Classic Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Gadgets God Armor Grief Protected League License Many Players Minecraft Donate Minecraft Survival No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft Skins

LeagueCraft – Best Minecraft Server

Server Description

LeagueCraft server on version 1.8 – 1.16.1

A cozy server with an experienced administration, guaranteeing you a comfortable game without lags.

An excellent survival and PvP server with good online.

Beautiful buildings. A unique set of plugins for convenience.

A lot of entertainment, on our server you will not have time to get bored 🙂

Here you will find everything that you like, and there is also nothing superfluous!

✔ Clans, arena for clan battles, as well as top clans

✔ Free donation via / free and / hack

✔ Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, clans, gadgets, god armor, cars, pumping, weddings, money for the time spent, weapons, auction, shop, PvP Arena, Auto mine and much more!

✔ On our server, without a license!

✔ Cases with donation!

✔ Unique plugins made by our programmers!

✔ Good and fair administration!

✔ Honest donation

✔ Low prices for donate services

✔ Instant donation

✔ Donate – without cheating and forever!

✔ Responsive tech. support!

✔ Donators have a lot of teams!

✔ Change skins / skin

✔ Wipes rarely occur

✔ Worth Anti-Relog (honest pvp)

IP –


VK group:

Antispam Auto-mine Falsebookic Floodprotect fp help hotb43fd help Hypixelpets Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Cities Minecraft Kit Start Minecraft Magic Minecraft Pets Robots Uralpassport Vampires Thirst

goolmoop? new server come in waiting for you ✔️ minecraft server

Server Description

New server 2020

Cheats Creation Donations Economic Economics Etho Exception Many Players Nations Oce Original Party Private Sethome Survival Multiplayer

Origin server Minecraft

Server Description

A server for playing such Minecraft as it was originally invented.

Of the plugins, there are only those that help the server to work non-stop and correctly. Registration is also present.

There are no privates, economics, donations and other things here. (Exception – SetHome. Many players are afraid of orientation by coordinates and this is often the reason for leaving)

Of the prohibitions, only the creation of processes that overload the server and the use of third-party software (cheats)

Ddos Dun Dungeons Fall Market Menu No Protection Ortal Portal Pve Pvp Serverlist Trades Treasure Treasures

Amazing Skyblock Minecraft server

Server Description

[EU] Skyblock – by

DDoS protection (serverlist slow refresh)

3 types of island



Island menu

Island skills



Market & shop



Fallen treasures



Visit our:




Best regards your Avaloncs team.

Ass Cent Class Com Come Des Evolving Fire Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter Vin Vol World

FireWorld server Minecraft

Server Description

An evolving server. Come in!

1.16.4 Conquer Discord Dynmap Earth Earthmap Geopol Geopolitical Political Politics Realistic Roleplay Server Survival Towny Vanilla

WorldMC 1.16.4

WorldMC is a 1:1000 geopolitical earth roleplay server. When joining for the first time, you will randomly spawn anywhere on earth, where you can travel the world, and start your adventure to conqueror the 7 continents!

WorldMC utilizes Towny and Gold Economy to create a realistic player run experience.

Join our discord!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Antigrief Bank Bankinterest Dino Family Friendly Infernal Infernalmobs Keepinv Keepinvon Kits Mypet Pets Ranksystem Slots Survival


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Ask Gen Live Livemap Mid Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Nda Sim Survival Tak Usa Use Vis Void


Pelar on üle 7 aasta tegutsenud Eesti Minecraft Survival server.
Meid tuntakse kogenud meeskonnaga, mõnusa mängijaskonnaga ning auhindadega ehitusvistluseid pakkuva serverina.
Peale seiklemise saab meil võidelda ka PVP-areenil, uurida maailma livemapilt ning lobiseda Discordis.
Oleme ka Eesti esimene server, mida saab mängida telefonis, tahvlis ja VRis!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Aac Anarchy Battle Bots Build Computers Guns Industrial Missile Modded Mods Opencomputers Space Survival War

Wisheon Technologies

We have a Minecraft server!
Keep in mind the server reboots at midnight!

Our Minecraft server is a Forge 1.12.2 server running a couple of mods.

There are currently no moderators other than myself on the server and rules are
relaxed as this is intended to be somewhat of an anarchy server with a mod twist.
Intentionally crashing or lagging the server will earn you a ban however.

The intended theme of the server is building with some elements of war, hence the building mods
and weapons mods. However you may play any way you like.

How do i join?
Simply copy the website domain “” and paste it into the server section in multiplayer.
The mods for the server may be downloaded below. You will need to extract the .zip into the mods folder
in your “.minecraft” directory. If you have never modded minecraft before scroll to the bottom of the page
for a simple tutorial.


If you are experiencing any issues with the server please dont hesistate to ask for help on our discord server!

Installed Mods:

  Adds programmable computers and robots which are all upgradeable as well as many other gadgets!

Build Craft
  Adds pipes, machines and new ores!

Industrial Craft 2
  Adds wires, machines, tools and new ores and energy!


ICBM classic
  Allows you to blow up other players with large missiles of times ranging from nuclear to antimatter!

Lost Cities
  Adds abandoned buildings and cities which make the world a bit more interesting. some have loot!

MrCrayfish’s Guns
  Adds modular guns to the game!

Modding your minecraft
Here is an easy to follow tutorial to help you get started
Modding Tutorial

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Bac Back Build Cities Countries Disco Discord Ill Kick Sco Survival Multiplayer Survive Survivor Trial Vive

Survivors Minecraft server

Server Description

On this server you can survive, build cities and countries. If you get ripped off, there will be a trial and kickback!

1.15 1.8 Beginner Best Dynasty Friend Friends Great Magazine Minecraft 1.8 Minecraft Cases Minecraft Pets Nasty Riends Robots

Dynasty Minecraft 1.8-1.15 Minecraft server

Server Description

Great beginner server for you and your friends, best survival!

550 Buying Competition Iphone Loot Looting Max Minecraft Survival Mpet Neo Piston Powerful Respect Stable Wither

NEOMiNE – Anarchy server Minecraft

Server Description

∎∎∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

✚ VKontakte group

✚ Website for buying donate

✚ IP –

✚ Version – 1.8-1.12.2-1.14 +

∎∎∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

★ Dynamite / Wither / Pistons and more dr.

★ Honest PVP with Antirelog

★ Griffing, looting allowed

★ Complete anarchy!

∎∎∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

➽ We have a powerful VDS, no lags.

➽ Stable updates.

➽ Respect from the administration and players.

➽ COMPETITION FOR Iphone 11 Pro Max until December 1.

Access Classic Minecraft Extraction Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Economy Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Resets Para Purchase Pvp Resources Rpg

MineProject server Minecraft

Server DescriptionThis is a classic Minecraft server for playing with friends. There are no privileges on our server, from the word at all. Instead, you can purchase access to the commands that you need. Also on the server there is a separate world intended only for the extraction of resources. In addition, a responsive administration awaits you here, always ready to help, and a pleasant community of players.

Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchysurvival Banned Bases Change Chaos Client Family Hacked Jumbo Slots Survival Umbo Zero

Project Jumbo Anarchy


Project Jumbo Anarchy is the second server in the Project Jumbo family of servers! It is brand new, flexing a whopping 10 player slots! (will soon be changed to 40)

On this server, there are ZERO RULES! Use hacked clients, X-Ray, raid bases, kill players, anything goes! You can NEVER be banned from this server!

Come and join in on the chaos today!

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Civilization Civilizations Economy Mysterious Netherupdate Notable Properties Roleplay Signshop Signshops Spell Spells Toph Towny Yaw


Notable Features:

– Fantasy Role Play

– Spells

– Towny

– SignShops


Anivaria is a brand new Minecraft Fantasy Role Play Server. The Sol storm swept across the land, changing the entire known world as we know it. This catastophic event has introduced a new near-magical substance called “Sol.” It’s mysterious and invaluable properties make it into the global coined currency used by all civilizations in the land. The Sol storm has been on a decline and has left new areas of the world livable again and available for resettlement. “Koth” is one such place, and is the focal point of the server.


MC Version: 1.16.3

Anivaria Awaits!

Essential Essentials Five Gsit Luckperms Mob Mobs Mobstacker Perms Place Post Server Song Survival Whitelist

This is a server that I made about an hour before I posted this. This is a survival server with only five plugins. The plugins are: Essentials, Gsit, LuckPerms, MobStacker, and PlaceItemsOnGroundRebuilt
No Whitelist
Hope you have fun playing!

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Antigrief Civilization Civilizations Community Customizable Discord Easy Economy Jobs Lottery Marriage Mcmmo Renaissance Survival Towny

RenaissanceMC Towny (BETA) | Jobs | Economy | McMMO

RenaissanceMC is a Towny based Minecraft survival server that includes Economy, Jobs, Crates, Lottery, Auctions, McMMO, and more!

RenaissanceMC is a Towny experience that is highly customizable. Build up your own town + create a nation with other towns. Stay peaceful, or go to war with other civilizations.

Make friends, build up your own community within your town, and even get married to other players!

Make money to claim more land by working jobs, killing mobs, playing the lottery, and putting your items up in the
Auction House!

Come and play today!


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8.2 Building Dcraft Familyfriendly Going Need Needed Players Pos Stuff Town Towny Towny Server Townyserver Townysurvival

RatedCraft Towny Server (PLAYERS NEEDED)

Work in progress towny server. Join up! All the plugins and stuff are set up and ready to go, just building onto what we already have going. Looking for possible staff.

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Case Cheap Drop Drops Grief Protected Mcd Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Pets Rights Russian Minecraft


✔️♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒✔️ IP: OPMine.Ru Dup, Clans, Pets,
ADMINKA everyone! Weddings, SkyWars

Cheap Cheats Deo Environment Faction Pvp Factions Guis Health Ideo Mcmmo Oasis Pve Economy Unfair Video Videos

Oasis Factions

Oasis MC is a factions server focused around the community.
The server features custom plugins that allow for a better time spent playing the game.
Within the plugins, you will find custom GUIs set up to enhance the experience of the user.
The server is in need of staff to maintain a healthy environment.
Videos created on the server will be featured here.
Factions, custom kits, and high quality cheap ranks keep the economy high.

Please consider joining our server to enjoy one of the best servers on the planet.

Consider joining our Discord and connecting to our website:

This server has very little rules, unless the plugins stop you it is allowed.
Disclaimer: This excludes unfair cheats. They are still prohibited.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Pixelmon Server For Bedrock. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!