Auto Ect Factory Fun Lec Nam Name Put Read Sky Factory Sky Factory 4 Stuff Survival Title Type

sky factory 4

have fun and don’t brake stuff


Barter Bosses Classes Economy Events Gringotts Incoming Jobs Jobsreborn Levels Pve Economy Pvepvp Shopkeepers Towny Townyeconomy

Infinity Furnace

Infinity Furnace is a Towny/Economy Minecraft server with some RPG elements to keep the game alive. Levels for players and mobs, bosses, raids, dungeons, parties and classes. Diamonds and emeralds don’t spawn naturally and are used as a hard earned currency. Iron is used as the base currency, and you can earn it by taking on Jobs or just trading with players! Hire a villager for 1 emerald, and set them up to barter your items while you’re away!

Diamonds and Emeralds do not naturally generate, they have to be bartered for or earned inside of Raids!

Raids are special events that allow players to charge their way into the other dimensions, collect rare materials, and slay customized bosses!

Other dimensions are only accessible during raids, and the server is still under development. Expect new features in incoming releases!

Caught your eye? Join our discord!

1.19.1 2022 Currency Enviro Extra Hardmode Inclusive Land Claims Overworld Rdm Rtp Survival Tebex Trust Version 1.19

Really Cool and Fun MC Server

             Really Cool and Fun MC Server | 1.19.1
               | Semi-vanilla SMP | Land claims | Toggleable PvP | McMMO |

New server originating from a group of friends looking for more members! Vanilla SMP with some extra commands for convenience’s sake, grief and PvP protection, McMMO and more. Come check us out or check below for more info.

🌻 ― Basic Information ― 🌻🐝 Version 1.19.1
🐝 IP:
🐝Founded: 7/07/2022
🐝 Discord

🌻― Features ―🌻🐝 Map started 7/07/2022
🐝 RTP within 100k blocks in the overworld
🐝 Simple grief protection with self land claiming and trusts
🐝 Semi-vanilla SMP – hardmode with tpa and other convience commands.
🐝 McMMO – level up skills to become more profecient and gain abilites in certain skills!
🐝 Quests – You can do /quests to earn special rewards for doing certain tasks in the game.
🐝 Player-run economy – our economy is completely player run with player shops and a physical currency.
🐝 Ranks – special ranks for those that help support our server by either voting or supporting us through our store.
🐝 Everyone is welcome in ReallyCoolandFunMC. We want to promote a friendly, inclusive environment.
🐝 Events – fun events planned for both ingame and within the community in Discord etc.


Block Locker Communitydriven Darkness Familyfriendly Friendly Frog Frogs Hermitcraftlike Mangrove Mcmmo Public Smp Punch Smp Survival Verified

Punchwood Survival Season 3

Punchwood Survival 1.19!
Our map has 1.19 features such as Deep Dark, Mangrove, and FROGS!

SEASON 3: DARKNESS APPROACHES!!! (Started August 20, 2022)

Punchwood Survival is a public SMP style Minecraft Server. The server has been running since November 15, 2020 and offers many key features to provide a fun and friendly survival experience to all players!

Each season will last about 1-1.5 years!

emoji_events OUR KEY FEATURES:

how_to_reg One Player Sleep
A single player can sleep and it will become daytime for the whole server!

verified_user Grief Prevention and Block Locker
We have the classis golden-shovel claiming plugin, but if that is not your style, you can use signs to lock doors, chests, and more! If you are ever griefed, staff can roll the damage back regardless of claim status!

grade Free to earn Ranks
Players can unlock ranks by using PLAYTIME! Ranks unlock new commands, homes, and jobs!

shopping_cart Player Shops
At the shopping district, players can make chest shops to sell items to other players! This is a great way to make money!

shopping_basket Economy and Auction House!
The economy revolves around jobs / shops. Use these features to become the richest player on all of Punchwood!

ac_unit Holiday and Special Events
Our server holds special events every month of up-time, and during every holiday season. These events can range from week long challenges, to drop parties, to simple fun hangouts on our discord server!

build Helpful Staff
Our staff team is dedicated to help you have a good experience. If you have any problems or concerns, they are more than happy to help. They also all play in normal survival mode!

favorite Friendly Players
Our small community is large enough to have some amazing group projects, but small enough for everyone to know each other! Come join us!

extension Skills
This feature allows you to upgrade and unlock new skills to help you on your Minecraft adventure. Skills range from the miner’s Super Breaker and Double Drops to the hunter’s Serrated Strikes!

flight_takeoff Player Warps
Player warps can be used to set warps to bases, builds, or public farms! These are accessible and settable to all players!

backup Frequent Backups
Punchwood Survival is backed up DAILY, ensuring that all of your progress is SAFE, ALWAYS!

Active Customarmor Customitems Mincraftsmp Minecraft Nodownload Nomods Paper Rpg Smp Spigot Survival Towns Trades Updating


Welcome to Folkcraft!

This server is a large scale SMP/RPG, where you can get custom items, armor, weapons, and more!

Travel custom terrain, and visit towns with custom trades and NPC’s.

Moderation is taken seriously, if you see any bug abuse or hacking, report it in the discord!

Updates are always in progress, and development never stops!

Ancient Bases Dimension Incendium Kyn Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Noreports Overworld Pve Pvp Smp Stronghold Survival Travel


Now featuring Incendium!

Crossgale SMP is a Survival Lifesteal SMP built around a new way to progress through Minecraft. You start in the Nether, and can travel through a new dimension, the Abyss, to access things the Overworld would have had, such as Strongholds and Ancient Cities. You can fight others, build bases, and explore.




Bov Fandom Grind History Leplay Link Nations Ports Post Roleplay Rts Stone Story Towny Server Wiki


welcome to grindstonemc! a towny server were you create a nation roleplay and more!
join now and roleplay
this server supports 16.5 and above
so what are you waiting for join now

wiki link (for posting your nations history)

discord link

Civilization Civilizations Farmer Geopol Geopolitics Nomad Politics Roleplay Ruler Semivanilla Semivanillaserver Smp Suits Survival Wiki

Stancraph Civilizations Server Semi-Vanilla SMP | Java & Bedrock | 1.17 – 1.19.x | Political RP | Geopolitics

Stancraph is a semi-vanilla civilization Minecraft server without claim plugins, where people can band together to make great nations. This server is player crafted; every nation, every city, every major event, is created by players like you. Find a nation that suits you and become a citizen, be a nomad, or claim some land and create your own brand-new nation based on your ideals. You can be whatever you want. Be it a ruler, a farmer, a builder, a politician, a journalist; if you can imagine it, it’s possible.

TL;DR: Your world, your choices, no claim plugins.

Map: (Temporary link)

Center Class Com Come Count Cri Description Host Mcp Mcpe Ost Owner Play Play Minecraft Survival Multiplayer

come play minecraft server

The “come play” server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Applications Elite Elite4 Escape Gym Gyms Minecraft Mods Pixelmon Server Pixelmonreforged Pokemon Smo Speak Survival The Quest


Hey there,Yes I’m speaking to you! Are you looking for a pixelmon server but don’t know what to choose well CosmoCraft is for you
we are a new and fresh server we still have 5 gym leader applications open and all four elite four applications open. So if ur looking for a nice pixelmon server to relax and escape the question upon what server to play join CosmoCraft today

Bad Beta Border Borders Cheat Heat Ign Pls Pvp Sin Smp Survival Things Worldborder Worldborderchallenge

WorldBorderSMP (Beta)

WorldBorderSMPWorldBorderSMP is a SMP where the world border is decreasing and increasing, and try not to go outside the world border. Pls don’t cheat, spam and don’t do other bad things. Have Fun! (the server is beta)

1.19 1.19.2 9.2 Boost Bot Job Jobs Mcm Mcmmo Member Ops Shops Spawners Survival Towny

Boosted Towny

Boosted Towny is a brand new 1.19.2 survival server. I am currently looking for new staff members, on both discord and the minecraft server. We also have jobs, player shops, and MCMMO. Join the Discord for more info

Abilities Axol Axolotl Battlepass Crossplay Griefprevention Jobs Porte Pve Pvp Quests Ranks Survival Tournaments Xolotl

AxolotlMc | Survival | Crossplay Supported

Welcome about the server, Bedrock Port: 23352

AxolotlMc is a brand new survival server where griefing/raiding is strictly prohibited.

The economy is community driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can join jobs, set up shops or list items on the auction house.

To enhance the gameplay, we offer special abilities with mcMMO.

Players are also able to rank up, in game, using the economy to gain access to new commands and perks.

We host multiple events each month where anyone can participate to have fun and win rewards.

We have much more to offer that is not mentioned here and hope to see you soon!!

Discord Link –
Server IP –

18to1192 Application Applications Ask Days Faction Factions Gestion Mini game Mini Games Near Newserver Slots Suggestions Zoo

The Zoo (Factions, More games coming soon!)[1.8+]

Welcome to the Zoo [​1.8+]

this is a premium factions only server looking for staff and players to come join us. We support 1.8+ !

We have plans to soon expand into other games modes such as sky block, kit pvp and many other fun mini games this will all be done in the near future as the server expands and we get your suggestions.

As the server is a new release we are in need for staff so there are slots open so the sooner you join the high chance you applications get read.
The waiting time on replies will take no more then 1 or 2 days.

The owners are active and will also be around so feel free to ask questions 🙂

Economy Elevator Erp Gui Power Powers Pvp Quests Quick Rps Seek Smp Superpowers Survival Warps

Middle School Warpseeker

Warpseeker SMP is a Work In Progress survival server with tons of cool features, have a quick look at gallery for just a few of the many things that you can do!

There are superpowers, economy, corpses, timed interval rewards, crates, shop GUI, quests and way more! We even have a custom tp elevator plugin :).

Join now and come have fun!!!

1.19 1.19 Survival Claiming Command Commands Nda Shops Stand Standard Survival Survive Together Ves Vive Welcoming

Survive Together [1.19 Survival]

Come survive together at Survive Together!

We have created a survival server with a set of plugins that improves the experience, but is not overwhelming. You have the standard set of commands (/home, /spawn, /etc), land claiming, and player shops and a server shop. We also aim to foster a friendly and welcoming community. See you on the server!

420craft 420friendly Canada Chill Colourful Discord Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Semivanillasurvival Smallcommunity Smallserver Smallsurvivalserver Survival Vanilla Vanillaish Vanillasmp Vanillasurvival

Maple’s Server / Semi-Vanilla Survival / TPA & SetHome & RTP


This is my server “Maple’s Server.” It’s a semi-vanilla server where the only plugins are TPA, RTP (Random Teleport), and SetHome. Otherwise it’s completely vanilla! (aside from our anti-cheat of course.)

We don’t have any annoying chatbots, no nosey staff members, or anything of the sort. Just a small, chill community of players 🙂

We also have a discord in the works! Ill post it here once it’s open.

But anyways, like I said… This is a vanilla server. You’re gonna get what you expect; No more no less.

We just ask that you be kind to other players. Hopefully once we have a good community, we can whitelist the server, and only add cool folks B)

If that’s cool with you, please join!!
baby boy

Added Ass Center Class Count Countries Country Cri Description Has Owner Survival Multiplayer Ter This Try

rp country minecraft server

The owner of the server “Rp countries” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Bored Character Eee Hero Mad Mha Modpack Ored Oup Pac Pack Rac Rising Stupid Survival

Hero Uprising


Boats Carpet Community Duplication Hermitcraft Jukebox Ledger Lithium Miniblocks Minimap Pranks Roleplay Server Statues Survival


JengaCraft SMP

Have you ever watched Hermitcraft videos and wanted to play in a server like that? Well, you went to the right place, JengaCraft is a Vanilla Community Minecraft Server where we love to explore the limits of survival Minecraft through big and intricate builds and complex redstone projects, all balanced out with a healthy dose of pranks and shenanigans amongst friends. The server is 24/7, located in Vint Hill, Virginia with restarts everyday at 18:00 UTC. Backups are hourly.

On this server we like to work on big projects on our own and with the community, while also adding an element of player made shops! We like to
keep a small, but active community!

The current season started on 6/7/22, but many players have started recently and there’s still much to be done!
Join the discord and apply if you are interested!!!

JengaCraft Discord :

Rule 1: We run on a method of trust throughout the server. We all love playing Minecraft, so lets have a good time! That being said, we will not tolerate any unwanted stealing or griefing, and anything in between.
Rule 2: The server has an age minimum of 15; we expect a reasonable amount of maturity from all JengaCraft members.
Rule 3: We do not allow any forms of duplication UNLESS they fall into one of these three categories: Primed TNT, Rail, and Sand/Concrete Powder (Falling Block Duping).
Rule 4: There will be no tolerance for any Cheating or Hacking.
-Approved Mods: Performance Mods, Minimap (without teleport functions), litematica, Simple Voice Chat (obviously), and Minihud. If you would like to know about any other mods, ping Polar or any Moderator and we will let you know if it is allowed.
Rule 5: No Doxing, Ddosing, or anything of the sort.
Rule 6: We will not tolerate any discrimination, unwanted toxicity, or anything that would make another member uncomfortable in the server.
Rule 7: Decisions about what happens in game are made by the community as a whole. Decisions about what happens in server files/mods/datapacks are made by the moderators, using community suggestions.
Rule 8: Have fun, and make sure your actions allow for others to as well.

For those curious on the “Semi-Vanilla”, here is the list of server mods/datapacks!

– Fabric API
– Simple Voice Chat
– Carpet Mod
– Ledger
– Kotlin
– Lithium
– Phosphor
– LuckPerms
– Fabricord
– (SBM) JukeBox Mod

– AFK Display
– Armor Statues
– Coordinates HUD
– Double Shulker Shells
– Kill Empty Boats (Admin Command)
– More Mob Heads
– Nether Coords HUD
– Player Head Drops
– Silence Mobs
– Track Raw Statistics
– Unlock All Recipes
– Wandering Trades (MiniBlocks)

Come pop on the server and have a good time!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Creative Minecraft Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!