Active Ark Ass Class Com Crate Crates Day Erver Event Events Exp Experience Help Join Kind Kit Kitpv Kitpvp One Park Parkour Play Pure Purepvp Pvp Rat Rates Server Staff Taff Tes Today Who


PurePvP is a kitpvp server with events, crates, pvp, parkour, and much much more. We have kind staff who are there to help. Come join us today for a one of a kind kitpvp experience!

Active Ass Awesome Beta Class Current Erver Eso Give Good Hut Ill Kill Killing Lin Mine Minehut Mod Need Needed Play Pvp Roleplay Rpg Sell Server Ter Tes Test Testing Towny Ves Weapons Zombie Zombies


An awesome zombie killing RPG, kill zombies, sell the flesh, get weapons!
The server is currently in beta so play testers are needed, and if you want mod, play testing gives you a good chance.

Action Actions Ass Class Com Custom Enjin Erp Erver Fac Faction Factions Has Home Mcm Mcmmo Mmo New Noop Obsidian Open Ored Paw Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Red Server Silk Style Sub Ter This Way


This Server Has over 20 Custom Factions Plugins and Many new ways to play factions. Some Famous Plug ins We have are

-Obsidian Breaker
-Silk Spaweners

And Many More~

We Are Sponsored By The -500- Sub You Tuber MasterMindMC


Active Ass Class Discord Economy Erver Hey Join Lmao Lucky Mine Minetopia Roleplay Server Ter Top Tps Zoe


Hey jij daar! Zoek jij nog een leuke Minetopia server? Dan zit je hier goed!

Dus heb je interesse? Join ons nu!

Zien we je daar?
~ ©️ Lucky-Topia

Ace Age Ages Ass Ava Ban Class Com Craft End Fac Facebook Group Groups Lava New News Old Oup Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Tps

★ LavaNaCraft ★

★ LavanaCraft 1.7 ★

★ Fb Group ★ (OLD GROUP) (News)

★ FB Page ★

FInd Your frend there 😛


Action Actions Active Ass Blo Block Class Com Enjin Esp Fac Faction Factions Game Host Mod Network Nuevo Ores Ram Rvival Servidor Servidores Sit Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Two Work

RenegadosMC Network

¡Únete a para nuevos y clásicos modos de juego entretenidos!

Sitio web y foros:

Servidores: Factions, Survival
Los esperamos, próximamente Skyblock y Mas…

Active Arenas Awesome Best Build Community Craft Custom Dedicated Donation Event Events Fun Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Premium Rank Ranks Server Socializing Spawn Spawns Staff Survival Unique Vote Website Whitelist Who Wns


Nederlandse eigenaar, maar we doen alles in het Engels, dus vandaar ook een Engelse beschrijving:

Vivalgaming: Minevival is a dedicated 24 hour hosted premium minecraft server that has been built by the old Minevival team. The server is highly community focused, and covers the whole minecraft section in the Vivalgaming community.

The goal of Minevival is to build a strong community with players that enjoy socializing and playing minecraft with each other. Our staff team will not only ensure that youll have fun playing minecraft with awesome people, but they will also provide you with the best gameplay that you can possibly access. We can achieve these goals with our many special features, like custom built spawns and arenas, a plot system which is used to built a community spawn, McMMO to boost your regular survival experience, many plugins that are customly made for our server to provide a unique way of playing and much more other cool stuff.

Because Minevival values their community, the staff team will hold close bonds to the players itself. We will try to organize as much events as possible, and the community can make suggestion and vote about future ingame features.

Another aspect that Minevival values, is that we dont want our server to have a pay-to-win system. This is why all our donation ranks exists for the sole reason to support the community and the server.(and for some great cosmetic effects.) Weve also got monthly donation goals, and server-wide packages.

Minevival is currently not accessible for everyone, but is using a whitelist. However, you can get acces to this awesome community by filling in a form on our website, and being an active member.

If youre interested to join this community, you should definitely check out our website:


2b2t Active Anarchy Anarchy Server Ass Aus Best Bit Claim Claiming Class Erver Greif Greifing Host Hosting Hut Ill Laim Mine Minehut Ming Old Rule Rules Server Survival Switch Vanilla Way Witch


Anarchy server like 2b2t with no claiming greifing and no rules AT ALL no que to luckily also I will switch server from minehut,gg to my old pc because hosting from ur own server/machine is the best way to do it

/hr/ Active Ass Class Com Doctor Erver Fun Gon Hiring Hospital Hut Ita Join Mine Minehut Nur Pit Play Ring Rol Role Role Play Roleplay Roplay Server Sur


HospitalMC is a fun role play server! Roplay as a Nurse, Patient, Doctor, Even a suregon! We are hiring SHR/HR/MR! Come join!

Ace Achievements Active Balance Balanced Challenging Class Com Conomy Core Craft Eco Econ Econom Economic Economy Enviro Environment Erver Exp Experience Fac Hard Hardcore Has Host Kitpvp Level Mob Mobs Play Pve Pvp Server Survival


LevelCraft aims to be an balanced experience between economical achievements and hardcore PVE environment; Face an hard economy, buffed mobs and challenging PVP like no other server has.

Air Backpack Backpacks Best Cheat Class Craft Custom Different End Experience Fair Features Game Help Ill Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nocheat Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Server Staff Stand Survival Who

Survival Heaven


At Survival Heaven we understand the trouble to find the perfect server.

Lucky Enough, we strive to have the best gameplay to offer to all of our players. Our server is completed with professional and fair staff who are highy experienced in minecraft and will be able to help you in all aspects of minecraft. Our server is filled with many different features such as custom plugins to enhance your gameplay, creating the perfect server to spend your countless minecraft hours on.

Some plugins that may improve your gameplay:


Ace Active Age Ages Ass Better Build Class Com Craft Economy End Erver Friend Friends Fun Horse Horses Love Make Mean New Please Pro Pvp Race Ran Ranch Riends Server Staff Survival Talk Ter This

Yee-Haw Craft

This server is meant for all ages mostly 14+ . Just have fun and hang out with your friends . Build ranch have race your horses . This server is new so if theirs any problems please talk to staff! we love too hear complaints too make the server better!

Best Class Craft Cube Experience Future Gaming Has High Ice Ill Inecraft King Kingdom Lag Level Lit Long Mine Minecraft Nice Noop Open Play Pro Projects Red Server Servers Survival Time Top Version Versions Void

Mighty Kingdom MC Server

Best MineCraft Server in 2020. Version 1.16 will therefore be put on 1.14 servers so we will do our best so that you do NOT lose ANYTHING.

Some things may no longer be compatible, in which case we will notify you in advance. Dont miss out on the affordable hosting plans for your own Minecraft survival server.

We also have a nice concept which we hope will be …

The time has come to separate from the Minecraft Survival 1.13 server.

We decided this afternoon to stop the 1.13 server activity to highlight other projects that we have in mind.

The server will therefore close on Sunday June 28, 2020.

I come today to explain the limit concerning tiles on 1.14 and 1.15 servers as well as on all future server versions that StelyCube will open. This limit we had to reduce it due to too many lags (slowdown) on the servers. Ill explain everything to you. We have opened a 2nd Survival 1.14 server, it is exactly the same as the 1st one already open, you just lose your level of profession. ????

We do this to avoid lags, improve your gaming experience and make sure no one is waiting to play. ??


9.2 Active Ass Class Craft Crate Crates Economy Enjoy Exciting Fun Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Raft Rat Rates Survival Tes Uchiha Vote You


Fun and exciting MCMMO & Vote crates! Loads of fun with plenty to do! Enjoy your stay at UchihaCraft!

Ace Aus Block Class Crate Crates Custom Diamond Difficult Enjin Fac Faction Factions Fast Features Fire Hard Hardcore Has Ill Mechanics Mine Mob Mobs Noop Obsidian Open Pie Plugin Plugins Ring Server Sword Tower Vanilla Zombie Zombies

Coconuts Factions

Hardcore Factions Server
+Custom Mobs (skeletons shoot fire arrows, poison, etc. Zombies inflict slowness effect) +Custom Plugins (When you mine an obsidian block you get 1 obsidian shard, 9 obsidian shards gets you 1 obsidian. Obsidian is not purchasable. It is a rare block.) +Custom Mechanics
– Cannot jump and place blocks beneath you, e.g. no random 1×1 towers.
– You have a “weighted inventory.” If you have too much weight, you cannot swim, causing you to drown. (a stack of dirt counts as 1 pound. A sword is 0.5 pounds. Each piece of armor worn is 1 pound)
– No armor makes you run faster than vanilla speed. Wearing armor makes you run slower than vanilla speed. Diamond slower than leather.
– and more.
+Better explosions
There are tons more features that make this server very difficult.


Active Ars Bed Bedwars Block Class Com Duel Duels Economy Emo Erver Free Fun Game Gamemode Gamemodes Good Ice Kywars Lag Land Ming Mini Games Mod Nice Prison Rank Ranks Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Time War Wars


– BedWars
-OP Prison
More is Coming

We are a lagg free and a good server, we are nice and sometimes giveaway ranks random 🙂

Class Craft Creative Custom Emo Event Experience Features Fun Game Grief Inecraft Item Items Join Mechanics Mine Minecraft Minigame Mod New Noop Open Play Plot Plugin Plugins Prevention React Server Servers Slimefun Standard Survival Tpa Unique War World


MoonShireMC –

MoonShireMC is a new and unique Gamemode servers around. The main focus of the server is to offer a varied experience for each user, To achieve this MoonShireMC offers a large range of custom game worlds including Grief prevention survival, Plot world creative and Minigame.

In addition to custom mechanics we also use plugins such as Slimefun and TinkerTools to add over 1000 items and blocks into the game. These plugins add stuff that vary from new tools, jetpacks to nuclear reactors to power all the new machines and systems found on the server, and unlike most servers that offer similar mechanics you can join MoonShireMC and access all of this with your standard Minecraft client.

So whether you want to come and just play regular Minecraft or dabble in all our extra features, we look forward to seeing you on.


Active Alone Ass Class Cool Custom Eat Economy Enchant Enchants End Erver Features Friends Fun Join Keys Make Nks One Ops Play Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Riends Rvival Safe Server Shop Shops Surviv Surviva Survival This


This is a survival server with alot of cool features! you can play with your friends and play alone. Its a pvp server so stay safe! there shops, custom enchants, keys, ranks and alot more to make fun! go join now!

Ace Adventure Anti Based Class Dynmap Eco Econ Economy Explore Features Hate Ill Join Kill Life Lore Map Marriage Mcmmo Mmo Npc Npcs Open Pit Rewards Server Shop Shops Social Socialize Survival Town Towny Venture Voting War

A Heros Journey


Still in quarantine?
Bored af and want to socialize but not get hospitalized?
Wanna get blown up by a creeper and hate your life?
Want to find a ravine and suddenly increase your acrobatics skill in mcmmo?
Come join my server and Ill give you a llama (while supplies last).

A Heros Journey is a [1.15.2] towny based survival server. Theres plenty of places to explore and lore to discover, so what are you waiting for? Your adventure awaits.

Some of our most notable features include:
Voting and rewards

Join now with the IP []


Ace Active Apex Ark Art Ass Class Com Community Conomy Different Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Fun Ice Join Love Mall Mcmmo Ming Network New Nice Ommunity Pro Pvp Server Small Star Start Town Towny Two


Here on Arkaida we offer so many different things first let’s start off that we are a towny/economy server! We have a small but very fun and nice community for you to join. We are an upcoming server that would love some new faces to our network so come join I promise you won’t regret it!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Fun Minecraft Servers For Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!