Atapacks Community Country Economy Ecoshop Hulk Mobs Nation Nations Pvp Survival Town Towny Trades Yoshi

BeegYoshi.Earth server

I started an earth server!


custom trades
1 player sleep
double shulkers


Aesthetic District Gifted Guardian Hermit Hermitcraft Interview Java Edition Maj Paper Permanent Qol Shopping Trades Vanilla

Cold-Brew Java ( HermitCraft Style )


Our server, Cold-Brew Java, is a java edition Minecraft Server. We are a small group with a 30 active member cap. We interview applicants to ensure a pleasant server experience for everyone and to keep out detrimental players. We’ve all been playing together for several months now, but every now and then a member has things to go do IRL, and we respect their decision to reduce their activity on the server. Currently we have several spots open due to some members having to take breaks from the server as mentioned above.

We are a survival community server, almost 100% vanilla. We are NOT a keep inventory server. We vote on all major server decisions together. We also have a shopping district (as we are very similar to Hermitcraft) and collaborate with each other on builds or projects quite often. We do have an auto chop plugin (I personally voted against this, and have it turned off because I don’t like it). Other than that, we have no game-play altering plugins. We do have some plugins to help with QOL such as low tool durability ping, wandering trader mini block and head trades, one player sleep, and more. Our rules are the following:


1. We treat each other with respect
2. Racism is not allowed
3. Griefing is strictly forbidden
4. Exploiting bugs or cheating is not allowed at all

And obviously if you try to be a smartass and bypass those rules by doing other cheaty things, you will get banned, as an infraction of any of those rules is an instaban with no warnings. This here is your only warning. Basically, if it feels like you shouldn’t be doing something, don’t do it. Ask us if you’re unsure.

We run on paper, and rarely does the TPS drop below 20. Because of this, we don’t have to have any lag limiting game play restrictions. For example, you’re not banned from making a guardian farm just because it’s laggy. We trust you will use your good judgement and do your part to not lag out the server for other players however, so don’t go overboard.

We have members that range from all abilities and passions in the game, from more technical players like farm builders, to more aesthetically gifted people who are good builders.

Again, we all trust each other here, and want to trust new members as well. We have an application process where you are interviewed. If the application committee is satisfied, they will allow you a week long trial where we will observe you on the server. At the end of the week, you’ll either make the cut and be accepted as a permanent, or you’ll be given the boot.

Thank you.


Bedrock Bedrockserver Bridges Builders Crossplay Draw Epicworldgenerator Grave Graves Mcmmo Ps4 Shopkeepers Survival Trades Villagers

ZephCraft // Java & Bedrock Crossplay // Epic World Generator // Family Friendly

ZephCraft is a family friendly, tight knit community of Minecraft players. We have a custom map that is beautiful and is great for builders. Whether you are an experienced builder, or a newbie, you are welcome in our community.

JAVA and BEDROCK both supported.
Server Address:
Use port 25567 when connecting to bedrock.

Custom Map – Beautiful terrain with custom biomes
mcMMO – Train Skills and unlock new abilities
Graves – When you die, your stuff isn’t! A grave spawns to protect your stuff
Animated Drawbridges, Castle doors and more – For an immersive building experience!
Bottle XP – Store your Xp in bottles to sell, or for safe keeping!
Online Map – See the world online, track your homes and the land you own
Anti Grief System – Claim land with Golden Shovel to protect it
Flying in Claims – Unlock flying in claims through tokens or server subscriptions
Parkour – Need a break from building? Try a parkour course
Custom Villager Shops – Hire villagers to handle trades for you to other players
Silk Spawners – Silk Touch Spawners to move them somewhere else
Disable Mob Spawning – Disable mob spawning in your personal claim with tokens or a server subscription
Bedrock compatibility – Play from your phone, tablet, windows 10 edition, or PS4


Click here for the discord.

Community Datapacks Dedicated English Friendly Hulk Modified Mods Multiplayer Smallserver Smp Survival Trades Vanillatweaks Whitelisted

Atheria (SMP) – Whitelist Server –

– Please Read Full Page –

Apply Here!

1. Must be ages 16+
2. Must be active and dedicated aka there’s no joining for a little then leaving forever.
3. Hermitcraft-like, it would benefit you to have some knowledge of what Hermitcraft is. We use the same setup to a point.
3. We need talented players, this isn’t restricted to builders and redstone individuals. We know each person excels in different parts of Minecraft and would love that variety.

(Note: Apologies for having to move this up, it wasn’t being noticed at the bottom of the page)

Hello and welcome to Atheria! We are a semi-vanilla survival multiplayer server that like to keep things as close to vanilla while using some tools at our disposal to keep the server running smoothly. Tho we are currently not open yet, joining right off the bat will just result in disconnect.

What do I mean by semi-vanilla?
By all means this server is a modded server but the mods that are added do not change the gameplay in major ways which is why we tout the semi-vanilla categorization. If you are interested in joining, the good news is that there is no need to download the mods to be able to play on the server as they are server-side only. We also have a few datapacks we have installed to make it a little more exciting.

Now there is one catch to this server. It is a whitelist server meaning you can only join if you are accepted by the staff after applying and there’s a limited amount of spots available to fill.

1.10 1.11 119 Economia Evento Eventos Minas Proteccion Rankup Sub Subastas Survival Toy Trades Warps

CubeWars SURVIVAL 1.10-1.16.2

Nuestro servidor cuenta con:
Rankup – (items op con trades, difícil de conseguir!), Bloques de PROTECCIÓN, economía, minas, pvp, eventos, diversos warps, podrás vender tus items por subastas, factions.
ENTRA y se el mejor, te estoy esperando!
By: diegoelchamo

Atapacks Euro Friendship Hulk Minecraft 1.16 Nickname Papermc Playing Minecraft Shulk Shulker Statues Trades Universal Vanilla Worldborder


Who/What is G.O.A.T minecraft server :

G.O.A.T minecraft server plans to become the Greatest Of All Time minecraft server in the Future 📷 .

After following various members of hermitcraft and joined various HermitCraft like servers which bleed to death after a few weeks, I decided to give it a try myself.

My name is FutureForce i’m 46 and have been playing Minecraft since the Alpha version.

what am I looking for :

I’m looking to build up a mature and active community, to engage into new friendships and experiences.
We all have our preferences in terms of how we approach Minecraft and nobody can tell you how to play this game, enjoy it the way you like it.
The thing that connects us is our love for the game and having someone to share it with.

what does G.O.A.T have to offer :

A very friendly community of active and respectful players, and is a great server where you can be as creative as you’d like.

The Server is hosted in Europe and runs PaperMC minecraft 1.16.2
there are some plugins and data packs installed but will not take away the vanilla feeling !.

Plugins :
>CoreProtect : (to help me and the community with Griefers, Thieves, rollbacks(Backups))

>WorldGuard (to protect the world against fire spread, enderman griefing)


armor statues
coordinates hud
double shulker shells
dragon drops
more mob heads
multiplayer sleep
nether portal coords
player head drops
silence mobs
wandering trades minibloacks

Most of the communication will be happening on our Discord server.
Preferably apply on discord, since we are online there every day.

Please follow our instructions on how to apply for an easy and fast procedure.

Before typing anything about yourself, make sure you fulfil the requirements:

  • It is important for us that we have a mature community, so we will set the minimum age to 18.
  • We would like to have an active community, so we’re encouraging to be online on a daily basis even if it is just a few minutes. Interact with each other on the server or on discord.
  • You need to have an official Minecraft account. We will need your nickname in order to whitelist you.
  • You know about Hermitcraft and follow some of their hermits on youtube. We think it’s a great example of a server we want !
  • you will obey the rules of the server.
  • So what do we need from you ? Just follow this template and you should be good to go !
    How old/Young are you ?
    Where are you from and where are you playing from ?
    What is your Minecraft Name ?
    Why do you want to join the server ?
    How mature would you describe yourself ?
    How active do you plan to be on the server ?
    Do you have a YouTube/Twitch channel ?

    If you like-minded and want to join this community. Fill in the Application.

    follow this link :

    Boats Community Districts Duplication Economy Hermitcraftlikeserver Optifine Ranch Ranching Shade Survival Trades Unwhitelisted Vanillasurvival Voxel



    A brand new vanilla server, looking for its pioneer members!

    We’re looking to create a community, Hermitcraft inspired world and land of opprtunity!

    Were looking for regular players, dreamer, builders and even better if your a youtuber or streamer!

    We’re starting things off in the Mesa Badlands, aiming to create a huge commercial and municipal district, all the while branching off on our own to build bases, industrial districts and expand the world.

    We do have some rules as follows:

    1) No griefing, hacking, stealing or malicious activities
    2) Harassment and bullying of ANY kind is not tolerated
    3) No PVP unless consensual or part of an organised event
    4) Farms that create lag will result in you being asked to dismantle them
    5) Once a player has claimed a base, you must respect their property
    boundaries and not build anything in a close proximity
    6) ALL players must be respectful, kind and courteous
    7) ALL players must contribute to the economy
    8) Coarse language is permitted in the in-game chat and on discord channels, provided it does not breach any of the above rules
    9) Any applicants under the age of 16 will be denied
    10) ALL players who are absent from server for more than 21 days will be unwhitelisted


    “PillagerCraft and its members respect players regardless of their age, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious and cultural views and political beliefs. Age is not a topic to be discussed online in any forum, way, shape or form”

    Below are the APPROVED modifications for players:
    – Optifine/Shaders
    -Badlion Client
    -Radar/Minimap/Coordinate mods
    – Voxelmap
    -Ore Highlighter
    -Shulkerbox Tooltip



    We also have some wicked datapcks installed, including:
    – Double Shulker Shells
    – Multiplayer Sleep
    – Anti-Ghast Grief
    – Player Head Drops
    – More Mob Heads
    – Kill Empty Boats
    – Wandering Trades

    If you sound interested, join us on discord! :

    Essential Essentials Greifprotection Hero Landclaim Matt Nothing Peace Peaceful Seed Stone Survival Talk Trades Vanilla

    Simple 1.16.2 Seed, Peaceful community. come and join us !
    Vanilla with essentials, land protection and trades.

    This server was created to play with others and have fun, this is still a work in progress but for now nothing is set in stone your input matters here . Come and talk with us

    Advertising Ander Announcement Caps Duping Greifing Jail Mobheads Playerheads Pls Season 2 Sleep Survival Multiplayer Trades Wand

    AzoreMC Season 2 : The OutBreak

    AzoreMC – Season 2 : The OutBreak

    Welcome to Season 2 of AzoreMC (inspired by Hermitcraft). A Whitelisted SMP server. We are now looking for more people to join our server. AzoreMC Season 2 will be starting on 30.07.2020, We will be starting fresh with a new map!

    The server is whitelisted so you need to fill out the form on our website to join our server. You can also join our Discord to get updates and announcements.

    Apply for AzoreMC – Season 2 here

    You will be added to the server within 12 hours (usually 30 minutes if owner is online)


    Live Map

    – Playerheads and Mobheads drop on kill.

    – Custom Wandering trader trades

    – Mini blocks

    – Multiplayer Sleep

    You can see the map here

    Server Rules:

    – No greifing unless you are in some sort of war

    – No being toxic this will result in being teleported to our jail

    – No hacking, glitching, duping this will result in ban

    – No spamming, or excessive use of caps

    – No advertising

    – Do not argue with staff if you would like to report something email [email protected]

    – Be respectful to each other

    – Speak ENGLISH pls

    – No KoS (kill on sight)We are open for suggestions and recommendation of other plugins to improve our server.


    Apply for AzoreMC Season 2 : The OutBreak here

    Join our Discord server : AzoreMC Discord

    Donator Donators Economy Griefprevention Nether Prevention Pub Public Shopkeeper Survival Trade Trades Vanilla Village Villager

    Robs Server

    SMP Server with GriefPrevention and Shopkeeper. There is a public shop in the nether for donators and an item based economy. The shopkeeper plugins allows for custom villager trades, which players can use to trade items with others without having to be there.

    Adventures Advertising Aves Crates Custom Fun Greifing Impossible Mountain No hacking Pvp Raiding Ranks Rules Social


    Welcome to the world beyond. With Actions-Pack adventures the possibility are endless. With full monitored staff helping by the minute nothing is impossible. Become the richest and make the biggest and most bad ass base. Or pretend your the poor and trick people to help you. The only thing stopping you from joining, is you. With a 24/7 online server, nothing is impossible. Got a little bit of extra cash? No problem you can spend the money to rankup. Need help with something or found a glitch? Just report. Are you a good at PvP? Then just aim for peoples head with that bow because it does 2 times the damage. With a lot more features added and being added, your imagination is the only thing stopping you.
    – 24/7 with no down time.
    – No Lag
    – Custom Rankup.
    – Vote Parties
    – Crates
    – Events
    – Rewards
    SlimeTime takes harassing and cyber bullying seriously and none of that will be seen here. Although cussing is allowed, there is a limit so do not push it. We are a friendly and nice community.
    All donations at SlimeTime are taken also seriously and are greatly appreciated. This means that all the donations that are received to SlimeTime are used for and only on the server, not for private use.

    • No hacking
    • No disrespecting others
    • Dont ask for staff
    • Dont ask for ranks
    • No advertising
    • Greifing is allowed
    • No spamming
    • No complaining
    • Stealing is allowed
    • Raiding is allowed
    • PVP is allowed
    • No racism
    • No lying to staff
    • Dont abuse jobs.
    • Do not use macros.
    • Most important have fun.
    A little bit more description:
    Come join us in the wonders and beyond. Go towards the tallest mountains and deepest caves and be the richest of all. Grief whatever faction you see and no one will stop you. Build the biggest base on planet and conquer the world. In SlimeTime our staff is supporting you and helping you whenever we are on by the rules. Remember only you are in charge, come play and start your adventure today.
    Anyone is welcomed on SlimeTime. We hope to see you soon.



    Battles Bedwars Buildbattle Free To Play Minecraft Hideandseek Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Minimal Murder Murdermystery Russian Minecraft

    Mine Games server minigames server Minecraft

    * Action
    * MurderMystery
    * CSGO
    * SkyWars
    * SkyBlock
    * BedWars
    * Creative
    * Survival
    * BuildBattle
    * HideAndSeek
    * Destroyer
    Big server with mini-games
    – Annihilation is a PvP game between 4 teams
    – The goal of your team is to destroy the enemy crystal
    – Where can they collect resources, create defense?
    * Action
    – A mode for fans of PvP battles
    – Here you can fight like real players
    – So with strong monsters, getting paid for killing
    * MurderMystery
    – Secret kill games is a game in which
    – One of the party members secretly plays the killer
    – The detective who needs to kill the criminal plays an arc
    – And the rest of the participants must determine who the criminal is
    – And hide from him, or kill if they have a bow and arrow
    * CSGO
    – Play the famous CS: GO in Minecraft!
    * SkyWars
    – Battle of the islands in the sky
    – Each player / team appears on its own island
    – The goal is to be the last player or team alive
    – Kill players with weapons or shoot them down
    * SkyBlock
    – Survive an island with minimal resources available
    – Expand your island, develop farming and prosper
    – accumulate points for your island
    * BedWars
    – The Blood Wars – you and teammates appear on the islands
    – There is a bed on the island, your task is to protect it
    – The goal is to destroy the beds of opponents, kill them to win
    * Creative
    – Full access to creative mode
    * Survival
    – 5 worlds to survive: Normal, Fantastic, Rustic, Hell and Ender
    * BuildBattle – New
    Battle of the builders, in 5 minutes you must build an item from the task.
    * HideAndSeek – New
    Hide and seek, there are Ghosts, there are Hunters, and each team seeks to win.

    Allies Aventure Elon Gone Hardcore Hex Nouveau Points Pvp Raiding Roleplay Serveur Survival Teleportation Vast


    Hexagon est un serveur proposant un mode de jeu réellement unique et inédit !

    Venez en jeu découvrir un monde dans lequel vous serez un gardien d’hexagone parmi les 4 hexagones dont disposent le monde. Ce vaste archipel créé par les Géants est le refuge de cœurs d’énergie offrant, selon la légende, la vie éternelle. Prenez donc part à l’aventure en défendant avec vos alliés les terres sacrées d’Hexagon.

    Points de téléportation, baguettes magiques, nouveaux enchantements, armures surpuissantes, items inédits, nous avons pensé à de nombreux ajouts pour vous faire vivre une expérience unique en mêlant stratégie et combat pour éliminer tous vos adversaires !

    Dino Feature Features Fun Join Lin Long Mad Mines Nes Nesp Nline Online See Soon


    Dinocraft was made not too long ago, it features a variety of fun things to do. We are still adding features and we hope you can join soon. See you online.


    Adventures Ancient Applications Bosses Economy Emerald Mythic Mythicmob Mythicmobs Puzzle Puzzles Pve Roleplay Survival Treasure

    Land of the Ancients

    Whitelist – Roleplay – Survival – Adventure – Emerald Economy

    Our adventure world is our main feature. We have a back story and lore that integrates into all of our adventures, which can be roleplayed with. Additionally all items gained from adventures can be used within our survival world as well. We also have treasure chests, puzzles, parkour, bosses (mythicmobs), and lore books.

    We also provide a fun and enjoyable environment. Friendly staff, grief protection, land protection, emerald economy, shops. Ranks are earned, not bought. We are whitelisted to lessen griefing and immaturity. For more server info and whitelist applications, visit our website:

    Arenas Deo Donations Factions Mini Games Mini-game Mini-games Prison Pvp Shops Skyblock System Towny Towny Server Voting

    DeoCraft Network

    Welcome to the DeoCraft Network:
    We are a small Towny server that has many features such as:
    PvP Arenas
    Mini-Games and Events
    Donating System
    Voting and much much more.

    We plan to expand the server network into Prison, Factions, Skyblock once we get more donations.


    Grief Protected Houses Lobby Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes Ports Pve Pvp Rpg Water

    VegaCraft NEW WEAPON Minecraft server

    When you enter Vega, you are now greeted by the Lobby server, which leads you to three Survival servers.
    Each of the servers supports all versions of Minecraft from 1.8 to 1.13.2 and has a basic assembly of unique plugins, but there are differences in them.
    Aria Server – This is the world of Minecraf Colors, all Minecraft blocks and mobs are available as of 1.12.2.
    WaterFly server – This is the version with Water update, blocks and mobs are available in 1.13.2
    Server Medieval – The Middle Ages, in our opinion, is the ideal era of Minecraft, the gameplay version 1.8.2.
    Survival mode is set on all servers – this is the Minecraft game mode in which players must collect resources, build houses, fight mobs and players, control hunger and explore the land in order to survive.
    See you in the game!
    – Cases
    – weapons
    – Weddings
    – Clans
    – Ranks
    – Score
    – Auto mine
    – Parkour
    —– Mini Games ——
    – Spleef
    – paintball
    – HungerGames
    —– Mob Arena ——
    – Monsters
    – bosses

    Active Ass Class Des Factions Kitpvp Lmao Mines Nes Network Parkour Skyblock Survival Two Work


    The Mineslam Network.

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Bid Cratekey Cratekeys Crates Free Fun Plugins Points Powers Price Pvp Survival THC Unlock



    Ball Bomber Bomberman Economy Hank Horde Lab Mini Games Paintball Parkour Suggestions Survival Thor Toast Zombie


    well first off if you are taking the time to read this thank you.
    We here at ToastCraft are dedicated to helping everyone available 16hrs of the day. Are staff are friendly people that are here to help you and to enjoy playing on the server just like you! Please take the time to check us out. if you have any suggestions on plugins or what we should add just let us know. We are always trying to add more to ToastCraft.
    some plugins we have are,
    kitpvp, zombie survival, spleef, paintball, bomberman, skyblock.
    were always adding more!

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Chest Factions Fun Groups Hacker Market Minecraft Faction Minecraft Factions New Minecraft Rich Riche Show Shows Titan


    TitanPvP is a new Minecraft-Server and runs the gamemode Factions. Minecraft Factions is a gamemode where you must team up with friends and create your own Faction and as a team, you attempt to raid and take down other faction groups on your quest to becoming the strongest and richest players on the server. When you join us we want you to have a fun time so we got some friendly staff and a good Anti-Cheat-System to prevent hackers.

    Factions – MCMMO

    If you like TitanPvP leave us a diamond. It help us alot and shows your support.


    Dupes Economic Economics Fly Free Admin Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Pvp Russian Minecraft Soul

    MinePlanet | 0.16.x | Survival Minecraft Server

    Server description On the server you will find many interesting features, such as: – clans (you can create or join any clan and even arrange a war between clans) – weddings (find your soulmate and live with it) – friends (you can find on a friend’s server and do all things together) – economics (you can earn money, buy and even sell items) – and much more is waiting for you on our server! You just go in and play 🙂

    1.19 Anything Bug Date Elf Everything Newer Populated Prod Pub Public Rod Stable Survival Multiplayer Test

    EGYTS-Pixelmon 3.4

    Newly Opened Pixelmon 3.4 Server.

    Has Been In Production For Past 2 Months And Is Finally Ready To Open To The Public..

    We Have Tested Everything And Everything Should Be In Working Order, There May Be Still Be Some Bugs Here & There But Well Try Our Best To Fix Them Unless They Are To Do With The Mod Itself Then We Wont Be Able To Do Anything Til A Newer Stable Update.

    Also Because We Are New You May Be Thinking “I Wonder If They Need Satff?” But We Can Assure You We Dont Need Any Staff (For Now) But once Server gets Bigger And More Populated We Will Hire Then.


    Bedwars Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft

    PluginWorld network server Minecraft

    Unusual Minecraft project!
    The project has three possible interesting servers with various topics.

    A brief description of each server:
    Arcade server – Developed economy, pets, privileges for virtual currency, trampolines, custom craft, a trading platform, a store, non-standard mechanisms, clans, random teleportation, new achievements, pvp system.

    Hardcore server – Difficult game mode, no set-ups and other teleportations, private only in blocks, teleportation only spawn to a random place, any clouting is allowed, explosions and fire spreads are included, a large world with a radius of 25k blocks from zero coordinates.

    Minigame server – Bedwars, PaintBall, spleef, splegg, anvilspleef, tntrun, bowsfpleef, creative mode. Many interesting cards as well as the ability to transfer tokens to Credits – the currency of the Arcade server.

    Important! On servers there is no way to acquire donation privileges.

    Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Prison Server Best Prison Server Dropparties Drug Drugs Economy Free For All Minecraft Prison Perks Prison Pvp Ranking Warp Weekly


    Why should you join?
    VexzilePrison is one of the best Prison servers where we take all suggestions and output it in the best Minecraft Prison Server Experience! You can do anything on it! Build, Mine, PVP, and more!
    Some things we do/have:
    Custom Plugins
    Weekly Free For All’s
    A-Z Ranking (Warp For Each Ranks)
    Great Donation Perks
    Plots for everyone with D rank+
    Player Shops at Plots
    Well Managed Economy
    Great Community

    000 1.13 5000 Apps Donate Factions Factions Pvp Free Make Owner Pvp Rank Register Revenge Votifier


    factions pvp server owner is Xxrevenge we have votifier a website for people to donate, make staff apps, and register for a free rank


    Ass Big Biggest Class Com Des Ftp Inecraft Minecraf Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Server Rip Serv Server Minecraft Ter

    ⭐⭐⭐ CRAFTPE.RU – THE BIGGEST SERVER Minecraft Server

    ⭐⭐⭐ IP: CRAFTPE.RU:19132 ⭐⭐⭐
    ⭐⭐⭐ IP: CRAFTPE.RU:19132 ⭐⭐⭐
    ⭐⭐⭐ IP: CRAFTPE.RU:19132 ⭐⭐⭐

    Art Bot Give Good Gun Guns Ice Live Magi Magic Sand Star Start Starter Survival


    This server both Magic belivers and War starters will like.This server will give you the choice of either guns or Magic(Magic isnt working currently)Good luckk surviving this server with Factions!

    Alone Capital Early Exciting Fun High Lone Near Pit Plugins Ranks Role Role-playing Valhalla Vanilla

    Valhalla SMP

    Valhalla is a nearly Vanilla SMP Role-Playing server. You join and choose a faction if you please. You can either build alone or within a city capital. We utilize many plugins that make this server great for anyone who just wants to build a nation, and build their wealth. We offer land protection and various other additions that will make your time in Valhalla fun and exciting. How high can you climb the ranks?


    1.11 Auctions Biome Fall Flag Flags Level License Minecraft Sky Block Mob Arena Quests Real Life Rock Trees Weather

    Mineland Network | 1.8-1.11 Minecraft server

    Our server is unique:
    – trees fall in a log house, as in real life
    – there is a system of levels, quests and island development
    – auctions
    – mob arena (and rocking chair)
    – PVP arena
    – island flags (pvp, biomes, weather, time) for everyone!
    – Players can shop for free!

    Waiting for:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!