Active Adventure Ark Ass Blo Block Class Com Dventure Eng Erver Factions Google Hardcore Mca Mci Mini Games Play Pvp Ram Server Sit Site Sky Skyblock Ssd Tik Time Tom Venture Vip

Mcadventuretime Galaktik Skyblock

merhaba arkadaşlar serverimiz 32 gb Ram vardır 256 SsD Turbo işlemci vardır 300 Kişilik
4 Yıllıktır siteden kayıt olma veya oyundan otomatik siteden viplik alma
serverin sürümü [1.8.X]-[1.12.X] Herkezi bekleriz İyi Oyunlar…

Adanı Oluştur Ve Engüçlü sen ol !!!



Acid Active Age Ass Bed Class Com Community Creative Dank Eat Erver Free Google Island Ken Land Mmu Ommunity Premium Pvp Ree Rust Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Ter


Welkom op de DHD Server

Bedankt dat jij interesse hebt in onze server en dat jij onze kleine maar gezellige community wilt versterken!

Wat je kan spelen op onze server:
– Creative (premium/free)
– Survival 1.8
– Acid Island
– Rust

Active Ass Class Com Community Craft Creative Disney Disneyland Ect Erver Fire Google Inecraft King Land Lit Mall Mine Minecraft Mini Games Music Ommunity One Parkour Pro Project Quality Roleplay Server Shows Small This Vanilla

Haxiclesticks Disneyland

The very first Disneyland Minecraft server. Working firework shows, area music, ride music, and much more. This project is only built by one person for quality reasons. We are a very small but close community.

Anarchy Anarchy Server Ass Auto Bee Bees Blo Block Chaos Class Com Ect Enjoy Erver Everything Ill Join Plugin Plugins Ram Rvival Server Servers Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This Title Tpa Welcome Who

Bees Anarchy

Welcome to my anarchy server! We have a whopping 64 gigs of ram on this server. We are ready for you to come and blow everything up. Join the chaos, We are adding more servers then just anarchy. We will have a survival server with tpa and other plugins, But for now come enjoy the chaos!!!

Active Age Ages Ass Blo Block Class Com Craft Dragon Dragoncraft Eat Eco End Erver Extra Family Friendly Fun Gon Google Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Play Pvp Riendly Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Sur Surviv Surviva Survival


DragonCraft is a family friendly 1.11.2 minecraft server, for all ages! We feature SkyBlock and Survival play with a few extras. Become a Member and have fun!

Animal Animals Art Artic Ass Atm Auto Back Backpack Blo Block Class Delight Eat Ect End Erver Good Land Light Nam Pack Rvival Server Spanish Special Store Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Title


Survival server with animals, affluent store, particle effects, also a backpack to store your most special things, it is Spanish of good treatment if you want to spend delighted we receive them.

Active Cities City Custom Eco Economy End Farm Farming Force Guns Hard Hiring Home Homes Job Leaderboards Market Minecraft New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Prison Rank Ranks Roleplay Server Shop Small Store Survival Town Towny Website Wilderness

MC Cities Live the City Life


Go from rags to riches! Start your life in the city by opening a small shop or getting a job, and end up a multimillionaire. Leaderboards are displayed on our website, so that top players can be looked up to by thousands. Monopolize with several businesses, own a multitude of real estate that new members buy or rent, and hire other players to do the dirty work! Our custom plugins allow players to do all this, and more. This server is one of a kind.


Minecraft Cities is a server where players can live life the way they want. They can live an honest life by working their way up to become a millionaire, owning businesses, hiring other players, starting cities and collecting taxes, or by living a simple life and owning a small store. Players can also live the life of a criminal by living on the outskirts of the town or deep in the wilderness, farming and cooking drugs to smuggle into the city. They can become drug dealers, or perhaps mug people or rob their homes. However, the server has a very experienced police force, and if players are caught, they will be sent to court and then to prison, where they will be subjected to hard work. They can work and level up through prison ranks to get out, they can escape, or they can stay and have guards or friends on the server smuggle drugs and guns into the prison to start a blackmarket shop. Anything is possible in Minecraft Cities!

Active Arena Beta Class Craft Eco Economy End Fresh Game Guns Happy Help Horde Ill Increased Inecraft Join Kill Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minimal Mob Mobs Mod Mods Monsters Need Pve Pvp Regeneration Server Staff Sword Traditional Vanilla Weapons


Mob-Arena is a mini-game where you kill waves of mobs in an arena. The minigame has always been boring with the traditional weapons such as swords and bows. However, we have guns that can help you fight these mobs. Featuring a wide variety of guns, including AK-47, FAMAS, Steyr AUG, Schmidt Scout, AWP, XM1014, PP-Bizon, Negev and many others! You can also tame your own pet and it will help you fight the hordes of monsters. Natural regeneration and mob-to-mob damage have also been enabled, which means you are able to use a creeper to blow up other mobs! Beta ran through May 30, 2015 to June 23, and we’re happy to announce our first release patch! We’re fresh, 40 slots, and ready to enjoy!

The server DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY MODS. Using vanilla 1.8 or higher you can join the server and correctly view the 3D models, however it is highly recommended that you use vanilla Minecraft 1.8.4 or higher to join the server. Optifine for 1.8.4 is compatible with the server.

As we have been released and we do not have a high need for staff, staff application requirements is now increased to Corporal I instead of Private I. The age restrictions are still minimal.

Active Admin Admins Ars Ass Class Com Contest Craft End Erver Event Evento Eventos Factions Game Games Google Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Ios Kit Kywars Pvp Ran Rvival Server Sky Skywar Skywars Sol Super Survival Tienda Version Vip War Wars

Blurkit Craft

Bienvenidos a BlurkitCraft un server para diversion y pasarla en grande con tus amigos, contamos con survival pvp, skywars con variación y con mucho entretenimiento y ya estamos trabajando un nuevo hungergames completamente entretenido, entra aqui hay eventos, tienda , compra tu vip , admins super buenos contestan todo y son bastantes solidarios con todos..

Active Ass Challenge Class Craft Elf Eng Erver Google Inecraft Kitpvp Mad Mine Minecraft Minecraft Pvp Pain People Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raft Server Spain


It’s a server made for people that want to improve in Minecraft PvP or challenge himself against pro players!

Anarchy Anti Ass Auto Back Better Blo Block Cheat Class Com Destroy Ect Erver Guard Has Heat Host Ill Isa No Anti Cheat Norule Norules Norulesanarchy Norulesmc Old Rules Server Sol Tall Ter This Title World

No Rules

This server has rules no world guard no anti cheat I want Yall to do your worst to this server but I will delete the server after 3 weeks so you better get on and hold nothing back I wanna see this server totally destroyed I will be disappointed if I dont get to see it absolutely destroyed

Ace Active Air Beta Build Building Buildings Class Create Crops End Experience Fair Fast Friends Going Harvest Home Ill Irl Job Jobs King Open Peace Play Player Players Pro Protect Redstone Rules School Server Simple Straight Survival Vanilla

Survival With Friends

Remember back in the day in the beta periods where you would spend a day at school, Thinking about buildings to make and redstone mechanisms, then rush to the computer at home to build it.
Or you wake up on a saturday morning going straight to the computer to harvest your crops, breed your livestock and but your ore to cook while you eat your breakfast.
here ar Survival with friends, we try to create that setting with a open fairly laid back server.
Our rules are simple and there mainly to keep the peace.
We’re 24/7 and we try keep the server as vanilla as possible but with things like Jobs and redprotect to enhance, but not disrupt players experience.

Active Art Ass Class Com Craft Day Drop Erver Fun Game Games Good Google Halloween Ill Join Mini Minigame Minigames Party Pvp Raft Server Survival Survival Games Welcome Wild


welcome to haycraft a server with fun and wild and minigames cume and join befor halloween adn have fun on the drop party and we will like to see you here so join now have a good day

Action Actions Active Ars Ass Class Com Craft End Fac Faction Factions Google Has Inecraft Kywars Level Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Modalidades Ores Play Pro Pvp Rvival Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survivalfactions Tienda Version War Wars


Servidor de Minecraft
Version 1.8 hasta 1.12
Modalidades: SurvivalFactions, SkyWars, Rex, y muchas cosas nuevas proximamente.

Apto para toda clase de jugadores.

Admin Claim Community Create Discord Donation Donations Dynmap End Fun Grief Hack Hacks Home Map Mod Nations Need Open Play Pve Quest Reset Rewards Rey Semivanilla Server Servers Small Smp Spawn Staff Survival Teleportation Title Vanilla Voting War World

FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla

Quick features

  • Generous 16 view distance
  • /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back
  • No donations or rewards for voting
  • Everyone restricted to survival mode at all times (Admins included)
  • Average staff member played for 4+ years
  • No limits to claim sizes (within reason)
  • FroobWorld is a small, community-centred survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of survival servers, you will probably enjoy FroobWorld. Our gameplay is simple: Do anything you like, as long as it is constructive.

    Our only real game changer is teleportation. We have /home, /back, /spawn and /tpa for example. Some people don’t like these features, which is understandable, but we find that they help make the world feel more connected. If you plan on playing with friends you can add each other to your friends list using the /friend command. This will allow you to teleport to each other using the /tp command.

    Our current map was created in 1.13. For the 1.14 update we expanded eastwards, doubling the size of our map to 14,000 by 28,000 blocks. We also expanded slightly for the 1.15 update. We like to keep our maps for a reasonable amount of time. For reference, our last map we had from March 2016 to July 2018. We are hoping to keep our current map until at least mid 2021. In any case, all old maps are available for download after a reset.

    We are a greylisted server. This means anyone can join and walk around, but are not able to modify the world until they have been removed from the greylist. To be removed is very simple: you just need to read the rules, type a command and wait for someone to remove you. There is no written application process.


  • Don’t grief.
  • Don’t steal, lure or scam.
  • Don’t use hacks or abuse glitches.
  • Don’t advertise.
  • Respect others.
  • Don’t use profanity anywhere.
  • Have fun!
  • (If you read these rules just type ‘/apply’ in game to request removal from the greylist)
  • Discord:


    Active Admin Arena Build Building City Claim Craft Currency Discord Economy End Home Land Lore Market Mine Minecraft Nether Parkour Play Player Plots Pvp Quest Quests Raid Raiding Safe Server Spawn Store Survival Town Vanilla War Website Who World


    SunnyShadowz is a server based in Sweden that has a lot to offer to people who are looking for a reliable Minecraft server with a twist to the pure vanilla experience. We started almost seven years ago as a building project with very few features but have since then entirely revamped the server.

    So is this server for you? Well, as of today, you can:

    • Explore, fight and build in an unlimited world, which also includes the Nether and the End.
    • Utilize an array of commands to improve your survival experiences, such as set home, teleport requests to players and warps.
    • Sell and buy almost every item in the game in our stores scattered around our detailed spawn town using our in-game currency.
    • Buy plots of land to build in a 100% protected neighbourhood to erase the chance of being raided.
    • Purchase property in our spawn city to flaunt your wealth. You can also buy cheap chest storage to keep items safe, and market stands where you can sell your items to other players.
    • Fight in the arena to defeat your opponents and proclaim yourself as the champion of the server
    • Try out our parkour courses for a chance to win large sums of in-game money.
    • Search for well placed hidden rooms.
    • Join our Discord channel to communicate with the admins and other players, but also to talk to players in-game using our synchronized chats.

    Visit our website to learn more!

    Active Basic Car Claim Claiming Class Classic Craft Difficult End Enjoy Fight Friends Game Gameplay Good Google Home Homes Ill Inecraft Join Laim Mine Minecraft Ming Play Pro Ring Rvival Server Survival Teleport Teleporting Time Vanilla War


    Welcome to Vanillaverse Minecraft Server! We offer the classic Vanilla survival gameplay which is there to enjoy with others!

    Complete with a claiming system, homes and basic teleporting, we guarantee a good time for you and your friends!

    During these difficult times, we are also donating at least half of our profits towards the MSF, one of the many organizations fighting during these difficult times.

    Care to join us?

    Active Ban Class Craft Creative Custom Easy Experience Fac Faction Factions Familia Game Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Original Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Simple Sky Skyblock Straight Survival Update War Who

    BananaCraft Network

    BananaCraft Network is a growing Minecraft server with a wide variety of gamemodes. BananaCraft Network launched in February of 2019 and is a reboot of the original BananaCraft. The network currently consists of KitPvP, Factions, Survival, Creative and Skyblock with more gamemodes and updates planned for the future. Our aim for this network is to make the network accessible for all types of players, whether you like PvP, survival or you simply want to hang out on the server, there is always something to do for you.

    We also want our server to be as simple and straight forward as possible so you can start playing right away. To achieve this we write our own custom plugins to guide you through the servers while using as much GUIs as possible so you dont have to type a command for everything you want to do. Our server makes it easy for new players who are not familiar with Minecraft servers while also offering a lot for experienced players.

    Active Chat Claim Claiming Class Community Competitive Cool Craft Creative Discord Economy End Environment Free Freedom Grind Land Land Claim Lit Mcmmo Mmo Mpet Play Player Players Rank Rewards Server Shop Simple Small Staff Survival Trading Unique Vanilla War World


    A genuine and truly worldwide 1.14.4 Survival community. We provide an environment that highly values player creativity and freedom. The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some optional grindy features like McMMO to extend your endgame.

    What’s different?
    – No intrusive chat filter
    – Simple land claiming system
    – Unique approach to community creations
    – A competitive player-owned shop system that rewards quality in-game businesses
    – Cool and approachable players & staff members
    – The most active discord of any Survival server
    – One highly populated server, rather than several small ones
    – Rank vouchers that are purchasable in-game through player trading


    Active Beast Block Cat Class Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Game Games Great Host Ill Inecraft Join Land Lands Latest Level Levels Mine Minecraft Mini Games Network Parkour Pvp Ring Sky Skydoesminecraft Skyland Skylands Survival Survival Games Survivalgame Survivalgames Tnt

    SkyDoesMinecraft Official Network

    Welcome to the official SkyDoesMinecraft Network!

    We are a community dedicated to bring you the latest and greatest Minecraft gametypes such as:

    Survival, TNT Run, ButterSlap, Run from the Beast, Draw that Block, LevelsPVP, SurvivalGames, Assassins Crees, SkylandsPVP, GhostBustes, and a ton more!

    Join today and you will not regret it!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Servers to Play on Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!