600 Adventure Adventures Astro Biomes Custom Exiting Friendship Landscape Pvp Ship Ships Structures Survival Terrain


Welcome to Astro SMP!

Astro SMP is an Custom survival/RPG server. It contains a lot of Custom and origional Items, Builds, Worlds, Terrain, Mobs and more. The survival world is an custom generated landscape with a ton of custom structures and biomes to explore, It is also backed up with an Resource world to scavenge for materials and other loot. The Adventure world is an custom made world with a lot of exiting strong extraordinairy weapons, gear and bosses to explore. The server itself will have more gamemodes soon like Skyblock and Minigames. Astro it’s community is an very friendly and helpfull community and we welcome players with open arms! All kinds of Adventures and friendships are awaiting u at Astro SMP!

Ask Chest Chests Create Daily Economy Function Getting Started Pass Protect Semivanilla Survival Towns Travel Worldmap


Mostly vanilla survival. All plugins created from scratch. Towny-like experience to protect land/possessions. Use compasses to travel anywhere on the worldmap. Shop chests and functioning economy.

Just getting started, come check us out!

Still adding new features daily, ask and you might receive!

Ages Fly Free To Play Minecraft Giveaway Giveaways Mcd Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival No Dupes Price Pvp Russian Minecraft Stand Vanilla Like

FunPlace | 1.12.2 | Survival

Hello everyone, I am the Administrator of the FunPlace project
Here I will tell you the advantages of playing on our project
There are many discounts on privileges on our project,
which allows you to buy great opportunities for a small price
We often arrange giveaways for donation in our VK group
We are constantly improving the project, and it does not stand still
Responsive administration that will answer all your questions

Aus Climb Economy Elf Invite Island Jump Op Prison Place Playing Prison Skyblock Starting Survival System

Wacky World

Welcome to wacky’s world!

this server is just starting out and if you enjoy playing sky block come in and stop by cause this is the place for you, don’t you don’t have to just play by yourself this sky block allows you to invite your friends to come join your island and jump in on the fun

The server will soon be adding a prison system that allows players to climb threw the ranks of the op prison and instead of the plot system it will be your sky block, so come jump in and get started on your island on wacky’s world!

Earth Earthmap Earthmc Faction Factionpvp Factions Geopol Geopolitical Growingcommunity Movecraft Movecrafts Nicestaff Political Victoria Wars


What is does VictoriaMC offer?
1. A 1:1000 scale of earth in Minecraft
2. Growing community
3. An economy using Custom Currency
4. Many other plugins
5. Multiple donator ranks (no in game advantages though)6. Minecraft Geopolitical experience

Join today on Minecraft version 1.15.2 to see VictoriaMC’s take on a geopolitical Minecraft server!

Claim Economey Economy Exciting Loot Lootcrate Lootcrates Lud Mcmmo Playershop Playershops Protect Pve Economy Survival Tebex


Survival economey server
We are a new server looking for a steady player base, we have plans to expand and add new and exciting features but we need your support!
Plugins include
Protecting your build

1.16.3 Eset Hanks Homes Homeset Jumbo Lumi Master Minecraft 1.16 Moderator Survival Thanks Timber Tiny Umbo

Project Jumbo Survival

Welcome to Project Jumbo, for Minecraft 1.16.3!

This is a semi-vanilla survival server that was started on 9/22/2020! We offer a survival experience with some enhancements such as Timber and HomeSet. We also offer player ranks!

Our staff team:
Illuminado, Owner
LilTinyElvis / Spiker456, Admin
LlamaMaster / OwenVerse, Moderator.

Thanks for choosing Project Jumbo!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Adults Brandnewserver Friendly Fun Kids Mature Minigames Newserver Penguin Ranks Shop Survival Swearingallowed Vanilla Vanillasurvival


Hello and welcome!

This is Ophelia, a survival minecraft server, brought to you by the admins of the rebel penguin server from all the way back in 2012? 2013? 2017? It was some time a good few years back!!!

So we have some basic plugins that you can choose to use! Don’t wanna use tpa? Don’t have to! Wanna give yourself a cool new hat? DO it! (This is one of the perks for donators though)

This server is still in beta mode so it’s still getting some new commands etc, we will also be adding a shop, and some cool minigames super soon!! Please bare with us. <3

So we have a few ranks:






Your owners are: MandaisAwkward and K1UnderDog

Your moderators are: ThatDaveCarter and Senithsensiya

Why not join our discord?!

Have fun! We look forward to seeing you on the server <3

I’d say we’re family friendly, but I have the mouth of a sailor. So we’re not. If you dont mind your kids reading some bad language then this is the place!

Bedwars Canada Chill Easy Invite Minecraft 2 Moderator Navi Pvp Raiding Roleplay Survival TERA Towns Wns


Join Ricecraft with the SERVER

Fun Minecraft 24/7 Server HOSTED IN CANADA With Ranks Kitpvp Bedwars And Much More!You Can Invite your Friends Roleplay,Team,Raid,PVP Server Is Fun With No Lag And Message A Moderator If You Need Help. Server is Easy to navigate Through Lots of fun And You Make Towns Chill or Raid Towns This Server has Economy And A Shop If You play the server for a week you get VIP Rank if you ply the server for a month you get Verteran Rank! Join If You Want.If you like the server do /buy and get a classic rank What you can do with a classic rank is have a op Kit And Much More!
Have Fun!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1.16.3 Adult Atm Atmosphere Cheating Difficult Fit Fort Magazine Minecraft Cities Points Settlements Stable Wip Wipe

PLAYMATIX [1.16.3] Minecraft server

PLAYMATIX is a Server with a tube and friendly atmosphere, difficult survival, an adult and adequate community. Server for a quiet game with friends!
Our players develop for their own pleasure, spend time in a pleasant environment and establish their own settlements. A server without wipes with a big world and a comfortable game.

Server features:
– 3 private 500k each
– 3 points of the house
– Clans / settlements
– Stable economy
– Donate without benefits

We do not have auto mines and admin shops, donation does not affect the gameplay, and cheating and griefing is prohibited!
Fair pvp, events. Come in and see for yourself! : 3
Enjoy playing on our server!

Classic Cosmic Cosmicpvp Cpvp Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factions Servers Industrial Monsters Pvp Recreate Texture Textures Trial


Welcome to VengeanceCraft

The true Factions experience!

This server was recreated to fill the void of classic factions servers that have disappeared since 2015.
Custom plugins, custom textures, user suggestions.
None of the of ranks, items, and other buy-able pay to win stuff.
None of the restrictions to things like cobble monsters.
None of the CosmicPVP inspired additions that has industrialized factions.
Just a true factions experience.

Server still a W.I.P

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Diamonds Donations Dream Guy Nations Nothing Pay To Win Peace Peaceful Prod Purchase Relax Relaxing Rod Survival


Your original peaceful skyblock with no op ranks and no pay to win we are here to give you that relaxing building experience to get you from nothing to diamonds. We want to expand this server to give you guys different types of skyblock gamemodes where it can be something that anyone can have interest and, we will make sure to listen to our players to produce pure quality. Donations will make sure to go to our server first and grow it to help us achieve our dream of becoming a network please any donations or purchases to the server will be greatly appreciated.

Announcement Economy Elements Esports Hard Survival Jump Landclaiming Ports Pve Pveeconomy Ranks Roleplaying Sport Sports Survival


sports_esports A warm welcome sports_esports

Welcome to RealmsOfAsterea!

This is a hard survival server with RPG elements. Here you will face the hoards of Asterea and build your own settlement. Finding new players, doing quests, rankup and fight in arenas. Become one of the strongest players in Asterea!

READ before playing.
Make sure to read the #⛔server-rules⛔ before jumping in to the realms of Asterea.
Discord link – RealmsOfAsterea

To check out all new and old updates you can do that in #📢announcement📢

RealmsOfAsterea IP
Server IP – >
We are working on adding a custom domain which will come soon.

~ Ranks.
~ Mcmmo.
~ Economy.
~ Jobs.
~ Quest (Coming soon).
~ Mob arena (Coming soon).
~ Crates (Need adding)
~ Custom enchants.

Cross chat, (Server-Dicord)
We have our ingame chat on discord, feel free to say hello in it #server-chat.

Best regards @RealmsOfAsterea @Rexhat @RealmsAsterea

Ash Bean Developed Famous Green Idea Mini-game Mini-games Mus Music Origin Original Prod Rod Straight

A Towny, Creative and mini-games mashup! Green Beania is The product of famous musical artist Au/ra put straight into action. originally an idea, Mods of her Discord got straight into action and have developed a Server for all!

Conomy Deal Earth Earthtowny Idea Job Jobs Mad Mcm Quick Rankup Rankups Rock Survival Tak

Earth Towny Rocks!

Here at Earth Towny Rocks!, it is our deeply held belief that Earth Towny rocks. We have made a server that contains the ideal Earth Towny experience. In addition to the Towny plugin, a number of other plugins enhance the experience with rankups, economy, jobs, mcmmo, and so much more. Come take a quick look and you will want to stay.

Anti Bal Balance Balanced Cheat Conomy Feat Feature Heat Oda Pvp Pvp Server Sale Shade Today



ShadedPVP is a 1.8-1.16 KitPVP server. Custom features, 30% off sale, efficient anti cheat & a balanced economy are just a few of the things we offer on our server. Join today!

Anarchy Anything Ban Claim Hack Kazette Laim Mission Owny Pac Sin Space Tat Tnt Towny


Welcome to SpaceNetwork! We have towny, anarchy, and coming soon, the space station!

[​DISCLAIMER] We have permission to ban you, since this is a free service. if you grief, TNT, hack or do anything that harms anyone else except PvP in anarchy and towny, we will ban you.

Best Bestserver Ect Elo Farmkitpvp Farmpvp Grind Hut Kit Kitpvp Minehut Pvp Servers Title Topservers



VeloxPvP Is one of the best servers of grind KitPvP!

Adventure Antigrief Awesome Chestshops City Discord Economy Epic Events Freebuild Fun Griefprevention Hardcore Hub Iconomy Items Jail Jobs Jobsreborn Kits Lobby Lockette Mcmmo Moblevel Network Petsystem Playershops Quickshop Residences Roleplay Rpg Shop Shops Skills Spleef Survival Website

QuadraCraft – Hardcore-Survival-RPG | 1.16.3

Herzlichen Willkommen auf QuadraCraft! ist ein Minecraft-Server, dessen Historie bis ins Jahr 2012 zurückgeht.
Nach einer längeren Minecraft-Abstinenz hat sich nun das alte Team wieder
zusammengeschlossen und QuadraCraft wieder an den Start gebracht.

Freut euch auf einen vielseitigen, ausgereiften Server mit Fokus auf den
reinen Spielspaß für jeden einzelnen.Betrieben durch ein Team mit bald
10 Jahren Erfahrung in Minecraft-Servern erwartet euch eine stetig
steigende Anzahl an Features auf der aktuellsten Minecraft-Version.

– Zentraler Lobbyserver als Gateway auf alle weiteren Spielmodi und Server –

– Flexibles, Communitybasiertes Serverdesign! –
Ihr habt eine Idee oder wünscht euch ein Feature? Teilt es uns mit! Wir versuchen es möglich zu machen.

-Integrierung der Community in die weitere Entwicklung des Servers

Mobs werden Stärker je weiter ihr euch in die Welt hinaus wagt

Angepasste Drops:
Erhaltet verstärkte Items und EXP von Mobs mit höheren Leveln
Erhaltet noch stärkere Items durch spezielle Bosse
Bosse haben Respawn-Zeiten und eigene spezielle Fertigkeiten und Drops

Offline Chest-Shops
Sicherer, direkter Spielerhandel über Handelsmenü

Inklusive Levelsystem
Werdet mit der Zeit immer stärker

Euer Pet levelt, wird stärker und unterstützt euch im Kampf!
Pets haben ein eigenes Inventar das euch zur Verfügung steht
Pets können ein mobiles Leuchtfeuer werden
Sucht euch euren Pet-Typ aus! Creeper? Wolf? Spinne? Kein Problem!

Baut Mobspawner ab und ändert sie selbstständig

Schützt eure Gebiete selbst
Legt fest, wer darauf Zugriff hat

Kein PvP, jedoch die Möglichkeit faire Duelle auszutragen



Ausgereifter Support
Ticketsystem Ingame und über die Homepage verwendbar

Vollständiges Wiki mit detaillierten Erklärungen

Regelmäßige und Abwechslungsreiche Events


Regelmäßige Updates und neue Features



Schaut doch mal vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!
Viel Spaß auf QuadraCraft wünscht euch

Euer QuadraCraft Serverteam

Chest Chests Envoy Envoys Fall Level Leveling Non Op Prison Op Prisons Opprison Oys Prison Prisons Survival


——– VibraMC ——–



[Version] 1.8 – 1.16

– OP Prisons

– No Lag
– Daily Rewards
– Plots
– Completly Non P2W
– Looking for staff!
– Eco System
– Leveling Crates!
– Custom Prison System
– Envoys (Chests falling from skys)
– Admin events! (Where You get OP Stuff)

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Good Minecraft Hosting Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!