EMERGENCY REPORT ~ https_jeremy
Hello Citizens of SPD I have come here to talk to you all about the recent situation that has just broken out in your city. I am Aiki Omori, your mayor. From what I have seen, and been told with evidence, I will report to you all here today.
A broadcast to the whole city would go out to the radios, “Hello citizens, I have placed a bomb that will go off in one minute, You’re bank will be taken from, and NONE of you will have any more money left to use, You will all go bankrupt, You will lose your home, and more. Hope you’re officers are good at keeping everyone safe.”
As the bomb went off, all of the officers immediately knew where to run, as the loud explosion gave it up, they started sprinting over to the site, running to the vault room. The officers would aim their guns upwards, waiting for the criminal to come outside of the hallway, as he did, he came through with a gun, formerly known as the AK-47, He ran through spraying the gun because he didn’t know where the officers were, as he ran through, most of the bullets he dodged, though he failed and was ended up tased. He was dragged to emergency response, as he had several gunshots in himself.
After the notification to the whole city was sent out, everyone was left in a panic, ravaging their homes, trying to empty money from their local bank, due to the reason of which bank Wawa never said publicly, though as reinforcements searched around the city, they eventually found the bank, and barged into the scene.
As the torches event happened, all of the officers were shot, though they were wearing kevlar, so they weren’t necessarily affected by the gunshots, though it did eventually penetrate through the vest, hitting their skin, As Aoi was shot with a gun in the leg, he could barely even walk. The other officer that was there couldn’t do anything much, other than try to shoot the criminal, and get him arrested. Though Aoi didn’t want that to happen, so he stepped in afterward, shooting him, as well as tasing the masked criminal, so he could be escorted to the hospital, then after jail.
After the tasting effect wore off, the man had a small Makarov inside of his shoe, though it wasn’t really anything known to the officers at the time. The male leads his hand down to his shoe, pulling the gun out. He would spray it at the officers, though missed due to his vision being blurry cause of all the gunshots, after he missed he sprung himself upwards, after shooting more, he would run across the city, attempting to tire them. The kid had a lot of energy in him, though in an alleyway, they were finally shot to the floor, and brought to the ER, removing all gunshots, and wounds, replaced with stitches, and bandages.
Later after the scene, the kid’s name was found, due to the mother’s recipient walking into the room of interrogation. The kid’s name was formerly known as Kirito Masaaki, while the mother’s name is an officer of your city, Tanoko Masaaki, with badge number [#6927]. The kid was only twenty years old and was arrested for his life, with a bail of 7,500,000 for evasion, weaponry, assault on government officials, and more charges that could be stated.