Ability Active Class Craft Date Emo Enjoy Enjoyable Enviro Environment Ftc Future Game Gamemode Has Ice Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Lit Make Mine Minecraft Mod Network Play Player Players Please Power Pvp Safe Style Support Update Version Voice Website

CraftCadia Network

CraftCadia Network

!! 2020 UPDATE !! We are under maintenance. Please wait for a future update.

Here at CadiaHQ, we strive to have an enjoyable and safe environment for our players. We have a variety of game types for every style of player! Our current gamemode we have available is KitPvP. A strong point at the CadiaHQ is our ability to listen to player feedback. We do everything in our power to make sure that every player has a voice.

We support Minecraft version 1.7.x-1.15.x


Ace Active Aus Australia Australian Basic Bee Block Call Chest Class Com Craft Economy Ect Empire End Erver Event Events Friendly Google Home Lockette Mmo Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Riendly Server Shop Town Towny Website

Australian Crafters Empire (ACEMC)

Australian Crafters Empire – Towny server.

Commonly know as ACE, is a Towny server which as been running since 20th March, 2012.
Its a child friendly server. Website:

The main plugins include:

– Towny + ACE Home Protect
– Chest Shop
– ACEevents
– BlockLocker (Basically Lockette, but for 1.14+)

Active Aus Australia Base Based Class Craft Creative Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Friendly Fun Giveaways Google Ill Inecraft Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiworld Play Player Riendly Rol Rvival Semi Server Servers Survival Vanilla World Worlds

Rolys Minecraft

A semi-vanilla server based in Australia with multiworlds/servers. Rolys Minecraft focuses on a loyal friendly atmosphere with regular raffles, giveaways, a fully functional economy and player run Mall.

We currently have Survival and Creative, and more to come soon!

Action Active Ark Ars Class Craft Custom Dungeon Dungeons Economy Enchant Enchants Fac Faction Factions Hype Hyper Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nation Network Opfactions Play Pvp Raiding Red Server Video War Wars Youtube


A RELAUNCHED Minecraft Network previously owned by DrPlayStationNation and TheHyperCraft. Featured in YouTube videos by dfieldmark, PrivateFearless, and many more! We offer OPFactions with limited custom enchants, mcMMO, dungeons, and much more! Our server is 1.7-1.15!

Abilities Active Admin Auction Auctions Build Claim Community Discord Eco Econ Economy End Farm Friendly Grief Griefing Land Landclaim Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Open Pets Play Player Pve Rol Server Shop Shops Skills Survival Title War Welcoming 💸 Economy 🌎 McMMO 💰 Shops + More

Come join today, build a shop, earn money for killing mobs and become the wealthiest on McEcon!


– Friendly, welcoming community. 🙏
– We offer a moderated, no grief experience for all players and ages! 📚
– Active admins 👥
– PVE 🎆
– LandClaim 🏛️
– Player Shop (Economy) 💸 💰
– McMMO 🌎
– Pets 🐶🐱
– Auctions 👀🗣
– and more! 🌈
We look forward to seeing you on the server!

What is McMMO?:
– Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks!
– Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!
– Unlock skills like Dodge, Roll, Catalysis, SkillShot, Daze, Retrieve, AxeMastery, CriticalHit, GreaterImpact, ArmorImpact, SkullSplitter, Fishing, FarmersDiet, GreenThumb, DoubleDrops, HylianLuck, ShroomThumb, DoubleDrops, BlastMining, RepairMastery, SuperRepair, ArcaneForging, AdvancedSalvage, ArcaneSalvage, FuelEfficiency, SecondSmelt, FluxMining, Bleed, Counter, SerratedStrikes, Gore, FastFood, ThickFur, HolyHound, ShockProof, SharpenedClaws, CallOfTheWild, Disarm, Deflect, IronGrip, IronArm, LeafBlower and DoubleDrops


1. No griefing
2. No cheating
3. No macros/automated scripts
4. Be respectful to other players
5. Keep the server appropriate
6. No player traps


Active Allowed Big Build Building Cat Class Community Craft Create Discord End Family Friends Fun Grief Griefing Hate Ill Inecraft Invite Join Mature Mine Minecraft Mod Parties Play Playing Pro Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Server Small Survival Vanilla

The Evil Whale Minecraft Server

Welcome to the Evil Whale Minecraft Server!

On this server we try to keep everything as ‘vanilla’ as possible. Though there are some slight modifications. If you are a mature person and like playing vanilla minecraft, come join and start building, you can do whatever you want, from small to big projects. Griefing, raiding, etc. is NOT allowed. PVP is only allowed if both parties agree on it.

We want to create a small community where everyone can have fun, you can invite your friends, family, anyone to play with you… We are all about fun. 🙂

We require you to join our Discord server before you can build, you can find the link to our Discord server by logging in to the server.

Active Base Class Com Competition Competitions Content Craft Custom Economy Erver Google Growing Hide History Inecraft Join King Kingdom Large Mine Minecraft Mpet Pet Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Roleplay Server Story Survival Town Towns Towny Vanilla Wns

Kingdom of Hideoutia

Come join the Kingdom of Hideoutia! A Towny server with competitions, custom content, custom plugins, large towns, growing playerbase, and a deep history in and out of the Minecraft Server. Come and join us!

Active Build Builds Clan Clans Class Community Competition Craft Discord Eco Economy Empire Fun God Google Ill Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mpet Owner Parkour Pet Pvp Rvival Sanctuary Server Survival Vanilla Who World

Minecraft Sanctuary

Join today!
We are a survival minecraft vanilla server with the sole purpose to have fun!
Work your way up the rich list and hierarchy of society, who knows perhaps you will even become a God!
Community and competition builds are regular!
Clans, Empires and light RP can be found throughout the world!
So why are you still reading? Join us now and have fun!

Join us on discord –
Server Owner

Ability Active Ass Block Boost Class End Erver Fit Good Google Group Help Ice Insane Island Lag Land Legends Lit Make Mini Minion Minions New One People Please Pro Server Shop Sky Skyblock Time Upgrade Voting

Lost Legends

A new era of skyblock. We offer less lag, the ability to upgrade your island, insane minions, and a good-priced shop. You can make your skyblock island alone, or with a group. You can add boosters in order to increase profits for a certain amount of time. Please consider voting for our server to help it be seen by more people.

Active Ass Blo Block Blocks Boss Bosses Bounties Class Coins Cool Crate Eat Economy Erver Features Google Island Jack Keys Land Lucky Luckyblock Luckyblocks Mob Mobcoins Oins Pot Pvp Rat Server Sky Skyblock Tag Tags Top

Daniel R Sanchez

We are an OP SkyBlock server. With Cool Features

* Island Top
* CaneTop
* LuckyBlocks
* MobCoins
* Tags
* JackPot
* Bounties
* Bosses
* Crate Keys

Active Anarchy Ancient Ass Bran Brand Class Com Economy Erver Game Google Hack Join New One Play Pve Pvp Ran Server Survival Win You

Mollys game WIN if you can

Play to win server! Brand new and no hackz.
Take a look the server, it is brand new . You can join now and grow as one of the ancients in it.

Active Air Base Based Challenge Chill Class Community Custom Economy Element Enjoy Fair Game Good Google Has Haven Hill Ice Ill Irl King Mcmmo Ming New Nice Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Server Survival Town Towny Welcoming


If you are looking for an RPG Based Towny Server, Havengarde is for you !
Havengarde is a fairly new server, that has its own custom RPG Elements to the game that will give you a good challenge. we offer a nice and welcoming community for everyone to enjoy and chill.

Ace Active Amigos Ass Blo Block Ciudad Class Com Economy Ect Emo Google Ita Lit Mundo Oce Owny Persona Pro Rvival Servidor Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny Vanilla

Proyecto Aura

Buscas un servidor para entrar con amigos o buscas conocer nuevas personas? Diviértete en nuestro Survival-Towny y construye tu propia ciudad en dos mundos distintos!
Pero si quieres algo más emocionante, pronto habilitaremos el Skyblock para que puedan hacer islas propias o entre compañeros y ver quién es el mejor!

Active Class Community Craft Discord Dynmap Earth Economy Enchantment Enchantments End Event Events Friendly Fun Gringotts Help Helpful Inecraft Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Ring Roleplay Scale Server Staff Survival Town Towny Vehicle Website

DaSphere MC

DaSphere is a Minecraft Server with a 1:1000 Scale of Planet Earth! The server includes Towny, Gringotts, 1.8 PVP, friendly and helpful staff, and a wonderful community! We also host fun events for the server!

– Towny
– Gringotts
– Zenchantments
– Vehicle Plugin
& Many More!


Active Ass Beta Class Dedi Discord Dragon Dragons Economy Emo End Exp Google Guard Guards Kitpvp Land Mine Mod Modalidades Network Pixelmon Pvp Rad Ran Rol Roleplay Rvival Servidor Skywars Staff Surviv Surviva Survival Two Vip Youtube Youtuber

KyumaLand En MineGuards

¡KyumaLand en MineGuards!
MineGuards 1.8 – 1.15.2: Network Nueva con Modalidades 100%
configuradas y Buenos Staffs.
KyumaLand 1.15.2: Servidor Dedicado a la Serie del Youtuber
KyumaSSJ y Configurado por el Youtuber MRDragonSSJ
Queremos que esto sea una Experiencia Inolvidable asi que contamos con un Survival rol Modo: Beta
Si quieres y cuentas con dicho presupuesto Puedes donar y Obtener rango.
O votar al servidor y si eres Nº1 en los Votantes del Mes. tendras tu rango VIP por 30 Dias.
El Servidor Abrirá el Día 20 de Abril, La Hora la Diremos el Día de apertura.
si quieres apoyar a la network tambien puedes unirte a su

Active Adventure Alpha Ats Class Craft Economy Experience Farm Farming Google Ill Inecraft Join Level Mad Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Mining Mmo Money Ores Play Playing Pve Revive Rvival Server Stats Survival Unique Vanilla Venture


ClxudMC is a revived Minecraft survival experience. Join us on a unique adventure with mcMMO to level up your stats and earn money by mining ores and farming! ClxudMC is unlike any other survival server in that its how you want to play it! Join ClxudMC, and see you on the way!

ClxudMC is currently in the ALPHA stage, and will be optimizing the playing experience for you on the way, so expect lots of changes made possible by you!

Auction Claim Community Crates Create Creative Currency Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Events Fun Hunger Games Irl Job Jobs Lottery Minecraft New Normal Play Plugin Pvp Quest Quests Rewards Roles Secrets Server Shop Shops Skyblock Survival Town Towny Voting

E-Public | A Towny Realism Server

E-Public is a towny and economy server for players of all ages. We aim to create a safe environment supporting a challenging survival mode, packed with quests and a variety of hidden secrets to find.
In order to assist your progression, we have implemented auctioning systems, lottery, loot crates and shops (all using your in-game currency).
In addition to the above, you can also find other players with whom you can fairly trade items. We love seeing this on our server as it is a prime example of the community activity we want to encourage.
Towny is a huge part of our server, it allows players to claim and protect their land – feel free to request to join an existing town, make your own or start one with a friend. We’ve found that the more friends you bring, the more fun you’ll have!
For those that want a minecraft experience not too different from the norm, we have added a selection of jobs. These roles can be filled easily with just the press of a button and allows the player to earn money passively
Alongside the survival economy, you can also become a proud owner of one of our Skyblocks. You have the option to browse our exclusive shops designed specifically for Skyblock players and fill your inventory with a variety of items, some of which are physically impossible to obtain through playing the Skyblock normally.
We reward players for voting on the server and host a range of custom events weekly. We started E-Public as a group of friends that enjoy playing Minecraft together, so we implemented a discord server, a creative world and a brand-new hunger games plugin to make it easier for players to experience E-Public together.
We have a playtime-based rank system that rewards players at all levels with honours such as new warping privileges, XP, in-game currency and much more. These can all be unlocked by simply climbing the E-Public social ladder.
Highly dedicated players may also gain access to our remarkable VIP zone, which overlooks the impromptu fights that may occur in our PVP arena. Feel free to join in with /warp pvp if you’re feeling lucky.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our new server, and we look forward to seeing you on E-Public!

Ace Active Cat Claim Class Craft Create Crops Discord Dynmap Earth Eco Fac Faction Factions Fun Help Home Inecraft Join Land Map Mean Mine Minecraft Need New Online Real Realistic Rules Server Slimefun Spawn Spawns Tech Wns


Join the new Minecraft 1.15 factions server! New Earth contains many benefits, such as

– An earth map with realistic ore spawns!
– Slimefun! Smelt alloys and become a technological giant!
– Exotic garden! Grow new crops!

Join today at !

IMPORTANT NOTICE- this server may get complicated! Before joining, make sure there are a couple people online to help.



Tutorial- You start in the middle of Africa. Using the dynmap, go to where you want to start your faction. If the place where you want to go is BLACK, that means no one was there before and someone needs to discover it (just walk there). Once you get to where you want to start your faction, run the command /f create to create your faction. After that, you must run /f claim to claim land around your faction, though remember to follow the faction claim rules! There is no /f home to teleport you back if you die, so be sure to sleep!

Active Ash Ass Class Custom Dun Dungeon Economy Ect Enchant Enchantment Enchantments End Exp Explore Extra Fun Geo Google Lore One Pot Potato Pro Protect Protection Protections Rvival Smp Stone Stones Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Tom

Mashed Potato SMP

Survival With Extended functions such as protections stones, extra enchantments, custom recipe, custom dungeon to explore

Active Aus Awesome Bee Block Build Class Create Creative Detail Economy End Enjoy Features Has Hill Huge Ill Long Make New Owner Plugin Plugins Pvp Real Server Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawns Survival Tail This Time Unique Wns

Since 2015 I have been setting up this server, all alone. Thus because of this long timespan I spend a huge part of my time into detailing. This makes my server really unique. For example
all spawns are build by myself by hand with close attention to every block. Actually, besides the plugins, everything on the server and around it has been created by me. I am sure
you will enjoy your stay on my awesome server, so is our new co-owner Phillip!

IP – 1.8 – 1.15
Features mainly: Skyblock, Survival and Creative

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and The Best Minecraft Survival Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!