Action Actions Ass Auto Blo Block Class Craft Creative Ect Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Games Inecraft Join Mcserver Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Minigames Multi New Prison Server Sky Skyblock Title


All new 1.15.2 multi server including factions, skyblock, creative, prison and even mini games!


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Auction Auctions Buycraft Clan Clans Craft Crates Dedicated Donation Eco Econ Economy Event Grief Land Land Claim Lucky Block Market Mod Mod: Bukkit Modded Modpack Online Play Player Prevention Protection Pve Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Survival War Website


Server IP –

by CraftersLand – [Modded SkyBlock | FTB ModPack]
Website: | Forum:

Server address:

SkyFactory3 Modpack by FTB

This modpack can be found on FTB and Curse launchers!
More about this modpack:

Server Info:
Server hosted in Datacenter on a Dedicated Server.
Online 24/7.
Protection and island creation with Grief Prevention system.
Economy – Auctions, Players Market and Server Shops.
Chance blocks.
Crates and Rewards.

Restricted Items list:
Donation Shop:

We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 247.

112server 18to115 Ass Block Blood Class Com Cool Craft Crate Crates Custom Day Discord Ect Enchant Enchants Erver Features Fishing Host Link Mcmmo Mmo New Noop Open Play Pro Pure Ring Rvival Server Survival Title Welcome

PureCrafter Survival

Welcome to Purecrafter Survival, Were a new server offering a lot of cool features such as: Custom enchants, Custom Blood Moon, Revamped fishing, Crates, MCMMO , and much much more. Come check out Purecrafter today and see what we have to offer.

IP >>

Discord >>

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Age Ages Block Class Craft Enjin Inecraft Join Lag Magic Magicspells Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobhunting New Noop Open Ops Pet Pets Petshop Rvival Server Shop Shops Spells Survival Title Town Towny Townysurvival Website World

MysticalAges [Magicworld]

New MysticalAges Minecraft server 1.15.2 IP:
*Survival*Pets*Towny*MagicSpells*Shops*MCMMO*MobHunt + More
Join NOW!

Admin Ages Block Class Craft Economy End Friends Fun Games Headdatabase Ill Inecraft Kids King Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Need New Pets Play Portals Pro Professional Protection Pvp Safe Server Servers Skyblock Small Survival Team Title Voice World


The ONYX Minecraft server was started by a team of film industry professionals that used to play together on a server back around 2010. We were bored during the Covid-19 lockdown, so we started things back up. Couple of our friends voiced the need for a safe place for their kids. This server is still new, but with protections already in place to ensure it stays safe. Another common issue with smaller servers was their lack of backing up files in a timely manner or at all. We back up our files at least every other day and before any server changes. Our goal is to provide a backed up, safe, and reliable world for all ages with a handful of pluggins for a bit more fun.

Build Building Chestshop Chestshops Combat Community Craft Custom Dedicated Drops Economy Elves End Great Hard Help Lag Latest Network Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Ranks Server Shop Shops Small Spigot Staff Super Survival Title Update War Website

Typical Craft

Typical Craft is a building community in which players connect with one another on a daily basis to play survival with a twist. We have an experienced staff and first-rate developers that help to maintain the server’s superior quality. We are constantly making updates ensuring that our players will be operating with the latest versions of our plugins and spigot. We work hard to alleviate any issue that arises on Typical Craft and can easily be contacted. Currently, we are a small community; however, we are looking to expand our network and work towards a greater population of players.

The server is owned by a very involved dedicated and experienced player. We have been in operation since the summer of 2012 and our server has seen tremendous success thus far. Both owners are constantly in-game working to alleviate any and all imperfections. Our team of knowledgeable staff is easily accessible and ready to assist around the clock. We also offer immediate guidance and extra assistance on our website for when no one is in-game.

We pride ourselves on our impressive playtime extended due to minimal plug-ins, which immensely reduces the lag time. The sever also offers chestshops where players can buy and sell items. Our latest plug-in to our custom arsenal is our ‘no combat logging’ plug-in, which prohibits players from logging out during a combat for PVPers. You won’t have to worry about anyone logging out before your loot drops! Our team of highly specialized staff works hard to add customized plug-ins that enhances experience and are constantly looking for areas of improvement.

We look forward to seeing you on our sever and are standing by to answer any questions.

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Bee Best Block Capture Class Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Event Experience Flag Grief Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Network Noop Open Play Prevention Pve Pvp Rank Roleplay Semi Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Title Vanilla Website Youtube

CorbaCraft Network| SURVIVAL NO-PVP NO-GRIEF |1.15.2 |

Corbacraft Survival Network

| No PVP | No Grief | Shops | Grief Prevention | Economy | Rank System | More! |

Since 2012, CorbaCraft has been striving to be the best survival server to date. With the semi-vanilla experience CorbaCraft brings, you will never run out of things to do in our Minecraft community! Join today at


Action Anime Animecraft Base Based Block Class Community Craft Discord End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friendly Has Head Inecraft Japan Japanese Japanesetheme Join Latest Mine Minecraft Network Riendly Server Skyblock Staff Theme Themed Title Version Welcome

Heisei Network

Welcome to Heisei Network. We are a Japanese themed server. With a friendly community and staff. The server currently has factions, and runs the latest version of minecraft. The community is Discord based and staff is always available when you run into trouble. Go ahead and join today.

Active Build Builders Builds Class Community Custom Event Events Forge Fun Game Hub Ill Need Network New Open Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Play Plugin Plugins Professional Reforged Server Small Special Staff Survival Tale Tech Technic Title Version Weekly

PokeHub Reforged Network

Here at PokeHub Reforged, Our goal is to have a fun pixelmon server with a tight-knit community. We are a professionally run server, with custom plugins, professional builds, and a small active community! We are soft launching now to squash any bugs, and fix the server up for release! We are currently in need of staff, gym leaders, and especially builders. We will promise to constantly have new content on the server, so the game never grows stale. Also, we will have weekly events, and a big monthly tournament! We are always running the newest version of Pixelmon Reforged. Download at or get our Technic Pack on the Technic Launcher! Just search PokeHub Pixelmon

Auction Auctionhouse Block Claim Claiming Class Community Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Features Friendly House Job Jobs Land Land Claim Mcmmo Mmo Noop Open Play Player Pvp Server Shop Shops Survival Title Town Towny Townyeconomy Townyserver Townysurvival Tree Website

ApeironMC – Custom Towny

Custom Towny with a lot of custom features 1.15.1

❄ Friendly Community
❄ Economy
❄ Custom Towny
❄ Land Claiming
❄ Player Shops
❄ Auction House
❄ Auto Tree cutting
❄ Jobs
❄ McMMo
❄ Friendly PvP


Ban Community Coop Cracked Craft Discord Dynmap Easy Eco Econ Economy End Great Grief Griefing Lol Map Mine Minecraft Nether Pvp Pvpsurvival Server Small Smp Spawn Survival Survivalpvp Survivalserver Teleporting Title Town Towns Towny Tpa Vanilla Votifier Wns World


ClockworkMC is a cracked Towny server. We’re just getting up off the ground, but what we’re aiming for is a tight-knit community that feels pretty close to vanilla Minecraft.

You won’t get many handouts here. Teleporting takes a little while, so it’s not easy to escape danger. TPA isn’t available, so having effective means of travel is important. Towns give you /t spawn and /t outpost, which are great ways to travel, but towns and outposts are pretty expensive, so you’ll have to band together and cooperate to gain access to these things.

– Dynmap
– A robust and difficult Towny configuration meant to encourage cooperation
– Item-based economy
– No griefing (except in the Nether and End)
– Discord community
– Smallish world — big enough to make travel difficult, but small enough to make PvP a threat
– Got any ideas for more features? We’re listening!

Action Actions Art Ass Auto Base Based Blo Block Class Ect End Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Friend Friends Future Nam Play Player Players Riends Run Server Servers Star Start Starting Title


BrutalMC is a server run by a few friends, we are starting off with factions and adding servers based off what our players want in the future

Ark Aves Block Class Custom Drug Drugs Experience Factions Free Guns Join Kitpvp Level Levels Long Market Mine Mines Play Prison Prisons Pro Pvp Rank Server Shop Shops Survival Title Towns Towny Vehicles World

MELON PRISON | An experience like no other.

Once you begin, you have 6 levels of prisons that you must work your way through to rank up! We have custom shops and prisons, along with custom mines that are in caves and regenerate each block as you mine them! We have a black market that provides you with drugs and a series of weaponry; also, once you get Freed from the prison you can play Survival in our survival world!!

Join now!


2b2t Active Amazing Anarchy Build Discord Eco Elytra End Event Fly Freedom Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Hacks Hard Legit Minecraft New Norules Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp React Server Servers Spawn Staff Story Title War Wars Who


Welcome to the Alternative Anarchy Discord. We are a Minecraft Anarchy server who’s mission is to provide a different Anarchy experience than other 10 million Anarchy servers.

How we define Anarchy; We define Anarchy as a Minecraft server with no limits to gameplay or experiences. We define Anarchy as an MC experience with zero rules and a million possibilities. Anarchy should be played how the player decides he wants to play it, with no strings or ties attached. Most of all Anarchy should not have staff interference, the world should be shaped and played by the players.

What makes us different; Think of other anarchy servers such as the legendary 2b2t, Think of the history of 2b2t, and how its history was shaped. One word, HACKS. When we think of Anarchy we think of a server with people flying around using infinite Elytra hacks. Imagine 2b2t’s history and how different it could have been if you took out the aspect of hacking. We want to completely eliminate hacking on Alternative Anarchy and provide a more hands-on, interactive experience. This idea is extremely controversial and will not be liked by many but hear us out. Some would say the golden days of 2b2t were when players did not use hacks and everything that happened felt more accomplishing. Traveling large distances are WORTH it because you can build a amazing base and have it last ages. GRIEFING will be more accomplishing because finding bases will be harder and the reaction of the victims will be better. WARS will be more accomplishing because pvp will be more legit and strategies will be thought out and executed better. Anything you could do on 2b2t will be 10x more accomplishing,worth it, hands on, and overall FUN.

How will this be accomplished; We will use multiple plugins/scripts to block hacks. If we have to we will eventually block users from joining on clients altogether. It’s our responsibility to keep the idea of our server alive and updated. If someone breaches the ant-hack we will find a way to stop it from happening again.

Rules LOL; Remember this is Anarchy there are ZERO RULES. You find a glitch in-game EXPLOIT IT, You wanna destroy spawn DESTROY IT, You wanna kill a player and destroy his hard work DO IT, finally, you wanna somehow build a legendary base with a group of 10 and protect it for as long as you can DO IT. Like we said its our responsibility to keep players from hacking on our server NOT YOURS. If you somehow hack on the server its totally fair game but expect us to find a way to stop you from doing it again. Again ZERO RULES. We encourage you to break the possibilities of Minecraft, we encourage you to break your morals.

Be the start of our History; As stated earlier anything done on this server will be 10x more accomplishing then any other Anarchy server. Imagine being the first one to reach the world border. Imagine making a lava wall around spawn with restriction on HACKS. Doing things like reaching the world border will not only be in minecrafts history books. SO BECOME A PART OF A BETTER HISTORY TODAY

Ars Beta Block Class Content Craft Discord Emo Experience Game Gamemode Gamemodes Games Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Mod Network New Noop Open Original Play Popular Server Servers Style Title Unique Website Who World

[1.8 – 1.15.2] Oricraft Network (OPEN BETA)

Oricraft Logo
Welcome to Oricraft – A new original Minecraft experience.

On the Oricraft Network you will be brought to a whole new world of Minecraft minigames with some of our exclusive games and unique takes on popular gamemodes.


Admin Admins Anti Antigrief Ass Base Block Class Easy Economy Ect End Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Exp Experience Friendly Grief Mcserver Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Riendly Rvival Server Shop Sleep Smash Smp Staff Survival Title

SSSmash Survival

A survival server with plugins to enable an enjoyable experience for all players. Friendly Admins and Anti Grief plugins so that you can sleep easy without the worry of your base being destroyed

2b2t 2b2talternative 2b2tclone Ace Alwaysonline Anachy Anarchy Anarchypvp Anarchysurvival Cheating Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Hacking Allowed New Newest Noflying Nolag Norules Pvp

ACE Anarchy

Welcome to the newest anarchy server in Minecraft! Come play with no rules and everything is allowed! We encourage users to fully exploit the game of Minecraft to make it how they want it to be. Cheat, grief, and exploit your way to Minecraft domination. The only thing not allowed is flying. We still want a vanilla experience and it lags the server.

The only plugins used are for server management and will not be used to tamper with gameplay, players, or their creations.

Active Community Contests Craft Crates Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Farm Forums Free Friendly Fun Grief Lottery Mature Minecraft Open Portals Quest Quests Reset Rewards Server Servers Staff Survival Teamspeak Title Vanilla War Website World

Melancholie 100% Grief Free Survival

Hello there, and thanks for your interest in Melancholie!Check out our Promo Video —> PROMO VIDEOMelancholie is Minecraft’s #1 Survival community. We offer Regular Holiday Events, Custom popup Events, Custom Daily and Weekly Quests, Weekly Resetting Treasure World (kill the Ender Dragon Weekly),tons of Loot Crates, Lottery, Daily Rewards, Biome Portals, Active Staff, Friendly and Helpful Community, Custom Economy, Starting Money, Enderfarm XP Farm, Custom Items, Discord, Website and Forums and so much more!Check out our —> WEBSITEWhat are you waiting for? Join Us @ Melancholie.Cubed.Pro

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Action Aids Anything Block Build Builds Class Coded Com Community Custom Enchantment Enchants Erver Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Great Join Lit Litraids Play Player Players Pro Raid Raiding Raids Red Server Staff Stand Title

LitRaids – Custom Factions Experience

When we do a factions server, we understand every aspect that plays a part in creating a wonderful experience for the player. We understand what the players want, and how to deliver it without a problem. We strive for perfection and anything less is impossible. So why not join the hundreds of players that already love and play our server daily? Join us today, and we’ll show you what a community that loves and listens to you is like!

+ Factions
+ Custom Coded
+ Great Staff Members
+ Custom Builds
+ Much more!

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Action Bee Block Cat Class Community Core Corecraft Craft Dedi Dedicated Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Growing Has Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Network Opfactions Oppvp Play Player Premium Server Servers Staffspotsopen Style Support Title Version Versions World

CoreCraft Network – 1.8.X & Above

► CoreCraft is one of the very first Faction servers and has been around since 2012 and truly want to get back up in world that is Minecraft Servers

► A server dedicated to a growing Minecraft Server Community that focuses on you, The Player. Join us in our journey @

► We currently support Versions 1.8.X and above and have OP Factions

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Minecraft Java Edition. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!