A survival world with economy, MCMMO and many more. Are you the destined player to play on our server? If you say yes, come and check out our server. We are still new for your information, so the resources are pretty much still fresh. What are you waiting for? Your destiny awaits you .
monster school nerf Minecraft Servers Flavor
*Votifier is enabled on this server*
A freebuild server for all players. No factions. No Griefing. Respect everyone, have fun. **IM a ADMIN if you experience issues**
*This server operates on donations. IM the owner for information. *zontreck*
GUNS FACTIONS FULL RAID Team Fortress 2 Counter Strike: Global Offensive
IP: garcraft.mymc.io
Ever wanted to shoot TF2 and CS:GO guns in Minecraft? Well, now you can.
GarCraft is a server with a small community of mature players located in Asia, where using swords and bows to raid enemy Factions is no longer the only option.
We have many custom plugins, together with many favourites, such as Factions, mcMMO to bring the best experience one could possibly get. We are centered mostly around the usage of guns inside PvP instead of the regular ol medieval-styled swords Factions raiding to spice things up. The guns we have are mainly based off popular online games, such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2.
We custom-configured all the guns to mimic both games’ guns to the nearest possible value, such that damage and negative effects to the clip size of each gun is as close as possible to the actual games.
With these guns, in the setting of a Full-Raid Factions and PvP server, I can assure you that you can enjoy an entirely new experience in a whole new Minecraft world where players can rocket- jump over walls and spray enemies down with an AK-47. Try it out for yourself. IP: garcraft.mymc.io
Thanks to our team, we have been able to implement plugins never before seen. These plugins are vital to how you play the game, and what playstyle you decide to choose. Whether you’re the fastest trade-packer around, or the strongest warrior in the Combat Guild, you can have a unique experience of your own on EvianCraft. Here is a sample of some of the plugins you can look forward to: – Brewery – MCMMO – Towny – Mob Arena – PVP Arena – Chest Shop – Treasure Chests – And much more!
SpaceBlox is a creative server that do not seek to limit players creativity by using plot systems or paid ranks. Our ranks are based on skill, and we have 8 different worlds that are completely custom generated. We have different awesome server projects that users can join, and we use a economy system as rewards. With a friendly staff we swant to be a friendly creative server without limits like plots or flatslands.
TasteyServ is a multiverse sever that spans back all the way to 2011,
Our map is a giant culmination of thousands of man hours of play with many opportunities for building and exploring.
We are running a custom Bukkit mod for 1.8 and have a few plugins to make life easier in a creative map.
16+ only. We don’t want little kids ruining our fun!
We won’t disappoint!
Our main map is HUGE and has tons of infrastructure and even planned urban decay on our older builds. A great map for those who want to make big projects or explore others.
Empirecraft Factions is all about experiencing the fun with other online players. We always try to make the gaming experience fun for every individual.
The staff members arent aggressive, inexperienced 10 year olds.
The server is based off Economy, Factions and raiding.
We have many paid/custom plugins on the server that most servers dont have. Give Empirecraft a chance. You wont regret it the slightest.
We also have fair staff members, they might sometimes be offensive but they never ban/mute/kick without reason/proof. We also have ts3 voice chat so that you guys can all contact the staff team almost instantly.
Enjoy Empirecraft, we hope to see you on.
Minecraft Hexxit Roleplay (HERO) war Ende 2013 eines der ersten großen Letsplay-Projekte mit den Youtube-Stars wie Dner, DebitorLP, Paluten, Ungespielt, Rotpilz, Zombey ….
Noch während des Projekts enstand unser Hexxit-Server. Fast genau so alt ist unsere Bauwelt, die von unserem Team liebevoll gehegt und gepflegt wird. Im Laufe der Zeit ist hier neben tollen Gebäuden auch ein weitläufiges Straßennetz entstanden, auf dem man die Welt erkunden kann.
Du startest ganz easy. Ein umfangreicher Infobereich macht dich mit den Regeln vertraut und bietet dir viele Informationen zu Themen wie Claimen, Sichern, Farmen, …
In Tutorialgebäuden kannst du lernen, wie man eine Smeltery, eine eigene Mobfarm oder eine der legendären Tinkers Construct Waffen baut.
Fertige Wohnungen oder Bauplätze in Städten bieten dir ein erstes Zuhause, bevor du vielleicht im Freebuild dein Bauprojekt startest.
Du bist eher der PvP-Typ? Mehrere PvP-Arenen bieten dir abwechslungsreiche Kämpfe mit deinen Freunden oder anderen Spielern.
Zudem kannst du deine Kampfskills in den Dungeons der Farmwelt, dem Nether dem End und dem Twilight Forest verbessern. In diesen vier Welten farmst du auch die Rohstoffe für deine Bauwerke, Waffen und Werkzeuge.
Die Farmwelten werden täglich erneuert, sodass dir immer genügend frische Dungeons zur Verfügung stehen.
Das alles kannst du auch mit deinen Freunden erleben. Auch kannst du neue Freundschaften direkt auf dem Server schließen und mit ihnen viele neue Abenteuer erleben.
Euer EasyJackStar-Team
Welcome to Hyperbian!
This is the first step to a new and exciting experience, when we catch your eye. We offer Factions, crate keys, custom plugins, unique ranks, and more!
Factions: Expand your world and explore undiscovered terrains, with terraformed maps, and mind-blowing scenery!
Join today, at MC.HYPERBIAN.COM
A complete new server with the gamemodes we all know and love but with our own touch. We changed a lot to get the most out of the traditional ways. Added a lot of our own input to create a very fun environment for both regular players and donators.
Spitacraft 1.8.X
IP: spitacraft.mc-srv.com
Survival Kitpvp Parcels Factions SkyWars and Much More
The CMPS server is running a custom mod-pack put together and maintained by the CMPS team and distributed through the FTB launcher.
This mod-pack is a mix of magic and tech, for a full list of mods you can visit our website at: [url]http://cmps.enjin.com[/url]
Most information about the server is located under the “Information” tab on the sites menu bar.
We also keep an up to date changelog and list of banned items on the site.
We ban certain items that can be used to cause significant damage or other server issues, we try to keep as many things un-banned as possible.
To get whitelisted on our server you have to submit a whitelist application via the enjin website.
*PVP is enabled, but we are not a PVP based server. It is on for the reason of having friendly duels and such. 🙂
• Apocalyptic atmosphere – Local chat plugin that only allows players to communicate clearly within 100 blocks and nameplates arent visible at long distances. To communicate over long distances, survivors must use radio towers.
All you need is a minecraft account and to read the rules on our website. Then just connect to minerap.com and visit the subreddit at /r/minerapocalypse for more information and to see what the community is up to.
Our server is a faction one.You can build a base , raid a base , kill people in pvp , raid another bases , buy ranks , open crates and more…
Server Status: Online
Last Ping: 2 minutes ago
Server IP:
Server Version: [1.8.8]
Players Online: 7 / 20
Submitted: 2015-12-20 17:29:22
Updated: 2015-12-20 17:29:22
Country: us
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SurvivalMod: SpigotFactionsMcMMOPVPRoleplayEconomy
Server IP – Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:
We are a small minecraft server with NO LAG what so ever. Our server runs factions built upon a custom written minecraft server platform Written in C++ and JAVA, giving all the functions of Spigot, but with less lag, and more speed.
Plugins installed on server: Factions, Essentials, Warps, Economy