Marcoeh, this server is a great server, there are plenty of gamemodes you can choose form to play: skywars, skyblock, kitpvp, survival, and bannedland. We are always updating the server to make it better for the players!

Marcoeh, this server is a great server, there are plenty of gamemodes you can choose form to play: skywars, skyblock, kitpvp, survival, and bannedland. We are always updating the server to make it better for the players!
Emerald Legion is a Semi-Vanilla Survival Minecraft server that started back in August of 2016. Our server focuses on quality over quantity, as we strive to have a welcoming community, as well as an enjoyable survival experience.We have several popular plugins, some of which include GriefPrevention and DynMap. We only have essential plugins to ensure the server is close to Vanilla Survival, yet still has extra added features to make gameplay enjoyable.We host several community events, server ‘field trips’, playing adventure maps, etc. as well as discussions so we can help better the future of the server and so everyone gets a voice.It’s hard to sum up the experience that you’ll have on our server in words, so we encourage you to check us out for yourselves, become a part of the community, and make new friends along the way 🙂
Welcome to BananaMC SkyBlock
BananaMC SkyBlock is a regular SkyBlock Server… but with a few twists. We’ve added custom crafting recipes, armour, swords, tools, and more! The server is still in development but it is available to everyone to join. Our staff team have been working hard on maps and recipes, and we think that it is time to get some players.
Join now and have fun. Make sure to invite your friends! And if your first thought is to apply for staff, here is the link:
Server is 1.8 – 1.8.9
Vanilla Whitelist server open 24/7
Join our brand new SkyBlock server !!!
New Events and Drops everyday !!!
PvP arena, Mines, Ranks
We are the Squads Network, we are the next upcoming skyblock and practice server!
Why play with us?
– We offer a fair experience to everyone not giving advantages to anyone, we take pride in keeping it that way so everyone can have a fair experience!
What gamemodes do you offer?
– We offer Skyblock and Practice currently, looking to always expand!
: Cool! Where can I Connect?
– We are currently under development of the server, we will have beta testers soon trying out the server soon!
AuroraServers are coming to Minecraft! Currently with a survival server. You can expect to see us expand in the future into a network of various activities. With a Chill Community across multiple games, we hope to see you part of the Family Soon!
One of the best small servers! KItPVP, Creative, Survival, /wild, claims, everything you want in a minecraft server. Join now a
Hello there! Join MCParty for a great community and a great Prison server! We are always looking for new player to welcome. make sure to join the Discord and enter any active giveaways! Don’t be shy, give MCParty a try!
| 1.7 | Factions | PvP | Economy | Crack | 24/7 | Raiding | Creative | Kit-PvP | Hub | SkyBlock | Survival | Bungeecord | SSD | Minigames | TNT | Prison | Old name: SkyCraft
The Forgotten Network is a friendly no grief server where you can come relax and just play the game. we are working on expanding the server and adding in game ranks, different game-modes and much much more!
A minigame server with many choices! Includes: The Pit, Skyblock, Bedwars, Skywars and more! It has a dedicated staff team that you can be a part of!
Server IP:
Dit is de FOK. server. Iedereen is welkom om op deze leuke en sfeervolle server te spelen. Wij bieden jullie een Hungergames en survival server. Wij hopen samen met jullie een leuke tijd tegemoet te gaan en samen een mooie wereld door elkaar voor elkaar te maken.
[*]Minecraft versie: 1.5.1
[*]Gamemode: Survival zonder pvp
[*]Grief rollbacks
[*]Hungergames, aparte sectie onderaan het topic.
Ranking systeem
Iedereen begint hier als Lid. Dit betekent niet dat je minder bent dan andere en een hogere rank betekent zeker niet dat je dat je je opeens dingen kunt permitteren die niet mogen.
Wij hebben diverse ranks waarbij de Crew ranks worden ingevuld door de Crew zelf en zijn dus niet automatisch op prestatie te krijgen.
Wij hebben Lid, FOK.ker en FOK. Elite. Lid krijgt iedereen standaard. FOK.ker kun je krijgen door 48 uur te spelen of te doneren. En FOK. Elite kun je krijgen door te doneren.
Wat kunnen deze ranks?
[*]5 Homes maken
[*]Tp requesten, accepteren en weigeren
[*]Standaard commands als rules, motd, list, help, afk
[*]Mailen en msg-en
Kan alles wat een Lid kan +
[*]Toegang tot kits (tools, firework)
[*]15 homes maken
[*]Shops openen
[*]Vrij tpen
[*]Typen in kleur
[*]Toegang tot resources farm (wood & sand & dirt) /warp farm
FOK. Elite:
Bevat alles wat een FOK.ker kan +
[*]Onbeperkt homes maken
[*]Toegang tot meer kits
[*]Draag items als hoed
[*]Bevat meer shop functies
[*]Toegang tot vele andere commands, volledig lijst komt eraan
———-HungerGames Functies——————-
[*]Je mag meehelpen met toekomstige mappen maken
[*]Meedoen met de FOK.craft staff in een aparte arena als het drukker is
Ook is er een speciale rank voor HungerGames waarbij je de HungerGames functies van FOK. Elite krijgt zonder de Survival functies, ideaal voor als je alleen HungerGames wilt doen.
[*]Je mag meehelpen met toekomstige mappen maken
[*]Meedoen met de FOK.craft staff in een aparte arena als het drukker is
Je kunt onze server helpen door te doneren. Hiermee kunnen wij de maandelijkse kosten blijven betalen. Ook verschaf je jezelf ook een aantal extraatjes. Dit hebben wij te koop in de FOK.Craft shop.
Je kunt ook ingame doneren door de command /buy . Je ziet dan een lijst met de verschillende packages die wij aanbieden.
FOK. Donatie
Met deze Package help jij ons om deze server te kunnen blijven betalen.
Ook wordt je een FOK.ker en krijg je alle FOK.ker functies. Je hoeft dus niet meer 48 uur te spelen hiervoor. Kost 5 Euro
FOK. Elite Donatie
Met deze Package help jij ons om deze server te kunnen blijven betalen.
Ook krijg je direct toegang tot de VIP+ rank. Je hoeft dus niet meer 100 uur te spelen hiervoor. Kost 15 Euro
FOK. HG Donatie
Met deze Package help jij ons om deze server te kunnen blijven betalen.
Ook wordt je een FOK. HG-er en krijg je alle FOK. HG functies.Kost 7,50 Euro
Onze werelden
Wanneer je onze server joint zul je eerst terecht komen bij de centrale spawn. Hier kun je kiezen of je HungerGames wilt spelen of dat je naar de Survival wereld wilt gaan.
De survivalwereld is een voorgerenderde wereld waar je lekker kunt survivalen zonder pvp. Je kunt meebouwen op het FOK. Eiland, of je gaat natuurlijk zelf erop uit. En natuurlijk hebben we een The End en een Nether.
In de HungerGames wereld zul in de HungerGames lobby komen. Hier kun je kiezen welke arena je joint. Meer informatie en fotos vind je bij het kopje HungerGames onderaan dit topic. Wees niet bang dat je je spullen kwijt raakt als je aan het survivalen bent en even HungerGames wilt spelen, je spullen worden gewoon opgeslagen en teruggegeven aan het einde van de game.
Deze werelden kun je ook op onze dynmap bekijken.
De player locations staan voor de HungerGames wereld uitgeschakeld, omdat dit natuurlijk je positie verraad.
Een paar regels al willen sommige mensen ze nogal weleens vergeten.
– Niet griefen
– Communiceer op een normale manier met elkaar
– Respecteer elkaar
– Buiten niet stelen en griefen, geen andere rare fratsen uithalen.
– Vraag niet aan een Crew lid of je mod/admin oid mag worden wat dat krijg je zo niet.
Onze server heeft ook Hungergames. Join door /hg join en speel op een van onze mooie zelfgemaakte mappen. Nu kun jij ook net zo spelen als CaptainSparklez, Antvenom etc.. Er zijn overal op de map chests met random spullen waarbij je zelfs diamond gear kunt aantreffen als je geluk hebt. Ook kun je met xp die je krijgt van het killen van mobs je wapens enchanten. Doe je mee?.
(Middelste plaatje map: Top of the Hill | Onderste plaatje map: Ghost town)
Heb je vragen, of heb je een probleem? Wij staan altijd open om je te helpen.
Server IP:
TeamSpeak: . 🙂
[b]Ik wil iedereen veel speel plezier wensen op de FOK.Craft server.
Vragen kunnen in dit topic gesteld worden.
mvg, de FOK.Craft Crew[/b]
Matcraft is a fun Minecraft server with multiple game modes: Survival, Kingdoms (Factions) and KitPvP. We have friendly staff that will help you in any way shape or form. `
The one player limit is just our Bungee configuration, we can take 50 players for each game mode 🙂
There are not many servers around with dedicated staff. This is one of our priorities, we want a nice server with a nice community and so we are very active on the server. This means that annoying and/or racist assholes will be swiftly dealt with.
We also pick our staff carefully and we certainly do not grant permissions for things like in-game flying or game modes. We provide such a server by maintaining strict rules.
Erebus MC is a FactionsUUID server with tonnes of premium, custom features, from the custom terrain, to bosses, mobs, items, dungeons, caves and much much more!
#1 All-Round Server IP:
Website [at least 1 post every week]
Dutch accepted
English main language
Updated minecraft version
Donator rank
Premium rank
Specific admins per world
Free use of ennchanting tables
Free use of anvils
Free use of mega fueled furnace
Free use of beds
Ultimate shop +Updated
No plots in creative
Realtime $50 per vote
Fun world: over 20 atractions
Facebook page
Youtube page
Fun / AtractionWorld
SaucyMC is a brand new vanilla faction minecraft survival server with a custom shop and economy! The server is less then a few days old and we are looking to build a community both ingame at and on our discord which you can join at Come check us out, couldent hurt 🙂
BananaCraft Network
BananaCraft Network is a growing Minecraft server with a wide variety of gamemodes. BananaCraft Network launched in February of 2019 and is a reboot of the original BananaCraft. The network currently consists of KitPvP, Factions, Survival, Creative and Skyblock with more gamemodes and updates planned for the future. Our aim for this network is to make the network accessible for all types of players, whether you like PvP, survival or you simply want to hang out on the server, there is always something to do for you.
We also want our server to be as simple and straight forward as possible so you can start playing right away. To achieve this we write our own custom plugins to guide you through the servers while using as much GUIs as possible so you dont have to type a command for everything you want to do. Our server makes it easy for new players who are not familiar with Minecraft servers while also offering a lot for experienced players.
Survival 1.12
Our Survival servers offers an experience the way Minecraft is originally intended to play. We keep our Survival server mostly vanilla while adding a couple of features to enhance the multiplayer experience like claiming and trading. By keeping the server this way it allows us to easily upgrade to newer Minecraft versions so we keep up with the latest additions.
Our Factions server offers a great experience for players who are already familiar with factions while also providing helpful information for new players. Our Factions server is unique by offering all Minecraft features up to 1.13.2 while keeping the old combat mechanics for the classic combat play and feel. Besides that Factions has several other features such as a McMMO, an auction house, silkable spawners, breakable obsidian and most important: a fun Factions PvP experience.
In our Skyblock server you survive on a small island with limited resources. You start off with a small island and expand it by gathering resources and trading with other players. This server also provides a wide range of features including trading, a shop, ore generators and custom islands. Our Skyblock server is also fully GUI driven to keep it as simple as possible for the player.
Our Creative server offers a great build experience with 2 plot for every player by default. You can also build together with your friends and you have full access to all WorldEdit commands to help you with your building projects. We also allow you to download your plot so you can use it in your own world.
In our KitPvP server you progress through levels and unlock new kits by playing PvP with preset kits. We offer a wide range of features in this server including a progressive leveling system, buyable and upgradable kits and a battle tested anticheat to keep it fair for all players.
Future development
We are actively working on this server and adding new features to keep the server new and fresh for the player. We release frequent updates to all of our gamemodes.
A minecraft 1.15.2 Survival server with hidden chests, PvP, a friendly community, and more! (NO HACKERS ALLOWED!!)
The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.
A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft 1.8 Parkour Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.
Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.
Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!