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Survive With Us SMP [1.15.2]


We are a brand new survival server with completely custom plugins and a fresh map for our players to begin adventuring on.

Every player has access to a randomtp so you can find the perfect spot to start your adventure!
Our claiming system allows you to protect your home and loot from anyone who may try to steal, damage or otherwise grief.
We have a live reporting system for players to use should they encounter a bug, need in game help, or need to report someone they feel may be cheating. The report goes straight to the server owner who can handle it asap with no problems.
As soon as we have established testing on our custom plugins we will also implement ranks based on time played to reward players who are loyal to our server.
We hope to create a small community of players on our server and evolve it based on their suggestions and input
In the future we are also interested in adding more game modes to our network including creative and hardcore survival as well as others.
Other awesome features include :
Keep inventory
24/7 server uptime
Active owners/admins
If you have any questions at all feel free to join and ask!

Thank you for your time!

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Creeper’s Lab

You like Minecraft. You want to create awesome builds. Maybe play with friendly people. And get involved in building contests. All this while surviving nights and discovering new worlds. Then join us today, you won’t regret it!

We’re a Minecraft network and community that has been around for over seven years now, with no main world reset: we’re in this for the long term! We’re always looking for friendly new faces to join us. Our staff is active to help newcomers get started and to fix issues quickly. Griefing is not tolerated and will get any culprit kicked out quickly. Our primary gameplay mode and focus is near-vanilla survival, but we also offer alternatives described below. Several community builds have been created over time, like an extensive rail network and public farms, for the benefit of all. View our Seven Wonders for a showcase of what our players have done in the past – and that’s only the tip of the iceberg that we have to offer!

We welcome Minecraft newcomers and veteran builders alike, and we want you to feel at home! Our network is run on a fast, dedicated hardware server to keep any lag to a minimum.

If you’re tired of mining and crafting, we’ve got alternatives for a change of pace:
150 achievements, ranging from building targets to exploration… and explosions;
– A new challenge every month in its own world, including events like UHC (Ultra HardCore) and custom creations;
– Special adventure areas, with increasing levels of difficulty and custom loot – no mods required;
– Minigames, such as parkour;
– And more!

Registration is required to access most survival worlds, but the games are available to anyone and we also have a starter world where you can start having fun right away. There are multiple benefits to registration, including achievements tracking, a custom web profile, and the ability to earn Merit Points through various events! The process is automatic, so you can play within minutes.

Visit our website, maybe look at the forums, then point your Minecraft client to today for some fun!

Agentsofshield Battlestar Galactica Battlestargalactica Cannons Clone Wars Clonewars Crackshot Crates Customheads Custommobs Faction Faction Pvp Factionchat Factions Factionserver Factionssurvival Guns Kits Marvel Minigames Mobs Movecraft Movecrafts Museum Paperspigot Pvp Ranks Rankup Roleplay Roleplaying Rwby Shields Ships Spigot Star Trek Star Wars Starfox Startrek Starwars Survival

Galactic Craft 1.15.2 – Movecraft – Factions – Guns – Minigames

Galactic Craft is a server that was established in 2014 as a Realm. Since then, we’ve grown into a larger community. You can have flyable ships, guns, PVP players, join Capture The Flag matches, fight against custom mobs, and more! The server is primarily factions, but you have to be smart about what you do. We hope to see you soon! We wish to see larger battles with you taking part in them! Join at
Here’s a list of what we have!

+Custom Guns!
+Custom Plugins!
+Custom Events!
+Custom Heads!
+Flyable spaceships, boats, and submarines!
+Custom Resource Pack!
+Unique Ranks!
Here are the guns we have!

+E-11 Blaster
+DH-17 Blaster
+DL-44 Blaster Pistol
+TL-50 Heavy Repeater
+DC-15 Blaster Rifle
+DC-15A Blaster
+T-21 Blaster Rifle
+DL-18 Blaster Pistol
+E-5 Blaster
+SE-14C Blaster Pistol
+DLT-19 Blaster Rifle
+RT-97C Blaster Rifle
+EE-3 Blaster Rifle
+EE-4 Blaster
+DLT-19X Blaster Sniper
+CJ-9 Bo Rifle
+MPL-57 Barrage Launcher
+Thermal Imploder
+Sonic Imploder
+Flash Grenade
+Impact Grenade
+X-8 Night Sniper
+E-5C Blaster Rifle
+DC-17 Blaster Pistol
+E-5S Blaster Sniper
+F-11D Blaster
+FWMB-10 Blaster Rifle
+SE-44C Blaster Pistol
+Valken 38X Blaster Sniper
For ship gameplay, there’s a variety of different kinds of ships you can build and fly!

+Speeder: A small ship class used to fly around at normal speeds. They don’t require any fuel so it’s good to have one if you’re just starting out.

+Fighter: A ship about the same or slightly bigger than Speeders. These are stronger than Speeders and can move a lot faster, however they require fuel. Typically good for a crew of one to three people. Also good for one on one fighting against ships of the same class or fast attack missions.

+Frigate: This ship class is bigger than both Fighters and Speeders, but slower than them. They can take more of a hit than Fighters and Speeders can, but require more fuel. This class of ship is typically used as a mobile residence or long-range recon vessel.

+Destroyer: The Destroyer is an armored version of the Frigate. It can take 5% more damage and requires the same amount of fuel, but is slower than the Frigate. These ships are generally used as anti-fighter support.

+Cruiser: Cruisers are mainline capital ships typically good for larger factions. These ships are larger and require more fuel than smaller ships, and are generally used as command ships or heavy transports. That being said, they’re also slower than smaller ships.

+Battleship: Like Destroyers, this class of ship is the armored equivalent of the Cruiser class. Battleships can take 5% more damage than Cruisers, but sacrifice speed for armor. These are typically used as heavy cruisers and mobile weapons platforms.

+Carrier: Carriers are larger than Cruisers and Battleships, but have armor equivalent to that of a Frigate or Destroyer. These massive ships are rare and are generally used as mobile cities or platforms used to carry and launch smaller ships such as Fighters and Speeders. These can also be used as command ships, and it’s recommended to keep these ships out of the line of fire and behind friendly lines. Their main advantage would be the ability to carry tons of smaller strike craft.

+Dreadnought: Arguably the strongest ships out there, these massive ships are more armored and deadly than any other. Because of their immense size, they’re slower than anything else and require more fuel than any other ship. These ships can serve as carriers, mobile cities, command ships, or heavy assault ships.

+Boat: Boats are the aquatic equivalent of Fighters and Speeders. They don’t require any fuel and can be as large as a Cruiser, but they can’t fly or submerge under water. These vessels are generally best used as a transport for ground personnel or tactical vessels designed to destroy other Boats.

+Submarine: Submarines can be larger than Boats and their ability to submerge underwater makes them excellent stealth vehicles. However, Submarines require fuel and can’t use cannons while underwater. These are best used to assault bases that are underwater or destroy vessels of the same class.

On top of these, we have plenty of other things unique to the server! We have shields to protect your ship from damage, custom laser cannons that you can fire at other ships, and faster than light travel to get to places quickly!
We hope you decide to join us! If you have trouble joining, please visit our support center on our website! Thanks!

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The Refuge – A Friendly Community, Survival Server! [SEASON 3 BEGAN 4/7/2020!]

Welcome to The Refuge! We are a semi-vanilla, PvE, survival, community-driven server! We run basic plugins like PermissionsEX, World guard/edit, Coreprotect, Essentials etc. to purely make things run smoother. Recently, we broke being completely vanilla and added the plugin Mcmmo and a datapack that makes caves more interesting! People of the community wanted to spice season 3 up with something new. Come get started and meet our friendly community 🙂

We just began Season 3 as of 4/7/2020! A brand new world with an already great community!

Join our Discord and fill out our Whitelist form! We whitelist fast!

Allowed Ban Best Build Community Create Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Farm Grief Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftlikeserver Hermitcraftstyle Mature Mmo Multiplayer New Open Play Pvp Ranks Redstone Rewards Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Store Survival Survival Multiplayer Tech Title Vanilla War Whitelist Whitelisted

Hyplex MC (Hermitcraft-Inspired) (Season 2 Starting Soon)

Semi-vanilla survival
Owner: Terran_Titan
Server is currently closed and all applications will be stored until
server is open for Season 2

We’re a community of players getting the best out of survival multiplayer.
Builders and redstone-technicians collaborate to create to your hearts best content.


To get whitelisted, fill in the form which can be found on our DISCORD

The server offers tools to build a community and create an economy.
We have a dedicated spawn-island with shops, a gaming district and a pvp arena.
Playtime results in ranks and rewards including more farms.
Friendships arise and communities grow,
just by punching trees and placing blocks.


1. Please use common sense and act in a mature manner
2. No griefing, stealing or cheating. (i.e. x-ray, exploits or bugs)
3. Please avoid doing things that cause server lag.
4. Please remove floating trees and 1×1 pillars
5. AFK fish-farms and 0-tick farms are not allowed and will result in a ban
6. Please do not build a base on or near the spawn islands, venture out a bit
7. No more iron farms on the server, we have enough.
8. Each new player is only allowed 1 large scale farm (from 8×8 pumpkin farm to ocean
monument farm) and will earn more when ranking up.
9. Automatic AFK timeout (45 min)
                More rules can be found on our DISCORD

Brewery Build Building Chestshop Citizens Coreprotect Craft Create Creativeplots Eco Elves Free Gods Help King Lag Land Mine Minecraft Nations Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Resources Roleplay Server Shop Shopkeepers Shops Simple Small Survival Title Towns Treeassist Who World

World Civilizations- A Minecraft server

A simple and small survival Minecraft server aimed at creating a civilization-building experience. On this server, you may live as a simple nomad wanderer traveling around the world freely, a simple citizen in a growing civilization, or a powerful ruler. Players may build their own nation from the ground up competing with other civilizations for land, citizens, resources, culture, etc. The experience of the world is truly at the helm of the players themselves.

Plugins Include:
Brewery- Produce your own alcoholic beverages!
Gods- Create and worship your own gods
Coreprotect- Find out who destroyed your house or stole your items…. and maybe get revenge?…….
TreeAssist- Don’t wait forever to chop down one tree. Break the bottom log with an axe and the whole thing comes falling down.
Lift- Hate taking the stairs? This elevator plugin will help you get from floor to floor in record speeds!
Shopkeepers- Make villagers be your workers and sell your items in your very own shops!

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Age Ages Ass Ations Block Boulangerie Class Craft Discord Economy Ect Erver Ill Inecraft Lab Lag Map Mine Minecraft Mon Money Nation Nations Noop Open Play Ran Server Serveur Survie Survival Title Towns Towny Ves Village Villages

La Boulangerie

La Boulangerie 🥖
La Boulangerie Minecraft est un serveur survie, basé sur un système de monnaie. Construisez des villages, fondez des nations, alliez-vous à d’autres et déclarez des guerres. Bâtissez des fermes et brassez de la moulaga. Investissez dans des rangs et édifiez des échopes !

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  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Action Arcade Ars Best Block Car Class Creative Custom Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Game Games Kit Kitpvp Kywars Mca Minigames Network Play Prison Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Title War Wars Welcome World

    MCArcade Network

    Welcome to the world of MCArcade, a server where you can play the best and custom games such as


    Hope to see you there!

    115server Achievements Antigriefing Auction Bartyrealms Best Crates Custom Customccrates Customized Earth Economy Epic Fun Geopolitical Guishop Item Jobs Landclaim Mcmmo Multiplayer Network Playershops Playervaults Politics Popular Prefixes Pve Rank Ranks Rankup Rankups Server Shops Smp Survival Top Towny Vote Voting

    BartyRealms Towny Earth

    Come play with us!

    IP Address:

    Live Map:

    Work together to build an empire that will stand the test of time!

    Conquer the world — Alone or with others!

    BartyRealms is a Minecraft community that has been running for nearly two years now. Over the years, the community has grown around our Minecraft server. The history of BartyRealms is very long, but where
    does your chapter begin? Join today and discover a server that has been designed from the ground up to be fun and enjoyable to all players. Whether you want to play by yourself and have a chat with other players or work with a large town to create something truly special — the choice is yours. BartyRealms is run by Extremely experienced professionals who have been doing this for a very long time. You can expect reliability, strong gameplay, a great community, and much more if you decide to join us. There are updates every single day that help make the server even better than it already is. We frequently poll features that players have come up with. The server is completely configured around what our players want and our focus above all else is making sure you have a good time on our server.

    We pride ourselves in an extremely balanced player driven economy where the only way to make money is through playing the game effectively. There are many ways to make money on our server, and we consistently monitor the economy to prevent extreme inflation or other unbalanced things. Additionally, we have a load of custom plugins that we develop ourselves to make the experience on our server truly unique.

    Main Features:
    Earth Map, Playervaults, Achievements, Perks System, Prefix System, mcMMO 2.0, Lottery, ChatGames, Auctions, Cosmetics, Towny, Player Driven Economy, Custom Plugins, and so much more!

    115server Arena Build Builds Class Combat Craft Currency Custom Emeralds End Event Free Going Grief Legit Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Moderators Multiplayer Normal Open Play Player Players Prevention Ranks Server Simple Small Spawn Staff Straight Survival Title War Who

    Spaticx Survival

    Spaticx Survival is a 1.15.2 survival Minecraft server whose goal is to deliver the intended multiplayer experience to its player base. We do not have a normal currency, our Server Currency is completely out of emeralds and tokens!

    To make sure that this server is suited to your expectations, please read what we offers below:

  • Simplistic spawn; our spawn is small, simple, and straightforward.
  • Simplistic commands; we give our players access to a few custom commands. Most of the commands have GUI’s
  • Balanced staff; the moderators don’t have access to game-changing commands, and will play the game legitimately just like you do. Even the owners plays the game like anybody else.
  • Combat Arena; Want to fight other players? this is the place to be!
  • Grief prevention; Never get your builds griefed!
  • Opened 24/7; unless a maintenance is going on, you’re always free to connect and play.
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!