1.19 24 Hours Etho Homes Ifesteal Jack Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Oli Pal Pat Sethome Sethomes Survival

Lifesteal 24 hours 1.19

this server is vanilla with lifesteal /sethomes and lumber jack it is also new and compatible with 1.19
so stop wasting time we are trying to get players
palgolins are palgoian


Anything Ask Banner Friendly Hiring Hot Landclaim Moist Plugin Plugins Pvp Smp Sorry Staffneeded Survival

The Moist Server

Hello! This is a new server that I started recently. This server is still in development and still just survival, but I hope you to make it a towny one day. We are currently looking for staff of all ranks and I am hoping to start building a small community too. I hope you enjoy the server and if you need anything just ask. Also, sorry for the bad banner. I am not good at photoshop.

1.19 Keepinv Keepinventory Lockette Maj Politics Progression Robot Semivanilla Shopkeeper Shopkeepers Smp Survival Technical Zero

Ooercraft (1.19) – Small survival server.

Server IP: ooer.oooVersion: 1.19

Description:Ooercraft is a small (20 players max) survival server with some simple plugins to make survival more interesting (“DispenserRobot”, “Shopkeepers”, and a custom plugin that rebalances stuff). KeepInventory is on due to popular player demand. There are zero microtransactions or anything like that. The difficulty is set to hard. There are no land claims, but you can lock your containers with Lockette.The server’s world doesn’t get reset (unless required by technical issues, but that’s unlikely). Every major update (even-numbered) the world’s spawnpoint is moved to a new location, and player data is cleared in order to reset progression while keeping all the interesting cities and builds.


  • No griefing
  • No stealing
  • No killing unless it was agreed upon with the other player(s) via chat
  • No politics in chat
  • No slurs in chat
  • Be nice

  • Categories
    Advertisement Auras Brandnew Grian Hermitcraft Iskall Minecraft Mumbojumbo New Ruins Server Smp Survival Update Updated

    RisingCraft SMP [1.19]


    Welcome! This is a server formatted similarly to the popular youtube SMP “Hermitcraft”
    If you’ve seen their work you can get a grasp on how this server works.
    Here are the rules you must obey when playing on this server.

    1. Hacking
    -Hacking ruins the fun for everyone, use of hack clients, x-ray or kill auras are prohibited.

    2. Exploiting
    -Using exploits such as the clay exploit or dupe glitches are prohibited on the server. The only exception of this rule is the TNT dupe glitch used commonly in farms.

    3. Greifing/Stealing
    -Everyone is here to have fun, greifing and stealing items is not allowed.

    4. Combat
    -Killing or attacking other players is prohibited unless both parties agree to combat.

    5. Self advertisement
    -Self advertisement is not allowed, do not promote your Twitch, YouTube, Discord server, or any other forms of social media. Find another server for that.

    6. Bases
    -Do not build bases within 350 blocks of spawn. This give room to build out the shopping district.


    Join our discord! You can talk with our community there!

    Battlecraft Datapacks Emerald Emeraldbattle Emeraldbattlecraft Enemy Griefing Hard Hide Minecraft Pro Pvp Raiding Survival Trick


    EmeraldBattleCraft finally is back! With the same old concept, which we ran successfully from 2012-2015 and 2018-2021

    ☑ dedicated server
    ☑ few rules
    ☑ very hard
    ☑ custom plugins
    ☑ new concept

    You can’t trust anyone, everyone is your enemy. The world border is set to 200k
    blocks, so everyone is close.

    If you want to build, hide, pvp or just join a great and loved community, there you go.

    We are currently running on 1.15 vanilla full release with custom crafted datapacks. So why not try 1.15?

    / sethome

    PvP, Raiding, Griefing allowed!!

    Just #1 Rule: What is possible, is allowed to do!
    – You can raid everyone, grief everything, pvp with others, fool others, betray others, trick others, etc.!

    And yes the server is really hard, you will have a hard time to survive in the night!

    Account Added Arm Armi Ate Aternos Des Has Las Mix Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer This You MARMIXSCRAFT. Minecraft server

    Server owner “ MARMIXSCRAFT .” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Challenge Dsmp Eng Hybrid Inventory Mean Minecraft Minecraft Origins New Minecraft Origin Origins Relax Smp Survival Zap

    Hybrid SMP

    Hybrid SMP is a small new Minecraft origins server made to have fun and relax as keep inventory is on and is not meant to be a challenge come join the server to have acsess to a small but fun list of origins and we’ll be playing on there too!

    if you need help getting in please join our discord:

    Builders Castellano Espana Espanol Friendlyserver Friendlysurvival Iberika Latino Latinoamerica Nogrief Redstone Spain Spanish Spanishserver Supervivencia Survival Survivalserver


    Welcome to Mundo Ibérika Survival

    Minecraft Vanilla Survival server hosted in Spain, by Spaniards and for Spaniards (and also Latin Americans :D)

    – No hacks
    – No griefing
    – Respect

    Not complying with the rules = PERMABAN

    1.19 Anarchy Chunk Chunks Find First Hun Legacy Mean Older Pos Survival Versions Wild Wildupdate

    Wild Anarchy – 1.19 Anarchy Server

    Wild Anarchy is the first ever 1.19 only Anarchy Server. We started our server the day of the 1.19 update, meaning you won’t find any legacy chunks from older versions. The server has no rules, and will be kept as Vanilla as possible, with no game-altering plugins.

    Join with the IP

    Caps Fabric Minecraft 1.19 New Mobs Papermc Proximityvoicechat Qol Raided Render Sequence Survival Tpa Voice Wild Update Wildupdate

    [1.19][Proximity Voice] Vanilla Gameplay Server

    1.19 Gameplay with Simple Voice Mod (Proximity Voice)

    Note: This server runs on PaperMC, thus not fully vanilla server.

    Do you want to experience the new mobs and features in the wild update? Do you want to have proximity voice chat?
    You can chill with your friends, or find new ones to play with!

    Simple Voice Mod allows you to have voice chat in-game with dynamic volume and directional voices!
    Note: This is an optional feature, you can play on the server without voice chat.

    This server has some commands and anti-cheat plugins to prevent cheating. Some QOL commands like /home or /tpa are present, using these is optional.

    No game changing plugins are installed, fully 1.19 vanilla generated world.

    Dynmap can be enabled if requested. If griefing becomes a widespread problem, grief prevention will be enabled. I want this server to stay as vanilla as possible, so please don’t make me enable it.

    Before playing, please read the rules by entering /rules in-game. By playing, you agree to the rules and any consequences for violating the rules.

    Use /rtp to teleport somewhere in the wilderness! Please do not build next to spawn as you will most likely be griefed or raided by other players.


    FABRIC method (preferred):

    1. Visit Fabric ( and download the latest version of Fabric for Minecraft 1.19

    2. Run the installer and follow the instructions to install fabric modloader
    3. Once installed you need to go to your Minecraft installation folder by pressing WIN + R and typing: %appdata%.minecraft
    4. Check if a mods folder exists in this folder, if not create a folder called “mods”
    5. While keeping the folder window open, go to your browser and download Simple Voice Chat mod, make sure it specifically is the [​FABRIC][​1.19] version
    6. Open the folder window we just opened a few steps ago and drag the file you just downloaded into the “mods” folder in your Minecraft directory
    7. Close out the folder window and launch Minecraft. Make sure you select the fabric loader version before playing.
    8. To check if you installed it correctly, the main menu should have the mods option and in there should list the Simple Voice Chat mod.
    9. Join the server and press V to access the Simple Voice Chat GUI! Use Caps-Lock to speak if set to push-to-talk.

    Note: The user tag in-game will show if the player has the mod installed and can communicate with you.

    Please be mature and use the voice chat responsibly.

    This server will probably be up for a month, download links to the world save will be provided after.

    Contact me if you have any concerns or suggestions! This server was recently started, so please bare with me if there are any server related bugs.

    Extra info:
    PVP: ON
    Render distance: 16 (Far)
    Difficulty: Normal
    Standard World Generation
    Spawn Protection: 16 for obvious reasons
    End or Nether will be reset if needed

    Allowed Bit Chaos Kill Killing Kira Mid Middle Middle School Rmc Schoo Steal Stealing Survival War

    Guess middle school

    Welcome to Kira SMP!
    This is a Life steal SMP where killing is allowed but stealing is prohibited.

    Join the server!

    119server 119smp 24h 24hrs Adults Canada Communitydriven Completed Contraption Fabric Hermitcraftlike Newserver Restart Survival Thecoreworldofficial

    The Core World

    The Core World is a brand new server started for 1.19 by a bunch of players who were tired of their previous servers dying out over time. We had great times playing Minecraft together so decided to start up our own server and share our ideas about how a world should be.

    Our Rules are simple and minimal and are basically don’t be a dick. We are all adults, mostly in the range of late twenties up to early forties. So we expect players to be mature and able to regulate themselves without the need for moderation.

    If you’re a redstone enthusiast you’ll find that we don’t place onerous rules on the use of redstone, and as the server runs on Fabric your contraptions should all work as intended. Just be mindful of lag and build accordingly.

    If you love to build then you’ll find yourself in good company, we have many great builders who love to produce some amazing stuff from small detailed builds up to huge mega structures, all build styles are warmly welcomed here.

    In fact, we love beautiful builds so much that we will be preserving builds across worlds. That’s right, when the time for a reset eventually comes we will paste any or all of the builds you want to save into the new world so that we can enjoy seeing them and if it’s not completed yet you can continue working on it. A reset no longer means your work is lost! Of course, resources and farms are the exception to this.

    Our world is mostly vanilla with just a few of the vanilla tweaks datapacks that have become almost ubiquitous now like single player sleep and mini blocks.

    So come join our discord and apply to be whitelisted, or ask us any questions you may have. We are spread across Europe/Canada/USA and will respond to applications within 24hrs.

    Thank you.

    119 Black Credits Dank Edits Ffa Free For All Grid Helper Idle Kitpvp Ports Pvp Survival Tda


    Welcome To PvPden A Fun Free For All PvP Server PvPden Is Fun To Pratice 1.9 PvP Duel People And Have A Great Time We Also Give Away Free Ranks This Server Is Mainly Based On 1.9+ PvP And Supports Versions From 1.12.2-1.18.2
    McGridleMaster: [​Owner]
    Black_Zagy: [​Builder+Co-Owner]
    Galibix: [​Co-Owner]
    ClientDank: [​Helper]

    Account Add Added Cent Des Has Her Las Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Tech This You

    tech server minecraft

    Server owner ‘teh’ hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.19 Cloud Dsmp Latest Loot Looted Minecraft Survival Server Mission Problems Roble Stand Standard Survival Tech Twist


    A Basic vanilla minecraft Survival server with a Server twist. Check it out today. 1.12 to 1.19, Joinable on Bedrock. Build your survival, without the problems of having your house looted, getting killed without permission in this wonderful classic server running the latest version under high standards and a top of the line development team. Powered by PetaTech/

    Anticheat Dropparties Dropparty Dungeons Faction Pvp Factions Magiccarpet Mcmmo Obsideandestroyer Obsidianbreaker Oldpvp Parkour Pvparena Pvpfactions Ranks Rewards Shop Silkspawners Theend Thenether

    Schattered Factions

    This is a FACTIONS server above all. To succeed in this server you should create a faction with as many players as you can recruit so that you can create a strong base. Then raid other’s faction’s base, while also maintaining your own.

    First users to join will receive free kits : First server referrals receive FREE Rank upgrades

    Here is a list of plugins you can use on our server:

    • Factions • MCMMO • Loot Crates •
    Old Combat • Anti-Cheat • CombatLogX •
    • Flying Carpet • Silk Spawners • Duels •
    • AJ Parkour • Ultimate TNT • Libs Disguises •

    About Us
    Schattered Factions begins with an OG 2013 factions group with years of PVP, base building and destroying, our top servers died out and we had fell out of the factions scene for a bit, but are now back to give you all the sickest and most interactive factions server of all. We’ll be following an original style of old school factions, with 1.8pvp, and a 1.18.2 world.

    Brasileiro Brasilfullpvp Brazil Brazilian Compete Factions Fullpvp Fullpvpbr Inside Joga Mini-game Mini-games Pete Pvp Sever


    StrokeMC is a Brazilian server with several mini-games inside it, we have a very competent and attentive team with the players.

    We hope you like the server, don’t forget to join our Discord.

    Account Add Added Ate Aternos Cent Des Has Las Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer This You Your

    loi minecraft server

    Server owner “loi” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Call Cosmetic Cosmetics Economy Enemy Large Mcmmo Minehut Osmetics Pve Pvp Raiding Roleplay Survival Uests


    LandOfShiros is a MMO RPG War server with lots of cool features. There is lots of different quests around the map that you can do for items, cosmetics, or $$$. There are events like King of The Hill where you can strategically fight the enemy. You can explore or fight in the large map. We hope to see you online.

    Anarchy Aus Deal Diamond Diamonds Do Not Get Hardcore Join Joined Mon Pvp Smp Server Survival Use


    Smp server.
    Do not join because this is NOT a SMP server. Or is it?
    If you joined you get not 1 diamond, not 2 diamonds but 0 diamonds!!
    😮 What a deal!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Skyblock One Block Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!