Action Apply Awesome Best Class Craft End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Forums Friendly Game Good Ill Inecraft Join Lit Long Mall Mine Minecraft Need Noop Open Please Pvp Rank Ranks Riendly Server Small Staff Survival Website

Frosty Legion

Frosty Legion:
– Small Friendly Server
– Factions
and much much more so join us today to get the best out of your minecraft game today.

We are in need of staff so if you join you ma have a chance, to apply please apply on
our website, and as your there why not post on the forums or buy a ranks as something
little goes a long way

If you are not intrested in this server then I hope you have a good day and I will
Hopefully see you awesome guys soon.


Active Arena Ass Bar Block Blocks Class Conomy Create Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fans Game Games Lottery Mini Minigame Minigames Mob Moba Mobarena New Please Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Skyblocks Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivor Ter


Skysurvivor is an all new server that was created to please all the Minigames, economy, and survival fans out there. There are plenty of things to do including Skyblocks, MobArena, and Lottery!

Art Ass Aus Bukkit Class Color Com Enjoy Erver Esp Fresh Going Grief Hey Hole Host King Kit Looking Mon Need New Night People Prison Rat Restart Reviv Server Sign Star Start Style Ter Who

Miracle Prison

[size=16]A Freshly Built Prison Server.[/size]

A bukkit server I built about a month ago, was going well then we got griefed..
I decided Id had enough with it but I restarted it tonight. We desperately need new members on the server because all the people that were on the server before obviously deleted the server because they saw no sign of revival. But there was, so im looking for a whole new set of members on the server.


Active Art Ass Aus Bar Bauen Box Build Builder Chat Class Craft Creative Design Die Erver Extra Fall Has Hole Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nen Normal One Pie Rat Run Server Sign Ten Ter


Ein “Architekturen”-Server für Häuserbau und Inneneinrichtungen.

Unser Server zeichnet sich aus durch einzigartige Bauweisen in alle möglichen Stilen.
extrem schöne, hoch komplexe bauten und Inneneinrichtungen, zur Inspiration der Minecraft-spieler.

Als Guest kannst Du in aller ruhe durch die Welt fliegen, kannst ganz normal Chatten und dir Inspirationen holen.

Als Member kannst Du in einer extra angelegten Welt auf maximal 3 Grundstücke bauen, wenn uns Deine bauten gefallen (mindestens 2/3), hast Du sogar eine Chance bei uns als Builder angenommen zu werden.

als Builder kannst Du auf der Welt bauen, in von uns gesicherten Bereichen.

Weitere Ränge sind momentan nicht vorhanden bzw. für die “Öffentlichkeit” nicht verfügbar.
Kommt ruhig vorbei und erstaune was in Minecraft alles möglich ist!

Active Admin Admins Ass Blo Block Class Craft Die Erver Fac Geld Hot Hotel Job Jobs Jobsplugin Mcjobs Mine Nen Plugin Pvp Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Tag Zen


Wir sind BlockCraft
ein Server ohne grenzen
ob gegen Admins durchsetzen und in der PVP Geld machen
oder einfach im Hotel niederlassen
und den ganzen Tag minen…Natürlich nicht ohne Geld du verdienst nähmlich
selbst Geld fürs minen mit dem mcJobsplugin is alles möglich
WIR freuen uns auf DICH 🙂

Active Ass Ban Cheat Class Craft Eat Erver Has Heat Inecraft Kor Lag Land Lin Mine Minecraft Nline Oce Offline Old Online Pro Pvp Raft Ram Red Smp Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Tes Tps

Lávalámpa SMP szerver

LavStud nevű TÖRT SMP Minecraft szerverünk:
– Offlineban fut, tehát nem kell hozzá eredeti account.
– 24 órás szervergépről: 8gb ram (bővíthető) 4 magos processzor
– Semmi lagg (20 TPS állandóan)
– Könnyen használható weboldal
– Teljes SMP körülmények, semmi korlátozás
– Jófej staff
– Online térkép
– Legújabb verzió: 1.6.2
– Cheat mentes
– 32 férőhely (lehet bővítés)
– Pvp-zni lehet, de ok nélkül tilos gyilkolni
– Jó közösség

Advanced Anti Ass Auction Ball Class Craft Enchant Exp Explore Game Games High Lore Mini Minigame Minigames Mob Multi Pain Paint Plugin Plugins Run Rvival Shop Shops Spleef Style Survival Survival Games Swe Tnt Tntrun War Way


PB (Paint Ball)
MA (Mob Arera)
SG (Survival Games)
PW (Paint War)

High advanced anti-swear plugin,
Auction, enchant shop, and way more to explore.


Active Australia Australian Boss Cannons Community Craft Custom Dedicated Eco Economy Essentials Fac Faction Factions Fun Hard Head Heads Help Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Server Shop Staff Unique Welcoming Who


VanFactions is a well established 24/7 factions server dedicated to providing a fun and unique factions experience to Australian Minecraft players.
VanFactions features a dedicated staff team who strive to help out when needed and work incredibly hard to assist the server in growing and becoming better.
The VanFactions community is very laid back and welcoming, so why not join today?

Plugins include:
• Factions
• Essentials
• BossShop
• Healthbar
• ObsidianDestroyer
• Cannons
• Many custom plugins
Plus many more!

Action Active Ass Auction Auctions Build Class Com Craft Donate Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Join Kit Kits Nks Ops Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Simp Simply Super Sur Surviv Survival Survive Vive Way


SuperizeeMC is a Faction/PvP server. We have shops, auctions and user kits. Work your way through the ranks. Survive, build, and craft your way to success, or simply donate. Join now!

Active Air Arena Ark Ass Ban Class Core Day Death Deathban Enviro Environment Erver Fair Fun Hard Hardcore Ill Iron Kor Old Oldest One Paradise Park Pvp Rvival Server Servers Smp Spleef Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla

Amish Paradise

Hardcore Deathban PvP Survival. Our Deathban is 7 days. We offer a fun but fair vanilla PvP environment, Parkor arena, Spleef arena, Jousting arena, and much more! One of the web’s oldest Hardcore servers. ( Since October 2011! )

Amazing Ats Awesome Block Build Builds Bungee Bungeecord Class Craft Eco Experience Fac Faction Factions Hard Inecraft Interesting Join Kit Magic Mine Minecraft Mines Network Noop Open Prison Pro Pvp Rank Ranks Server Sky Skyblock Skygrid Ungee Unique World


After a month of hard work we, The Suitinacow Network, proudly provide our awesome server with unique looks of Factions, Prison, Kit Pvp, and Skyblock. We are a completed bungeecord server with a very fast computer that can handle all dat awesomeness. Come join us and experience the unique idea of having magic in Factions, over 20 mines in prison with only 4 prisoner ranks, and a skygrid world inside of a skyblock server with so much more awesomeness… — now thats interesting

Thanks to many of the awesome Planet Minecrafters for their amazing builds that are used on my server 🙂


Active Ages Ask Awesome Build Builds Cat Class Community Craft Dedicated Elves End Friends Fun Grief Griefing Huge Inecraft Join King Lit Mine Minecraft New Play Player Players Safe Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Towny Welcoming Who Wns

BeastsmC Survival

BeastsMC Survival is a thriving, well-established Minecraft server that places an emphasis on quality builds. We pride ourselves in having a very close, welcoming community so new players can jump right into the fun. We use Towny, but making a town is a difficult task. This encourages players to group up and build towns together.
We do not tolerate any griefing, so your creations are always safe. Our staff is dedicated to your well-being.

BeastsMC Survival is for players who want an awesome community to live in. Whether you’re looking to play with a few friends or lead a huge community, BeastsMC Survival is for you.

Connect today and join the community!

Class Classes Craft Custom Dragon Dragons Dungeon End Experience Farm Game Ill Inecraft Item Items Kill Level Magic Melee Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Multiplayer Noop Open Original Play Player Professions Pvp Rpg Server Skills Town Towns Wns World


The Original Heroes RPG Minecraft server.

Many Classes to chose from. Paladin, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric and more.
Many Professions. Engineer, Smith, Farmer, Merchant and more.
Many Skills. Cast Fireball, Backflip, Bolt and 200 more.
Custom Mobs and Items.



Enjoy a truly RPG experience in a Minecraft World.

Level up and gain attribute points to spend.
Customize your character as you level to obtain the game style you like.

If you like Dungeon & Dragons and Minecraft this is the server for you.


Action Active Arcade Class Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Future Help Kit Mob Mobs New Normal Online Open Play Player Players Pve Pvp Rts Rvival Server Star Start Support Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive This World

Anolia PVP/PVE & Arcade

Anolia is an survival server that supports, PVP, PVE, and Factions with up to 30 players online. It may support economy in the future. Each new player starts with a kit to help them survive in this dangerous open world. The mobs are 10x stronger than normal.

Active Anti Block Build Casino Class Community Craft Creative Edit End Experience Factions Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Inecraft Interesting Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Owner Plot Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Relax Server Sky Skyblock Survival Update World

Relax Craft

Hello, and welcome to Relax Craft! This is a PVP survival server that allows griefing! We have many plugins that boost your minecraft experience like: McMMO, Casino, Skyblock, and much more! We have a friendly community, and we’re always wanting more! To find out more about Relax Craft, go to

Edit: Survival now has an interesting class system using mcmmo! Check it out!

UPDATE: Don’t like survival? No problem! We have a fun creative world where you can take ownership of a plot and build freely without having to worry about griefers!

Server IP:

Ban Chat Chestshop Community Coreprotect Craft Eco Econ Economy Edit End Essentials Event Free Friendly Grief Lag Lwc Need Nether New Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Shop Small Spawn Staff Survival Town Towny Vault World Worldedit Worldguard


FTB Direwolf20 1.6.4

YOU NEED THE PORT AFTER THE IP. Survival/ PvP/ PvE. NO BANNED ITEMS. Grief prevention. Tuned Crystals for Radio. Friendly staff. Chest raiding (if chest is unlocked). Hate free chat. No lag. Minimal rules. Small spawn. Economy. LWC. Seasonal Themes. New community.


CoreProtect, WorldEdit, Essentials, iConomy, Vault, WorldGuard, Towny, CraftBook, LWC, ChestShop, PermissionsEx.


Active Allowed Arena Arenas Build Creative CTF Death Donator End Fac Faction Factions Friends Fun Games Good Great Join Land Minigame Minigames Mob Mobarena Mod Perks Play Player Plot Plots Popular Rank Ranking Ranks Server Sky Spawn Spleef Survival Multiplayer World

Chaos Infinity

If you are looking for a server with many things to do, then Chaos∞Infinity is the place to go! We have SkyFactions, Creative, Spleef, MobArena, CTF, Team DeathMatch and much more!
Our main game mode is in SkyFactions. This is an original twist on the ever popular Factions style server! Its still the good ole factions everyone loves but, theres a catch: you live on semi large landmasses in mid-air! We have many ranks available for Donators, each of these ranks offer great perks for the SkyFactions world. We currently have 5 spawn areas for SkyFactions so that players have a better choice on where to live!
The creative world consists of plots for eache player. The higher the ranking of a player, the more plots and permissions they get. We keep time locked at day on creative unless night time is asked for enough and we have also disabled weather as well. Players are allowed tu build anything and everything they want unless it is a wrongful plot. We have sevreral minigames at Chaos∞Infinity as well! We have themed Spleef arenas and themed mobarenas for players to join and have fun with friends. CTF arenas are limited to two at the moment until we get enough players!

Prepare foR CHAOS! Chaos∞Infinity coming July 20th 2013!


Ban Chat Chestshop Community Coreprotect Craft Eco Econ Economy Edit End Essentials Event Free Friendly Grief Lag Lwc Need Nether New Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Shop Small Spawn Staff Survival Town Towny Vault World Worldedit Worldguard


FTB Direwolf20 1.6.4

YOU NEED THE PORT AFTER THE IP. Survival/ PvP/ PvE. NO BANNED ITEMS. Grief prevention. Tuned Crystals for Radio. Friendly staff. Chest raiding (if chest is unlocked). Hate free chat. No lag. Minimal rules. Small spawn. Economy. LWC. Seasonal Themes. New community.


CoreProtect, WorldEdit, Essentials, iConomy, Vault, WorldGuard, Towny, CraftBook, LWC, ChestShop, PermissionsEx.


Active Air Anti Ass Biome Cheat Class Com Combat Core Custom Eat Erver Event Events Fair Freundlich Game Gameplay Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Heat Item Items Lag Mini Games Nut Paid Paw Play Pvp Roleplay Server Spawn Survival Ten Tom

Impact PvP

♦Impact PvP♦ : Der etwas andere Hardcore PvP Server !
►IP :◄
╬ Was wir dir bieten ╬
▬ Hardcore PvP
▬ Eine große PvP Area um den Spawn
▬ Eine komplett selbst generierte Welt, mit über 250 neuen Biomen
▬ Kein Lag
▬ Custom Waffen & Items
▬ Events
▬ Benutzerfreundlich
▬ Anti-Cheat & Combat Log

Schau doch mal vorbei ! Wir freuen uns auf dich ! =)

Awesome Balance Block Class Craft Crate Crates Credits Eco Econ Economy Edit Epic Fac Faction Factions Features Game Games Hunger Games Kit Kitpvp Minigame Minigames Network Noop Open Play Prison Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Uhc War Wars


Dancraft is the ultimate server network. Credits, synced balances, daily crates, awesome minigames and a structured economy are just a few of our epic features. Our servers currently consist of:
– Factions
– Skyblock
– Prison
– KitPVP
– Ulti
– SkyWars
– Hunger Games
– DanGames

See you soon.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Server Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!