Config Economy Generation Generations Grief Prevention Qol Roleplay Rollback Rtp Semivanilla Smp Survival Tree Treefeller Wip


Generations is a WIP SMP Which has QOL Plugins such as Grief Prevention, Crates, Treefeller and RTP and a lot more to come (The server is still Whitelist until the server is fully configured)

Adventure Building Cartographer Economy Economysurvival Exploration Explore Factions Factionspvp Greifprotection Loot Looting Mcmmo Mcmmopvp Mcmmosurvival Medieval Medival Npcs Pve Pvp Quests Raiding Rpg Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival Zenchantments

Yorimskar [McMMO] [Quests] [SurvivalPvP] [Custom Items] [Custom Mobs] [1.17.1]

Yorimskar Officials hereby invite you to come be a part of our server!

McMMo Survival with economy and Zenchantments.

We have an absolutely massive questing world that is being prepared for you! Coming soon with a deep storyline, immersive world, special RPG gear that doesn’t drop from your inventory on death and has special stats, names and abilities. Within this world you are also able to have conversations with npcs like you could in any RPG game like (Skyrim, Fallout or Oblivion). Discover ancient ruins with story’s in every nook and cranny. This has been a 3 year project. Currently we are still developing the questing world but you are free to ask to test it!

Not much of a Questing person? Don’t want to indulge yourself in the secrets of Yorimskar? Fear not we have 2 Survival worlds to play on! (3rd coming in 1.18) All are accessible right when you spawn by doing /rtp! You are able to use the gear you have acquired through quests in your survival playthrough as well. Players can gather items and sell them at our Shop which is run by npcs with neat trading GUIs! Fear the greifer? Well fear not we have a nice and easy to use plugin called GreifPrevention! Claims expire within 15 days of being offline! PvP and raiding unclaimed or poorly claimed bases are allowed! Our server is also equipped with McMMO! Level up your skills like Swords, Mining, etc. We also have Cartographer, adding a nice mini map item! The Zenchants plugin adds many new Enchantments for you to acquire! Some are rare but some you can only get through RPG Gear!

You can freely choose to ignore the quest side of our server if you just want to play survival. We want to make your time on the server as expendable as possible!

Friendly staff and players.
We are always open for suggestions please submit them into the suggestions channel in our discord. Spawn and the questing area are genuinely built by staff in creative using some World Edit.



Atm6 Curse Dragoncraft Extra Fire Media Modded Server Moddedserver Mods Q/a Ranks Survival Terra Terraforged Tm6

DragonCraft FORGE

We are a modded server that uses the all the mods 6 pack with extras

Level Type:TerraForged

Ranks are In progress

i have enluded the Curse Forge profile below

Bosses Bossevents Customguns Eco Economy Events Factionpvp Factions Factionspvps Factionsuuid Guns Gunserver Pve Ranked Ranks Rankup Survival


Welcome to the page for Revival-Craft.

We offer many in-game perks, ranks, we have active staff, friendly community and more!
This server is nothing but a hard set growing drug and gun server!
Kill, hunt, grow, and kill for your drugs, while all in an apocalypse.
There is way to much fun within the server and has very consistent updates.
We are always welcoming new staff, and major opportunity for builders in need.
We have way to much to offer for a fight to survive with bosses, custom guns.
While with your team in your Faction. You must strive to survive. The last one alive locks the door.

Come on and get growing!


1.18 Chunk Drop Enviro Environment Hot Legacy New Map Relax Relaxing Shot Snap Snapshot Survival Xin

FrostdropCraft [Brand New Map] {snapshot}

Start your new legacy, and explore all the new features 1.18 has to offer.
Brand new map, meaning no chunk errors, get to experience 1.18 in its full form.
Very relaxing environment and players can do what they enjoy without restrictions.

Bedrock Edition Bros Conflict Destruction Discordsrv Minecraft Java No. Patch Potato Rollback Smp Survival Villages Wise Writing

Banana Bros SMP (Bedrock support — Whitelist — Dynmap — DiscordSRV)

Hey stranger and welcome to the Banana Bros server!

I’m CPlusPatch, otherwise known as Gascraft971. My server is a small server for now with about 5 players, but I’m seeking new people to grow it! The server is running Minecraft Java 1.16.5, but it’s compatible with the Bedrock Edition of the game! (more details on the Discord).

The server is currently whitelisted only, to be accepted please join the Discord and read #info.Discord:
FAQ:Is griefing allowed?Griefing is allowed solely during wars or other conflicts: random or unjustified acts of destruction will be rollbacked by an admin. So yes, but also no.
Why is the server 1.16.5?1.16.5 has globally better performance than the latest version of the game as of the time of writing (1.17.1). This will come as a relief to players with potato PCs that can’t run 1.17.1 at high enough frame rates.
What are the server specs?The server has 2 GB of RAM (that is, about 8 players online at the same time), which could be upgraded if there is significant lag.
How recent is the server?The server has opened in the past two weeks. For now, there aren’t many factions and “villages” but that will change once we attain enough players.
Thank you for your time, and I’ll look forward to seeing you on the server!

118server Aves Caves Caves And Cliffs Cavesandcliffs Cliffs Iffs Killing Latest Snapshot Sand Shot Snap Snapshot Snapshots Survival

Caves and cliffs

Welcome to caves and cliffs snapshot server. We always run the latest snapshot. We have home, back and sethome triggers. This is survival vanilla. Raiding and killing is not allowed, but we can not help you if we do not see rule breaking.

360 Allversions Bosscraft Christ Christmas Community Creative Creators Fun Notpaytowin Promotion Pvp Skyblock Snow Survival

SnowCraft | FREE SPONSOR KEYS | Play Today

SnowCraft   |     FREE SPONSOR KEYS    |    Play Today Minecraft Server
Come Play Today! Don’t Miss out on = Free Keys + Donator Ranks + Beautiful Tags!
join our team

SnowCraft   |     FREE SPONSOR KEYS    |    Play Today Minecraft Server
[ Beautifully crafted by our Staff Team ]
From the Creators of BossCraft,
-we have since Rebranded to SnowCraft. Bringing back some of our most Popular game modes such as,
| Creative || Skyblock || Factions |
SnowCraft   |     FREE SPONSOR KEYS    |    Play Today Minecraft Server
| SMP || PVP practice || Giant Town |
Christmas Update
coming soon

Redeem Reset Rewards at BLOOM only on | Skyblock |

View all our Promotional Images directly on our Website!



join the discord

Want more Servers? let us know!

visit our secure website


Atapacks Creator Creators Datapack Datapacks Deaths Fast Keepinv No hacking Quick Quickdeaths Server Streamer Survival Toxic


Hey guys, Welcome to QuickDeaths SERVER

What we offer:
-> Plugins
-> Active chat
-> Cracked: on
-> KeepInv: true
-> Version 1.16.5
-> Datapacks
-> And so much more

What we need:
-> More active members
-> Content creators or streamer
-> Non-Toxic player
-> No hacking
-> Player who follows rules
-> Player who uses Java (1.16.5)


We also have discord server join now!!!

Armor Castle Enchanted Limits Lobby No Premium Prince Princess Pvp Sèrie Series Skywars Survival Troll Videos

survival no premium 1.17.1

Welcome to our server, live an adventure in survival mode, we give you a protection block where you can build your dream house,
in this server you can troll without limits, create videos and support us, choose enchanted cheated armor and much more,
come on, we are waiting for you.
your opportunity has come to create the best princess Sofia rib, the best castle will be put in the lobby of our server,
the castle must be authentic from the series.

Anarchy Bots Coins Factions Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Login Minecraft Minigameserver Mvp Network Survival Tntrun

Bricks Network

Bricks Network is a server with many minigames! On our discord server, we have a friendly community, fun bots, etc.


Our server features:

Login Streak – You can earn coins by joining our server every day

Daily Reward – You also can get some unique items on the server by joining

And more!

Our ranks:


You can buy these ranks using our in-game coins!

Our Games (As of now):

Relax Survival
LifeSteal Factions

Our server is still in development so some of the features aren’t here, I’m still looking for members to keep the server alive and the community clean

1171server Awesome Beautiful Cosmetics Currency Custom Freerankgiveaway Guishops Lore Mcmmo Medieval Models Nature Naturecraft Openaudiomc Playerwarps Quests Ranks Resourcepack Rpg Sethome Smp Survival Tradeshop

★ PeeWeeSMP ★ 1.17.1 – Friendly Community, Quests, Cosmetics, Custom Mobs- Join Now![WHITELISTED]

Have any questions or concerns? Join our new discord!
have some awesome things to feature in the discord as well as personal updates!
Discord-Discord Link
forget to diamond, favorite, and drop a vote for the server! It helps keep this server running and the community engaged. Thanks for reading,
and say hi when you join! -BRASH

BuildCraft Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Immersive Jjk Partner Partners Server Showcase Streaming Streams Survival Vanilla Whitelisted Whitelistedsmp

The BuildCraft 2.0 Server!!!! [WHITELISTED]

Hi, I’m alt97 and I’m one of three partners running this Whitelisted Vanilla Survival Server!

The BuildCraft 2.0 Server was created to be a community that welcomed anyone that wanted to grow their platforms. Be it though becoming better builders, Redstone Mechanics or improving their streams. It is our goal to provide an immersive environment for all levels of players and creators where they can showcase their creativity and Ingenuity.

Before you answer some questions about yourself let me tell you about me….

  I’m 24 years old know on Minecraft as alt97 and love to build small and big structures. I’ve been doing Youtube and streaming on twitch when time allows. I have been playing Minecraft since about 2012-2013 until now and will from here on. I started playing Minecraft to escape the world and jump into a much easier version of it. I’ve always wanted to play with friends and family because it just make everything 10x better and full of surprises.

Now that you know who i am and why i started playing let get to know you a little better as well.

Go to this link to finish the application prosses and one of the partner will be right with you ASAP!:

Also don’t forget to follow our twitter account for updates as well!!:

(2) The BuildCraft Server 2.0 (@BuildCraftSRV) / Twitter

Adventure Adventuremap Alphatesting Bedrock Cats Clans Customclans Customplugins Fanclans Firestar Java Mcpe Mmorpg New Plugins Roleplay Roleplaying Rpg Rpgsurvival Rpgwarriors Seekersofuntoldlegacies Soul Soulrpg Survival Warriorcats Warriorcatsminecraftserver Warriorcatsserver Warriorclans Warriors Warriorscats Warriorsroleplay Whitelisted

🧭 Seekers of Untold Legacies – 1.17.1 Warrior Cats MMORPG – Alpha Testing Applications Open Soon! 🧭

NOTICE: Server is currently back up! Thank you for understanding! Alpha testing will commence soon!
Current IP
Bedrock Port: 41137

Edition Alpha V.01

Our Discord

🧭 Seekers of Untold Legacies - 1.17.1 Warrior Cats MMORPG - Alpha Testing Applications Open Soon! 🧭 Minecraft ServerSeekers of Untold Legacies🧭 Seekers of Untold Legacies - 1.17.1 Warrior Cats MMORPG - Alpha Testing Applications Open Soon! 🧭 Minecraft Server

Seekers of Untold Legacies, or SoUL (Abbreviated) is a Warrior Cats MMORPG server based on the likes of Wynncraft. We will offer support for both Bedrock (Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Windows 10) and Java edition.

We feature a map in where our custom Clans live on the island, set in the 1600s in where pirates rule the land. There are no equivalents to house cats, and NPCS litter the map with unique dialogue for each clan rank.

We aspire to bring life to the community, bringing mechanics from games such as Warriors: Untold Tales, Cattails, and other Warrior cats fangames.


🧭Custom Origins🧭
Make your cat even more special with custom origins! Specific origins clarify where your cat was born, for example, a EbonyClan cat will have extra dexterity, or a cat born outside of our custom Clans will have extra Gathering points, and be better at finding more things when gathering!

🧭A Robust Proficiency System🧭
Use proficiencies such as Survival, Gathering, Dexterity, and more to customize your cat and learn even more through your time growing up from apprentice to warrior! Gain proficiency points through gathering items, hunting, fighting and more!

🧭Questing System🧭
We feature a robust questing system, with different quests and daily quests all around Clan camps, and for outsiders, too! You’ll receive different quests from being a kit than you will being an apprentice, warrior, and more!

🧭Item Rarities🧭
In SoUL, we have different items with different item rarities. Colors of those items signify how rare they are, along with a tag. Item rarity is important for crafting items in the future!

🧭Clan Trainers🧭

Instead of being trained by a player, you no longer have to rely on other people for being trained! Each Clan has a training NPC that will teach you proficiencies, have a reputation point shop, give you your assessment and more!

We have custom diseases and unique conditions unlike anything ever seen before, catch and cure special diseases, wounds, Island sicknesses and collect herbs by becoming a Healer!

🧭Custom Resource Pack🧭
We feature a custom resource pack that immerses you further into the game, things like quartz being claws, dye being Clan symbols, and prey having custom textures!

🧭Reputation Points🧭
Ever wanted to buy a donation item, but don’t have the money to? Reputation points are very important! You get reputation points by completing quest lines throughout the map. You can find the Reputation Shop through your Clan Trainer!

🧭Audio Client🧭
With the power of an Audio Client, you can listen to music around the map! This further immerses you into the world of SoUL!

🧭Leveling System🧭
View your level in chat, gain skill points for leveling up, and spend those skill points in the future! You will also gain proficiency points for leveling up!

🧭Item and Region Discoveries🧭
Gain experience for discovering items for the first time upon collecting, and also gain experience for finding new areas!

We truly hope you consider staying with us, and that you enjoy your stay, even if it’s for a little while.

🧭 Seekers of Untold Legacies - 1.17.1 Warrior Cats MMORPG - Alpha Testing Applications Open Soon! 🧭 Minecraft Server

1.6 Allowed Anarchy Server Dont Griefing Hate Ign Lol Mature Offline Pvpsurvival Reviv Survival Swe Vanilla

Gavins Network

Survival/Anarchy Server
Griefing allowed
Whatever you wanna do, you can lol
Offline aswell, anyones welcome to join

Be mature, dont be a lil shiiet

Core Days Die Faction Pvp Factions Greffing Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hut Know Minehut Sorry Storm Upgrade Yes


hi welcome to StormHost this is a hardcore pvp server if u die u get baned for 2 days! u get a kit when u join only for 5 DAYS! well if u want to know yes its a aternos server im sorry we will upgrade to minehut well for now were on aternos

1500scale Arena Discord Earth Economy Event Fun Map Medieval New Pve Pve Economy Pvp Roleplay Roleplaying Rpg Staff Towny War Website

United Lands

✨Welcome to United Lands! We are a Towny-based Earth SMP that strives to bring a unique experience to everyone. We accomplish this by integrating peace, war, roleplay and economics into one cohesive system. ✨

🌎 There are no limits for your creativity here, settle anywhere on our beautiful 1:500 Earth map or join an already existing Town and play with others. Develop your land into thriving nations and empires that span the globe!

🎉No two sessions are the same – we often hold events on our Discord and Minecraft server ranging from talent shows to limited time gameplay events.

⬆⬆Become as strong as you want with our upgrades system, you can spend in game money to buy new abilities and privileges.

💰There are many methods to increase your wealth: Join a job, beat others at chat games or even win a war. All revenue streams have been carefully balanced to provide both a challenge and enjoyment to the player.

⚒ The server is always changing, keep an eye out for frequent updates that always come with new bugfixes and enhancements.

📦 We are not the typical vanilla experience, with our server comes several unique and functional custom items that provide completely new game play experiences. Grow amazing custom trees, use our new guns or brew delicious alcoholic beverages – you can even change the biome you’re standing in with some tools!

🖥 Take a look at our handcrafted website that provides incredible insight into the server with pages dedicated to towns and players with real time map locations!

⛰Team up with your friends to fight in the all new dungeons system! Immerse yourself in a unique storyline and exhilarating combat before taking on a fearsome boss. Your prize will be unique and powerful gear sure to bring envy to your enemies…

👥 Our server is not just limited to Java players only. With our parity system Bedrock players can join in the fun too! See our website linked below on how to do that.

If you’re looking for a server with distinctive features, a friendly community, and an active development team then United Lands is the place to be!

📑 IP┋ 📑

💻 Website┋ 💻

💬 Discord┋ 💬

🗺 Map┋ 🗺

Ander Bug Established Exploit Kor Korea Loot Nuclear Pvp Schoo School Servers Sin Survival Ucl

RoyX Server

Hello. This is a new loot server, RoyX Server.

– Server Rules –
* This is a 3 round van.

[주의 1회 ]
→ Profanity, slander, slander, blasphemy

[ 경고 2회 ]
→ school, established

[ 쿨 ]
→ Using Automouse
→ nuclear use
→ Server depreciation
→ Other servers, PR
→ Bug Exploit

Conomy Econ Econom Economy Event Events Fit Hard Icu Survival Survival World Survive Uber Vip Vive


Hello and welcome ty Ruberaj minecraft server, with lot of fun, friendly community and lots of events, i hope u will enjoy your stay. we have survival world with economy and vip benefits. difficulity is on hard. so i hope u will survive.

Aus Better Chat Cheater Data Detail Detailed Follow Hosting Noop Parkour Pmc Pretty Tail Vanilla


PMCRAFT is a server with many modes including: Vanilla, bedwars, skyblock, pvp, parkour ….
In addition, PMCRAFT has a staff always present and ready to help players and ban cheaters.

I’m sure pmcraft will be your favorite minecraft server because it’s pretty detailed and getting better every day

in addition we also have a discord server where you can chat with all server members and always be up to date


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Html5 Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!