Anti Ass Block Build Builds Childfriendly Class Com Community Cool Craft Custom Economy Economyserver Economyshop Economysurvival Ect Enchant Enchants End Enjoy Erver Friendly Fun Great Inecraft Mine Minecraft Money One Pvparena Pvpsurvival Riendly Server Soon Survival Title


FunOut is a childfriendly Minecraft Server.

What you can do in our server? Enjoy the great community, earn Money for cool Stuff! Build gigantic builds! Custom Enchants? Soon!
(It’s Fun and way Out of the ordinary)

Action Actions Active Ars Ass Blo Block Class Custom Eat Fac Faction Factions Great Join Kywars Nen Network One Oppriso Opprison Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Sur This Time Tom Two War Wars


Join now if this seems great to you!

Active Admin Arena Based Battle Build Claim Class Craft Dwarves Eco Economy Elves Explore Fac Faction Factions Ill Interesting King Kingdom Kingdoms Lag Land Lands Lore New Old Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Server Survival Team Top War Who World


MonarchCraft is a brand new faction based server with multiple interesting plugins! We use a top notch server hosting program which runs with relatively no lag. We have a strict group of admin who will ensure that the server is always up and running for you to enjoy!

We have recently implemented a team based arena to simulate an elves vs dwarves battleground, who will arise victorious?

You have multiple choices to build your army and claim a kingdom for your own, march accross vast lands to destroy weaker kingdoms, or even become a nomad and explore MonarchCraft with nothing holding you back! It’s all up to you. Welcome to MonarchCraft, the world is yours!

Active Best Class Craft Cratekeys Custom Donation Eco Econ Economy Experience Factions Good Great Inecraft Keys Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Nation Open Parkour Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Rank Rankup Roleplay Server Servers Shop Shops Trade

Prison Time

PrisonTime is one of the best Prison servers since 2013 where we take all suggestions and output it in the best Minecraft Prison Server Experience! We we’re actually one of the first prison servers to ever open, meaning we have the most experience out of all the other prison servers! 🙂


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Chest Class Competition Competitions Craft End Event Events Friendly Game Help Ill Inecraft Join Kill Land Level Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mpet Noop Open Pet Play Pro Protection Simple Skills Special Staff Survival Whitelist World

40six Worlds

♦ Join and Play ♦
No whitelist or registration, just follow the tutorial and play.

♦ Multiple Survival Worlds ♦
Play in any world you like and access the same inventory through out.

♦ mcMMO ♦
Level up skills and enhance your Minecraft gameplay.

♦ Simple Protection ♦
Protect your chests and land, It’s your choice to share or not.

♦ Events ♦
Competitions and special maps will be available.

♦ Friendly and Mature ♦
Our staff are here to help.


Active Ass Ats Auction Class Com Economy Enjoy Erver Factions Hardcore Kit Kitpvp Kits Mean Multi Nam New Paw Plugin Plugins Pvp Rad Rading Server Spawn Staff Stats Taff Time Trading Way


PvPTm is pvp refined with multiple plugins
Just to name a few:
We have a fare Staff
And a new spawn is on the way but in the mean time
enjoy our server.

Active Ass Ava Avatar Class Creative Eat Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Mini Games Pos Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games World


~Where the most is possible! – Hunger Games – Survival – Creative – Avatar World and more..

Action Actions Ass Awesome Beast Bmc Class Com East Enjin Erver Eso Fac Faction Factions Follow Lab Mall Need Needed Noop Open Server Small Spell Spells Staff Style Taff Tmc


Awesome small server with spells, factions and more. Staff needed.


Active Ass Best Bungee Bungeecord Calm Cat Class Com Dedi Dedicated Eco Economy Edm Erver Exp Experience Factions Give Ill Mine Mines Network Pixelmon Play Player Players Prison Pvp Red Server Ter This Two Ungee Work

ShatteredMines – CriticalMC

This is a server dedicated to our players. We are a bungeecord network striving to give you the best experience you will ever have on a server.

Ass Build Building Class Com Die Element End Eng Engels Erver Game Gaming Host Ill Land Lands Lin Ming Mpet Nederland Nederlands Noop Open Pet Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Servers Stand Style Surviva Survival Unknown Vanilla

[UEGaming] Survival & Building

Wij zijn UEGaming, wat staat voor Unknown Element Gaming. Unknown Element Gaming is een hechte groep vrienden die graag gamen, zowel competitieve als niet-competitieve.

De server draait standaard vanilla, met wat beveilings-plugins.
puur vanilla, geen gedoe.
Ook hosten wij andere servers:

NOTE: we praten alleen engels en nederlands


Active Ark Ass Aus Australia Base Based Blo Block Class Com Creative Emo Erver Game Gamemode Gamemodes Light Ming Mod Network Park Parkour Play Prison Rvival Server Sever Sky Skyblock Soon Surviv Surviva Survival Sydney Two

Lightube MC Network

Lightube MC Network is a server network based in Sydney, Australia. We have several gamemodes including Creative, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, and more coming soon!

Ace Ass Ban Better Class Com Community Craft Erver Everything Fac Facebook Ijd Ill Join King Lin Make New News Nline Ommunity Online Open Play Player Players Server Site Style Survival Multiplayer Ter Website Welcome


Welcome to Tattvacraft,

The server is open, you can join the community of TC.
Where still working on the server to make it better and to add everything the players want, got ideas? tell us and we will add it to the server.
Where also working on a website and on a TS3 server.
For more news follow us on Facebook.

Come and join us.

Welkom bij Tattvacraft,

De server is online dus wees niet bang en join de gemeenschap TC.
We zijn nog steeds druk bezig met alles, want ja er kan altijd iets beter. Heb je ideën wees niet benauwd en meld ze bij ons. We willen voor ieder wat leuks toevoegen.
We zijn nog bezig met onze website en met onze TS3 server.
Voor meer nieuws kun je ons altijd opzoeken op Facebook.

Kom snel en join ons.


Active Amazing Based Build Bukkit Cat Class Community Craft Create Creative Dawn Eco End Epic Factions Friends Game History Ill Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Mini Games Network Play Popular Public Server Simple Skywars Story Survival Update Updated Version Website


We are a community based server. Started in May of 2011, at the dawn Minecraft’s popularity. We started as a simple server created for classmates and close friends. We wanted a place where we could build and communicate together. We started with using Bukkit to enhance our game play. Then we decided to become a public server, and this is where the Year4000 started its epic journey. This amazing journey will not end anytime soon.

– Network IP:
– Website:

(Updated: 1/22/2014) Up to date version:

Ace Active Admin Adventure Aus Build Challenge Class Content Craft Creative Difficult Difficulty Economy Hard Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Multi Multiplayer Normal Play Player Players Pve Rts Server Space Spawn Survival Teleport Venture World Worlds


Ampersand is a 1.7.2 Minecraft survival server. We have two worlds, survival and creative, where you players can play to their hearts content. The survival world is integrated with the adventure world, so build space isnt too readily available, but we have options for players to teleport from the spawn zone. The difficulty is on hard because we felt that normal was not enough of a challenge for a multiplayer setting. The creative world requires you to pass a test before you can build in it, just contact a server administrator if you think you have what it takes!

Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Creative Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Group Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mon Need Oup Prison Pvp Raid Ring Roleplay See Server Servers Survival


StatRaid is a fun group of servers for your PVP needs.


See you there!

Action Active Arena Ball Bar Block Class Com Company Ect Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hardcore Hunger Hungergames Infected Mob Mobarena Mod Multi Paintball Play Pvp Ring Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Semi Sky Skyblock Survival Survival Games Vis

Elstringer company

Serveur Semi-Rp avec multi modes de jeux (infected, pvp faction, Role-play, paintball, hungergames, skyblock, mobarena, survival, créatif). Visitez notre site web pour plus d’informations et nous espérons vous voire bientôt ! bon jeu à tous !

16plus Age Agerestricted Christian Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Mature Maturecommunity Maturestaff Private Religion Sixteen Sixteenplus Survival Vanilla Whitelist Whitelistapplication Whitelisted Wholesome

The Fairy Garden – Whitelisted Vanilla Survival

Welcome to The Fairy Garden!

For a long time I’ve struggled to find a Minecraft community that shares the same aspirations of working together to combat set goals, a wholesome, kind and caring community that is welcome to ALL! If you’re interested in joining, click the button above to join our community Discord, or alternatively join here.

Active Auction Auctions Chat Class Community Craft Custom Enchantments Enchants Fac Faction Factions Great Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mines Mmo New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Server Silkspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners Team Unique Vanilla


We are a community driven factions based PvP server. We feel that is important to listen to what the players want, and many of the features you will find on our server are completely unique and based on player feedback.
Factions – Great for teaming, ally chat, and more!
Auctions – Great for selling your items!
mcMMO – Gives you the advantage on pvp and more!
HCEnchants – Custom plugin, that adds many new enchantments to vanilla minecraft!
Mines – Adds mines to the server!
FastSoup – Adds the ability to regain health with soup!
SilkSpawners – Adds the ability for players to mine spawners with silktouch!

Aus Bar Bean Block Build Chat Class Community Craft Discord Fac Features Free Freebuild Game Games Hub Ill Inecraft Join Krieg Mine Minecraft Nether Noop Open Planetminecraft Play Plugin Plugins Pro Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Team Title Version


Willkommen auf und darf ich euch vorstellen: SoulGames!

Wir sind ein Minecraft RPG Server. Der seit dem 23. Juni auch einen 1.16 Freebuild-Server bietet.

Freebuild-Server ist einer der ersten 1.16 Minecraft-Server. Perfekt um
die neue Version mit deinen Freunde auszutesten, ohne einen eigenen
Server zu machen. Hier kannst du gerne auch von uns direkt ins Nether
teleportiert werden lassen um die neuen Nether-Biome auszuschauen und

Wir haben eine gute Community. Aktuell sind wir noch am
Start des Servers, jedoch werden schon fleissig Burgen, Schlösser, und
mehr gebaut. Du kannst Kriege mit anderen Burgen führen oder auch
einfach einen friedlichen Freundschaftsvertrag machen. Falls du nicht
soo viel Verantwortung tragen willst, kannst du auch einfach Bürger
einer tollen Burg sein.

Wir sind fast jederzeit für dich
erreichbar. Sei es auf dem RPG Server oder auf dem Discord. Du kannst
unserem Team jederzeit fragen
stellen. Es gibt keine dummen Fragen.
Falls du gerade Langeweile hast, und nicht auf den Minecraft-Server
kannst, kannst du selbstverständlich mit uns (Keine Angst, wir sind
nicht böse :D) und der Community auf dem Discord chatten. Es macht einen
riesen Spaß, glaub mir! 😀

Hier noch mal zum Schluss ein paar Features:

Schnelle Hilfe
Unser Team hilft dir jederzeit und beantwortet deine Fragen!

Unsere Community
Jeder neuer Tag mit unserer Community macht einen riesen Spaß!

Deine eigene Burg
Joine unserem Discord und bewerbe dich für deine eigene Burg!

Selbst programmierte Plugins
Wir haben viele von unseren Plugins selbst Programmiert!

Schnelle Server = Mehr Spaß
Unsere Server sind schnell, so das du immer ein niedrigen Ping hast!

Und noch viele mehr..
Komm einfach auf den Minecraft-Server und entdecke dein RPG Server!

Falls du bereits eine Minecraft-Server selbst besitzt und du hier nur dich umschauen wolltest:
SoulGames veröffentlicht auch auf GitHub ein paar tolle Tools für Minecraft-Server.

Wir werden uns sehr freuen, wenn wir euch auf unserem Server wiedersehen!

Viele Grüße

Dein SoulGames Team

Active Admin Admins Ark Ask Build Class Craft Crafty Dark Darkness Economy Erver Everything Factions Halloween Ill Join King Make Mini Games Need Please Pmc Pro Project Pvp Ring Server Spawn Spooky Theme Themed This War

Spooky Crafty

This is a part of the “What The Darkness Brings” Project that you can find on my PMC Profile.

We are looking for admins at the moment, but please dont just join the server and ask to be one. that will only make us like you less. We will pick 3 admins when we need them.

The server spawn and almost everything we build will be halloween themed, But you dont haft to build everything in a spooky way.

Any way we are looking forward to seeing you!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Hosting Websites. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!