Greetings from the community of WindmillGaming! Our goal is to provide an excellent server experience for all our players, friends, and visitors! With well-trained, respectful, and dedicated staff team, we do our best to deliver support to any player in need of staff assistance. Being part of our community means we all help each other to an equal extent. To improve the server’s performance, players’ experiences, and avoid issues by submitting tickets on bugs, server issues, complaints, and player reports. This helps us maintain a friendly environment for new players and players of all ages! Want to help the community grow? Please invite your friends! If you know any fellow Minecrafters that enjoy a nice Towny server, introduce them to WindmillGaming! If you would like to generously contribute towards the server’s upkeep funds, donation sets of Jester ($10) & Cardinal ($20) are available for purchase.