automation)
Extra Utilities (Useful mechanisms and items)
Glibys Voice Chat
Gravi Suite (Enhanced Armor and Tools)
Industrial Craft 2 (Industrial Production)
IC2NuclearControl (atom is now under control)
IC2 Combo Armors (Super Armor)
Iron Chests (Enhanced Chests)
MrCrayfish Furniture (Furniture, toilet, bathtub, etc.)
Nano Tech Machine (Careers)
Power Converters (rfeu energy conversion)
Roguelike (Dungey)
Thermal Expansion (Automatic Production)
Thermal Dynamics (Pipes, barrels for TE)
Schematica (Schematics …)

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116server Ace Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Community Eam Eat Ect End Erver Friendly Game Gameplay Great Ill Join New Ommunity Peace Peaceful Play Riendly Server Smp Staff Survival Tea Team Title Vanilla World

The B Team {SMP} {1.16.1} {NEW SERVER}

The B Team 1.16.1 SMP Vanilla Server.
  • Peaceful and joyful gameplay.
  • Friendly Staff.
  • New world.
  • Join now for a great community.

  • Categories
    Active Art Ass Class Esp Espanol Lmao Mini Games Mod Mon Party Pixel Pixelmon Serv Servidor



    9.2 Action Actions Ass Awesome Buy Buycraft Class Craft Donate Enjoy Erver Eso Fac Faction Factions Fun Gaming Join Ming Mon Obsidian Perk Perks Raft Rule Rules Server Style War Warp


    Join Now and donate for awesome perks. Join and have fun READ rules do /warp rules. Enjoy The Faction server. WARNING obsidian is breakable


    Architecture Barrels Chat Class Complex Craft Dungeon Dungeons Eco End Fac Farm Fun Home Ic2 Lit Lucky Block Magic Magical Mechanics Mine Minecraft Mod Mods New Nice Open Protection Rol Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Super Tech Vault Vaults Vote Weapons

    HIITEK 1.7.10 (COMPLEX) Minecraft server

    Description of the server Debugged infrastructure. Data Center in Moscow
    Real physical server (not at home, not on the knee, not VPS) and protection against DDOS attacks.
    Applied Energistics 2 (Vaults, AutoCraft and much more)
    Architecture Craft (More Creativity)
    Biblio Craft (Various pieces of furniture)
    Biomes’O’Plenty (New Biomes, Flowers, Trees)
    Benny Mods + Foresty Lite (Bees are so mysterious)
    Botania (Reunion with nature)
    Carpenter’s Blocks
    Chisel 2 (Decorative Blocks)
    Doom Like Dungeons (Dungeons)
    Dynamic Lights (dynamic lighting in the game)
    Draconic Evolution (powerful tools)
    Ender IO (Pipes, spawners, automation)
    Glibys Voice Chat
    Gravi Suite (Enhanced Armor and Tools)
    Industrial Craft 2 (Industrial Production)
    IC2NuclearControl (atom is now under control)
    IC2 Combo Armors (Super Armor)
    Iron Chests (Enhanced Chests)
    MrCrayfish Furniture (Furniture, toilet, bathtub, etc.)
    Magical Crops 4 (Any ore can be grown)
    Malisis Doors (Doors, door mechanics)
    Mine Factory Reloaded (Auto Farms and more)
    Nano Tech Machine (Careers)
    Open Blocks (Useful and funny blocks)
    Power Converters (rfeu energy conversion)
    Roguelike (Dungey)
    Tinkers’ Construct (Tools and Weapons)
    Thermal Expansion (Automatic Production)
    Thermal Dynamics (Pipes, barrels for TE)
    Cutting Edge
    Schematica (Schematics …)

    Have a nice game.

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    Block Claim Claiming Class Craft Date Discord Fabric Fun Grief Griefing Hermit Ill Join Laim Link Long Ming Need Non Noop Open Play Plot Plugin Plugins Pve Economy Rvival Server Survival This Title Toxic Update Whitelist Whitelisted

    Survivor Craft

    Hello! Welcome to Survivor Craft! This is a server where we play survival and have fun! This is a non griefing/toxic server so no need to worry! This server is using the exact same plugins/data packs Hermit Craft is using. See you guys there! To join Survivor Craft u must join the discord link to gain access to the whitelist forum. Also there is not plot claiming!

    Discord Link:

    Whitelist will not be open for Long! so join now!!!

    We will update to 1.16 Soon!


    Active Ass Block Class Com Different Economy Erver Exp Game Games Great Growing Join King Looking Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Network New Play Pure Rvival Server Servers Sky Skyblock Style Survival Time Two Way Welcome

    Welcome to!

    We’re a growing network of servers with a lot of different setups for different kind of play styles.
    On our servers you’ll be able to find: Survival, SkyBlock and MiniGames. We’re always looking into new types of games and are expanding all the time!

    Come join us and have a great time! =)

    Adult Age Ages Anarchy Ass Block Blox Cat Class Com Community Creative Dedi Dedicated Enjin Erver Fit Group Mod Non Oup Play Player Players Pro Rat Rvival Safe Server Sky Skyblock Style Surviv Surviva Survival Ter


    We are a non-profit adult owned and operated server group that is safe for all ages. We offer Survival, Creative, Anarchy and skyblock modes. We are a close knit community of dedicated players.


    Active Ass Build Class Com Dev Eam Erver Event Events Lmao Rvival Server Servival Survival 건축

    Anes Server

    Anes Server – Servival, Build, Events and more!
    아네스 서버 – 반야생 건축 서버

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Arenas Build Capture Craft Creative Custom Dedicated Faction Factions Games Hunger Games Kit Kits Land Map Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Modded Network Online Play Plots Pvp Server Servers Skills Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Survival Games War Wars Website

    CraftersLand Network Servers


    ➣ Pure Survival: McMMO
    ➣ Hiipo Plot Survival
    ➣ SkyBlock: Live in the skys
    ➣ Creative: Plots – Just build
    ➣ Survival Games: Hunger Games – Kits
    ➣ AssassinS v1 and v2: PvP – Assassin skills
    ➣ Snoball Fight: Kits
    ➣ Run from the Beast: Lots of maps
    ➣ Capture The Wool: Custom Arenas
    ➣ SkyWars: Battle in the sky

    We run modded servers too, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Servers And ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!