Add Ame Enter Gam Game Games Ini Mes Mew Mini Minigame Minigames Script World Your MiniGames Server Minecraft

The owner of MiniGames has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

2022 2023 Creation Eternal Faction Information Launch Launched Magi Magic Official Pvp Spell Spells Unch

Eternal Genesis

We are a Minecraft server. We started the creation in December 2022 and officially launched on February 2023. The server is magic based. This means that players will be able to cast various spells whenever they want! For more information, join our server!

Customenchants Customgen Custommobs Customplugins Economy Economychestshop Events Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Helpfulstaff Mcmmo Nonpay2win Nontoxic Nop2w Nopremium Noranks Public Pve Pvp Siegewar Skills Skillsstats Slimefun Slimefunsmp Slimefunsurvival Slimefuntowny Smp Smpvanilla Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalpvp Survivalworld Towny Townyadvanced Townyeconomy Townypve Townypvp Townywars

Archaic SMP

Welcome to the Archaic SMP!

The Archaic SMP is a Towny server with numerous custom features, frequent updates, and a friendly, non-toxic community! Our main goal is to provide a friendly place for people to play Minecraft together! Not only that, but we have numerous custom features which enhance the experience!
Also, feel free to check out our Discord!

Archaic SMP Feature List

  • Custom Overworld, Nether, and End generation, as well as custom structures in the Overworld and Nether! The nether also features custom monsters accompanying the structures!
  • Land claims to prevent griefing (Towny).
  • A webmapso that players can more easily locate towns near them to form alliances / join another town, and so that players can access various other features!
  • Opt-in warfare, so that disinterested players can simply go “neutral” (opt out), thereby preventing them from declaring war, but also allowing them to avoid war declarations themselves!
  • A Powerful anticheat to make sure that you can play without disturbance from hackers and other cheaters!
  • A Player-driven economy, with no server-run shop, instead relying on players to create their own shops (powered by BossShop Pro + Playershops)
  • A custom skills system (similar to MCMMO, albeit more balanced and user-friendly)!
  • Unique, balanced custom enchants with a focus on quality over quantity (received just like any other vanilla enchantment! No fancy GUIs or overcomplicated menus)
  • Frequent content updates, and near-immediate bug fix updates
  • Slimefun to encourage grinding / long-term activity and give veteran players more things to do beyond netherite!
  • Custom Crafting, allowing players to craft various unique items!
  • Streamer Benefits, ranging from twitch drops to additional permissions (/nick and such like that)
  • No Pay to Win, Premium, or any other form of donating money for in-game benefits!
  • Active and helpful staff team!

  • Categories
    Advancedenchantments Aureliumskills Blocklocker Chatcolor2 Chatfilter Chatitem Chestsort Costumes Custom Discordserver Easylifemc Eglow Essentials Itemfilter Itemsadder Jobsreborn Lootcrate Lumberjack Marriagemaster Mcmmo Nightvision Playerwarps Pvpmanager Pyrofishing Pyromining Pyrospawner Quickshop Survival Timedrewards Towny Tradesystem Viabackwards Viarewind Viaversion Votifier Wings Xvaults


    Server IP :
    Bedrock IP :
    Port : 25565
    Supports : Java and Bedrock
    Modded Towny Server with a spice
    Not Pay2win and Chill Playstyle
    FREE no ranks needed essentials like /fly
    Boosted PyroFishing and PyroMining
    PyroSpawner and Custom Items (like Wings)
    Mcmmo, Aurelium, Jobs and Enchantments
    OPKits, OPCrates and Hourly to Monthly Rewards
    Join us if you like playing for fun

    Based Crate Crates Crazy Family Gaming Owned Playtime Rank Ranks Rates Started Survival Tod Website

    RHE Gaming Survival

    RHE Gaming is a Family owned and operated gaming community

    Server Features
    Ranks based on Playtime
    Crazy Crates

    Checkout our website at to get started today!

    1.12 1.12.2 1.2 Bloo Blood Bloodcraft Classic Client Dcraft Discord Download High Lie Sco Tech

    bloodcraft server minecraft

    Classic high-tech server 1.12.2
    download the client in discord.

    Built Development Economy Eye Eyes Haven Launch Pve Pvp Rpg Spruce Survival Towny Unch Yes

    Spruce Haven

    SpruceHaven is a new Towny RPG server built from the ground up with player needs in mind.

    The server is currently in development and will launch VERY soon. So keep your eyes open!

    Bosses Customitems Dragons Dragonshield Economy Freeranks Friendly Jobs Mcmmo Needplayers Needstaff New Skills Smoke Survival

    Very New Server 🆕 Custom Worlds 🌎 Daily Boss Fights ⚔️ 500 New Enchants 🏹 30 New Mobs 🗡️Jobs 🧙‍♂️ Bedrock Support 🧝‍♀️ No Grief

    DrgnShield.Com 19132
    We’re one of the friendliest communities out there!
    We have a strict NO-TOXICITY policy which we enforce very carefully but effectively. Expect warm welcomes and honestly one of the best community experiences that you’ll ever go through. The community is warm, kind and welcoming.


    Ranks, what are they and how do they work? Well, here player I’ll answer your questions. Your rank gets upgraded while you’re playing, the more play time the better the rank! The ranks offer amazing kits and cool perks such as the back, feed, more homes, hats, and many others! What are you waiting for come collect them all!

    Custom mobs

    you might be asking yourself huh what do they even have to offer I’ve seen the same thing on a million servers before… Well we decided to be DIFFERENT! We offer you 30 + Cave Custom Mobs. They spawn below 60 and they sure pack a punch! Watchers, Smoke Demons, Dead Miners, Crawling Skellys and more awaits you in the deepest depths

    We organize weekly boss events!

    A premium dungeon experience like no other! Fight bosses with a complex attack system and 30+ abilities per boss! The loot is also great but first comes first served the one to get the last hit gets the rewards so be quick and be smart and enjoy your time as the main character on our server!
    Our Custom Enchants system
    offers you not 100, not 200, but 500 ENCHANTS ! You can get them from enchanting normally at a table or you can buy them with EXP! From PVP to Mining enchants to even Effects we have it all! You’ll sure have fun using them we guarantee it!

    Auctionhouse Currency Enchants Faction Pvp Factions Fair Heart Kits Lottery Medieval Pay To Win Pvp Raiding Sable Zero

    HEART Factions

    We are a ZERO PAY TO WIN factions server that wipes every 6 months. We also use Medieval Factions. If you want a fun fair factions experience look no further. We have nice purchasable kits for PVP and raiding as well with in-game currency.

    >>1.19 <<

    >> Factions
    >> Kits

    Building Download Irl Killing New Minecraft Server No Griefing No hacking Sami Semi Semivanilla Smp Smp Minecraft Survival Survivalserver Untitled


    Fairly new minecraft server, got the name because I like family gut
    no griefing
    no random killing
    no being a jerk
    dont be racist
    no hacking

    Arrow Blood Bloodborne Bow Hunt Hunter Nether Netherite Netherite Sword Ow 2 Pot Potion Potions Pvp Sword

    BloodBorne PvP


    also I use a free server host to run it most likely will only be on during the weekends

    This is a bloodborne inspired PvP server. /kit hunter gives you a Crossbow 20 arrows a netherite sword and four splash healing potions.

    Add Ate Aternos Choo Cri End Enter His Our Schoo School School Server Script Survival Multiplayer Your

    rp school server minecraft

    Server owner “rp school” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Armin Farm Farming Hoe Magi Magic Magica Magical Mus Popular Prison Rich Riche Richest Twist

    The Farm

    Welcome to The Farm!

    The Farm is a twist on popular prison and skyblock servers.

    The Farm is a farming focused server, where you are given a magical hoe and an island and you must survive and become the richest player on the server.

    Claimblock Claimblocks Crates Donate Economy Guishop Jobs Marriage Playershops Rankup Rtp Survival Twitch Votifier Youtube

    Zatiejo’s Survival Server

    Welcome to my Minecraft server!

    This is a Economy Survival server. Players must grind and work
    hard as they rankup through a system of ranks in order to earn more perks.

    Players are awarded for their effort and time when playing by earning 200
    claimblocks per an hour, and a daily crate key per a day of playtime!

    Every new player starts at [​Stone] which consist of basic player commands.
    The current ranks are Coal, Copper, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Lapis, Quartz, Emerald
    Amethyst, Diamond and Netherite.
    Each of these ranks give their own perks and abilities that add on to the next.

    Players can earn money in a couple ways…
    Players can find a job with. /jobs browse and /jobs join {job} Note, new players must rank up to be able
    to work more jobs. You can only work in one as a starter
    There is a limited and small global shop, mostly create for the basic blocks and items that should
    be sellable. (/shop)
    Last but not least, there is a player shop feature.
    Players can create chest shops in the player shops world. To do this,
    go to /warp pshop and find a plot of land to rent! From there, you can
    start building and setting up your own shops for others to visit
    and use!
    You can learn more about the gamer experience by joining our server!
    just use our IP (or and come stop by!

    You can join our discord:

    Activeowner Activestaff Autorank Chestshop Crates Customenchants Economy Fun Guimenus Guishop Npc Pets Playershops Playerwarp Plugins Quests Rtp Shops Survival Tokens Towny

    Kingdom of Hibernia – 1.19.3 | Towny | MCMMO | Custom Enchantments | Pets | Ranks + Lots more!

    Welcome to the Kingdom of Hibernia!

    We are a new community with lots of really great features!

    Summary of some of our features include:

    > Fishing Area for unique drops
    > 18 player ranks
    > 60+ custom enchantments
    > Donor Ranks
    > Tokens and Token Shop
    > Money Pouches
    > Chest Shop + GUI Shops
    > Player Warps
    > Pets
    > Warp / Kit Menus
    > Crates
    > Majority sleep skip
    > Quests
    > Jobs
    > Anti Cheat

    We are constantly looking to expand our offering and are very open to player input and suggestions!

    Join our server and our community!

    Ate Aternos Blm Elo Gar Host Mai Main Maine Mre No Minecraft O Minecraft Ost Sit Survival Multiplayer

    blrl MainerSiti blmrelOur sai fNo minecraft server yet

    Server owner “blrl MainerSiti blmrelOur sai fNot yet” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.19.2 Fish Fishing Jobs Reborn Kie Minecraft Towny Mythic Mythical Notable Paper Pyrofishing Quick Quickshop Slimefun Survival

    Mythical Skies MC

    a minecraft towny, slimefun and survival 1.19.2 paper server

    Some notable plugins

    Jobs Reborn

    Bedwar Bedwars Car Doc Mario Mario Party Minecraft Server Network Mojang Nintendo Part Party Ten Tend Vis Website


    Nintendo Craft is a Minecraft Server network with fun Minigames like

    – Mario card
    – Mario party
    – Bedwars

    and more

    We are not part of Nintendo or Mojang

    you can always visit our website

    1.11 201 620 Cosmetic Cosmetics Discord Donator Donators Exciting Fou Free Information Osmetics Pirate Pirates

    Pirates Bay SMP

    Argh. Ahoy, matey. Are ya lookin for a somethin new and exciting?. Then come join us at Pirates Bay SMP. Every gameplay mechanic is FREE. We use cosmetics for our donators, as everyone should be able to enjoy the base game of Minecraft. More information can be found on our Discord.


    Bedro Conomy Econ Econom Economy Emc Faction Factions Hut List Minehut Native Rock Smp Survival

    AljonhiemC – Minehut

    Welcome to AljonhiemC and Economy Faction SMP server You can Join us by Adding either for java or for bedrock to your server list an alternative is adding

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Vanilla Server Hosting. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!