

We're an in-development/beta server dedicated to 3 main points:

  • Provide a variety of feature-rich modes

  • Strict prevention of all forms of cheating, no matter the caliber

  • A community that is friendly no matter the skill level. a.k.a no toxic behavior.

We try to provide a variety of content, however given how small the development team is (at the moment, only 3 builders and 1 plugin developer), updates and changes will take a long time. Basically every mode is being re-imagined (Our first of these will be Tower Defense coming out this month!). Given this nature, features, playerdata, and basically everything else isn't perfectly stable, and may change in a flash. Now is the perfect time to come playtest and not only help grow our community, but to help find issues and propose new ideas.

BudderCraft is extremely strict on preventing cheating of any kind. Due to this, no mods (except those listed towards the end) are allowed, and this will never change (except potentially for Fabric, Forge and Lunar in the far future when we can limit their functionality). No bedrock modding will ever be allowed mostly due to console users having no legal way of obtaining them. Any intentional ways to get around this will result in a permanent, unpardonable ban. However mods aren't the only way to cheat. Any other forms, weather with ways of automation (hacks, mods, resource packs, we don't allow them atm, but a whitelist feature will be added someday) or not (game exploits, alt accounts, "win-trading" – where people in competitive modes play for a specific result rather than trying to win individually, and many more), all cheating rule breaks will almost certainly result in an unpardonable ban. Any form of piracy will also be given the same treatment. Since Minecraft isn't considered abandonware (meaning its no longer sold anymore), you cannot pirate/steal it, and there is no excuse that can be made to justify it.

A central point to a fun online game is to only allow fun and friendly people to play it. Anyone being rude for no reason, whether in a competitive environment or not, will not be tolerated whatsoever, especially if it involves personal attacks against specific traits of the person (race, sexuality, gender, etc.). While there is a way to breach this unpunished, not only does everyone who can see the content have to have explicitly said they're ok with it, but mods and admins can disallow it for any reason (mostly to prevent people from harassing others behind their back). Further info about this exception can be found under Non-ruling terms in /warp Rules

Other small points:

  • 1.9+ style PvP. 1.8 pvp is over a decade old at this point, if you haven't gotten used to it yet, skill issue. Some changes to the combat system do exist, such as making ender crystals harmless and when 1.21 comes out, nerfing the stupidly-overpowered mace with as much as a 91% damage reduction with a damage cap.

  • there is a very quick section once you join for the first time. You must complete it to continue, and cannot chat or send commands (except /helpop) until you do so. It only takes 1 minute, if that. It only exists to filter out bots and people who have no ability to read (since it features things I had to have answered all the time).

  • large scale farms are strictly prohibited. We believe all these massive farms that generate double-chests worth of items per minute ruins the economy and in the case of Factions, kills all strategy, since you would be basically forced to build these or you would stand 0 chance, and who likes a strategy game where only 1 strategy is viable? You can view an outdated list (will be updated come 1.21) of every banned farm under rule 9 in /warp Rules, but the common rule of thumb, if it seems hacky, requires an elaborate setup, or was never intended to be renewable, then its not allowed. Some common banned farms are iron farms, gold farms, raid farms, gunpowder farms, and most xp farms.

  • If you are unsure about something on the server, rather than bothering busy staff, use our tutorials (either /warp HowToPlay or /help. Most modes have a "how to play" hologram at their respective spawnpoint). Staff are allowed to ignore help requests that these things answer and even mute players who repeatedly ask.

  • Joining our discord is not required but highly recommended. It is very helpful for posting/getting feedback and update/uptime info. You can get our discord link by using /discord on the server (we aren't posting the link here as joining the minecraft server is a requirement to join anyways, so you might as well do that first)

If you're ready to check us out, join with the IP below. We always run on the latest version (as every server should), however it may take a week or two to update versions once a new one releases.

IP(Java and Bedrock):

NO MODDED OR PIRATED CLIENTS ALLOWED!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE CAUGHT USING ONE, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATLY BANNED!!!!!!!!(However, we do allow some, which are listed below)(We are not open to suggestions for more)

Allowed Clients:

Badlion Client (Only specifed mods below are allowed)

Allowed Mods for Badlion (Note: any setting not listed here will be automatically disabled and blocked when you join!):


Block Overlay

Clear Glass



Damage Tint

Enchant Glint


Hit Color

Item Physics





Please note that we are still in our beta phase, so expect bugs and lacking features. Feel free to make suggestions on what we need done before official release!



Welcome to Economics, our long-term Minecraft server, now thriving for around 4 weeks!

Modpack Highlights:

  • Features Create mods and building block mods
  • Suitable for players of all skill levels
  • Offers endless opportunities for building and crafting

Key Features:

  • Predefined Shopping District for player trading
  • Regular server-wide events and challenges
  • Recently added mods include Artifacts and Expanded Storage

Unique Twist:

  • The End remains forever locked, but you can purchase End-related items from the admin shop

Join Our Discord to connect with fellow players:

Community Vibes:

  • Welcoming atmosphere fostering creativity and collaboration
  • Competitive elements for an exciting gameplay experience
  • A server mayor elected to lead the community

Main Objective:

  • Accumulate wealth and resources
  • Construct impressive structures and farms
  • Compete to become the wealthiest and most skilled player

Embark on this adventure with us! Join Economics today and start crafting your path to success!


Life SMP

Are you tired of struggling with laggy servers, abandoned communities, and imbalanced gameplay? Look no further than Vita SMP, where we're rewriting the rules of Minecraft multiplayer. Since our establishment in January 2021, we've been committed to delivering an unparalleled experience for our players.

Our brand new custom modpack, featuring the innovative Create mod at its core, guarantees smooth performance and endless possibilities. But that's just the beginning. At Vita SMP, we pride ourselves on balanced survival mechanics, immersive storytelling, and a thriving community spirit. From epic quests to collaborative building projects, there's always something exciting happening on our server.

  • Whitelisted server.
  • Established in 2021.
  • 18+ community.
  • Monthly giveaways in our discord.
  • Regular events held within our Discord and Server.
  • The server is running out of a dedicated server.
  • Partnered with PlutoNode.

IMPORTANT: Our new season will be starting on the 31st of May. Join us and start your story!


⟡ ChrysoliteSMP ⟡

Welcome to ChrysoliteSMP!


We are a brand new server on 1.20.1 with a custom modpack.

The following are the mods included in said modpack.

– 🎙️ Voice Chat 🎙️

– 🏘️ Minecolonies 🏘️

– ⚡ Advanced Energistics 2 ⚡

– 👑 FTB Mods ( Claims and Ultimine ) 👑

– 🌳 Biomes O' Plenty 🌳

– 🌱 Mystical Agriculture 🌱

– 🔧 Mechanism 🔧

– 🛞 Create 🛞

– ❓ and MUCH more! ❓

We value your experience on our server.. We expect 20tps 24/7.

There is much more to come to ChrysoliteSMP as we are in the Early Access stage.


Check out the modpack:

Discord Invite:

Server IP:



Complexity SMP

[Complexity SMP] is a 3 month-old server! We wanted an enjoyable experience, so the modpack is heavily centered around exploration with other fun mods that just improve the quality of life within the server, as well as a built-in economy and Discord chat integration

With a tight-knit community that's active and adventurous, we're looking to expand our horizons and bring on even more new members. If you're interested in a long-lasting world and have the ambition to bring your creativity to the world, then Complexity is for you! The modpack the server runs was made to be tailored to the server as well!

Our Discord is fairly active and has a lot of useful features to get you started and engaged with other players. [Join us here.]

With an emphasis on exploration and innovation, this modpack has mods such as Alex’s Caves, Create and many of its addons, and many others, more creative freedom is possible. While mods like Cataclysm and Iron’s Spells allow power spikes to create a fun and engaging late game. But, it's not about the end, it's about the journey it takes to get there. Enjoy.

Looking forward to seeing new faces!

[Check out the modpack here]



**Nova Realms SMP**

:construction: **We have just recently released for BETA Testing!**

:people_hugging: **We are all about fun, inclusivity and most importantly diversity!**

:no_entry_sign: **We have no restrictions (other than the minecraft/discord tos) and we are open to everyone!**

:clock: **We plan on having this server open for as long as possible, to provide the best experience for all our players!**

:tv: **There are plugins that modify the game to make it even more immersive and entertaining**

:mobile_phone: **We are a bedrock AND Java compatible server, so invite all your friends!**

***(we are also accepting staff applications)***

**If you are interested, join our discord to learn more!**

**We hope to see you there!**


Nova Realms SMP Administration Team


☕ Java Survival

Java Survival SMP Server

Java Survival is a multiplayer server dedicated to providing a legitimate Minecraft experience. Every block you see has been mined and placed by hand! Moderators and admins play the game just like everyone else: you'll never see them using commands for personal gain!

We don't use the same old plugins you're tired of seeing such as Essentials or GriefPrevention. We've got our own custom plugins for basic commands and land protections, so we've got our own unique feel.

Server address:

Join us on Discord:

We will always strive to…
1. Be your primary Minecraft home: By providing an up-to-date Minecraft experience with longevity.
2. Champion our community: We value our community. Java Survival exists for the players, not for the staff. Players have a say in what goes on.

Server rules
1. No excessively offensive language
2. No politics or other controversial topics
3. No hacking, cheating, or abusing exploits
4. Do not disturb other players' property
5. Do not build too close to other players
6. Be respectful to others and be kind!
7. No advertising



We are currently waiting on the datapacks and plugins to all be updated before we schedule the maintenance for the 1.20.5 update.

➼ Who We Are

At SangriaCraft, our mission is to cultivate a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for for players to come together and play Minecraft without overbearing restrictions or fun ruining players. To ensure a peaceful haven, we've implemented a whitelist system, allowing only players with good intentions to bask in the tropical wonders of our server. Say goodbye to hackers and griefers and join a community of passionate Minecraft enthusiasts eager to share a great time together.

➼ Community Focus & Transparency

We offer various community events, competitions and dedicated project channels on our Discord. Experience our bi-monthly themed events, collaborative projects, public services projects, fostering friendships and creativity within the community.

We also value transparency and community input the most. We openly share our financials, ensuring every contribution benefits the community. Feedback shapes the decisions we make, with polled changes requiring an 80% approval rating for implementation. If a poll fails, we look into why the community disliked it and if there's a potential to make changes to the idea or not.

➼ Events

• The Diamond Treasure Expedition

➟ Embark on an adventure to collect rare items and unlock sparkling rewards in diamonds. With a total of 108 diamonds up for grabs, join the hunt now and watch as your wealth and collection grow with each triumphant discovery!
⚫ This event will end once all 10 items have been collected.

• The Dazzling Easter Egg Extravaganza

⚫ Event has passed. You can see the video of the event here!

➼ Whitelist Application

Ready to embark on a tropical adventure?

Join us by following the link below and filling out a whitelist application via our Discord. We encourage taking your time in filling out the application. Please see the #Applications channel in the discord server for information on what plugins and data packs are being used on SangriaCraft!

To join the Discord, click HERE!

Nether Hub Album

Server Album
Server Map

Recent Poll Changes We have enabled auto crafters along with the new tuff and copper blocks for our members to use in their builds!



Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without the limitations of land claiming or over-the-top additions such as skills, abilities, RPG elements, and more. With a heavy focus on community and player interaction, we are the closest server for anybody seeking a true "hermitcraft-like" experience.

Over the last 4+ years, our community has blossomed into a wonderful group of kind hearted and dedicated individuals. At Dominion our community is and always will be our primary focus. We run weekly events, monthly competitions, organize enormous group projects/builds, let our players vote on all new changes/additions, and much much more.

To keep our server safe from players who seek to troll or grief, we employ a whitelist process that is reviewed by our dedicated staff team. If this post sounds like the right server for you, click the link below to visit our Discord server and create an application to join!

To apply, click HERE



This part is a little wordy I admit, but these are the fundamental 5 pillars that hold our server up and govern every decision we make. These will always be upheld and used to judge any potential additions or changes in Dominion's future.

The Vanilla Experience

Dominion is committed to preserving the vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any any plugins, datapacks, or otherwise which fundamentally make the game easier, harder, or different than vanilla. You will never see plugins such as mcMMO, Jobs, NPC's and similar on our server.

In addition, while Dominion does provide a Donator rank, this is purely for players who wish to give back and help fund the server. Donators do not and will not ever receive any benefits beyond a shiny yellow name.


We believe that it is each player's right to know exactly how much money is raised though donations and how it is spent. In the spirit of this transparency, we release monthly updates on all expenses and donations.

We are also completely open about any community issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players, and integrity changes to how the server functions. During these times, we allow for open discussion and provide insight into any decision making.

Community Voice

We pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome comments, critique, and honest opinions. Through that openness, we are able to continuously improve our server and community because of your feedback.

For all major changes or addition to our server, be it a new plugin, settings changes etc., we run a poll where every member of the community gets to cast a vote. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a majority 75% approval rating.

Playing Together

We founded Dominion on this major principle: Create a space for players to play together, not just be strangers in the same world. To help foster our close community, we run weekly events ranging from one off quick PVP maps to massive large scale build-athons.

For those who prefer more long-term collaboration, we have a dedicated space in our Discord for larger player ran projects such as modern city districts, gaming districts, special mega-farms, and more.

New Content Now

When a new update drops, it can be frustrating to wait for your favorite server to update so that you can enjoy all of the new and exciting content. We purposely run a lightweight, almost-vanilla server so that we can give you that new content as soon as physically possible!

To apply, click HERE


Potatoland SMP

Hello! Potatoland SMP is a brand new whitelisted survival Minecraft server. We Just started the season so we are a bit under developed but we will be happy if you could join and help us thrive!

Things we have

  • Shopping district
  • Factions
  • discord server

We hope to see you soon!

if you would like to join please fill out this form




RECRUITING PEOPLE TO SERVE TECHNICIAN Hello! My name is Cruxi and I am looking for people who want to join my Technical/Decorative MC Private Server. It is a survival which started more than 1 year ago and is still active, we are looking for people who are equally active over time, we have many projects underway and more to do! Currently, the most active of us are only two people, that is why the recruitment, it is worth clarifying that it is a private server and among friends, if you have bad behavior you will be kicked out.

REQUIREMENTS: Premium account +17 years of age

Server Hosting en Argentina – 1.19.0 – whitelist ON
ip:Hosting with Essentials


Mist SMP

Welcome to Season 2 of Mist SMP , where adrenaline-pumping battles and thrilling adventures await! Dive into a world of intense player versus player (PVP) action. Engage in epic battles with other players, form alliances to dominate the competition, and rise to the top of the server. Forge alliances, build powerful fortresses, and fight for supremacy in the ultimate PVP experience. Are you ready to claim your place in the domain of champions?

Netherite is BANNED on this server and only one set of netherite circulates in the economy. Events are hosted weekly which are not always PVP based. For example parkour race, spleef etc

Join Mist SMP Season 2 NOW.



Pvp (1.19.4) (KitPVP with super powers)

IP: (1.19.4)

A fun little KitPVP server I coded myself. Come test it out and leave comments please!
There are 7 KITS, eat with their own special ability:

  • Airbender – gust of wind
  • Berserker – jump boost with axe
  • Scorch – shotgun shooter
  • Goblin – arrow barrage
  • Igor – explosive tridents
  • Sumo – ground pound
  • Grief – invisible vampire

  • Categories

    Stinky SMP

    Hello, Redditors! Check out Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server, with an emphasis on fair moderation (appeals, and punishment only for true rulebreaks), extreme longevity (absolutely NO resets, you could play here for years!) and inclusivity of all people and playstyles. Be you a nomad, builder, PVPer, trader, you'll find a place here. Any reason you can't? Make a suggestion, we'll look at it!


    Our vanilla+ modpack with many optimisers ensures minimal client-side lag. Server-side, we have 16 gigs of ram + dedicated processor cores up to 4.8 GHz and featuring 4 vCores of a Ryzen 9 5950X CPU.


    The server operates on a Safezone-Borderlands system, where a continuously expanding 4k-radius area centred on spawn has claims, graves and disallows (unless with consent) griefing, killing and stealing. The Borderlands is much more resource-rich but allows griefing, killing and stealing and has no claims or graves.


    We have a very special mod, the Origins mod! Along with the 9 base origins, we have roughly 61 custom origins, all carefully reviewed so that we can make sure each one is balanced, unique and well designed! You can even suggest custom origins, but it'll have to be high quality. Of course, if you don't like this mod, or don't like your current origin, you can always pick Human or use your free two changes/craft an origin change.

    Server invite:


    AND Classic Prison Server

    Don’t like all that OP stuff in prison?

    Work hard for fortune instead of getting fortune 50 as soon as you join!

    Play this OG hardcore classic prison server! Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with the latest plugins.

    Custom builds and custom plugins are all over the place!! We focus on a player driven economy with a server wide auction house, player chest shops and much more!

    The server is still in development but if you'd like to stick around and follow the progress with sneak peaks, join our discord server:

    • Player Shops – Cells – Custom Enchants – Custom Enchanting System – Stock Market – Gambling Crypto – Custom Fishing – Crates – Much More!


    The Garden

    Welcome to The Garden, a (Bedrock Edition) laid back experience thats been running for 2 years now. Our server is powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion made by Nico the Kid. No modding required, just join and download the resource packs.

    I pride myself on keeping this world running until i absolutely cant. The only reason the world will be reset is if a new minecraft update requires it, and i'll do my best to work around that as well. Blocks outside of 15,000 in any direction are reset every once in a while to add new land to explore.

    🌱 No Obligations: I believe in creating an environment where you can play Minecraft on your terms. There are no playtime obligations, and we don't have any paid packages or donation systems. The server's expenses are entirely covered by me, ensuring that it's a place for pure enjoyment.

    🌍 Fresh and Unique: The Forsaken Odyssey expansion introduces a variety of new content while maintaining game balance. Expect new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items, along with carefully selected personal addons that keep the server fresh and unique. You dont have to download anything on your own to join. Just download the resource packs when you log in.

    🌟 Play Your Way: There's no "right way" to participate here. Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to create or join a community, you're welcome. We respect your choice and value your presence. As long as you are respectfull of others, you'll have a great time here.

    ⚔️ Survival Challenges: The server is set to Hard difficulty with enabled coordinates. PvP is allowed for duels or consensual battles, and players can form factions and engage in PvP when agreed upon. Check our Discord for more details on rules. Modded creatures get added and removed occasionally to keep things interesting, and the landscape is dotted with abandoned buildings and dungeons to explore.

    🏡 Convenience Features: We offer features like Homes, Warps, and TPA for easy navigation and a smoother gameplay experience. Economy features make catching up to long term players easier, and allow you to focus on building what you want.

    Joining is easy, simply click this link:

    After reading the rules, click the verify button in our Discord server. No captchas, external links, or additional authorizations are required. The IP and port will be readily available in the Discord. We're excited to welcome new players to The Garden, and we hope you have a wonderful and stress-free time here.

    Auctionhouse Community Customworld Economy Economyshopgui Geyser Jobs Server Survival

    Reason Amistar

    🌟 Welcome to the Amistar Network!

    Embark on an exciting journey on our Minecraft server where adventure and camaraderie meet. At Amistar Network, we offer a welcoming and vibrant environment for players of all ages.

    Explore a vast survival world filled with opportunities and challenges. Our dynamic economy and intuitive trading systems make interaction between players a fluid and rewarding experience. Plus, regular events and daily rewards ensure there's always something exciting happening.

    With additional features like terrain protection systems and quests, creativity is the limit in our community. Make new friends, participate in epic events and leave your mark on the Amistar Network universe.

    Join us today and start your journey to greatness!

    Server Discord:
    IP do Servidor:xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxxx


    Verda Realms

    ⚔️ Forge Alliances with Medieval Factions ⚔️

    The power to shape the fate of nations lies in your hands. With our Medieval Factions plugin, forge alliances with fellow rulers and assert your dominance by vassalizing your friends.

    🌍 Experience a Large Biome World 🌍

    Dive into the heart of adventure as you traverse a sprawling landscape, teeming with diverse biomes. Conquer towering mountains, dense forests, and navigate terrains to claim your place in history. Large biomes also makes the journey more realistic and challenging.

    🏰 Build your own Kingdom 🏰

    Let your creativity soar as you craft sprawling castles, picturesque cities, and awe-inspiring fortifications. Embrace the classical allure of medieval architecture or draw inspiration from bygone eras to leave your mark on the land.

    Join us:






    Join us in a brand new survival SMP server with no resets and constant updates. We provide a welcoming and accepting community to all people. As the owner im online often and ready to help out and take suggestions

    Also looking for anyone who would like to help development of the server with custom plugins, and building!


    Otaku Heart

    Join the grand opening of our SMP server!

    This is a new pure vanilla SMP server (Bedrock) that is being started by ex-server managers from 2019.

    Our server includes:

    • Very wide and lovely spawn area
    • Events
    • Nations
    • Consensual wars
    • Spawn minigames
    • Active mods
    • Map download every end season
    • Lore & Easter eggs

    Disclaimer: The Minecraft server is combined with our already existing anime discord server, but we keep the communities separated. We also highly prefer mature individuals.

    Join here:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Servers Multiplayer. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!