Superflat survival provides one of the most challenging gameplay experiences Minecraft has to offer, while still allowing the player to experience most of the game's content. Players can thrive in an otherwise desolate wasteland by utilizing naturally occurring structures such as Villages, Mineshafts, Ruined Portals, Strongholds, and Pillager Outposts.
Because of this, I have created a Superflat server with zero game-changing plugins and no intrusive rules. The map has been running since March 11, 2022, and thousands of players have joined and made their mark on the server. The community has grown significantly, and many have faced the challenges head-on, with bases formed and destroyed over the years. As the oldest standing vanilla superflat server, I intend to keep the server online as long as anyone is interested in playing.
Discord Server:
Version: 1.20.4