
The Createville Server

Allo! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Well you have come to the right post, the Createville server is a safe and friendly community of players who come together and play in a central city and adjacent towns. They work together to build trains, sell items, chat, collaborate on projects and so much more, if all this sounds interesting to you join us!

Here's a short bullet point list to tell you things you can expect:

  • Shops and custom currency
  • Trains, Cars, Airplanes
  • Create and a few of it's addons
  • Organised community area
  • A little sprinkle of magic
  • Ingame voice chat

You'll need to install the modpack and get whitelisted to play:



The Barnyard!

🐷Welcome to the Barnyard! 🐷A cute, cozy farming SMP with genetic animals and bi-weekly auctions! The main mods we feature in our SMP is

  • Genetic Animals
  • -Realistic Horse Genetics
  • -Alex's Mobs,
  • -Get in the Bucket
  • -Farmer's Delight
  • -Tinker's Construct
  • And many more!! 🐎

  • We are a {Whitelist} server! Once you join our discord, you can fill out a whitelisting form to be allowed on the server! Please make sure to read our rules before you join, and we hope you enjoy the cozy gameplay! 🙂


Medieval Land

Are you looking for a medieval themed server? Your search ends right here! Newly created server on 1.20.1.

Our modpack is loaded on Curseforge. We have mods mainly around Minecolonies, but our server also have own in-game currency and every player can make there own shop. Cooperate with other colonies or declare a war. You can fight in Aether or the Twillight. If you enjoy just the relaxing gameplay, Its Your time to build the biggest colony!

Every player need to be whitelisted and we have a Patreon account for this, so we can maintain this server in the future.

Patreon :

Discord :

Modpack on curseforge :

Minecraft version 1.20.1.



Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server has a custom level cap and rank progression system that includes our exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the formidable Champion’s Gauntlet. Beyond this progression system, the server has of content for players of all interests. This includes our Weekly Tournaments with multiple formats, unique Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more!

• Server IP:

• We are running Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5

• Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (



Macho Craft is a brand community-driven Modded Minecraft Network, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!



All the Mods 9


Version 0.2.58 (Latest), as shown on MOTD


We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.

Grab your pickaxe, gather your friends, and dive into the rich world of All The Mods 9. Adventure awaits!



We're running a Strictly Medieval 3 server, our world has been up for a week now and we're using version v19.

All we ask of our players is to stick to the 18+ rule and be mindful of others on the server, don't claim right next to other people without asking and don't cause unnecessary lag.

If you're interested, you can find more info on the discord server:




Welcome to Manic! Manic is a Faction server running on Fabric 1.20.1, featuring a thrilling modpack filled with intense magic and challenges. Immerse yourself in a realm where faction warfare reigns supreme, alliances are forged and broken, and battles rage on amidst a backdrop of mystical wonders. Join our active community of 300+ members and be part of the excitement!

[Featured on Manic]

Spell Engine with custom magic classes (and more coming soon)

Unique origins like Lich, Mako, Taurus, Jengu and Demislime (and more coming soon)

Unique accessories

Unique skill tree which will grow every update

Better Combat


Create Ad Astra


Tons of world generation mods

Instanced Dungeons

Countless small mods that are new to CurseForge, refreshing gameplay

Immersive Aircrafts

Plasma voicechat

Playable Instruments and Emotes

Custom tiers and progression

Custom balancing and much more

[Server Information]

Server IP:

Version: 1.20.1
Fabric Discord Community:

Modpack :

Server Specs : Ryzen 9 7950x and DDR5 32 gb RAM (edited)


Stinky SMP

Hello, Redditors! Check out Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server, with an emphasis on fair moderation (appeals, and punishment only for true rulebreaks), extreme longevity (absolutely NO resets, you could play here for years!) and inclusivity of all people and playstyles. Be you a nomad, builder, PVPer, trader, you'll find a place here. Any reason you can't? Make a suggestion, we'll look at it!


Our vanilla+ modpack with many optimisers ensures minimal client-side lag. Server-side, we have 16 gigs of ram + dedicated processor cores up to 4.8 GHz and featuring 4 vCores of a Ryzen 9 5950X CPU.


The server operates on a Safezone-Borderlands system, where a continuously expanding 4k-radius area centred on spawn has claims, graves and disallows (unless with consent) griefing, killing and stealing. The Borderlands is much more resource-rich but allows griefing, killing and stealing and has no claims or graves.


We have a very special mod, the Origins mod! Along with the 9 base origins, we have roughly 61 custom origins, all carefully reviewed so that we can make sure each one is balanced, unique and well designed! You can even suggest custom origins, but it'll have to be high quality. Of course, if you don't like this mod, or don't like your current origin, you can always pick Human or use your free two changes/craft an origin change.

Server invite:


Life in the village 3

Are you looking for a pack based around town-building with NPC, friendly community or want to escape reality and hyperfocus in a safe space? We will be happy to accept you in our friendly community

Server Info (Discord)

  • Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and etc
  • Lag-free experience, 20 tps when server is full (12 slots)
  • Claims (Minecolones and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics
  • The server has enabled forceload for all colony chunks
  • IP: (It's not pre-added server!)

Pack Features Life in the village 3

  • 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions)
  • 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows and additions)
  • 🏭 Technology (immersive machines for basic resource processing, farming)
  • 🗺️ Exploration (roleplay, new structures, biomes, dungeons)



AussierBuildCraft Is a Minecraft building and survival server!

This server has a mod that generates the earth at 1:40 scale!

There are also tons of mods to play with such as:

  • Vehicle Mods
  • Furniture mods
  • Mods that add thousands of new blocks
  • Immersive railroading

And so much more! Best of all, You can play in this server with creative mode or survival mode and start a civilization anywhere or join anyone's. You can even join any states or countries that haven't been touched on the server yet!

I am also looking for good builders too.

If you want to be whitelisted, sign this form or join the discord:

We hope you enjoy this server!

50vs50 Battlefor Battleforconwy Battleforconwycastle Castlesiege Conwy CTF Darkage Helmsdeep Lotr Moria Projectconwy Projectconwyv3 Pvp Thedarkage Wow

The Dark Age (V3) – Beta – [Project Conwy V3]

WAR… Team vs Team PvP fun! – Castle siege game, attack or defend – No whitelist.
There is no need to sign up, just log in and fight!



The battle for Conwy castle was also known as The Dark Age a Medieval and Fantasy medieval-themed CTF, castle siege, and PvP server. With maps ranging from medieval periods to fantasy concepts like Moria and Helm’s Deep from Lord of the Rings, these maps were often made by the community. The server consisted of 100 player slots, which allowed you to participate in 50 vs 50 battles. In this rather unique game-mode, the various teams fought each other to get control over Strategic (spawn) points. There was also 1 KOTH (king of the hill map), known as Lunapar Island. The server consisted of multiple classes, new players started with 5 classes such as Swordsman and Archer. The server also allowed you to donate or use coins for premium classes such as Ranger, Cavalry, and Berserker.

Custom made siege weapons like catapults, ballistae, cannons, and storm-rams were part of some maps!

Project Conwy V3

Project Conwy V3, also known as The Dark Age V3, is the third official remake of The Dark Age.
This version is currently in the making. We plan to add-in more content and we have learned from the mistakes that were made in the past.

Note: The server is currently in private-Alpha which means it is whitelisted.
If you wish to stay up-to-date about the server, join our discord:

The Dark Age is expected to release by Christmas (in Beta), stay patient, and don’t worry it’s coming soon!

The server can (soon) be joined with Minecraft version 1.15.2.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

16x Auctionhouse Bros Clans Construir Crates Encantamientos Mascotas Personalizado Pets Pve Pvp Rankup Survival Voteparty

AstralCraft Network 1.16.1 – 1.16.X

AstralCraft vuelve a abrir sus puertas, esta vez con un nuevo servidor Survival en la versión 1.16.1, accesible para todos los jugadores de las versiones 1.16.1 hasta 1.16.X

Servidores disponibles: Survival

Actualmente, solo contamos con un servidor Survival, el cual se encuentra en constante crecimiento, aunque ya es jugable e incluye muchos sistemas y plugins que te proporcionarán horas de entretenimiento jugando tu videojuego favorito.

El servidor actualmente tiene configurados los siguientes sistemas:

[ » ] Encantamientos personalizados, podrás ver todos ellos y sus efectos en nuestro menú de ayuda personalizado “/ayuda”.

[ » ] RankUP, con más de 30 rangos a nivel de usuario, este sistema te permitirá acceder a nuevas ventajas según vayas avanzando en nuestro servidor, para obtener estos rangos no se requiere realizar una compra con dinero real, deberás obtener dinero minando en nuestras minas o vendiendo items a otros jugadores para poder ascender a un nuevo rango.

[ » ] Clanes, con este sistema podrás crear tu propio clan e invitar a tus amigos o unirte a otro clan ya creado, conquistar terrenos y crecer hasta ser el clan más fuerte del servidor.

[ » ] Pets, podrás obtener distintas mascotas las cuales te ayudarán en combate y subirán de nivel al matar a otras entidades, podrás elegir una rama de habilidades para que tu mascota te ayude de la forma que más prefieras, incluyen un invenario en el que puedes transportar tus items.

[ » ] Sistema de votos con recompensas, con este sistema logramos implementar una forma de que los usuarios puedan ayudar directamente al servidor a ser más conocido y a cambio obtienen una serie de recompensas por ello, podrás votar en todas las páginas de votos disponibles (/vote) una vez cada día, obtendrás una recompensa por cada uno de tus votos.

[ » ] VoteParty, esto es una extensión del sistema de votos, que registrará los votos de todos los usuarios hasta alcanzar una cantidad predeterminada, al llegar a esta cantidad se recompensará a todos los usuarios conectados en el momento que inicie la VoteParty con una recompensa para cada uno de los jugadores.

[ » ] Cajas mágicas, si obtienes la llave específica para una caja, podrás abrirla y tener la oportunidad de ganar una recompensa de rareza única, todo depende de tu suerte, hay distintas formas de obtener las llaves para estas cajas, la forma más fácil y rápida es con el sistema de votos, ya que por cada voto obtienes una llave para una caja mágica.

[ » ] AuctionHouse, este es un sistema que permite a los usuarios vender de forma remota items a otros jugadores, pudiendo ver desde el menú principal, los encantamientos, precio y tiempo en venta del item que quieras vender.

[ » ] Piedras de protección, estas piedras otorgan una protección a un área, de forma que otros jugadores no podrán romper o construir bloques ni tampoco hacer pvp a menos que cambies las opciones para que esto sea posible. Podrás añadir a tus amigos como miembros de la zona permitirles el acceso a construir y destruir bloques.

Nos esforzamos por mejorar constantemente, si quieres presentar una sugerencia, puedes hacerlo vía foro y te atenderemos lo antes posible y valoraremos tu sugerencia, también puedes reportar cualquier bug que encuentres, por pequeño que sea, tanto de texto como visual o en algún comando, queremos ofrecerte un servidor de calidad con el menor número de fallos posibles.

Contamos con un sistema para evitar abusos de poder administrativos, nos tomamos muy en serio el control administrativo, por lo que todos los rangos administrativos han sido configurados de forma que únicamente se les da acceso a los comandos que necesitan según su rango.
En el caso de que hayas sido sancionado de forma injusta, puedes reportar tu caso con pruebas detalladas en nuestro foro, te atenderemos lo antes posible.

Contamos con años de experiencia administrando servidores, los dueños de este servidor hemos adminsitrado varios servidores anteriormente, tanto de SAMP, como Minecraft, Counter Strike 1.6, Metin2 y Ark, por lo que tenemos una amplia experiencia en administración y resolución de problemas.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Beginner Built Dice Exciting Fit Free To Play Minecraft Ice Interesting Minecraft Donate Minecraft Events Need Players No Launcher Profi Red Russian Minecraft

RedIce server Minecraft

A beginner and most convenient server built not for profit, but for an interesting and exciting game!

1.16.3 Earth Geo Geopol Geopolitical Geopolmc Leplay Mad Nda Pol Politic Political Popular Roleplay Towny

GeopolMC 1.16.3 Earth Towny Roleplay

GeopolMC is a 1.16.3 Minecraft Server that focuses on the geopolitical roleplay on the Earth map. Our staff team is filled with players of many of the most popular earth servers out there, and we saw that there was something missing in all the servers out there. There wasn’t a single server that focused on roleplay and we made this server to fill that gap. We are releasing the server on Monday 21st of September.

1.16.3 Claimblock Claimblocks Classic Freedom Griefers Hacker Minimal Minimalistic Nick Oriented Pvp Stealing Survival Void

Freedom Survival [Minimalistic][TPA/SETHOME]{1.16.3}

Brand new fresh map 9/20/2020 10:30PM

Server address:

PVP is allowed! Stealing is allowed! Players can claim blocks to avoid griefers! NO TOLERANCE FOR HACKERS! No rules!Main commands:
/near /tpa /sethome /nick /ignore /buyclaimblocks /bal /realname

I made this to be like the classic Minecraft servers I grew up with. Freedom oriented.

1.16.3 Access Ask Forums Inventory Lms Multiplayer Perfect Pmc Random Randomtp Realms Smp Survival Uptime

SurviveWithUs SMP [1.16.3]

We are a simple survival server with completely custom plugins and four different realms for our players to choose from.

Every player has access to a randomtp so you can find the perfect spot to start your adventure!!

Other awesome features include :

Keep inventory

24/7 server uptime

Active owner/staff team

If you have any questions at all, feel free to join our forums and ask!

Thank you for your time!!!

Custom Custom Minecraft Feature Features Give Mmu Ommunity Plugin Plugins Pvp Skyblock Survival Tom Ves Vote

ELUZONE Minecraft

The custom minecraft server with custom plugins, and gives the community the chance to vote for new features. Come and join our SkyBlock and Survival Server!

Antispam Art Cent Class Com Crew Ice Minecraft Kit Start Nice Part Plugin Plugins Rip Ter Wit

[Partizan Crew ] Minecraft server

Survival with nice plugins

Admins Amazing Apex Ava Economy Goal Hey Lab Level Lose Matt Mcmmo Money Survival Tak


A free to win server with amazing admins all with the common goal of making a server available to all types of players no matter how much money they have.

TeaCraft is a server that takes fun to another level with active admins and a close community, so you won’t feel like just another player.

Ace Awa Away Drop Economy Gamemode Gamemodes Giveaway Giveaways Host Parties Place Rmc Survival Vanilla


A Minecraft server with custom gamemodes, events, giveaways, and more! We also have great staff and we have a community discord to join. We host drop parties as well!

2020 Anarchy Anti Cheat Create Die Fight Heat Invite Meet Pat Sol Survive Versions Vive


AnarcBlock is a absolutely no rules anarchy server. No Anti-cheat no Rules. You Either Fight and Survive or Die. Invite Friends And Build! Meet New People! Fight! It all happens here on AnarcBlock.

This Server Was Created September 20th – 2020. Compatibility For All Versions Of Minecraft Coming Soon.

Claimblock Claimblocks Classic Minecraft Freedom Griefers Hacker Minecraft Servers Nick Oriented Pvp Sethome Steal Stealing Tpa Void

Freedom Survival

Brand new fresh map 9/20/2020 10:30PM

Server address:

PVP is allowed! Stealing is allowed! Players can claim blocks to avoid griefers! NO TOLERANCE FOR HACKERS! No rules!Main commands:
/near /tpa /sethome /nick /ignore /buyclaimblocks /bal /realname

I made this to be like the classic Minecraft servers I grew up with. Freedom oriented.

Cosmetics Free To Play Kitpvp Meta Minecraft Server Network Nametags Navi Osmetics Pay2win Prices Pride Quote Selection Tags Tebex


Sanecraft is one of the only networks that maintains a free to play and non-pay2win environment, so you don’t need to spend any real money to get started!
1.8-1.16.2 is supported!

More coming soon
Come join our active community at


Cosmetics Store:

Quotes from the staff team:

– Tim Norrby (Proud Owner of Sanecraft)

Ace Allies Anarchy Anything Base Bases Chaos Complet Destruction Jus Kill Peace Peaceful Raid Survival


Cascade is a server where you can do just do anything you want. This survival server can be a peaceful server or a thing of complete chaos and destruction. Build your shelter or raid others bases kill you friends or make allies you choose.

1.16.3 Alia Aust Australia Australian Board Extreme Hacks Pub Public Smp Rust Survival Trust Vanilla Xtreme

Junior High

Public Smp
Australian based (1.16.3)

Hacks are Aloud
Griefing is on
extremly fun trust. ( Boarder line anarchy)
we is using a trash server provider until i can use a 24/7 provider. i will be the only op and will be extremely active.

Cosmetic Cosmetics Craftmc District Edition Inviting Java Edition Minecraft Survival Server Osmetics Shopkeeper Shopkeepers Shopping Supportive Survival Vanilla


ChilliCraft is a chill, java edition Minecraft survival server. ChilliCraft aims to build a strong, friendly, chill, and supportive community! Our newly created Minecraft server has only the essential plugins such as shopkeepers and grief prevention, while our discord has many great features also!

ChilliCraft is an inviting community, welcoming players of all abilities. However, we are on the lookout for great staff and builders to help get the server going. Come discover how ChilliCraftMC is changing the game today!


-Community Discord
-Lag-free server
-Small community
-Fresh server
-Helpful Mods and Admins!
-Shopping District

Aidanthebandit Aidanthebanditgaming Ban Bandit Data Family Family Friendly Fans Large Lin Link Minigames Noop Survival Ytserver

Bandit Mc

BanditMC is a fun family friendly server that has a large community. When you join you will be greeted by AidanTheBandit. Here is the link to the discord server

1.16.3 Address Anarchy Aternos Bases Bean Beans Creative Destroy Factions Hate Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

Beans Anarchy


Version: 1.16.3

Type: Vanilla Anarchy
cription: Beans Anarchy is an Active Anarchy Server That Would Love to Have You! Gather Teamates, Enemies, Build Bases, Destroy Them, Whatever You Would Like! Come Join Our Community Today!

1.16 1.16.3 Aternos Build Creative Extra Friend Friends Fun Mad Riends Run Vanilla Version Wit

Build To Extra Build

this server also runs on version 1.16.3. This server is made to build what you want and have fun with your friends.

Eco Fin Friendly Full Iron Mall Player Pure Small Star Start Starting Survival Vanilla Vip

IRON server

I am starting a small friendly server and am trying to find players to play with, the server is pure vanilla.
Hopefully we become a small friendly community 😀

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!