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RPG’s | Insane Craft

A fan-made server so you can also play Insane Craft with your friends like your YouTube Heroes!!

Make your own custom hero or use one of the pre-made heroes.
We have land claiming, party system, player shops, kits and voting crates with tons more planned.

The server is new and therefore a work in progress expect updates.

Play the same mods played by: [SSundee], [Sigils], [Henwy], [BiffleWiffle]and [JeromeASF].

Recommended RAM:




Mod List:
The Betweenlands (MrCompost)

AbyssalCraft (Shinoow)

AbyssalCraft Integrations (Shinoow)

Alchemistry (al132)

AmbientSounds 4 (CreativeMD)

Ancient Spellcraft (windanesz)

B.A.S.E (lanse505)

BadWitherNoCookieReloaded (Kreezxil)

Bewitchment-Legacy (sunconure11)

Botania (Vazkii)

Brandon’s Core (brandon3055)

Buildcraft (Covert_Jaguar)

Carry On (Tschipp)

Champions (TheIllusiveC4)

Chunk-Pregenerator (Speiger)

Tombstone Coral (Coral_31)

CraftTweaker (Jaredlll08)

CreativeCore (CreativeMD)

Cyclic (Lothrazar)

DimensionalDoors (DimensionalDevelopment)

Doomlike Dungeons (JaredBGreat)

Draconic Evolution (brandon3055)

Electroblob’s Wizardry (Electroblob)

ExtraPlanets (MJRLegends)

FastWorkbench (Shadows_of_Fire)

Flux Networks (sonar_sonic)

FoamFix (Asia Church)

Future MC (thedarkcolour)

Hammer (Lib) Core (Zeitheron)

iChunUtil (ohaiiChun)

Inventory Pets (Purplicious_Cow_)

Just Enough Calculation (towdium)

LittleTiles (CreativeMD)

Lucraft: Core (Lucraft)

Mahou Tsukai (stepcros)

MJRLegends Lib (MJRLegends)

ModTweaker (Jaredlll08)

MTLib (Jaredlll08)

Mystical World (Noobanidus)

MysticalLib (Noobanidus)

Patchouli (Vazkii)

Recipe Stages (Jaredlll08)

Roots (Noobanidus)

So Many Enchantments (ShelterRin)

Tesla Core Lib (face_of_cat)

The Aether (GildedGames)

The Aurorian (shiroroku)

Tickrate Changer (Guichaguri)

UniDict (WanionCane)

Worley’s Caves (super_fluke)

xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (TeamDman)

/dank/null (TheRealp455w0rd)

A Lib (al132)

Actually Additions (Ellpeck)

Additional Structures (XxRexRaptorxX)

Admin Weapons (elias54_)

Advent of Ascension (Scimiguy)

AE2 Stuff (started)

AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

Aether Continuation (XaeronTheProtogen)

Aether: Lost Content (Modding Legacy)

Akashic Tome (Vazkii)

Animus (TeamDman)

Antique Atlas (Hunternif)

Apotheosis (Shadows_of_Fire)

AppleCore (squeek502)

AppleSkin (squeek502)

Applied Energistics 2 (AlgorithmX2)

Armory Expansion (AshuraNoYami)

Aroma1997Core (Aroma1997)

AromaBackup (Aroma1997)

Astral Sorcery (HellFirePvP)

AutoRegLib (Vazkii)

Greed 1.1x (brandon3055)

Baubles (Azanor13)

BdLib (started)

Better Builder’s Wands (Portablejim)

BetterFps (Guichaguri)

Biome O’ Plenty (Forstride)

BiomeTweaker (superckl)

Blood Arsenal (Arcaratus)

Blood Magic (WayofTime)

Bookshelf (DarkhaxDev)

Botanic Additions (Zeitheron)

Bountiful (Forge) (ejektaflex)

Building Gadgets (Direwolf20)

Chance Cubes (TurkeyDev)

Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (covers1624)

Chickens (setycz)

Chisel (tterrag1098)

CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (covers1624)

CoFH Core (TeamCoFH)

CoFH World (TeamCoFH)

CompactStorage (tobyystrong)

ConnectedTexturesMod (tterrag1098)

Construct’s Armory (TheIllusiveC4)

ContentTweaker (Jaredlll08)

Controlling (Jaredlll08)

Wearable Backpacks (HeckinChloe)

CoroUtil (Corosus)

Crafting Tweaks (BlayTheNinth)

Crimson Revelations (mobiusflip)

Dark Utilities (DarkhaxDev)

Doggy Talents (percivalalb)

Draconic Additions (FoxMcloud5655)

Dungeons2 (gottsch)

Electroblob’s Twilight Forest Spell Pack (Electroblob)

Enchantment Descriptions (DarkhaxDev)

Ender Storage 1.8.+ (covers1624)

Energy Converters (xalcon)

Extra Alchemy (zabi94)

Extra Spells (Electroblob’s Wizardry) (meldexun)

Extra Utilities ()

ExtraCells2 ()

Farseek (delvr)

FastFurnace (Shadows_of_Fire)

Forestry ()

Game Stages (DarkhaxDev)

Gendustry (started)

Gendustry JEI (ninjabrain1)

Ghost’s Explosives (ghostgamingpe)

GottschCore (gottsch)

Guide-API (TehNut)

GunpowderLib (Jackyy)

Hatchery (GenDeathrow)

HeroesExpansion (Lucraft)

Fun (TehNut)

ICBM-Classic (QueenOfMissiles)

Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex_khaan)

Industrial Foregoing (Buuz135)

Infinity Craft (AnvilcraftMC)

Integration Foregoing (Jackyy)

Inventory Tweaks (JimeoWan)

Iron Chests (ProgWML6)

JEI Bees (started)

JEI Integrations (SnowShock35)

JourneyMap (techbrew)

Just Enough Energistics (TheRealp455w0rd)

Just Enough Harvestcraft (mrapplexz)

Just Enough Items (mezz)

Just Enough Resources (way2muchnoise)

Lapis Stays in the Enchantment Table ()

LLibrary ()

Loot Games (Time_Conqueror)

LootBags (Mina_the_Engineer)

LootTableTweaker (DarkhaxDev)

Lycanites Mobs (Lycanite)

Mantle (mDiyo)

Max Potion ID Extender (zabi94)

GalacticraftCore (Micdoodle)

MicDoodleCore (Micdoodle)

Minerva Library (zabi94)

Moar Tinkers (AshuraNoYami)

More Bees (Tencao)

More Chickens (GenDeathrow)

More Overlays (FeldiM245)

Morpheus (Quetzi)

Mouse Tweaks (YaLTeR)

Mowzie’s Mobs (bobmowzie)

MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (MrCrayfish)

Multi Mob Library (Daveyx0)

Nature (mDiyo)

Nature’s Compass (Chaosyr)

NotEnoughIDs (fewizz_)

OMLib (Keridos)

Open Modular Turrets (Keridos)

OpenBlocks (OpenMods)

OpenModsLib (OpenMods)

Ordinary Coins (flametaichou)

Ore Excavation (Funwayguy)

p455w0rd’s Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

Pam’s Breadcraft (quackandcheese)

Pam’s Cookables (BloodWorkXGaming)

Pam’s HarvestCraft (pamharvestcraft)

Powerful (someaddon)

Phosphor (jellysquid3)

Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)

PlayerAPI (doch13_)

Portal Gun (ohaiiChun)

Primitive Mobs (Daveyx0)

Project Intelligence (brandon3055)

Quark (Vazkii)

Quark Oddities (Vazkii)

RandomPatches (TheRandomLabs)

Redstone Arsenal (TeamCoFH)

Redstone Flux (TeamCoFH)

xReliquary (P3pp3rF1y)

Roguelike Dungeons (Greymerk)

Roost (timrwood)

Serene Seasons (TheAdubbz)

Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (ShadowfactsDev)

Simple Generators (TeamKrypticLink)

Sit (bl4ckscor3)

Snad (TheRoBrit)

Sound Reloader (TheWhoAreYouPerson)

Special AI (FatherToast)

Speedster Heroes (Lucraft)

Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (lordcazsius)

Star Tech, Man! (nictogen)

Straw Golem (Fradige95)

Streams (delvr)

Surge (DarkhaxDev)

SwingThroughGrass (exidex)

TAIGA (zkafaceTV)

TellMe (masady)

Thaumcraft (Azanor13)

Thaumic Inventory Scanning (BlayTheNinth)

Thaumic JEI (Buuz135)

Thaumic Terminal (O_O)

The Fifth World (nictogen)

The Midnight (cipher_zero_x)

The Twilight Forest (Benimatic)

Thermal Cultivation (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Dynamics (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Expansion (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Foundation (TeamCoFH)

Time Core (Time_Conqueror)

Tinkers Construct (mDiyo)

Tinkers’ Tool Leveling (bonusboni)

Tiny Progressions (Kashdeya)

TNTUtils (ljfa2)

Treasure2! (gottsch)

Underground Biomes (Kreezxil)

ValkyrieLib (ValkyrieofNight)

VanillaFix (Runemoro)

Wall-Jump! (genandnic)

WanionLib (WanionCane)

Waystones (BlayTheNinth)

Weather2 (Corosus)

Wireless Crafting Terminal (TheRealp455w0rd)

XL Food Mod (mariot7)

ZenStages (artdude543)

Lycanite’s Redux (indominator650)

Wakanda Lucraft Add-on (Azinthos)

DFHeroes Lucraft Add-on (DuvainFeynorim)


Build BuildCraft Economia Economy Espanol Facciones Factions Iceandfire Industrialcraft Juicio Mekanism Modded Mods Pvp Pvparena Shops Survival Tienda Tinkers Tinkersconstruct Voice Voicechat Voicechatmod

Zielach SMP | Survival PVP Mods | Nuevo 13/11/2020 | ESP

Bienvenidos a Zielach SMP!
Este servidor se centra en la interactuación entre personas y dar una experiencia nueva al juego.

El servidor dispone de chat de voz por proximidad y una buena cantidad de mods que dan cientos de horas de juego.

Batalla en arena para recibir recompensas
Crea tu propia facción y entra en guerra con otros jugadores, reclama territorios para conseguir recompensas mensuales.
Incluye economía para comprar y vender objetos, tiendas con stock cambiante
Juicios en los que se impartirá justicia
Diversidad de mods para cualquier estilo de juego

Lista de mods:
Buildcraft + Industrialcraft + Mekanism + Thermal + Applied Energistics + Immersive Engineering
Ice and Fire
Voice Chat Reloaded
MrCrayfish’s Gun Mod
Biomes O Plenty
Pam’s Harvestcraft
Just Enough Items

Mapa del servidor:
Dynmap Zielach SMP

Visita la carpeta Drive para descargar los mods y seguir una guía fácil y rápida:
Carpeta Drive Zielach SMP

Free To Play Minecraft Hypixel Iceandfire Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft

IceandFire Minecraft server

Ice and Fire! At the moment, only 5/100% have been completed! This will be a server in which several popular servers will be connected! Such as 2b2t, Hypixel, Sunrise, MST, Devine craft and Tesla craft. The problem due to which we cannot fulfill more than 5% is that we have little money! So come pliz to play and if you like it then buy something on our website – so you will support our project and you will be handsome! We also have low prices for donation. Frequent updates, good fight against cheaters, there are bosses and good administration! We are waiting for you!

Example Fans Game Of Thrones Iceandfire Massive New Items New Minecraft Optional Questing Roleplay Spice Survival Throne Thrones Towny

A World of Ice and Fire

A World of Ice and Fire


Join discord:
Join our website:

The World of Ice and Fire server is finally ready for beta launch! For those who wish a new minecraft survival experience like no other, this is the server for you!

There are a bunch of new items on to be crafted in this world, and some items that previously could not be crafted, now have a recipe. As an example, you can now craft spawners with a new twist! Not to mention, the server includes a massive questing system for you to take on. These quests are completely optional, and are integrated with the survival gameplay.

The server is also inspired by the world of Game of Thrones, which may spice up the experience for fans of the show/books. However, this does not negatively effect players who have not seen/read it, or who are in a younger age group.

Chisel Dimensionaldoors Discord Economy Exploration Galacticraft Iceandfire Landclaiming Magic Minecolonies Modded Pve Pvp Survival Thaumcraft Twilightforest

Butterfrog Empire – Zeal

Fun Mods!

Tame and ride dragons Become a wizard Morph into animals and monsters Control a colony, and wage wars against others Take a rocketship to space, and build space stations Build and drive a car Travel to alternate dimensions in search of treasure Build in a town with other players Complete quests Build a zoo and tame animals New players claim up to 20 chunks of protected land Play musical instruments as a bard

All you need to do is download the latest modpack at to join! You can also search “butterfrog” in the Twitch app.

  • No more overpowered people playing survival!
  • The player experience is designed to keep mostly vanilla building functionality, with lots of modded exploration options. Mods are not designed to make players overpowered. You need to face difficult challenges to improve your abilities.

  • No more paying to win! This server does not have pay to win mechanics.
  • Every new player starts with the ability to claim a few chunks of land. No annoying votifier, and no special paid items.

  • No more lag! The server is hosted on a fast internet connection with Shockbyte servers.
  • This means nearly 24/7 uptime. The server is located in Northern USA/eastern Canada. This means ping times of less than 60ms for most of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, UK, and Ireland. The rest of the EU has below 80ms ping times.

  • No lengthy whitelist interview and wait times!
  • Visit the server Discord at to review server guidelines, and the current mod list! Simply paste the discord address into the “add server” tab, and you should have access. Admins respond fast. All players are welcome! You just need the server modpack!

  • We’re a community who appreciates creative minds.
  • On the server, you can find fan-made works from Chrono Trigger, to ancient wonders such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

    This is a modded PvE/PvP minecraft server running on 1.12.2.

    Notable mods include: FTB Utilities, Galacticraft, Minecolonies, Twilight Forest, The Betweenlands, Thaumcraft, Ice and Fire,   Immersive engineering, Dimensional Doors, ultimate car mod, chisel, and many more.

    Download the latest modpack, and you can join today!

    Adminshop Animania Antigrief Backpack Backpacks Baubles Bibliocraft Biomesoplenty Community Communitydriven Cookingforblockheads Coralreef Dragons Dungeons Dynamictrees Familiarfauna Farming Farms Futuremc Iceandfire Justafewfish Keepinv Keepinventory Magic Magicspells Modded Mods Nogrief Nogriefing Nostealing Pamsharvestcraft Pvp Quests Roguelikedungeons Shops Showcase Spells Survival Survivalpvp Wizardry

    The Closet – Small Modded Adult Community

    This is a modded server. You will need to install mods to connect. Please read below!

    Heyo! Welcome to the page for a semi-private small modded Minecraft server for mature players. Hop in the discord to get started. You can find the link above to the discord.

    Looking for an oldschool-vibe server with no bullshit “donate for PERKS” stuff? No cold, automated chat moderation, no IRL $ shop, none of that. That’s here. Been admin for MC servers since 2011, I miss that feel. Couldn’t find a place like that (especially with mods), so I made one. Hope you like it too, albeit a bit small.

    Dank memelord? Shitposter extraordinare? Can handle your emotions? Not a goddamn child? Come try us out. Maybe make a few new friends.

    Gameplay Modlist:
    Electroblob’s Wizardry
    Ice and Fire
    Pam’s Harvestcraft
    Roguelike Dungeons
    Biomes O’ Plenty
    Coral Reef
    Just a Few Fish
    Familiar Fauna
    FutureMC (1.13/14/15 content in 1.12!)
    ClaimIt – for claiming your base! (Generous claim amounts. Do not abuse.)
    Showcase – 100% player-run shops, no admins needed!
    Better Questing
    Cooking for Blockheads

    (More mods included that effect UI/server performance. This is just a general list!)

    Modfiles & installation instructions can be found in the discord. We’re a community that’s been around for quite some time. We play other games too. Come hang out? Up to you.

    Quick rules:
    No Hacks
    No Exploits
    No Griefing
    No Stealing
    No Spawncamping
    + other general given rules on a normal server. PvP is enabled, don’t grief/camp with it. Don’t be afraid to ask people to duel you in the arena at spawn!

    TL;DR: Don’t be a douche.

    Friendly reminder, this is a community of adults. We prefer folks of the 18+ variety as we might get spicy. Disclaimer so I don’t get SKREEE’d at by any angry parents out there. Not my fault you weren’t watching little Timmy.

    Adventure Dragons Dungeon Exploration Explore Faction Pvp Factions Gameoftrhones Iceandfire Kingdom Kings Knight Medieval Pvp Pvparena Queens Roleplay Roleplaying Roleplaysurvival Sruvival Thrones War

    A Game of Ice and Fire (1.13-1.15)

    Explore the entire continent of Westeros! We are a role-playing server that lets you develop your own story from humble beginnings to royalty! With realistic biomes, unique ore spawn locations, and interactive citizens, you can create your own experience and history in the Game of Thrones world! Build your own version of popular castles and forts while you complete quests and attain unique achievements and rewards, all to rule over the Seven Kingdoms yourself! This server uses an incredibly accurate map created by Greyson Kousari – so mine and explore mountains, swamps, and river deltas in different kingdoms for quests and items!

    Join one of the great Houses:

  • Stark
  • Targaryen
  • Lannister
  • Baratheon
  • Tyrell
  • Mormont
  • Greyjoy
  • Tarly
  • Martell
  • Arynn
  • Tully
  • Or create your own House! Faction-style gameplay with countless locations and secrets to explore and discover! Interact with NPCs throughout the Seven Kingdoms, build your own versions of castles and lands, forge strong alliances with other Houses, and wage wars across the grand landscapes of Westeros! But, among all else, it’s up to you to do everything in your power to Claim the Iron Throne!

    The night is dark and full of terrors – be prepared to fight against The Undead, dragons, foreign invaders, and Westerosi traitors alike! Seven blessings to those who venture on this server!


  • Always do you best to stay in role play!
  • Respect all staff and players.
  • Don’t use hacks, x-ray, or any malicious client-side mods.
  • No use of AFK fountains, farms, machines, etc.
  • No advertising, spamming, or hate speech.
  • You CAN raid other factions, but keep unnecessary griefing to a minimum. Try to maintain the landscape of the map!
  • Do NOT ask for ranks, perks, staff positions, etc. Earn them.
  • Use common sense.
  • Visit our Website!

    DISCORD Link

    DYNMAP Link

    Animales Betweenlands Boda Cintra Construcciones Dimension Dimensiones Dioses Dragones Eventos Exploracion Familia Forge Iceandfire Karmaland Latino Magia Majestad Mca Medieval Mitologia Mobs Mod Mods Monstruos Opencomputers Ordenadores Parcelas Reino Revive Rey Rol Roleplay Rpg Secretos Supervivencia Survival Texturas

    Reino de Mods 1.12.2 РUn Servidor de Betweenlands, Dragones, Bestias Mitologicas, muchos Animalitos y Rol en Espa̱ol. (enlace para descarga de mods)

    De la mano de los Creadores del Servidor Dioses Vivos Reyes Muertos se inaugura este Servidor llamado Reino de Mods bastante distinto de lo que estamos acostumbrados ¡disfrutalo!


    Protege tu terreno con una parcela para que no te roben y a disfrutar de la profunda Historia de las extrañas y misteriosas tierras de Betweenlands mientras estas rodeado de preciosos animalitos, no temas la muerte pues podras ser revivido por tus amigos sin perder items, combate y domestica Dragones, Bestias mitologicas rolea y crea tu propia Historia.

    Para los que les guste tambien hay ordenadores.

    Para entrar al servidor Reino de Mods 1.12.2 necesitas tener Forge y los mods instalados:


    – 1.12.2-forge- [clic para descargar]

    [clic para descargar todos los mods comprimidos en un ZIP de MEGA]


    Mods Necesarios para poder jugar (todos incluidos en el modpack del enlace):

    – Betweenlands (En Español traducido por mi)
    El mod principal que añade unas tierras extrañas donde tendras que sobrevivir como nunca lo has visto en Minecraft.

    – Baubles
    Mod que añade ranuras de inventario para ornamentos.

    – Ice and Fire
    Mod que añade Dragones y otras criaturas mitologicas.

    – LLibrary
    Mod necesario para que funciona Ice and Fire.

    – MCA
    Minecraft Comes Alive, permite interacciones con aldeanos como casarse, tener hijos, etc.

    – Sit
    Mod que te permite sentarte en cualquier escalera o losa.

    – Better animals plus
    Mod que añade muchos animalitos.

    – PlayerRevive
    Mod que permite que un amigo te reviva al morir dentro de un limite de tiempo.

    – OnlinePictureFrame
    Mod para cargar imagenes de internet en el mundo MC.

    – CreativeCore
    Mod necesario para que funcione PlayerRevive y OnlinePictureFrame

    – Changeling
    Mod de mutaciones

    – DominionLib
    Mod necesario para que funcione Changeling

    – OpenComputers
    Mod que permite la computacion dentro de Minecraft

    – FoamFix
    Mod que corrige errores de la memoria del Forge Nativo, permitiendo a ordenadores lentos o normalitos soportar mas mods.

    – Phosphor
    Mod que arregla el motor de Luz de Minecraft 1.12.2 reduciendo el lag y mejorando el rendimiento.

    Historia y Rol del Mod Betweenlands:
    Durante el tiempo en que el Overworld y Nether acababan de nacer, la Dimension Betweenlands era poco más que un vacío de nada, pero la energía se filtraba en ella, lo que poco a poco la hacia formarse y crecer. Finalmente, apareció una grieta dimensional, permitiendo que la fuerza vital poblara esta dimensión. Una raza de seres inteligentes la habito, formaron un bello Reino gobernado por un Sabio Rey Brujo que indagaba los misterios de la Magia para el Beneficio de su pueblo. Él y sus subditos mas sabios estudiaron como abrir un extraño portal a una perturbadora dimension infernal que nunca habia sido abierto, con intencion de convertir el mal de ese lugar llamado Nether en un arma para la Paz del Reino. Sin embargo, cuando lo lograron, y abrieron el portal nunca antes abierto, una explosion de mal, pudredumbre, sufrimiento e ira surgió de él. Esto pudrio y corrompio a toda criatura viviente en esta hermosa Dimension, y convirtio a todos los habitantes del Reino en almas en pena , ni vivas ni muertas, condenadas a deambular sin descanso por la eternidad, sin recordar quienes fueron una vez, a quienes amaron y protegieron, se convirtieron en “Wights”. Debido a sus dominios de la magia el Poderoso Rey Brujo se convirtió en el “Señor de los Wight”, el unico Ser que aun recordaba quien fue antaño, condenado a vivir para siempre contemplando como habia corrompido todo lo que una vez intento salvar y proteger. Antaño hermosa y viva ahora una tierra podrida, lugubre y nauseabunda.

    Si tienes un PC lento o bajo de recursos te recomendamos que desactives las shaders en las opciones del Mod Betweenlands, esto hara que tu rendimiento mejores considerablemente.
    Utilizar mods de mapas como JourneyMap es genial pero consume muchisimos recursos de tu ordenador, si notas lag te recomendamos no usarlos.

    El uso de Xray o mods para obtener ventajas sobre otros jugadores sera sancionado con la expulsion del servidor.

    ¡Larga Vida al Rey!



    An amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models)



    HexSMP is a small community looking for new members to join in and have fun on a new Ars Nouveau Minecraft 1.19 server. Roleplay and lore is a focus on the server, so please try to keep this in mind when applying! We are beginner friendly, and any amount of experience is welcome!

    Lore around the server is centered around gods and magic. Some individuals, in their life, may have been blessed with the potential to cast magic, whether that be through a ritual or through their god's blessing. On the other hand, some individuals may be on their own without any magic of their own to cast – or maybe someone is flatout cursed by a scornful god. We like to leave it primarily up to the player on what they are capable of and their bond with their god (if they have one).

    If we accept your application, we’ll send you a friend request within the week!

    Pvp Survival Vanilla

    Free Will

    Clan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step.



    LOOKING FOR MATURE PLAYERS who love community builds!

    Come hang out with us on our chill smp! I stream regulary and play with viewers!
    We are a fun, friendly, and mature community. I try to keep the server as vanilla as possible so no hacks of any sort are allowed.

    Click the link below to join our discord! Our members play a variety of games so I am certain that you will meet someone with similar interests!

    Economy Mini Games Survival Vanilla

    SubatomicFOX Odyssey

    SUBATOMICFOX ODYSSEY Is a brand new server that has only one goal: To entertain you! Enter now and enjoy the modes that await you!

    Cross-Play Mcmmo Pve Pvp Skyblock Survival

    What does the Minecraft network have to offer?
    Innovativer SurvivalMode
    Innovative game mode with sticks and over 40 to learn
    Innovative Skyblock mode
    Innovativer FreeBuildspielmodus


    The Ember Isles

    Welcome to Embers Isles! A minecraft sever where you can build up nations, go to war, and battle for glory! With many plugins to give a vanilla like experience, Embers Isles is the perfect place for any player looking to have a great time. Come on down and join us today!

    Economy Survival

    Genzo Survival

    A whole brand New survival server no claims or anything of the sort just basic vanilla. Come join with your friends and just enjoy talking to everyone and hope to see you guys there 🙂


    Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined

    New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish!
    How to Join!

    There is no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP:
    About Billionaire City

    Yet all those features do not bind your Playstyle in anyway, you are free to play as whatever you desire, vigilante, businessman or a subway surfer. All this comes packed with a friendly and welcoming, yet competitive Community!
    Our strongest advantage over most Economy Server is our stable Economy that doesn't require any resets or other wipes, it is maintained as it goes!
    Updates & Improvements

    Since the official Release on the 12th of May 2023, we have deployed over 184 Updates of varying sizes to Billionaire City. Some of the most important features that are now crucial to Billionaire City, weren’t existant when we first released, such as Corporations or Custom Fishing & Ships. You can check our Update-Log yourself on the Discord:



    Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers !Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers! Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!Pokkuma Servers!

    Economy Mcmmo Survival

    Twix Comfy Corner

    A small Swedish minecraft SMP with whitelist through discord!

    We got;
    • Economy
    • Custom enchants
    • Time-rewards
    • McMMO
    • and much much more….


    Ember wing

    Behold, noble adventurer! I beseech thee to consider the wondrous realm of Ember Wing, the Java Minecraft server, now graced with the power of Bedrock compatibility! Within this realm, thou shalt find a haven where thou canst unite with thy comrades from diverse platforms, forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of technology.

    In this realm, the path to wealth and prosperity awaits thee, for thou hast the opportunity to ascend to the pinnacle of opulence. Journey to the majestic castle, where thou canst barter thy treasures with esteemed traders, thus amassing great wealth in the form of in-game currency.

    But lo, the possibilities do not end there! Should thy entrepreneurial spirit burn bright, thou canst establish thine own shop within the bustling local Market. From this haven of commerce, thou canst offer thy wares to fellow adventurers, further augmenting thy riches and influence.

    Fear not the distance, for thy base shall remain connected to all these marvels through the central Nether Portal. Traverse the fiery depths of the Nether and emerge unscathed, arriving swiftly at thy desired destination.

    Furthermore, by supporting the noble cause of Ember Wing, thou shalt be rewarded with swift in-game items and perks. Pledge thy allegiance to this server, and thou shalt find thy virtual coffers overflowing with treasures. Visit Tebex, the sacred realm of support, and partake in the bountiful rewards that await thee. Join us, noble adventurer, and let thy legend be written in the annals of Ember Wing!


    version – 1.20.4

    whitelist – yes


    Platform- java and bedrock



    The haxxsmp is an anarchy server with a more story-driven approach. You can set up a base and conquer others, contribute to the wiki, and leave your mark on the server. It has seen roughly 1000 players and the worldsize is near 2GB

    Anarchy Earth Economy Mcmmo Pvp Roleplay Survival

    Caxbly Survival

    castle system
    market system
    mission system
    war between races
    advanced survival
    advanced trading system
    player trading system
    claim system
    real world map


    Spectre SMP

    Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.20.4 SMP based on the foundation set by Hermitcraft. We aim to provide a collaborative and friendly space for friends to play Minecraft together and for awesome creations to be made! Begone, playing singleplayer in multiplayer survival servers! Begone, being the only person making a beautiful megabase! ✨

    What do we offer?

    • Spectre SMP offers a friendly and symbiotic community to help each other get what we want done! Players are encouraged to hold their events and communal projects, not just staff! 🫂
    • We focus on longevity, so you can expect a long-term world that continues to spark motivation in its players. We discourage speedrunning all the best farms and rushing to get every little thing you can; we want players to give back to the world by building beautiful builds and awesome redstone projects! 🏰
    • The economy is based on diamonds, which means you can sell your goods and services for that oh-so-lovely blue stuff! All the while, generosity is promoted, so no one holds a monopoly over anything important! 💎
    • The server comes with the wonderful Dungeons & Taverns structure datapack, as well as many Vanilla Tweaks datapacks installed to liven up the game and keep it from going too stale. ⚔️

    We are looking for:

    • builders and redstoners who want to show off their skills and help make the server a fun environment. PVP and brainless grinding is not what we want.
    • players who interact often and well with other members.
    • creative and dedicated minds who set large and impressive goals for the long term.
    • active community members who will regularly set time to chat and discuss projects for the server.

    If you're interested in joining, hop into our Discord server. You can send us an application there.

    Hunger Games

    Hungergames Server [1.8.8 – 1.20.4]

    Hey Guys I just recently started up this hungergames server, Hopefully people will wanna try out a few games of it, Open to suggestions for things to change

    Lifesteal Mini Games Oneblock Pvp Skyblock Survival Survival Games


    Embark on a Journey Beyond Limits at VallenMC Minecraft Server! Immerse Yourself in a Java Exclusive World. Experience the Thrilling New SkyMines Game Mode, PvP Battles, Custom Games, and Much More! Join our Discord for Exclusive News, Updates, and Exciting Giveaways!

    Play with crack account on
    Play with online account on


    Divergent SMP

    Divergent SMP is a community-based Java server where we strive to give our players a fun experience that you won't find anywhere else. The community regularly hosts events and has a variety of content creators to play with! Season 6 is still quite new, so now is a great time to join and become part of the community. Divergent is whitelisted and requires an application to join, so make sure to check out all the rules of the server before applying!

    > Apply here!

    Economy Pvp Survival


    VeiduCraft is a pure survival server with economy and kits, we have a store, a joyful player base and a great staff! join us today!

    Economy Kitpvp Mcmmo Pve Pvp Raiding Survival

    MadCraft Survival

    What is MadCraft?
    MadCraft is the spiritual resurrection of an old server, Heroes of the Storms. We are a continuation of that community, and the people that made it what it was.
    Our community has been playing Minecraft since around 1.5. Weve been dedicated to all aspects of Minecraft ranging from PVP to building to redstone. This experience and dedication create a server of unmatched passion for our work.
    Most of our players are adults, with adult responsibilities, and expect people on MadCraft to also act like adults.

    Please join the discord for a full feature list!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of servers.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!