/l/ Active Ass Class Craft Data Donate Ect Erver Follow Game Games Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Open Pay Paypal Pro Protect Protected Protection Raft Server Servers Survival Multiplayer This Tps


This Is A Minigames Server
If You Would Like To Donate Go To
[email protected] on PayPal

Action Active Allowed Ass Class Conomy Craft Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Evolution Fac Faction Full Great Grief Happy Ill Illegal King Raft Raid Raiding Rvival Server Soon Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff Work


Great server with tons of happy staff, raiding allowed, faction allowed,griefin illegal , survival economy server!

Fully working, we soon will be a must have server!

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Areashop Best Capture Claim Claiming Community Craft Donator Elytra Flag Games Job Jobs Land Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Paintball Pay Play Player Pvp Races Rank Ranks Rol Server Shop Shops Small Spleef Staff Survival Survival Games


A minecraft experience as it should be.

(scroll down for dutch/ scroll verder voor nederlands)

The server consists of two major parts: the survival part and the games part. Both parts are worked out with lots of personal touches. Were a small and enjoyable staff and community, and aim to remain the same. We provide donator ranks with cool extra features. Everything was built by hand by the staff. We also offer exclusive self-invented games.

“Finally Ive found an enjoyable server thats not pay-to-win.”

Classic survival with mcMMO .
Possible role playing system with jobs and player shops (AreaSHop)
Land claiming and invading system
Automatic ranking up by game time
Drop Parties
Walls PvP
Last Man Standing
Capture The Flag
Beacon Battle
King of The Hill
Tower Fight
Survival Games
Elytra Races


Een Minecraft ervaring zoals het hoort.

De server bestaat uit twee hoofddelen: het survival gedeelte en het spel gedeelte. Beide delen zijn met zorg uitgewerkt met persoonlijke toetsen. We zijn een kleine en aangename staff en gemeenschap, en we hopen zo te blijven. We voorzien donator-rangen met coole extras. Alles is handgemaakt door de staff. Ook bieden we exclusieve zelfbedachte spellen aan.

“Eindelijk heb ik een leuke server gevonden die niet pay-to-win is.”

Klassieke survival met mcMMO .
Mogelijkheid tot rollenspel met jobs en spelerwinkels
Verovering, bescherming, en aanval systeem
Automatische rangen vooruitgang door gametijd
Drop parties
Walls PvP
Last Man Standing
Capture The Flag
Beacon Battle
King Of The Hill
Tower Fight
Survival Games
Elytra Races

DISCLAIMER: The name of the server is a reference to the protagonist of the epic film “The Big Lebowski” and in no way discriminating females.


Active Ass Build Class Creative Current Eat Erver Lets Letsbuild Network Plot Pvp Run Rvival Server Servers Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Two Work is a network of servers. We currently have a running Creative Plot server and a survival PvP server.

Ace Ars Class Classic Cool Craft Custom Dutch Eco Emo End Game Gamemode Inecraft King Kingdom Kingdoms Land Lands Map Mine Minecraft Mod Peace Play Real Server Sever Style Survival This Top War Wars Who Youtube


NL: Onze server biedt jou de mogelijkheid om of een Youtube celebrity te worden of om gewoon te survivallen. Je kan meedoen in onze kingdom series, en lid worden van een kingdom in onze coole custom map. Of je kan survivallen in je eentje (of vrienden ofcourse). Engelse/buitenlandse spelers zijn ook van harte welkom.

EN: On our server you can play in the typical Dutch Minecraft gamemode named Kingdoms. These are several kingdoms who have wars, alliancies peace with each other. Usually this is recorded and uploaded to youtube.
Or you could ofcourse just go and do some real classic Minecraft survival if you wish so.


Ace Apply Better Block Blockparty Build Class Eco Ill Mining New Old Online Park Parkour Party Play Player Players Prison Pro Pvp Quest Ranged Rank Ranks Server Servers Space Special Spleef Staff Suggestions Tea Team Who


Welcome to… SpaceShock Prison.
SpaceShock isnt what it used to be like, Now it is *New* and *Improved* and even *MORE Better* than it ever was before.
Back on the old prison we only had ranks *G* to *A* but now we have more ranged from *A* to *Z*.
We have special things that most other prison servers dont, we got Spleef and Parkour for those who feel that they want something to do other than mining or just pvp.
Anything can be requested if you have any suggestions that you might want to see on this server. 🙂
You can also apply to become staff on this server(*Coming Soon*) or even become part of our build team.
Once the Server reached 15 Players Online we will have a BlockParty.
We hope to see you soon on SpaceShock.


Active Ass Class Day Diamond Ect End Epic Erver Good Has Ill Invite Join Light Mon Money One Owner People Please Port Real Reward Server Staff Support Survival Multiplayer Taff This Time United War

Server Of United Lights

This is a really good server that’s young and strong, the owner Epic1023 and Co-Owner Padejoloza go on everyday to support the server. This server has a lot to offer and a good time to spend time on. If you invite people staff will reward you will money, diamond, ect.
Please join this server, if you mention you found us here you’ll get a reward 🙂

Action Actions Ass Class Fac Fact Faction Factions Follow Join Lmao Noop Open Play Pvp Raid Real Realm Style War

War Realm

War-Realm | 24/7 | Factions | PvP / Raid | Join now.


Active Build Building Chat Class Cool Craft End Enviro Environment Fight Free Friends Fun Game Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Open Play Player Players Please Pve Pvp Relax Relaxed Rules Semi Server Tea Team Vanilla Website World

The Cool Table – Semi-Vanilla PVE

The Cool Table is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with one goal in mine: Have fun and build cool stuff!

You can build anywhere and do as you please as you fight against the environment and other players. Building is free and open to all anywhere in the world. Build with your friends, team up with others, or just come in to do your own thing and chat with others.

We encourage an open and relaxed environment that lets players play the game how they want to. Hop in and say hi!

Please read the rules before you play on our website

Action Ass Blo Block Cked Class Crack Cracked Craft Creative Eat Fac Faction Fun Game Games Good Join Ked Kit Mini Minigame Minigames Prison Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


Hallo Mensen dit is een Cracked//Creative//Skyblock//Prison//Minigames/Kit-PvP//Faction/Survival —- Join Now Ip = —- Good luck and have fun.


Action Actions Active Ass Auction Auctions Build Class Empire Fac Faction Factions Lag Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Ops Rol Role Shop Shops Slots Survival Multiplayer Ter


Build your own empire and becmoe the strongest!
Factions, Shops, 24/7, no lag, 50 slots, auctions, mcmmo and more1

Active Awesome Best Class Community Disguise Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Games Gui Hard Hardcore Hub Join Mcmmo Mmo Mob Original Pet Pets Play Prizes Rank Server Shop Shops Spleef Staff Survival


We are a Hub Now! We have Factions and Hardcore as well as our original survival!
We have a lot to offer:
-Mob Disguise & Pets for any rank!
-Awesome Events
-Thriving Economy With Shops!
-Survival at it’s best
-Keep Your Inventory/XP
-Spleef Games
-Excellent Staff
-Friendly Community
-24/7 Play
Join us Now!

Active Amazing Arena Best Chat Class Community Craft Custom Eco Econ Economy Edit Elves Fun Job Jobs Kit Map Market Mine Minecraft Nation Nations Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Safe Server Survival Multiplayer Town Towny Trade Trading Vanilla


TekkroMC is a sister server of the popular Tekkit server named Tekkro.

This Vanilla edition of Tekkro is all about the economy. We have an AMAZING custom stock market plugin, Towny, Battle Arena, HeroChat, RandomPort, Trade (trade players safely from anywhere on the map!), MCJobs, and many other popular and fun plugins.

We pride ourselves in having one of the best economies of the Minecraft community. If you love the idea of trading stocks, financing loans, or being a ruler of nations, TekkroMC is the place for you.

Come play and see what all the fuss is about!


Adult Allowed Claim Community Creative Eco End Faction Factions Force Forge Forums Friendly Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Interesting Minecraft New Npcs Open Play Player Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Rank Server Servers Staff Stealing Swearing Teamspeak War Wars Who

EnigmaServers Minecraft


[center][font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=5]Enigma Servers: Minecraft[/size][/font][/center]

Enigma Servers Minecraft Server is a Factions PVP based experience, basically anything goes.
Griefing is allowed, stealing is definitely encouraged.

Please note, this is not exactly a child friendly server. Children are more than welcome to play, but please keep in mind that the community is ran by adults from various locations around the world, and in result, this server is not intended to be something where they have to watch what they say.

[size=5]Server Features[/size]
Obsidian Breaker


[size=5]Server Rules[/size]
These rules are for staff convenience..
[*]PVP, Griefing and Stealing are allowed and encouraged.
[*]No spamming, advertising or general chat shenanighans with the purpose of irritating other players.
[*]Swearing is allowed.
[*]Complaining about people that arent breaking these general rules is not allowed.
Actually, complaining to staff for any reason is mute-worthy, stop being a kid.
[*]Asking for any sort of staff rank or asking about any sort of staff rank will be met with a mute, just dont do it.
[*]Hacking is quite obviously not allowed.

[size=5]Faction Rules[/size]
In order to keep gameplay entertaining, there are a few rules for factions raiding. These are merely for player experience but will be enforced either way.
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Raiding is the act of playe[/font][/size]rs from your faction attacking another factions base for what ever reason you deem necessary. This is the only instance where the term “raiding” is valid. Attacking unclaimed land is just considered griefing, which is allowed either way.

[*]In order to raid a faction, you must first be enemies with them.
This is solely for player experience. Youre allowed to go full barbarian on the server and raid everyone you see, but dont expect to get a reputation where people want to play with you. Reasoning behind raids can forge great alliances and even greater wars.
[*]In order for a raid to be deemed valid, you must have at least 3 members of your faction participating.

2-1. Raiding alongside another faction is encouraged, but each faction MUST have 3 players each.
This encourages players to forge alliances and keep raids interesting in the long run.
[*]This is not exactly a rule, just a gameplay preference..
Joining a faction in order to spy is allowed, but dont be childish about it.
If youre going to become 007 of the faction world, at least be creative and persistent about it. Dont just join and yell “hurrr duurrr, faction coords.”. Earn players trust, become a member of said faction, then destroy the lives of those who once trusted you.

[size=5]Server Information[/size]


Active Art Ass Build Building Buildings Class Com Community Craft Creative Destroy Eat Erver Gaming Host Hosting Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Ming Mmu Ommunity Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Soon Star Start Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Swe

Absurd Gaming Minecraft

Absurd Gaming Community started hosting a Creative Minecraft server. And we will soon have a survival server aswell.
With a lot of plugins, and nobody would be able to destroy/delete buildings.

Active Admin Ass Class Com Community Dev Eam Erver Everyone Fit Free Fun Gaming Happy Hard Hey Ill King Ming Mini Non Ommunity One Open Play Playing Pro Rat Ree Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Time Vote Way

Outbreak Gaming

Hey! We are the guys from!

Outbreak-Gaming is a non-profit gaming community which promises that our gaming servers will always be free and open to everyone and most importantly fun!! Our administration team puts in a lot of hard work into our servers and devote a lot of their free time into making sure that everyone is happy and that everyone is getting the most out of playing on our servers.

Admin Best Community Create Dedicated Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Grief Home Mature Minecraft Minigame Minigames Multiplayer Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Rol Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Smp Staff Survival Title Town Unique Vanilla Vote Website

★HOMETOWN★ Survival and Minigames – [Anti Grief] [No PvP] [Minigames] [Mature Community]

Posted Image

Come on, make yourself at home.

Posted Image

Here in Hometown, we are a simple, but very well made server with a community unlike any other. The spawn is unique, but also simple and easy to navigate. We believe Multiplayer is for playing with others and with your friends, so we try our best for every player to connect with others by allowing players to have the ability to teleport to others. Here in hometown we try our best to keep you and your things safe. With our anti grief plugins, any grief will be undone; chests will be protected,PvP will be disabled, and horses will have locks. We also offer the user a variety of minigames to play. With all that, there’s also a community controlled economy with user made shops in our widely unique marketplace. What are you waiting for? Make yourself at home!

Posted Image

In Hometown, we try to add some progression and authority to the server with a wide variety of ranks that are not overpowered or ruin the survival gameplay experience.

Here are some of the ranks which you can read more on after you join the server.

Guest, Player, AdvPlayer, Trusted, Guardian.

Posted Image

We can guarantee that every Hometown staff member is handpicked and are very mature and friendly with vast knowledge of the commands and plugins we have to create the best experience possible. You can ask any staff member for help anytime. We don’t have abusive admins or kids as staff. In fact, every staff member plays legitimate survival like everyone else with no spawned items. We don’t do drop parties when the server is full, we don’t beg for members, we don’t spawn out diamonds if you vote for us. All 100% survival and fun.

Website :

Think this is the server for you? Join now!
IP :

As always, have fun and make yourself at home

Active Ass Build Builds Bukkit Class Craft Eng English Epic Erver FTB Good Ill Kit List Mine Mon Monster Monsters Notch Play Plugin Plugins Public Pve Run Rvival Server Surviva Survival Survive Ter Top Trade Vanilla Vive Whitelist is a survival bukkit / vanilla server where we build epic builds, trade goods and survive from monsters.
It’s an English / Estonian public server without whitelist, running on Craftbukkit with top-notch plugins.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arenas Buycraft Community Craft Crates Custom Discord Donator Drug Faction Factions Kit Kitpvp Kits Land Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Network Open Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Survival Vote World


SurvivalTime is a 1.8 – 1.13 Minecraft Network with 99% Uptime and No Lag.
Servers : SkyBlock, Prison, Factions, KitPvP and More Coming Soon

Some of the many Features:

Custom Islands
Custom UI
Ore Generators
Vote Crates

Drug Plugin
Plot Worlds
Chest Shops
High Enchanted Gear

Obsidian Breaker
15,000 x 15,000 Border
World edit with some Donator Ranks

5 Custom Arenas
Balanced Kits
Vote Crate kits
Potion PvP

Join Today and Help our Community grow we have a Discord where there is almost always someone to help
Discord :

Join us at we hope to see you there 😀


Active Block Chest Class Craft Creative Eco End Fac Faction Factions Forums Free Friends Game Invite Item Items Lag Mcmmo Mmo Money Play Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spawn Sword Top Voting


We are the ultimate factions/pvp/raid server. Invite and play with your friends and become one of the top factions on our server today!

Server Info: 100 Slots, 32 GB ram, 8 cores, 24/7, SSD, NO LAG

– Factions
– PvP
– Raiding
– Chest Shops

Connected Servers: SkyBlock and Creative

FREE STUFF: Earn points by voting, posting or spending money on forums. Points can be used to get free stuff like in-game money, ranks, items (god armor, god sword, spawn eggs, etc..)

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Normal Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!