Anarchy Pve Pvp

Atomic MC | Anarchy | Cracked |

AtomicMC is A Anarchy server where it has no rules u can do anything u want but i warn u be careful in spawn they may have traps or mobs that can kill u so be wise where u go
First IP :
Second IP:
Reminder : Server version is 1.12.2



Melodysmp is a Java/Bedrock cross-play Christian-based Minecraft Economy Survival server, which makes it one of a kind since there are not many Christian MC servers out there. This server is for adults. It has been modded and offers various plugins, including chest shops, leaderboards, sleep-most, graves, silktouch spawners, jobs, McMMO. The server also has an anti-grief system and offers helpful videos on how to protect your land. If you decide to join melody smp, please be respectful and remember that the server does not allow griefing, stealing, or hacking. Mainly focused on survival and we host events as well!



Tomoso Junior High School

We are Vanilla Minecraft server with a few select plugins for quality of life we want to preserve the original Minecraft feel with a diamond based economy and no land claims. We run the server on Papermc 1.20.6 and we are located in France




Server Location: Sydney, Australia

Discord invite link:

Apply here:


The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is a whitelisted application-based server, if you would like to join you will need to use the link above. This is put in place so that players feel safe that their builds will remain intact and that we don’t have anyone who won’t fit in to the culture on the server. That being said we are always looking for new members and you are welcome to apply at any time!

The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports, features that promote player trading and methods to protect from griefing.

If you are wanting to have a ‘pure vanilla’ experience, this server probably won’t be for you as it has some teleport commands and an economy backed by diamonds, but if you’re interested in that, then this server might be a good choice for you (and your friends!).

The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia, meaning if you are in Australia or New Zealand you’ll have a low latency to the server. If you are from somewhere else in the world you are also welcome to join us, just keep in mind that your latency might be a bit higher than the rest of the people on the server and players might not be active while you are on because of timezone differences.


  • The server is running the latest version so you can enjoy all the new features of the most recent update of Minecraft.

  • Many other survival servers modify various game mechanics, one of the main aims of this server is to not change too much of the Vanilla mechanics such as how entities act, villagers, terrain generation etc.

  • A decently sized shopping area that is filled with player created shops that promotes a feeling of community and helps players easily trade between each other. Players use diamonds as currency within these shops to trade for other items/blocks.

  • Getting out of spawn and into new lands is easy with the use of a random teleport command which can be accessed by right-clicking the NPC at spawn or by typing /rtp. There are also various other teleports that are made available on the server so that you can quickly get back to your base or check up on what your mates are doing.

  • The server has a land-claiming system that uses a golden shovel. Over time you’ll gain claim blocks that can be used in whichever server you play in, and when you’re ready you can claim your chests and builds to keep them safe from other players. This is purely an optional safeguard, many players don’t claim their land as the community doesn’t appreciate griefing so players who participate in that are very quickly filtered out of the server.

  • The survival server consists of multiple worlds which have plenty of new 1.20 chunks in them. If you like long-term survival worlds, the AussieSMP is for you! There are no plans to do a full reset of the main worlds ever.

  • The server is part of a growing network, so not only are there multiple survival worlds, there is a creative server where players can build without limits or just test their redstone contraptions.

  • Various external community resources such as, Automated Spectator Livestreams on the weekends, a Discord where players can find out future plans for the server or chat with other players, A wiki that has information and guides on how to use features specific to AussieSMP.


If you’d like to apply to the server you need to understand these rules. Not following them may result in a swift removal from our community.

  1. Don’t be a dick

  2. Absolutely no griefing

  3. No spamming

  4. Be respectful

  5. Don’t swear excessively

  6. No hacking or exploits (this includes xray!)

  7. No ban evasion

  8. Don’t be the reason rules need to be expanded or added

  9. Please use common sense!

At the end of the day if you just wanna play some Minecraft with some friends or even by yourself, this server will be a great choice for you.




Come join Alinea, a Minecraft 1.21 SMP server that offers a Vanilla-like experience with added features that feel like they could have been in the base game. We provide a whitelist for added protection of your builds, custom enchantmentsfood skewers, proximity voice chatand more. Our server focuses on a cooperative atmosphere, with no PvP unless all players consent. Join our Discord server to apply for the whitelist and start playing today!


You can join our SMP by applying to our whitelist. Go to #whitelist-application on our Discord server to start an application. There will be an interview followed by a review of the rules. See you on the other side!

Feature spotlight

  • Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice Chat to talk to your friends and neighbours in-game!
  • Food Skewers – Try out some of our new foods, including the beloved veggie skewers!
  • Extra Records – Sing along to the Ukrainian national anthem, or any of the other new discs in the game!
  • Unstable Enchantments – Are the vanilla enchantment limits not doing it for you? Try our unique unstable enchantments.
  • Whitelist – All of your builds are safely protected behind a whitelist.

Other features

  • No commands or claims – commands ruin the immersion, and are annoying to learn.
  • Custom enchantments – extra enchantments – but also curses. (More info)
  • Wholesome community – Minecraft is meant to be played cooperatively.
  • No PvP – unless consent was given by all players involved.
  • Various rebalances – to make various playstyles equally viable. (More info)


Alinea is a cooperative server, so most things that do not actively ruin the experience for other players are permitted. You can check an updated summary of the rules on our website. Various settlements on the server might agree to some additional rules amongst themselves.

Unstable enchantments

Alinea has a custom expansion to the vanilla enchantment system. Once you are rich and swimming in resources, you can try creating some unstable enchantments. Combining two max-level vanilla enchanted books, it will create an unstable book of the next level. These books cannot be added to tools or equipment, but must be polished by combining them with enchantment polish in an anvil. However, enchantment polish is extremely expensive.

Many enchantments are available up to level 20, but so far no one has managed to forge a book that powerful. Overpowered books, most notably looting and fortune, do not have unstable variants, and are locked to the vanilla enchantment limit.

Custom enchantments

Alinea has many custom enchantments. You do not need to install any modifications to be able to use them!

How do I get whitelisted?

To get whitelisted, join our Discord server via discord.alinea.ggand find our way to #whitelist-application to start an application. There will be a short interview process as well as a review of the rules. See you on the other side!


Janitor’s Closet SMP

Welcome to the Janitor's Closet!

We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP! we want to give players a fun atmosphere where you can make your own culture, nation, story, and impact!

We don't necessarily follow a build theme, places can be of whatever era, genre, or style in their builds! We like it that way to be unique, as well as encouraging all sorts of story-building and roleplay!

While we think it's awesome that people can make their own religions and cultures and stuff, don't forget that there's always someone you can join!

Lastly, we like to hold fun events! These events vary from being lore-related to ingame fun, and you can also host these events once you have an idea and all!

Discord Info:

Joining our Discord is required, everyone who joins does have to fill out a quick app after reading the rules, this is so that we filter out any bad folks and goons.

Joining the discord is also just nice, we have a nice community where people organize their lore and events, and it's where all info and people are located!

Our Plugins!:

  • Dynmap
  • SimpleVC
  • SetHome
  • Deadchest
  • CombatLog
  • Brewery
  • And others!

Factions Pvp Survival Vanilla


There are 3 unique modes on the server:

⭐POLITICAL – this is a unique mode in which you can found YOUR city and recruit people there!

✅ City upgrades are very diverse. City buildings are divided into 6 branches: Civil, Economic, Military, Technological, State and Production. Each branch has a wide variety of buildings (they need to be built and upgraded for resources and game coins), which will give your city and your residents different bonuses and advantages.

✅In addition to upgrading buildings, the city needs to upgrade Ages of Development to gain access to new crafts and technologies. For example, in the last “Atomic” Age, residents of your city will gain access to crafting firearms!

✅Also, each city needs to choose its own religion and form of government. They are all different and give different bonuses. Be careful – some religions and forms of government cannot be changed!

I would like to note that there is quite a lot of PVP content on the server:

⚔In automatic mode, tournaments are held every day for city residents. There are 2 types:

PVP tournaments (There are 3 types: daily, weekly and mystical) To participate, the Mayor of your city must apply for participation at the start of the tournament in the chat, after which the city residents will be able to sign up for it). What is this tournament? Residents of eight cities will fight in one arena against each other. Each resident will have two lives, if you die, you will immediately appear in the same arena and will be able to continue fighting until you run out of lives. City residents who kill everyone else will receive various rewards.

SPLEEF tournaments – well, everything is simple here, city residents will play a familiar game. And again, the city residents who remain the last will receive various awards.

⚔There is a PVP location “Outpost”, in which various chests with resources constantly spawn at a certain time, BOSSES spawn (for killing them you get their hearts. Whoever collects the most hearts in a month will receive good bonuses).

⚔There are duels – by typing the /pvp command, you will queue for a duel. When someone else types this command, you will be teleported to a random place in the world. IMPORTANT, you will not be able to type this command if you are not wearing diamond or netherite armor.

⚔And of course, city wars and raids on them.

❤️Friends – believe me, this is only a SMALL part of everything that is in this mode. Come in to see all the delights of our server!

⭐GTA RolePlay – This is a game of real life. Here you can get sick if you walk in the rain without an umbrella, break your leg if you fall from a great height, or get poisoned if you eat something expired. You will need to earn a living, buy a phone, an apartment, a car, clothes, get an education and then join one of 6 factions: Army, Police, City Hall, Media, Hospital, Mafia. In each faction, you will need to complete various tasks to promote your position and increase your salary. Everything is built on the interaction of players through RolePlay roleplaying (if you do not know what it is, do not worry, the faction leaders and their assistants will definitely teach you!). Also, all the stores on the server are businesses that you can buy and receive income from sales!

Be careful – PvP is enabled throughout the city (available from level 3), but this does not mean that you can just kill civilians!

Everyone often asks: where to start playing?

– It's very simple, start with quests! After completing them, you will get to know the server, learn the things you need and will be able to comfortably continue playing on the server!

✨Vanilla Survival is a unique mode where you can earn DONATE currency yourself – DINARS!

For dinars you can buy various items, upgrades, protection from pvp, cosmetics, runes, change the color of your nickname, buy DONAT cases and even pay extra with your DONAT.

Well, briefly about the most important thing:

✅ No griefing, your building won't be destroyed

✅ No creativity – no donation, garbage

✅ 1v1 duels and clan wars 2vs2,3vs3,4vs4,8vs8 and 10vs10

✅ Magic runes that give bonuses to characteristics

✅ Battle pass with unique tasks and rewards!

✅ Punishment system for leaving PvP, whoever leaves the game dies!

✅ Large number of works

✅ Unique warp system for players!




Hi! We are a whitelisted, survival server on Java 1.21 with minimal plugins, instead focusing on playing together as a very chill, lax community. We launched on March 23, still active and still growing!

– NO teleportation, landclaims, SlimeFun, McMMO, etc.
– Events: we love doing events and minigames!
– Permanent Map: we plan on keeping this world, NO resets. Longevity is the idea here
– Custom World Generation: we use TerraformGenerator – this is the only significant non-vanilla plugin used!

We like keeping it chill – our rules list is very brief, since we operate on a trust system. We have a few minor features and plugins to enhance your experience here, while keeping it feel as vanilla as possible. Our focus is on the 'playing together' aspect; several of us have settled our bases closely to each other, not far from spawn. But there's no rules on this sort of thing, and we hope to be as inclusive as we can be in growing a community 🙂

Whether you're a builder, a technical player, an explorer, or a mix of every Minecraft playstyle in existence, you're very much welcome here! We welcome players from all origins but please note that the server's events will revolve around east asia timezones at night (e.g. UTC/GMT afternoons).

Interested? Apply here!


The ‘Minelanders

⛏ The 'Minelanders ⛏

Server address:

Version: 1.21 [Java Edition – Bedrock Compatible]


Tiktok account with some gnome drama and newspaper articles from our server:

Overview: The 'Minelanders started in 2019 and have been operating every year since! We launched the 6th Edition of the server on June 14th, 2024. In this version, we've been graciously accepted by a cozy Gnomish Town in a lovingly crafted community built spawn. We're a server with plenty to offer! We believe that Minecraft can be political and strategic when other players get involved. So whether you are interested in building grand designs, griefing and PvP, growing an influential clan, running a commercial empire, or even just playing some Minecraft with a regular crowd, you are a part of something bigger than just yourself. Feel free to join the Discord, explore our community built spawn, and talk with the active community to see if you’re interested in playing on the server. And any time you're ready to start – survival is only 50 blocks away. Hope to see you playing on the 'Minelanders soon!

Community Nights!

Every couple weeks we host a custom made maps/ events for the community! Escape rooms, capture the flag, adventure maps, and more! These events are separate from survival, but offer an awesome opportunity to engage with the community and experience Minecraft in a new way. Many have been created by players on the server!

Vanilla Reimagined

General Information We love the potential of vanilla Minecraft but feel some aspects of the game have not been properly balanced to allow for vanilla to flourish. Through the use plugins and extensive player feedback we have rebalanced Elytras, autofarms, and more. No longer is there one "right" way to play, as we have allowed for all sorts of other forms of gameplay to be valid!


  • We offer plot protection in four sizes for in-game currency. You have to earn them! Note: Plots intentionally do NOT protect chests – only blocks.
  • We have player shop chests available to sell things to other players. Our admin shops are already set up for players to earn money.
  • We have clans, which allow you to team up with existing players or make your own clan with your friends.
  • The map size is limited to keep players relatively close – but it is still spacious with a 6k block diameter, which was just expanded with the release of 1.21 . The Nether has been increased in size (3:1 ratio rather than 8:1) to compensate for the smaller map.
  • Donations to keep the server running are welcome, but give no in game advantages.


  1. Play in good faith
  2. Be respectful of other players
  3. No asking for stuff, advertising, or being annoying
  4. Griefing is allowed, Lavacasting is not
  5. No cheating
  6. Alt accounts must be known to staff
  7. No releasing personal information about another player
  8. Circumventing intended server behavior is prohibited

Pictures of player bases from the previous editions of the server

Our resident small business, The Tiny Tavern

TRS main base

Vix's Cottage

Bina's Parenting School

Ponlm00's Wild West



➼ Who We Are

At SangriaCraft, our mission is to cultivate a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for for players to come together and play Minecraft without overbearing restrictions or fun ruining players. To ensure a peaceful haven, we've implemented a whitelist system, allowing only players with good intentions to bask in the tropical wonders of our server. Say goodbye to hackers and griefers and join a community of passionate Minecraft enthusiasts eager to share a great time together.

Server Map

Server Album

Nether Hub Album

➼ Community Focus & Transparency

We offer various community events, competitions and dedicated project channels on our Discord. Experience our bi-monthly themed events, collaborative projects, public services projects, fostering friendships and creativity within the community.

We also value transparency and community input the most. We openly share our financials, ensuring every contribution benefits the community. Feedback shapes the decisions we make, with polled changes requiring an 80% approval rating for implementation. If a poll fails, we look into why the community disliked it and if there's a potential to make changes to the idea or not.

➼ Events

The Diamond Treasure Expedition

➟ Embark on an adventure to collect rare items and unlock sparkling rewards in diamonds. With a total of 108 diamonds up for grabs, join the hunt now and watch as your wealth and collection grow with each triumphant discovery!
⚫ This event will end once all 10 items have been collected.

Starside Trivia Night

➟ Trivia Night will be held at "Starside" a group of players in our community. It will be full of trivia games and you will have a chance to test your knowledge against other members and potentially win prizes!

The Dazzling Easter Egg Extravaganza

⚫ Event has passed. You can see the video of the event here!

➼ Whitelist Application

Ready to embark on a tropical adventure?

Join us by following the link below and filling out a whitelist application via our Discord. We encourage taking your time in filling out the application. Please see the #Applications channel in the discord server for information on what plugins and data packs are being used on SangriaCraft!

To join the Discord, click HERE!

Recent Poll Changes: We have implemented a plugin to allow players to create custom music disks and goat horn sounds!



🎉 Join the Ultimate Ben 10 Minecraft Experience! 🎉

Modpack: Marshy’s Ben 10 Addonpack
Server IP: [​]

🌟 About the Server:
Step into the shoes of Ben Tennyson and explore a world filled with aliens, adventures, and endless possibilities! Our Ben 10 Minecraft server brings the action-packed universe of Ben 10 to life with custom mods, unique features, and a vibrant community. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or new to the world of Ben 10, there’s something here for everyone!

🛠 Features:

  • Custom Aliens & Powers: Transform into your favorite aliens from the show and unleash their unique abilities!
  • Friendly Community: Join a welcoming community of Ben 10 fans and make new friends.
  • Regular Updates: Enjoy new content and updates to keep the adventure fresh and exciting.
  • 📥 How to Join:

  • Download the Modpack: [​]
  • Install the Modpack: install the modpack open it and click on genders ben 10 modpack after just drag all the files there in your .minecraft directory This mod will be on curseforge soon
  • Join the Server: Launch Minecraft, connect to our server using the IP above.

  • Categories


    Welcome to Blocktopia Survival!

    Are you ready for an unforgettable Minecraft adventure? Join us on Blocktopia Survivalnow running on version 1.21!

    Server IP:

    Here’s why you should join:

    • Survival Multiplayer (SMP): Immerse yourself in our thriving community where you can build, explore, and survive together.
    • Anarchy Server: Experience the thrill of no rules, where creativity and chaos coexist. The world is your oyster – shape it as you see fit!
    • Active Community: Meet like-minded players, forge alliances, and make new friends.
    • Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and challenges to test your skills and earn rewards.

    Join Our Discord for a Chance to Win!

    We’re hosting a special giveaway! By joining our Discord server, you enter for a chance to win 1 month of Discord Nitro. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enhance your Discord experience.

    Discord Server Link: [Join Now]()

    What are you waiting for? Grab your gear, invite your friends, and dive into the chaos of Blocktopia Survival. We can’t wait to see you there!

    Happy mining and good luck in the giveaway!

    Blocktopia Survival Team

    Faction Factions Lifesteal Pvp Skyblock Survival

    Hytitude Network

    Hytitude is a factions server aiming to draw the line between competitive and OG factions. Hytitude provides all the great aspects of competitive factors, whilst preserving that community feel that OG faction servers are most known for. Maps are slower, cannon speeds are slower, and the economy is slower, but is offset by an abundance of events and activities that keep the game at a consistent pace. Hytitude is showcased as a story, with each reset presented as its own “chapter” with lore and a storyline that helps enhance the immersive experience.
    – Discord:
    – IP:


    Caledonian SMP

    Hey there, welcome to Caledonian SMP!

    We're a small server with a interactive community looking to add some new faces to our group. We are a mostly vanilla SMP featuring a few vanillatweaks datapacks as well as Simple Voice Chat, DiscordIntegration, and Dynmap to enhance the experience and encourage collaboration within the community. Additionally we will be running server events and contests with custom trophy's rewarded to winners and participants! To see a more in depth list of server features join our discord!


    1. Be a good person. respect other people and use common sense
    2. No griefing or raiding/stealing of other people builds or items
    3. No cheats or hacks. Mods such as optifine, minimap, and JEI are allowed.
    4. No Item duping. TNT duping is allowed, but general item duping is not.
    5. Must be 18 or older to join the server.

    If any of this sounds interesting to you, join our discord and apply!


    ✨Cobbleton Forever✨

    Launched on 06/14/2024!

    A classic-style Minecraft server with a modern touch.

    ℹ️ Quick Info

    We have a graylist, so feel free to join now and check us out.

    When you are ready to gain full access, apply using the link below.

    🔗 Links

    📖 About Us

    Cobbleton is a community-oriented server where cooperation and collaboration are strongly encouraged. We aim for a positive and friendly atmosphere where players can enjoy building close to others without the need to worry about destruction. Our goal is to deliver the Minecraft experience you know, but also to supplement it with extra elements that we hope will make the multiplayer experience more enjoyable for everyone who wants to play. Some of these extra additions include:

    • Pouches and backpacks
    • Portal Scrolls: Craftable, limited-use items that allow teleportation to the world spawn point, the player's bed, lodestones, and previous locations. An inventory replacement for /home, /spawnand /back commands.
    • Tons of quality of life changes like paths applying speed, crops giving XP, stonecutter recipes being expanded to include wood and other blocks, and many more.
    • Proximity voice chat with the client-side Simple Voice Chat mod
    • Fortnite style pinging with the client-side Ping Wheel mod
    • Quality over quantity mindset. No P2W mechanics.
    • A client-side modpack to enhance your gameplay experience!

    ✨ Join Today

    If you like what you're hearing, join us at to start your Cobbleton journey!


    AbuSMP – Whitelisted Vanilla+ Server – 1.19.2

    Server Location: Montreal, Canada



    The AbuSMP server started off as just a Realms server with 4 friends, and later expanded to a modded Minecraft experience that we wanted to share with others. We are a very small community based in North America – and by small, I mean, very small. We are only looking to have at most 20 members.

    AbuSMP continues to maintain its culture of a "SMP with the boys" type of server, and wants to instill this culture of play within new members. This is a place for you to join and relax, have fun and mess around. There are a few things you'll need to know to get started.

    We are running a Fabric 1.19.2 server. We have carefully cultivated our modpack to contain many QoL changes, new and exciting features, and overall improvements to the vanilla experience. We are generally a Vanilla+ server (with a few exceptions), and any mods we add in the future will typically follow this theme.

    AbuSMP is a whitelisted Vanilla+ server. We maintain a whitelist as we only want to include players on our server who will not be disruptive to the community. To join the server, all you need to do is join our discord and write a short message telling us a little about yourself, just so our staff can see you'd be a valuable member of the community!

    We are just starting our new season, which makes this the perfect time to join us since everybody is just starting out again!


    • We are a Vanilla+ server with a growing modpack. We generally aim to add mods that improve upon the quality of life, or add new Vanilla-esque features/content to the game. Some examples of this are waypoints mods, waystones, several new Vanilla-esque ores and armor sets, etc. However, we will always ensure that our modpack does not heavily alter the Vanilla experience. The gameplay is still Vanilla Minecraft!
    • We have a claim and container locking system to protect against griefing. This is built in to our world map mod, which you can open by pressing M. To claim chunks, all you need to do is select the chunk in your map and press claim. This is highly customizable and supports adding your party to your claim, or allies.
    • We have a strict no-tolerance policy for any cheating, exploits or glitches. We intend to play the game normally and we want to progress normally.
    • We have a server trading market, with players being able to put up posts and trade with others. There is no economy mod, our market and economy is entirely player-based! Since we have started a new season of the server, this means there are many opportunities for our economy to change.
    • Since we have started a new season, this means progress has been reset. Do not worry, as we don't intend to reset the world regularly. This reset only occured as the server was largely inactive for some time, and we have mostly new players now. If you're interested in joining up and helping us to establish our communal areas and farms, this is a perfect opportunity for you.



    AethreSMP is a new With Semi-Van server that offers an enhanced vanilla experience. We focus on maintaining the essence of vanilla gameplay while adding small features to enrich the multiplayer experience. At AethreSMP, we highly value community input. Every player has a voice in decisions about new additions and ongoing developments.

    For nearly a year, our community has been dedicated to crafting a server inspired by Hermitcraft. As we continue to grow in experience, we maintain excellent performance and deliver finely tuned features. We’re always excited to expand our close-knit, welcoming community and share the enjoyment!

    Community: At AethreSMP, we believe in giving every player a say in our decisions. We take all suggestions and feedback seriously, keeping our community informed and involved in our choices.

    Welcoming: Our community embraces diversity, ensuring everyone feels accepted and valued. Whether you're into Redstone, farming, building, or community activities like town-building, you'll find a home at AethreSMP.

    Updates: We're committed to staying current with the latest Minecraft versions, and delivering new features as needed.

    Our Features:

    • No Command Based Claim System – While not an addition we believe a rigid claim system is an obstacle and that our community can be trusted to build how they want and respect each other's work.
    • Vanilla Tweaks – Armour Stands, Double Shulker Shells, Player Heads and Mini Blocks Villager Trades.
    • Toggle PVP – we allow players to opt in to PVP letting people fight when they want but keep opted out players safe.
    • Discord Linking – Chat from Discord to online players and vice versa.
    • Pl3xmap – See a top down view of the whole world directly from your browser.
    • Player Run Shops and Economy – Our Spawn area is exclusively for player made shops and activities/minigames. We have no formal economy system or plugin letting players run their shops as they see fit.


    Full Rules on Website
    • Treat players how you want to be treated. We do not tolerate harassment by any means.
    • While mods are not outright banned we disallow Hacking and cheating such as X-ray, Aura, Flight, etc.
    • Stealing from players is not allowed.
    • Most Exploits are banned. TNT Duping is allowed for farms along with breaking bedrock to access the roof.

    Apply on Discord!

    Kitpvp Mini Games Pve Pvp Survival

    Capri SMP

    Capri SMP is a vibrant Minecraft survival multiplayer server where players embark on adventures, build epic structures, and form lasting friendships in a dynamic and engaging world. Join us for a unique experience filled with exciting challenges, community events, and endless creativity!



    Welcome to Akoot & Co, your ultimate destination for a classic Minecraft experience!

    Our server is the result of a passionate search for a chill, semi-vanilla Minecraft community with a fresh world and quality-of-life enhancements tailored just for you. Frustrated by the absence of such a haven, we took matters into our own hands to create this medium-scale community Minecraft server.

    In our open beta phase, we invite you to join us as one of the pioneering members of our growing community. Here, you'll find a semi-vanilla, SMP-like environment, carefully crafted to offer the finest Minecraft experience possible. Imagine a server where history and lore intertwine, where nations and player bases flourish, and where exciting events enrich your gameplay. We believe in preserving the core Minecraft gameplay while enhancing your adventure with thoughtful features.


    Delight yourself with unlimited homes, a grief-free environment (thanks to our rollback system), and a seamlessly integrated Discord chat system. Explore our world map online and experience the game like never before. Best of all, this exceptional experience comes to you entirely free of charge! This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become part of a community that values creativity, camaraderie, and the joy of Minecraft! Join us now, and let's embark on this unforgettable journey together!

    No application required! Just launch the game and play!


    Bedrock IP:

    Version: 1.20.6



    Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet Test Not ready yet

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Bedrock Server Codes. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!