The HyruleGamingGroup is a tight-knit community offering you exactly what you need as a content creator, artist, gaming enthusiast and more. Community spirit, friendships and teamwork are key to make our community as awesome as it is.
Our official Minecraft server has now opened up for a second phase, preparing us for the amazing journey 1.17 and the soon to be released 1.18 has set out for us.
We absolutely do not tolerate any forms of griefing, stealing and disrespect towards community members. If you’re going to do something scummy, you will get the proper punishment.
Dynmap: http://mc.hyrulegaminggroup.com:8123
BlueMap: http://mc.hyrulegaminggroup.com:8100
Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/PrESGbwkFh
We have an active and strong Discord community where we all come together to talk, share art, play games and hang out. While this is what makes our Discord thrive, it is not required for you to get actively involved in all the discussion going on.
Joining the Discord is however a necessity, as it is required to play on the server, and since it is the only way to report bugs, bad player behaviour and provide feedback/suggestions in #mc-tickets.
Upon joining our Discord, give yourself the Gaming role by reacting to the Bulbasaur emoji. This will open up the important Minecraft channels for you. Navigate over to #mc-server-info and find @Block Nook
When you join our Minecraft server, you will be prompted with a four digit code. Send these four numbers to @Block Nook in a DM. The bot will take care of the rest and grant you instant access.
Are you getting the error message “You are currently not able to join, please contact an administrator.” after finishing the verification process? Contact a @Minecraft Staff member on Discord. You need one of two special roles to get full permanent access to our server, and someone from the administration team will take care of this for you.
Our verification on our Discord server is manual, meaning it can take a little while before you get access to the server.
We allow the use of /sethome, /spawn and /warp if one has ever been set. You will never be forced to use these commands and can continue playing the game exactly how you want to!
Commands like /tpa and /tpahere are not available on our server as we believe natural transportation in some cases make the experience more unique.
All available commands can be found by typing /help in-game.
Three major plugins we provide are Better Sleeping, Block Locking and Land Claims. Better Sleeping makes it so that sleeping only has to be done by a small percentage of players to skip the night, and Block Locking allows you to protect your own important blocks such as furnaces, crafting tables and chests from being used/looted. Land Claims allows you to claim your own land and prevent it from getting griefed. Upon spawning, you will get a book teaching you how to use the plugin. A Golden Shovel is used for all land claiming purposes. Unlike most servers, placing a chest doesn’t provide an instant claim!
On top of that, we run two datapacks from the Vanilla Tweaks pack. One of them that allows you to pose any Armor Stand in any way you wish, and one that lets you harden concrete powder by simply throwing it into a water-filled cauldron.
If you have any suggestions or features we could add, please create a support ticket in the #mc-tickets channel on Discord.
No griefing, stealing, exploiting or cheating of any kind.
Avoid building laggy Redstone builds.
Mods are allowed (e.g. minimaps, waypoints, etc) – Nothing that gives you an unfair advantage though! (e.g. hacked clients, xray resource packs)
Using a seperate account as an AFK farm/chunk loader isn’t allowed. You will be kicked and/or banned upon discovery.
You must be 13 years or older to play on our server.
No derogatory terms/phrases at all no matter the context.
Follow Twitch ToS at all times!
Do not spam sounds/music through the in-game voice chat feature. (Simple Voice Chat)
Is there someone breaking these rules or being generally unpleasant? Please create a support ticket in #mc-tickets
Streaming and/or creating video content on our server is allowed, you do not need to ask!
Our server supports Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, meaning you can join our server through one of your preferred editions of Minecraft.
Are you playing on Windows 10 or Mobile Edition? Simply enter the IP mc.hyrulegaminggroup.com and Port 25565
Follow any of the following guides to learn how to join through Nintendo Switch, Xbox One or Playstation 4.
Nintendo Switch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zalT_oR1nPM
Xbox One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8mHvasVHMs
Playstation 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND_VFaAXC8M
This plugin has not been developed by Mojang and is therefore not official. Bugs will occur and a connection to the server may be laggy. This is something out of our control and we can not do anything to fix any of these issues. Please do not create any support tickets regarding these problems.
Our server supports the Simple Voice Chat mod for Fabric. If you want to use proximity voice chat in-game, download the Simple Voice Chat mod for Fabric.
Please note that the Forge version is currently not supported.
Abusing this feature by spewing out hate speech, annoying loud sound effects or music (specifically DMCA) will get you banned.
IP: blitzkraft.mcserver.us
Version: 1.17.1
BlitzKraft is a WW2 themed PVP server with guns, tanks, planes, submarines, and much more. You can log in and begin building your base anytime, the server is up 24/7. Create your own town, join a nation, conquer your neighbors, or just try to live peacefully as a citizen and start your own brewery. The whole earth is yours to explore, join us now and take control of your own destiny. Glory awaits!
43 different guns to collect
4 deadly new melee weapons
5 types of throwable explosives
/w Exotic Garden
& more!
You can only sell ores, nothing else.
Standard server information and rules are as follows
No hacking
All players get 2 homes
You can purchase kits using in game money.
We are anti p2w !
No map resets
Overworld border 15,000
Nether border 10,000
End border 5,000
Kick back and enjoy some classic survival
meets just a touch of adventure.
Take on quest, join jobs and rank up your MCMMO.
Take a break with one our party games
and play some classic Minecraft games!
Resource pack : BetterVanillaBuilding
Feel free to look around, and if you wish to build let us know so we can promote you for free. We got a discord that you can join, but that’s completely up to you.
There is a small pvp arena (brawl pit) for those that like to challenge others.
This modpack was designed so everyone can enjoy Stargate like in the TV Series in their own fun and creative way. You can build ships, travel in space, travel threw stargates of course two, form your own colony, etc.. If you play on the server you can Create a team or Join at team and play with others. Far warned you will be going up against everyone and everything out their. The modpack features a skill system similar to what RLCraft offers but not as pain stalkily hard. This pack was formally SwordPacks:Stargate, but I’m personally getting bombarded with so many modpacks to manage I’m discontinuing a lot of them to focus my attention on just two. Why the name change? Well with RACraft I can actually base the stargate modpack around the Egypt God RA. Which works out considering the movie Stargate is based on RA. So just going by a name I made up and having to figure out slogans etc. with SwordPacks, renaming it RACraft made my job so much easier. This modpack is server ready, so if you wish to make a server of your own please continue below for more info.
Stargate (stylized as STARGᐰTE) is a military science fiction media franchise based on the film directed by Roland Emmerich, which he co-wrote with producer Dean Devlin. The franchise is based on the idea of an alien Einstein–Rosen bridge device (the Stargate) that enables nearly instantaneous travel across the cosmos. The franchise began with the film Stargate, released on October 28, 1994, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Carolco, which grossed US$197 million worldwide. In 1997, Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner created a television series titled Stargate SG-1 as a sequel to the film. This show was joined by Stargate Atlantis in 2004, Stargate Universe in 2009, and a prequel web series, Stargate Origins, in 2018. Also consistent with the same story are a variety of books, video games and comic books, as well as the direct-to-DVD movies Stargate: Children of the Gods, Stargate: The Ark of Truth, and Stargate: Continuum, which concluded the first television show after 10 seasons.
In 2011, Stargate Universe, the last Stargate program on television, ended its run. Brad Wright announced that there were no more plans to continue the same story in further productions. In 2016, comic publisher American Mythology acquired the rights to publish new Stargate Atlantis stories set within the established franchise canon. This was expanded in 2017 to include new Stargate Universe comics as well, resolving the cliffhanger that ended the show. The predominant story arc thus ran for more than 15 years, including 18 seasons (364 episodes) of programming, and 22 comic book issues as of January 2020. However, a variety of other media either ignore this main continuity or resets it, while maintaining essential elements that define the franchise (mainly, the inclusion of a Stargate device). These include the 2002 animated series Stargate Infinity.
There are a few ways to keep up with RACraft they are listed as follows:
Official Discord : Join us to keep in touch with updates, chat, and just have fun
Youtube Channel : Our Official Channel to promote RACraft to the world
Official Website : Coming Soon
BisectHosting offers quick, simple, and high-quality server hosting with over a dozen locations available across the world, ensuring low latency. After your purchase, the server is already configured and ready to use.
Use the code “stargate” to get 25% off your first month as a new client for any of their gaming servers.
We recommend that you use at least 5GB to run the pack smoothly with 5-7 players.
All Credit Goes to their Authors/Creators for making the content I have posted
I am not affiliated with the makers of Stargate and therefore make it clear I do not own it.
No need to Vote/Donate to become powerful on the server.
Server Location: Ashburn VA, USA
99.9% Up-Time – Online 24/7 Since June 25th, 2020
Official Contact: Discord
Server Location: Ashburn VA, USA
99.9% Up-Time – Online 24/7
Official Contact: Discord
Set during the time of Ancient Rome, we currently offer a wide selection of fun (40+ plugins) ranging from player chestshops, an economy, jobs, McMMO, plots, lootcrates, factions, PvP, a welcoming community, tons of minigames, and more!
Earn money to rank up and dominate Roman society!
BedWars, Halo (paintball), TnT Run, Spleef, Parkour, Casino, and more to come!
Server IP: verona.mcserver.us
Discord: https://discord.gg/dstRurTW28
Website: https://verona.tebex.io/
NoCheatPlus, WorldGuard, CoreProtect, AntiXray, WorldEdit/FAWE & more!
Come join our small and growing community today!
Where does the name “Verona” come from?
Verona was a city in ancient Rome, and exists as a city today. Verona became a Roman colonia in 89 BCE. The city became a bustling Roman city because it was at the intersection of several trade roads; Verona quickly became an important part of the Roman economy through its trade connections and bustling shop center. Fun fact: two of William Shakespeare’s plays are set in Verona: Romeo and Juliet and The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
Hello everyone, I run a small, whitelisted, semi-vanilla Minecraft
server called MineThrough..We’ve only been around for a few weeks and
we’are looking for ACTIVE players who want to be apart of a long-term,
tight-knit community. We plan to reset the world every season, the
season ends when Mojang releases a major new version of Minecraft
(1.18/1.19 for example). We hope this interests you, and that you apply
to join our community,
What We Use
We utilize datapacks from VanillaTweaks such as multiplayer sleep Tag,
Fast Leaf Decay, and more, as well as some Fabric mods like Simple Voice
Chat. These mods are not required but they’re for those who want to use it.
The Rules
-Do not cheat or use exploits under any circumstances
-Do not steal from other players
-Do not spam in chat or type everything with CAPS
-Do not ask for OP
-no 1×1 towers or Y axis tunnels (
-replant sapling(s) in their place when cutting down trees
-Do not make/use AFK fishing farm(s)
-To keep lag down, make sure to have a toggle on autofarms
-Replant crops if taken from villages
-Do not cram mobs/animals
Do not promote other server(s)
If all this server sounds interesting to you, then feel free to apply
with the information below. I do want to note that you have to be 18+
to be accepted. We are based in the United States, chances are that if
you are outside the U.S. you may experience lag.
What is your username:
How old are you:
Where are you from: (you do not have to specify exactly where you are from)
How long have you been playing Minecraft:
Why do you want to join this server:
Did you read the prerequisites:
What do you do in your free time:
Do you plan to use Fabric and Simple Voice Chat:
These few questions below are # answers, you can add additional info if you’d like.
Building capabilities:
Redstone capabilities:
You can submit this application via message if you don’t want to remain private.
Oh! And did we mention vehicles? That’s right, helicopters, tractors, drills, they all have uses here!
Tractors when being driven can plant and replant crops.
Drills can mine up to a 3×3 area
Helicopters can get you just about anywhere you want.
And so much more for vehicles.
Come join our welcoming community.
Plugins such as
-Crazy Enchanments
-Silk Spawners
-Grief Prevention land claiming
Join on any version from 1.8 – 1.17.
(Java Versions.)
Hello everyone! I am LukasM_0812, just call me Lukas!
My Discord server:
If you want to join my Minecraft server, then you need to join this Discord server to send your Minecraft username to request me to whitelist you!
If you enjoy my videos… only a small percent% of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed, consider liking my videos, consider subscribing, it’s free, and you can always change your mind, smash the bell so that you can be notified when I just update a new video, also comment so that I can improve my videos. Thanks for watching.
Looking for Staff/Builder/Developers Temp Website till I make a better one https://phantomx.enjin.com/.
Right just testing out the server, still in-development but fill free to play on the server and give suggestions on what I should add to make it more fun.
PixelRealms Xion is a part of a massive pixelmon competitive network. With the goal in mind of bringing everyone together in one big game of competition. If your looking for a network with a edge. PixelRealms Xion is the place for you!!
Check out server updates and more at https://discord.gg/sRNPMDMFsc
Join the Kedu Craft server! Play with ChestShop, Warps, and More Add-ons. Connect with new friends and take your place in our awesome and fun community!
The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.
A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Servers For Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.
Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.
Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!