8.2 Action Active Ass Best Class Ect Erver Everyone Exp Experience Fac Faction Hey Mon Money One Origin Original Pay Pvp Raid Raiding Rvival Server Stand Stands Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Win


ResistPvP’s Goal: To have an original survival pvp/raiding faction server with no Pay to WIN aspect . We want an experience where everyone stands a chance to be one of the best on the server even if they have a lot of money in their pocket.

Abilities Action Active Ass Class Craft Dev Developer Eam Elo Erver Fac Faction Inecraft Ita Lit Mine Minecraft New Plugin Pro Professional Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Titan

Titan Reach

Faction server built by a team of professional plugin developers to maximize and achieve new abilities never seen to Minecraft before!

Active Adventure Allowed Awesome Build Building Claim Claiming Community Contests Economy End Event Family Friendly Fun Grief Griefprevention Job Jobs Lore Map Minecraft Mod Mods New Parkour Play Plugin Prevention Races Server Shop Spleef Staff Survival Town Towns Towny


Your Adventure Is Only Beginning!

MinecraftInferno is an awesome survival server community, since 2011. We have several worlds to explore, because we’ve preserved our legacy maps while adding new and exciting worlds with every update.

Special features include Towny Jobs to earn in-game cash, A well stocked shop for players, Giant Chess boards with monthly server-wide tournaments, Full Time Spleef Arena, with monthly prizes for top scores, monthly Build Contests, Parkour Tournaments, PigRaces and other evernts… plus—players can have their own working Tardis (From Doctor Who!)

Making your own town will requiring saving up your in-game cash. There are several towns available to join, run by both players and staff. For those who don’t want to be in a town, we have GriefPrevention, a plugin which allows you to protect your own building area in the wild just by placing a chest!  The more time you spend on the server, the more area you can claim for yourself.  No complicated commands, just move the markers using a Gold Shovel–it’s that easy, and claiming personal land is absolutely free.

You can join several Jobs at a time and earn money for things like the mining, building, and crafting you do.  The more experience you get in a job, the more money you make!  You can also sell stuff at the server shop to get in-game cash.

We have an experienced international DEV team to help you when you need it. Griefing, Spamming, Cursing, Cheats & gamemods (except texture packs, Optifine, and Minimap) are not allowed, and it is expected that you respect other players and especially respect the Staff on the DEV team. We run a family friendly server, and we want everyone to have fun.

Now, come join our community, and Let Your Adventure Begin!

Action Actions Ark Ass Back Class Com Custom Dark Day Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Join Noop Open Origin Original Pvp Raid Raiding Red Server Servers Style Tom

Dark-Leaf PvP

Tired of all these custom servers? Dark-Leaf is a original factions server just like back in the days.
Raiding / PvP to the max.
What are you waiting for? Join us NOW.


Active Adventure Amazing Ats Awesome Bee Class Community Donation Enjin Experience Fac Faction Factions Fresh Growing King Lag Lottery Mature Mcmmo Mmo Nation New Perks Plugin Plugins Pvp Real Realm Rol Role Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Venture Void Website



Begin your adventure with a new beginning! VoidRealm is a new, fresh, growing community with experienced staff. The main role of VoidRealm is to bring you an amazing PvP Faction experience! If your looking for a awesome PvP, Factions, McMMO, with mature Staff, then you have found what you have been looking for. 🙂
Amazing Donation perks and benefits!
Start your journey Now!


Allowed Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ban Best Build Building Claim Claiming Create Death Dedicated Eco Economy End Grief Head Home Job Jobs Map Mcmmo Mmo Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Rol Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Skills Spleef Staff Survival Website

Halcyon Realm

Halcyon Realm.

Halcyon was made with our favorite plugins and features in mind, blending them together to create a server that allows players to get the best out of their survival server experience.

Weve added MCMMO to give players willing to put time into certain skills a leg up, Quick Shops to allow the economically minded to buy and sell items, Jobs for task driven players, easy rules acceptance to get you started right away and a large open world which is viewable via our websites livemap.

Hate being killed at random by diamond sword toting ninnies? Halcyon is a PVE server, leaving you to build with others without the risk of being robbed at sword point. However, we have recently added an optional to join battle arena for those who wish to solve their grievances by duel.

For the survival loving builders, youll be happy to know that the servers tnt and creeper block damage have been turned off. Player damage remains, however, keeping the risk of death and dismemberment without the disheartening rebuilding. Grief is also not allowed and you may either call a staff member to rollback any damage done to your items, or buy your land ahead of time and build in safety.

Best of all, were not a g-rated server, so while staff will kick players for excessive swearing or caps to cool them off, youre allowed to slip a few curse words in after that unfortunate creeper death, or enderman blooper like were all want to do.

All of this is run on a 32gb dedicated server that can boast little to no lag.

Our server runs 24hours, and there are players and staff on at all hours. Some staff members are multilingual

Come on in, have a look around, make yourself at home. Be certain to read the rules.

(Please note: Players asking for OP, claiming to be from PMC or flashing around fake plugins will be muted or banned at staffs leisure. We know the tricks. Thank-you ahead of time for choosing another server to troll.)
Additional Notes
32gb Dedicated Server,PvE, Anti-Grief, Jobs, MCmmo, Economy,Quick Shops Survival, Spleef


Action Actions Active Arena Ass Class Cloud Creative Different Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Has Join Mini Minigame Minigames Mob Mob Arena Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Survival Multiplayer This Wip Wipe World Worlds


This server has many plugins. Mob Arena, Minigames, Factions, Wipeout and more!
Four different worlds you can join. Faction world, Creative world, Minigames, and Wipeout.
Join Now!

Active Ass Blue Class Com Core Day Event Game Games Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hardcorepvp Kit Kits Kitspvp Masters Mha Mini Minigame Minigames Pvp Sky Survival Multiplayer Ter


KitsPvP + Hardcore PvP , Minigames and more …

Active Arena Build City Class Cracked CTF Eco Econ Economy Free Freebuild Games Hub Mcmmo Minigame Mmo Mob Mobarena New Play Premium Rank Ranks Shop Sky Skyblock Spawn Spleef Survival Survival Games Tnt Town Towny Voting War Warp Warzone World


[Premium] IP:
[Cracked] IP:
-New Christmas town added warp: /xmas
-New TnT minigame /tnt…to play
Mini game checkers (/sky_checkers)
Survival (anti-xray/economy)
Freebuild (no anti-xray/no economy)
SkySpawn (shop, spleef, warzone ctf)
Survival Games CTF (/warhub) Towny
Ranks (voting and donating get upgrades)
MobArena , Cityworld, SkyBlock, Mcmmo

Chat Class Color Craft Custom Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Game Hub Ill Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Open Pets Play Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Version Vote Voting War Wars



StaticVortex is a new minecraft network server what includes Hub, Op-Prison, Factions and Skyblock for now. We will add more game mode such as KitPvP and Skywars. The server is growing all the server and hope you vote for us every day to make the server big. On StaticVortex we of course have custom plugins and many custom features. Some of our custom features is crystals. What is crystals? Well crystals is our network global economy witch means you can earn crystals by voting and many else ways. With crystals you can Buy pets, color chat, commands and many more. So what are you waiting for?

Version: 1.7-1.8
Servers: Hub, Op-Prison. Factions and Skyblock (more coming soon)
CPU: Intel E3 1245v2 3.5 GHz+
Slots: 250


Active Best Class Craft Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy End Established Friendly Hard Help Helpful Inecraft Lag Mall Medium Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Riendly Server Simp Small Staff Super Survival This Town War

DBD Minecraft

This is simply the best Small to Medium sized survival town server out there.
OP Hardware, No Lag, Super friendly players, Helpful Staff, Custom Plugins, Economy and Established well over a year ago.

Ass Auto Blo Block Boy Bro Bros Class Discord Ect Erver Follow Ill Join King List Looking Mon Nam Noop Open Oys Play Playing Server Survival Ter This Title Tps Two United Vanilla Whitelist

Fuqboys United Server

We are just two bros looking for some more bros to play vanilla with. We have had this server for about 6 months now. If you are not a prick, and are interested in playing with some fellow bros, join our discord and we will whitelist you.

Active Bukkit Cat Class Com Community Craft Date Dedi Dedicated Erver Exclusive Hot Ill Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Network Networks One Open Pve Pvp Release Roleplay Server Shot Smp Snapshot Snapshots Stable Survival This Two Update Vanilla Who

Sputnik One Networks

This is a vanilla SMP server for dedicated users who wish to be a part of a close and exclusive community. It uses a white-list, though we are currently open to applications (go to We will likely remain on full releases of vanilla minecraft, as snapshots are often too unstable, and bukkit is too slow to update.

Allowed Ban Boss Bosses Build Claim Claiming Claims Create Custom Dynmap Eco Economy End Enjin Faction Factions Farm Farming Leveling Lore Map Minecraft Mob Mobs Play Player Pvp Races Raid Regeneration Rol Rpg Server Spells Town Unique Website

Oblivion Forever




Oblivion Forever is an RPG server with Races, Custom items, tons of spells, and a custom world to build, explore, and play on. Create factions and engage in PVP. There are custom mobs, loot, weapons, and armors along side with item attributes to make items unique.

Factions: Team up with your friends, make allies and enemies. Go on raids with your faction, engage in large scale battles against players, or custom bosses. With custom spells and items PVP will be different than any other Minecraft experience. TNT damage is disabled, but stealing, killing and betraying are allowed. You can build the creations of your dreams. Whether its from the Elder Scrolls, or just from your imagination. Each player has 45 power, or 45 claims of 16×16 to ensure players can build what they want. However, with faction economy land claiming can be expensive. Get together with your friends and build a castle, a town, whatever you can imagine.

Custom Map The map is 100% world painted by me. It took 20+ hours for me to make it. Complete with custom trees and even caves. The map is Tamriel, or the continent the Elder Scrolls series takes place on. Click the dynmap link to check it out. The dynmap is set up in a unique way as well. Your location doesnt show up on the dynmap if youre in a house, underground, or its night. You have to be exposed to sunlight to be visible on the map. So players dont have to be worried about being hunted down because of the dynmap. However, traveling outside during the day can be dangerous Bandit players may hunt you down.

Custom Mobs/Items/Merchants Everytime you level up your Hero, or your Race, You get a Voucher. You can level up by killing mobs, players, fishing, farming, mining, and more. Anyways, you use the Voucher to buy spells from merchants at /spawn. So leveling up pretty much gives you a skillpoint to spend on a spell. Theres a lot of spells as well. Over 200 are made, and over 50 spells are accessible in game. Custom Mythic Mobs spawn randomly in the world. These mobs drop raw loot, such as a hide from the monster- or the heart from a Daedra, ect. You can use these materials to buy custom weapons and armor from merchants. Armors and Weapons have special attributes such as Armor penetration, dodge rate, critical rate, regeneration, and more.


Active Adventure Build Class Craft Creative Donation Donations Eco Econ Economy End Free Friends Fun Game Games Mine Minecraft Mob Nation Nations New Play Pve Pvp Server Shop Sky Skyblock Skywars Straight Survival Survival Multiplayer Trading War Wars Whitelist World

Welcome to the MCUK Server Listing,

MCUK has Multiple Themes spread across Several Worlds
Our economy is mainly based on Mob Killing & Trading,
Offering Creative, Survival, PvP, PvE, SkyBlock, Skywars
Mini-Games and lots more.

Established since early 2011 with 99%+ uptime.
CONNECT & BUILD STRAIGHT AWAY (no whitelist, membership is free, donations and shop ).


one of the Finest minecraft communities in the Universe.

Thank you for reading this! We hope to see you soon!

Active Amazing Animal Ass Awesome Build Class Ect Erver Eso Going Hey Join Make One People Play Player Players Playtime Pro Protect Server Servers Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff This Time Town Way

Animal Town

This is an amazing server that you want to join. awesome staff they are there to make your playtime worth it. They are outgoing and there to protect you and what you build. It’s one of them servers you go on and always want to be on. Players and staff are awesome people to play with so what are you waiting for join!

Active Admin Admins Ass Ations Class Com Community Download Economy Elo End Erver Friendly Fun Generations Growing Help History Ill Join Make Mod Mods Mon New Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmongenerations Play Player Players Red Riendly Server Skyblock Story Survival Vis


Mods Required:
Pixelmon Generations

Friendly Players
Friendly Admins
Fun Server
we are still developing new ways to keep it fun 🙂
we are a growing community so join us and help us make lemuria’s history
Additional Notes
Lemuria’s New Revised Pixelmon Server 🙂

Ass Box Class Com Dev Erver Follow Fun Gadgets Game Games Hub Ideo Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Open Play Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Video You Youtube

DeVideoBox Server

DeVideoBox Server // // MiniGames // Hub // Fun // Gadgets // Survival //


Active Ass Class Com Conquest End Erver Friend Friends Home Homes Join New Play Player Players Pvp Quest Riends Server Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Wns


Come join the new server Underverse, a PVP Conquest server where you and your friends can conquest the towns and other players homes!

Active Admin Amazing Ban Build City Craft Create Eco Econ Economy End Event Faction Factions Free Freedom Grief Land Lands Lore Map New Old Open Peace Peaceful Play Player Pvp Raid Rol Server Settlements Skills Survival Multiplayer Vault Who World


Welcome To FreedomCraft!

Welcome to the amazing server known as FreedomCraft! We are a Factions/PVP/Economy Server!

The life you once knew is long gone. The year is 2071; you awake to find yourself in a mysterious vault. You explore the vault, eventually finding the vault control room. You open the vault and step outside into the ruins of the New York Metro System. You walk up to the surface to find yourself in an empty city, or so you think. What awaits your journey is up to you.

The world has become a miserable, inhospitable place, settlements are constantly attacked by Raiders, Bandits, and worse.. GRIEFERS. Spend countless hours attacking enemies of your nation or helping allies in this amazing faction-based server. Build massive and beautiful structures and protect them against those who wish to destroy it. Develop your leadership and fighting skills to control one of the dominant player factions of the server, or become a hired soldier for one of the many Administrator Armies, which are loosely based off of the world-famous video game franchise Fallout©. Create massive alliances and rule peacefully, or destroy all who dare step in front of your path. Have the freedom to rule democratically and protect your lands, or be one who wishes to take everyone else’s freedom. The choice is yours, and remember,
Freedom comes with a price.


12GB RAM Server

Prefer to play in our old map, Napoleonic? We have Multiverse, so you can visit many worlds, including our old map!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Eaglercraft 1.8 Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!