9.2 Active Ass Class Craft End Erver Gen Inecraft Legend Legends Mean Mine Minecraft Play Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sim Simp Simply Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

MC Legends

A survival server with pvp included. Play minecraft simply how it was meant to be played.

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Club Com Comunidad Discord Ect Erver Event Evento Eventos Founder Hardcore Pvp Hcf Ice Ios Kit Kitmap Map Nam Network Nopay2win Nuevo Pay Practice Pvp Server Servidor Ter Title Toxic Two Work

SixPvP Network

SixPvP Network





<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ace Active Anti Basic Class Community Craft Donate Donor Enchant Enjoy Epic Fac Faction Factions Fun Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Join Mall Mcmmo Mmo Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Small Survival Multiplayer War Warp

LightningCraft 24/7

Welcome to LightningCraft, Factions, Hardcore PVP, Raiding and mcmmo.

We are just a basic faction server with a small community.
We would love people to join, enjoy have fun.
If you appreciate the server, please do donate.
We have donor ranks set up with all the epic stuff you get with them as well as /warp donor.
We have shops at /warp shop, enchanting place at /warp enchant and MORE!
Please join our server, we appreciate you joining!

Abilities Block Cat Class Coded Craft Custom Development Discord Edit Game Games Ill Inecraft Java Javaedition Join Kit Kitpvp Kits Lit Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Nature New Noop Online Open Play Player Players Pvp Server Ships Sign Spaceships Title


Hi, I’m mrsomebody1 and I own a Minecraft server which has a KitPvP with 42 kits and custom abilities, and several custom-coded minigames, with fire, spaceships, explosions and gun PvP! It’s still in development, but I thought, what the hell, I’m bored. Why not join and check it out?

Note: If there aren’t any players online but you still want to play just join, and I will get a Discord notification if I’m online.

JOIN WITH: Java Edition 1.8 – 1.15.2

Active Build Building Class Craft Death Eco Econ Environment Grief Hack Iconomy Inecraft Item Join King Mine Minecraft Nation Nations Need Play Player Professional Protection Pvp Raid Raiding Rol Rules Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Tnt Town Towns Towny War Who Wns

Rawcritics PVP

{Towny} {PVP} {Raiding} {iConomy}

Our server is run by professional staff who keep an eye on things at all times with a player base at the ready to ensure griefers, cheaters, hackers and trolls are caught and dealt with swiftly.

We have towns and nations with PVP rules that enable you to break into buildings, search for chests within limitation and fight to the death. Blocks regen and you can use TNT to break into buildings since the blocks will return after a certain number of seconds.

Join us, though be made aware that we do not support trollish or hostile behavior and you will not find this a fitting environment if you are looking for trouble or childish laughs. Ask Silverforte if you need a town to join with plenty of space and protection for your house and items.

Active Admin Challenge Craft Creative Dedicated Discord Donation Event Forge Good Grief Griefing Hard Interesting Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Network Open Play Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Standard Store Survival Trade Tweaks Unique World

Psycosmic SkyBlock

Welcome to Pyscosmic Craft Network.

Our main server offers a Unique survival gameplay where when the sun sets the game play takes a twist, PvP is activated and the game difficulty is turned up making the night that bit more interesting. Along with McMMO, Jobs and a few other tweaks.

Our hard core SkyBlock is not for the inexperienced with its bare bones approach and is also linked to our main survival server making trade between them possible and not to forget McMMO for good measure.

Next we have our dedicated SkyBlock with all the features you expect from SkyBlock from challenges to inter island trade and a shop for the extra items.

We have two forms of creative to choose from plots and and standard generated world but world edit is only available in the plot world.

Ranks and boosts are all available throughout our Network via our store and also via our ingame token system (so no donation required)

All servers have anti grief protection to prevent griefing and have active admin and team members in game and discord


Active Ass Back Beast Class Craft Crafter Crafters Die Erver Farm Farming Feed FTB Grief Home Ill Infinity Item Items Light Ming Nen Nether Nut Pie Pro Pve Pvp Ree Server Survival Teleport Twilight World Zen

Farming Crafters Feed the Beast Infinity

Willkommen bei den Farmingcrafters.

Ihr könnt hier tun und lassen was ihr wollt und wo ihr wollt.
Aber vergesst nicht erstmals weit weg zu laufen damit ihr nicht gegrieft werdet 😉

Der Server bietet euch die Möglichkeit euch zu anderen Spielern zu Teleportieren sowie
einen Homepunkt, PRO Welt zu setzen. Overworld, Nether, Twilight etc.
Beim Tod werden eure Items in einem Grabstein gesichert.
Ihr könnt auch den /back Befehl nutzen wenn ihr gestorben seit.

Ass Class Craft End Erver FTB Infinity Ken Land Lands Mine Nederland Nederlands Raft Ram Rek Rust Server Slots Style Survival Multiplayer


Een nieuwe FTB Infinity 1.3.4 server speciaal voor Nederlands sprekenden.

Tot zover 10 slots en 2 GB ram. Dus wees er snel bij 🙂

Meer info komt maar voor nu, kom gerust een kijkje nemen.


Action Actions Active Ars Ass Clan Clanwars Class Custom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Mini Games Parkour Plugin Plugins Pos Real Red Server Tom Unique War Wars


A unique factions server with custom plugins that really redefine what is possible on a factions server

960 Ass Ban Banner Class Craft Game Games Inecraft Lin Link Lmao Make Mine Minecraf Minecraft Pro Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Top


“” (Link:


Ace Active Bar Build Class Community Craft Create Eco End Experience Fast Friends Fun Growing Help Inecraft Invite Mean Mine Minecraft Need People Play Plugin Plugins Rank Red Rules Server Servers Simp Simple Survival Multiplayer This Who

Eyoxiz Craft

This is EyoCraft. I created this server as a place for people to come who want a fun server experience with simple rules and plugins. I’m tired of logging onto servers and not being able to build, or being bombarded by plugins that are unnecessary. That’s why everyone can build immediately on EyoCraft, without needing a rank. We only use plugins that we absolutely need. The experience you’ll receive from us is polished; the way Minecraft was meant to be played.
Help us become the fastest growing Minecraft community; invite your friends and log on now!

Bungee Claims Class Craft Creative Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefprevention Home Job Jobs Mine Minecraft Open Plot Prevention Pve Economy Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Sethome Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Survival Title Ungee World

2GM Craft

1.15.2 Econ, Shops, GriefPrevention, Factions, Ranks, SetHome, Quests, Jobs, Events and more!

Bungee: PVP/Grief, PlotMe, Open World Creative, and Skyblock coming soon!

Abilities Active Based Boss Bosses Class Custom Dungeon Dungeons End Fac Faction Factions Game Games Guns Help Item Items Legendaries Lit Loot Lore Mini Games Minigame Minigames New Pet Pets Pixelmon Play Pvp Quest Quests Roleplay Rpg Server Spells Wands War


What it is: RPG Dungeon Server
With new improved loot, Set items, Legendaries, sockets
** Spells and Spell Wands
** Rings , Amulets, Gloves and more !
** Factions
** Battle Pets
** Gems and Sockets
** HP , Dodge , Lored Items
** Custom Bosses with abilities
** Minigames
** Grand Theft Auto with Guns
** Dungeons and Quests
** God Of War Dungeon – Based on Xbox, Help Kratos !

Active Anarchy City Claim Class Craft Create Custom End Forums Game Horde Inecraft King Land Lit Loot Map Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Mods Nation Normal Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Politics Pve Pvp Server Survival Swearing Website World Zombie Zombies

Japura Survival City PVP zombie city survival server running a lot of custom plugins. Players can create tribes to claim and protect land. A massive city is generated over the normal minecraft world, and is ready to be looted!
Watch out for the endless hordes of zombies! Nobody would want to go out at night.
server url:
website url:
no excessive swearing.
no religion/nationality/politics/sensitive arguments.
no cheating, abusing in-game glitches or using mods that can affect the server. graphical mods like minimaps or lighting is OK.
no spamming.
zero tolerance for moderator impersonation.
report any server issues with the /bug command, or on the forums.
no asking for gun mods.

Action Active Age Ass Cheat Cheating Class Courage Craft Ect Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Heat Ill Inecraft King Lit Mine Minecraft Pvp Raid Raiding Semi Server Survival Multiplayer Tag This Vanilla


A Faction PvP server which focuses on raiding and griefing. These aspects are encouraged. No cheating or hacking to gain advantage over others in PvP will be tolerated. This server is Semi-Vanilla, so the enjoyment of Minecraft isn’t ruined.

Call Chat Class Community Donator Dutch Eco Econ Econom Economy End English Features Friendly Good Help Join King Lag Lol Mod Mods New Nolag Nolagg Noop Open Premium Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Riendly Server Spawn Special Votifier

League of Prison

Welcome to League of Prison.

Were a new prison server with a special touch.
We have all the ranks from League of Legends in our prison.

Some of our features:
English / Dutch ✔ Prison ✔ LoL Ranks ✔ 24/7 ✔ NoLagg ✔ Votifier ✔ PvP ✔ Good economy ✔ Friendly community ✔

Our donator rank is called Premium. Check out the features at spawn

Since were a new server well also be looking for two chat mods that can help us keep our chat clean.


Art Ass Auto Blo Block Bukkit Class Custom Dev Development Ect Elo Erver Level Nam Ops Papermc Plot Plots Pve Pvp Quest Quests Server Shop Shops Spigot Sts Survival Title Uests Server [1.15.2]

A in development server, quests, plots, art gallery, shops, level system for wolfs and much more =)!

Active Admin Bukkit Chest Chestshop Class Color Com Erver Essential Essentials Good Kit Lit Ming Play Player Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Rvival Server Shop Slots Soon Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivor Time Vip Votifier Welcome World Worlds


Coalition of Professional Survivors –
Welcome to our Bukkit server, we hope that you’ll have a good time with us! We’ve installed plenty of good plugins as:

Essentials – DynColor – Hawkeye – ChestShop – Votifier, so on.

24 Player slots and wonderful staff.

2 Worlds (Spawn/admin world – Survival world.

VIP Coming soon!

Active Ass Build Builder Class Com Creative Cyber Day Eat Game Games Great Grief Griefing Hun Hunger Hunger Games One Pvp Red Safe Sit Spleef Survival Today Vis


We have it all! PvP, spleef, griefing, safe zones, hunger games, and even creative if you’re a great builder. Visit us today! You won’t be sorry.

Admin Best Buycraft Community Dedicated Donation End Event Exploration Friendly Fun Hub Interesting Map Minecraft Mod Nations New Open Perks Play Player Pvp Quest Quests Reset Server Servers Shop Shops Smp Spawn Staff Survival Town Towns Unique Website Who Youtube

Paragon Gamers Hub


Paragon is an ambitious new Server/Community which currently has a SMP server, fitted with friendly staff, unique features, PVP arenas and abundant resources to ensure our players have the best experience possible.

We plan on opening many more servers to make Paragon Servers you go to place for Minecraft game modes promising quality, exclusive maps and unique game modes.

So join our community today.




Our Survival Server has unique features that are both enjoyable and interesting to use.
These Features include:

– Exclusive PVP Arenas

– NPC Tutorials

– Quests

– Admin Shops

– Friendly/Helpful Staff


Our Server has three main worlds: Survival World, Event and Resource World. Each world has a specific purpose.

– Survival World: This is the world where you will be able to settle and start your town/join towns, you may also collect resources in this world but there is a dedicated world for that.

– Event: This is the world where you will first spawn, here you will have access to NPC Tutorials, PVP arenas, a view of the staff members on our server and also Admin shops where you can sell items to keep your money balance nice and healthy.

– Resource World: This is the world where you go to collect your resources this map will be reset once a month which means there will be an abundance of resources and exploration will never be boring.


Donations help keep our server up and also ensures we can bring you the best experience possible, it helps fund our Server, Mumble and Website hosting which is very helpful.

Donating isnt compulsory to enjoy your time on our server but there are perks to donating, all information you will need is found on our buycraft:

Anyone who donates to our server gets massive thank you from us 3 – Paragon Staff


Thank you for reading this post, and we hope to see you on our sever soon. – Paragon Staff


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Java Minecraft Server List. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!