Active Amazing Build Challenge Challenges Claim Claims Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Essentials Event Events Fun Griefprevention Join Keepinventory Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Normal Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Server Silkspawners Slimefun Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Vanilla


Ignusmc is a Minecraft vanilla server with a handful of some amazing plugins such as Slimefun, mcMMO, Silk Spawners and of course basic necessities like Essentials, Claims and Economy and many more quality of life improvements to Minecraft.

You can expect to have bi-weekly server events such as PvP competitions, Build competitions, Minecraft style triathlons, and more fun and strange challenges.

What sets us most apart from a normal server isn’t just the active community but our ideals to think as a player would in vanilla Minecraft so jump in and join!

Art Ass Block Class Com Craft Discord Ect Erver Extra Ftp Grief Griefing Home Inecraft Join Mc Server Mine Minecraft New No Griefing Noop Open Partner Play Plugin Plugins Rat Rvival Server Servers Surviva Survival Title Vanilla Welcome

# #

Welcome to! Partner Server of

Home to a new generation of MC servers.

No Griefing
100% Survival
No extra Plugins

Join us now!



<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1152server Bukkit Discord Discordsrv English Free Freebuild Friendly Friendlystaff Griefprevention Hungergames Mcmmo Nogrief Playershops Plots Secure Securechests Shops Spigot Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival

# #

Welcome to!

Home to a new generation of MC servers.

No Griefing
100% Free no donation advantages
Leveling system
Player Shops
Town Plots for sale

Join us now!



<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Achievements Antigrief Auction Best Crates Custom Customised Customized Customterrain Economy Epic Fun Guishop Item Jobs Landclaim Mcmmo Multiplayer Network Playershops Playervaults Politics Popular Prefixes Pve Rank Ranks Rankup Rankups Serenesurvival Server Shops Skydoesminecraft Smp Survival Top Towny Vote Voting Youtube

Serene Survival

Ip Address:
Hello!! Are you looking for a Survival server based around community, economy, and has features like Towny, Optional-Golden shovel claiming, Enchants plus, fishing tournaments, jobs, player markets, tons of ways to earn money, then unlock commands using that money? Sounds like Serene is the way to go for you!!
Our server is packed full of features, however I’m only going to list some of them here!!- Enchants plus (Lots of extra enchantments to enhance your fun!)- /Back given by default!- Tons of commands to unlock using in-game money!width=350
– Jobs
– Crates
– Progressive Content
– Player Warps
– Player Shops
– Server Shop
– ArtMap
– Enhanced fishing system with tournaments
– Enhanced mining system
– Pets
– Trails
– Multiple cosmetic plugins, unlocked using in-game money
– Lottery
– Gemshop with custom items! Example:
– Timed Effects! Use your in-game money to buy effects!
– Resource World
– Mob catchers
– Towny flight (You can pay in-game money to fly inside your town!!)
– Magic Carpet (You can pay in-game money to unlock a flying carpet!!)

Here at Serene we have so much to offer, and there is so much fun to be had. Bring your friends, bring your family, everybody is welcome. We have the most welcoming community available to the minecraft community. You won’t regret making our home, your home too. I can’t wait to see you online!!!

Build Building Community Craft Create Eco Econ Economy End Farm Friendly Fun Great Grind Grinding Job Jobs Join King Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mining Mmo Nopvp Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Resources Server Skills Title Town Towny Vanilla Vanillasurvival


Is there anything more fun in Minecraft than creating your buildings and farms with the resources you’ve gathered yourself by mining and exploring? Yes – showing them off to like-minded players, being inspired by what others are able to create by grinding away in Vanilla, working together to creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Join us and our friendly community!

– Towny
– Economy
– mcMMO
– jobs
& PvP is disabled.

Check out for more information or join us directly at

Allowed Ban Chat Community Discord Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Help Irl Lore Mine Need New Old Online Open Permanent Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Rank Ranks Semivanilla Server Staff Standard Survival Swearing Tech Technic Title Vanilla War Who World

Era Semi-Vanilla

Welcome to Era Semi Vanilla!

A whole new world for you to explore, new people to meet, and ranks to work towards!

Alongside the standard semi-vanilla design of the server, Era provides 7 ranks for players to climb through with progression, advancements, and playtime.

The server also features Anti-Grief plugins, a random teleport feature, and various quality of life commands to make your experience on the server as fun as it can be!

Era has a tight-knit community that never fails to let new players feel welcome. The owners and developer are very helpful and knowledgeable at the game and with the more technical side of the server. They are willing to put in the time needed to help your experience on the server.

If you have any questions about the server please don’t hesitate to join the Discord or add nate#0001 or Paxei#9188 if you have any questions or if you wish to learn more about the server!

1. Don’t be rude in chat.
2. Swearing is allowed, just don’t be overly vulgar.
3. Hacking or cheating will resort in an instant permanent ban.
4. Absolutely no use of slurs in chat.
5. No racism, sexism, or discrimination of any kind.
6. No griefing.
7. Listen to staff.
8. No begging in chat.
9. Follow the golden rule! We are all here to have fun!

Thank you for reading, can’t wait to see you online!
-nateIRL and Paxei

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Abilities Amazing Build Builds Chestshops Class Craft Crates Free Fresh Grief Griefprevention Item Keys Lit Mine Minecraft New Open Pets Play Player Players Playing Pvp Rank Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Survival Title Top Vanilla Voting War Website

The Craft | Survival 1.15


Near-vanilla Minecraft with a few features added to keep the game fresh.

– Near-Vanilla Survival
– Crates – Unlock amazing rewards by voting or purchasing crate keys!
– PVP – Battle with other players!
– Anti-Grief – Protect your builds, chests, pets, and more!
– Free Ranks – Unlock new abilities by playing on the server!
– Shops – Buy and sell items with other players.

Server Website –
Server IP –

The Craft never stops!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Admin Admins Amazing Build Builders Builds Class Craft Creative Edit End Explore Friendly Hub Ill Inecraft Join Kill King Latest Lore Magic Mine Minecraft Network Play Player Players Public Server Small Special Staff Survival Team Title Unique Who

The Divine MC

Welcome to The Divine MC. We are a public server that takes pride in our beautiful builds. We currently offer Survival and Creative experiences to our players. Our server runs on the latest version of Minecraft.

Our Hub is a monument to our server! We did not want to have a small pointless Hub. We wanted something for you all to explore! Our Hub is massive! You can never get bored of looking around it.

We have friendly staff, talkative Admins, and amazing players! We’d love for you to join us.

The owners of the server are Killertom63 (former Mianite wizard and FyreUK General Manager) and Pyrogurl (former FyreUK Projects Manager) who are assisted by MagicSec (Administrator) and Magma49 (General Manager).

Builder’s Credit!
The Divine has it’s own private Build Team. This team is made up of some unique builders. The Divine would not be what it is today without them. Special shout out to them!

Ace Beta Block Class Community Craft Creative Emo End Enjoy Fac Faction Factions Forums Friendly Game Games Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Network Owner Play Playing Plot Pro Real Server Suncraftnetwork Survival Survival Games Title Vanilla World

The SunCraft Network (Survival/Creative/Factions/Minigames/Survival Games)

Welcome to The SunCraft Network!

We are a friendly minecraft community with a wide variety of gamemodes available for you to enjoy!

We are currently running

– Vanilla Survival
– Creative Plot World
– Factions
– Pro Factions
– Survival Games
– Minigames World (More Minigames being added soon!)

We hope you enjoy playing on The SunCraft Network!

The server is currently in a BETA Test, so we would really appreciate any feedback on bugs or improvements!
(There will be a place on the forums to report these things shortly)

Thank you! See you on The Network!

– _MarshyWJ_
Network Owner

Action Actions Anti Ass Best Block Cannon Cheat Class Com Create Eco Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Friends Great Heat Join Mon Money One Pay Paypal Pve Economy Pvp Reward Server Shop Title Top War

Relic | Factions | 1.7 – 1.15.x Compatible | $50 F Top

Relic Factions:
* Join and create your faction
* Earn money and become the wealthiest on the server
* Be the best faction on the server, with or without friends!
* $50 PayPal F Top Reward
* Great Anti-Cheat

Admin Auction Best Chestshop Claim Claiming Community Create Discord Eco Economy Event Good Grief Griefprevention Home Homes Increased Job Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Nogrief Open Perks Permanent Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Ranks Rpg Server Shop Shops Skills Survival Website

Blueshift Survival

Blueshift is a no-grief survival server that is now officially released. Our goal is to provide a high quality survival server for Minecraft 1.15.2.

– Claims – We use a system similar to GriefPrevention for claiming land, but with more advanced features like buying and selling claims.

– Jobs – Jobs is the primary way of making money. We are always working to ensure greater balance between the Jobs.

– Ranks – As you earn money, you will be able to purchase ranks which unlock perks! Examples of these perks include commands, extra homes, auction slots, purchasing a market plot, a permanent extra heart, and increased walk speed.

– ArtMap – This is a really cool plugin that allows you to create paintings in game. Best way to understand it is by checking it out in game!

– mcMMO – We use the Overhaul Era version of mcMMO. It adds RPG skills and abilities to Minecraft.

– Discord – Community is a very important part of our server. Be sure to join our Discord to get the full experience.

Join Us!


Bee Block Chest Class Community Craft Custom End Explore Friendly Grief Help Helpful Ill Inecraft King Large Lore Mine Minecraft Online Open Plugin Plugins Pop4959 Popcraft Pro Protection Pvp Semi Server Servers Small Staff Survival Title Vanilla Whitelist World

PopCraft Survival


PopCraft is a semi-vanilla survival server that has been up since September, 2011.

  • No whitelist
  • Large open world to explore
  • Friendly community
  • Helpful staff
  • Grief protection & chest locking
  • Optional PvP
  • Online 24/7
  • Custom plugins

  • Categories
    Awesome Best Companions Custom Discord Enchants Faction Factions Forums Going Interesting Keys Kit Kits Mine Mines Mod Needbuilders Needplayers Needstaff Needstaffnewserver Network New Nice Open Pets Play Player Plot Plots Prison Quest Server Sky Skyblock Store Survival Title Who


    Who are we?
    We are a group of individuals who strive to provide the best of SkyBlock, Prison, Factions, Survival and any other gamemode that we are planning on releasing in the future. All of these will be available for you guys to play on using our server IP which will be written down below.

    What is going to be the first gamemode?
    The first gamemode will be Prison. Our Prison includes some nice features that enhance the traditional Prison gameplay and make it more interesting as well as challenging.

    A few features on our Prison server:
    » Key Lockers (Store obtained keys in a virtual bag)
    » Awesome Player Kits
    » Automatic Miners
    » Multipliers
    » Crystals
    » Pickaxe Upgrades
    » Custom Enchants
    » Bundles
    » Pets & Companions
    » Trails
    » Awesome Player Mines
    » Player Plots
    And more…

    • Sneak peeks are posted at #sneak-peeks , we are trying to post them on a daily basis.
    • We have a tickets system, if you have any questions or any general inquiries just write -new at the #bot-commands channel .

    Server Status: Under Development
    Estimated Release Date: 1st of June 2020
    Server IP (Maintenance):
    Versions: 1.8-1.15
    Store (Offline):

    115server Apply Ass Block Class Com Community Craft Discord Dragon Dragoncraft Ect Erver Fun Gon Hard Hermit Hermitcraft Join List Minecraft New Noop Open Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival This Title Vanila Vanilla Welcome Whitelist Whitelisted

    DragonCraft Survival

    Welcome to DragonCraft the server like HermitCraft where you can do many fun things

    This is a new Vanila+ server

    In order to apply to the Whitelist join our discord —>


    Admin Adventure Build Building Class Community Craft Currency Discord End Fac Free Freebuild Friendly Grief Hack Happy Help Join Lag Latest Mine Minecraft Mod New Open Play Player Players Plot Plots Server Simple Survival Team Title Trading Welcoming

    DrK Survival Server (FTB Ultimate Reloaded)

    Herzlich Willkommen auf dem DrK Survival FTB Server.

    “Reines Überleben auf der neuesten FTB Ultimate Reloaded Version”
    Das klingt für Dich ansprechend? Dann kannst du dich gerne unserer freundlichen und einladenden Community anschließen und dein Abenteuer auf unserem Server beginnen.
    Wir bauen den Server zusammen mit der Community auf, also zögere nicht, uns deinen Vorschlag / dein Feedback mitzuteilen und mit dem Team und anderen Spielern in Kontakt zu treten.
    Es gibt nur eine Handvoll einfache Regeln auf dem Server:

  • Nicht Griefen
  • Sei freundlich zu allen
  • Abstand zu anderen
  • Nicht hacken
  • Der Server läuft auf der Minecraft Version 1.12.2 und auf der neusten Mod Version von FTB Ultimate Reloaded

    Du kannst uns gerne auch auf Discord anschreiben oder einfach mal rein schauen : Discord

    Wir sind stehts freundlich und helfen gerne neu Anfängern!

    Unsere Währung sind Smaragde, sie können ganz einfach für Spieler Handel benutzt werden.

    Auf dem Server gibt es keine Grundstücke oder Plots! Es ist ein Freebuild!

    Bitte haltet genug Abstand zwischen anderen Spielern!
    Fragt immer euren Nachbarn ob es ihn genug Abstand ist!!

    Atomkraftwerke müssen genügen Abstand zu anderen Spielern haben!

    Welcome to the DrK Survival FTB Server.

    “Pure survival on the latest FTB Ultimate Reloaded Version”Does that sound appealing to you? Then you are welcome to join our friendly and welcoming community and start your adventure on our server.We are building the server together with the community, so do not hesitate to share your suggestion / feedback with us and get in touch with the team and other players.There are only a handful of simple rules on the server:

  • Not Greeks
  • Be kind to everyone
  • Distance from others
  • Don’t chop
  • The server runs on Minecraft version 1.12.2 and on the latest mod version of FTB Ultimate ReloadedYou can also write to us on Discord or just have a look: Discord are always friendly and happy to help new beginners!Our currency is emeralds, they can easily be used for player trading.There are no plots or plots on the server! It is a freebuild!Please keep enough distance between other players!Always ask your neighbors if there is enough distance !!Nuclear power plants must have enough distance to other players!


    OWNER DrK_DaVe07
    ADMIN DrK_AleX01

    Block Bone Build Builds Class Community Craft Crazy Create Discord Economy End Enjoy Friendly Fun Game Hermit Hermitcraft Ill Join Minecraft New Noop Nopay2win Open Play Player Players Redstone Server Shop Small Staff Super Survival Title Whitelist Whitelisted

    XBones Hermitcraft | Small Community | Apply At Discord


    Activestaff Beta Build Building Cells Challenge Craft Create Discord Edit Farm Free Freedom Map Mine Minecraft Need New Oldschool Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Rol Server Shop Shops Survival Survive Testing Title Town World

    Entrapment Prison 2.0 – Prison Survival and PVP

    Please be advised, due to issues with Bot Attacks we have put a Captcha system and strict security controls on the server for first time joiners, if anyone has any issues joining please let us know on our discord –

    Welcome to Entrapment Prison 2.0

    A Prison style survival experiance you will need your eyes peeled and wits sharpened in order to survive,

    Join at Rank Epsilon and quickly make your way up the ranks, with each new rank hosting some more comfort and security than the last.

    We have a focus on PVP, most Inmate shops are across a large PVP zone; will you make the dash, or try to take what others have?

    When you reach Gamma there are secure cells you can Rent, and at rank Beta, Farms to grow your own crops.

    Once you reach your freedom you will have the choice:

    Venture out into the world to survive?

    Hang out in our Freetown and try to obtain the presidential suite?

    Or will you Prestige, to take on the challenge again!


    The Server is a revivial of the Original Entrapment, which was created around 2012. A few of the original players have come back together and alongside the Original Owner recreated this server, that gave us many hours of enjoyment.

    With that, some credits are due:

    The Original map was created by Bijbel, many thanks to him for sharing it for us to bring into the new version of Minecraft.

    Liliaku for assistance with Plugins and other server side setups.

    Bern4 and Ribzen for Building and Testing.

    NGG_ for bringing us back together after many years, without her this would not have happened.


    Action Actions Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Craft Current Custom Ect Enchant Enchants Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Network Play Prison Pvp Server Servers Title Tom Two Vanilla Work


    Minefrenzy is an Vanill/OG network to play on. We currently have factions PvP and Prison servers set up with lots more to come!
    Our servers are completely Vanilla no custom enchants just raw minecraft!

    Anarchy Anti Cheat Difficulty Grief Griefing Hard Nocheat Nostaff Nowhitelist Public Pvp Smp Spigot Staff Survival Unstaffed Unwhitelisted Vanila Vanilla Vanillasurvival Vannila Xray


    VanillaEvolved features unaltered Minecraft gameplay. If you prefer servers with structuring plugins such as Essentials, Factions, Towny, GriefPrevention, and ChestShop, VE is likely not the server for you.

    Join VE’s Discord server to chat while you play!

    Help VE stay alive by supporting us!
    100% of the money received will go towards server-related costs.
    Paypal Donation | BuyCraft

    Minecraft isn’t what it used to be. Massive minigame server networks dominate the top server lists. Factions has seemingly become part of Minecraft for many. Even if you can manage to find a server that offers survival mode without all the frills, it’s not unlikely that the fun will be ruined by cheaters, the server will lag or crash, or staff will abuse their power. If you just want to play Minecraft as it was intended to be played, you’ve come to the right place.


  • Hard difficulty
  • No whitelist
  • Server runs on PaperSpigot for maximum performance without changing most vanilla game mechanics
  • Revamped private messaging system with replying and group messaging capabilities
  • Anti x-ray feature foils x-ray hackers by hiding unexposed ore until players reach it
  • NoCheat+ blocks nearly every cheat in the book without interfering with normal gameplay
  • Configured and managed by a server owner with over 5 years of experience
  • Minimal number of added commands, just no-strings-attached vanilla SMP
  • The Very Simple Rules:

  • Treat others with the same respect you would want for yourself. This includes but is not limited to not repeatedly and frequently griefing the same player(s) and not targeting offensive language at other players. If you don’t respect yourself very much, at least give others a base level of respect.
  • Don’t bother trying to cheat, it won’t work.
  • Don’t deliberately cause lag or downtime.
  • Don’t advertise other Minecraft servers, in public chat or through private message.
  • Hall of Fame
    These players have completed every advancement.
    1.12: LeDesperado, Bricstr2, Nstqne, LiaTheAlt, eddyboihai, noaipom, NavyDoctorDoom, Earl_Lemongrab, Vdiggers
    1.15: BruhMom3ntDotjpg

    If you see anyone breaking these rules or have any problems or suggestions, don’t hesitate to send me a message. If you enjoy the server, please vote for us and click that little diamond in the top-left corner of the page. Or if you’re feeling really generous, donate? 🙂

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Anticheat Antigrief Bounties Bounty Casual Chill Community Creative Discord Economy Freebuild Lwc Multi Multiworld Music Plotme Plots Plotsquared Pve Relaxed Shop Smp Spleef Survival Voice World

    BlockBox: Survival and Creative Community

    Make sure to read the server rules in-game or on our website!

    Discord | Instagram | Store

    Looking for a server with a laid-back and welcoming community across both survival and creative worlds? Welcome to BlockBox. Since 2012, BlockBox has been striving to provide one of the best casual cooperative Minecraft experiences around. With carefully selected and custom-made plugins to enhance the experience and add interesting gameplay and building possibilities, BlockBox has been host to thousands of players and countless hours of fun and conversation over the years.


    CreativeThe BlockBox Creative server has thousands of creations of all types built by players of all different skill levels. There are four ranks that players can earn by showing their building skill, and our main creative world is organized into 63 by 63-block plots of land that players can claim and allow their friends to build with them on. We also have a Freebuild world to build on natural terrain as well as a Superflat world for VIP and Mason rank and higher. Higher ranks starting with Mason and VIP allow players to use WorldEdit to make building faster and easier.

    SurvivalOur Survival server is anti-grief and we allow players to lock containers, doors, and other blocks with LWC. You can set multiple homes, teleport to others, kill mobs to earn money, and buy and sell items in the shop as well as creating your own shop with ChestShop. PvP is not allowed in the overworld, but is allowed in the Nether and the End. Getting griefed by another player is unlikely, but if it happens our staff can easily restore your build and ban the griefer.

    Our ranking system is quite simple and is as follows:
    The rank all players start as when they first join the server.
    Donator (No longer available)
    Earned by giving $10 or more to support the server.
    Earned by giving $25 or more to support the server.
    Earned by building something deemed worthy of Apprentice status. Apprentices can be chosen by Architects without the need of an Admin to promote the player.
    Earned by building something deemed worthy of Builder status.
    Rank between Builder and Architect.
    Builds server-related structures such as spawns and arenas. Earned by building something deemed worthy of Architect status.
    Staff rank. Moderates the server and assists players.
    Staff rank. Assists in administrative decisions and tasks.

    Be it reporting a grief or needing help with a command, our knowledgeable and dedicated staff are available to assist players with any questions or issues that they may have. All staff are trained to use LogBlock to quickly identify and ban griefers as well as undo the damage caused, so you don’t have to worry about rebuilding. You can relax knowing that the server is in good hands. Note that griefing and raiding is allowed on Factions, so protect yourself accordingly!

    If you enjoy BlockBox, please vote, diamond, and favorite. See you on the server!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Free Pixelmon Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!