Action Actions Active Ass Base Build Class Create Economy End Eng Erver Fac Faction Factions Friends Google Gun Guns Hardcore Immersive Mod Nks Origin Original Plane Planes Power Powerful Pvp Raid Raiding Ring Server Smo Tank Tanks Vehicle Vehicles

Horizonflans Original Server

Flansmod/Factions server with guns, planes, tanks, vehicles and Immersive Engineering.

Create a powerful faction with your friends, raid your enemies and build strong bases.

Ace Active Adult Adults Age Ages Claim Class Community Economy End Erver Friendly Fun Google Great Grief Griefing Job Jobs Join Laim Make Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Play Pro Protect Raid Raiding Riendly Rvival Server Survival

Weridos Survival

Welcome to Weridos!

We are a fun, friendly server that is run by adults but all ages are welcome. We are a 1.13 Survival server with MCMMO, Jobs and more!

Claim your area to protect from griefing and mobs! No raiding and a great, friendly community makes our server a great, fun place to play.

Come join us for fun!

Air Block Bungeecord Class Eco Emo Fair Free Fun Game Gamemode Gui Has Help Hub Ill Irl Large Mean Mod Network New Non Play Player Players Red Server Servers Small Title Top Weekly

ZeigeMC – Gain free players for your own server!

Are you tired of having a VERY FUN server, but with next-to-none players? Are you a fairly large server with alot of players, but want to help smaller servers out? Do you even just want a new favorite server, with tons of new gamemodes being added almost bi-weekly? Welcome to Zeige! Zeige is a server that aspires to become one of the top servers, while still having TONS of gamemode-variety! Zeige is a server that aims to change the way that people run their servers, by allowing them to link their server up to a hub that everyone else has access to. We can guide you through everything, and nothing is contracted, meaning you can withdraw the deal at any time!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Adventure Ars Bounty Class Com Craft Custom Economy Explore Factions Fight Force Galaxy Google Hunt Hunter Join Lore Map Maps Mission Missions Parkour Planet Power Powers Pvp Rank Roleplay Star Star Wars Top Venture War Wars

Star Wars MC

Jedi, Sith, or Bounty Hunter? You choose. Rank up for things like Blasters, Explosives, Force Powers, and more. Complete kyber crystal missions and craft your own lighsabers. Explore our custom adventure maps and planets. Join the galaxy and fight your way to the top. May the force be with you.

Active Admin Admins Ass Base Beautiful Biome Biomes Class Com Commands Craft Erver Farm Forest Free Google Grief Griefing Home Jump Lab Land New Ores Parkour Play Pvp Raiding Ree Rvival Server Spawn Survival Time Uptime Vanilla


WazoCraft is a new survival 1.15.2 server.

We have 31 NEW BEAUTIFUL BIOMES on the server, including Volcanoes, Farmland, Bonsai Forests and more!

We have /home and /spawn commands available, active admins, but no base griefing!

Feel free to jump on and play with a 24/7 uptime.

Action Active Anarchy Beautiful Bee Class Crate Crates Custom Dead Erver Fac Faction Factions Google Has King Kitpvp Mad Map Mcmmo New Old Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Pvp Ring Server Staff Style This


– Factions Server
-Custom 5000×5000 Map
-Custom Plugins
This Server has been made professionally over the past month, Bringing back old style factions with some newer Ideas you may not have seen before. Map is beautiful! Currently Looking for new players and staff.

Active Amazing Ass Class Com Community Craft Custom Day Factions Google Gun Guns Hardcore Inecraft Item Items Join Mine Minecraft One Pack Pvp Ring Rings Royale Survival Survival Games Texture Today Vehicle Vehicles War Warz Warzone


MCWAR offers a Batte Royale spin off of minecraft. There is a custom texture pack with guns, vehicles, and, other items that are not usually found in minecraft. Come join today and meet the amazing community that MCWAR brings. You wont regret it!

Active Build Class Contest Contests Cosmetics Custom Donation Economy Elves End Event Events Fair Free Friends Game Head Heads Ill Item Items Mcmmo Money Nation Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rank Roleplay Safe Server Stories Survival Towny World


  Hunterra is a survival server that prides itself on being fair and free to play! We do NOT take real money for items and promise to only sell cosmetics that won’t affect one’s time on the server. Our overall goal is to offer players a safe place to build with friends and make stories of their own.
To add flavor to the world we have plugins that add items like custom player heads and brew able drinks! We also offer contests and events monthly and encourage players to host events on the server!
The server is completely free and will never take money for items. We will eventually have a donation rank that will offer a few cosmetics but we pride ourselves on not selling OP gear or any game play items!

Active Anarchy Ass Class Com Creative Erver Factions Free Fun Good Google Mini Games Play Ree Roleplay Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla You

2fag is a survival server, very good server, i suggest you to come play. very free. my favorite server. very fun lot of things to do.

Ace Active Anti Ass Car Cat Class Com Data Discord Dun Eat Economy Ect Erver Forum Google Ita Lit Ores Play Pve Pvp Rat Roleplay Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tea Tps


Salut, te invitam sa te joci alaturi de noi pe server-ul comunitatii LeviathanOG! Comunitatea LeviathanOG a fost creata pe data de 05.12.2016. Scopul nostru este a crea un mediu de joc cat mai placut si de a aduna persoanele care doresc sa se joace pe un server bine configurat si pus la punct.

Sectiuni disponibile momentan:
Survival 1.15.2

IP: Play.LeviathanOG.Ro


Admin Admins Adventure Craft Dedicated Discord Donation Donations Eco End Event Fair Forge Fun Irl Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack Mods Nations Need Open Play Quest Reddit Server Servers Smp Survival Tech Technic Title Vanillatweaks Vote Website Whitelist Whitelisted World

Ava Världar

Return of Ava – Run Wild! is a modpack designed for use on Ava Världar.
Ava Världar’s mods are centered around nature and will change slightly, as mods update or are added/removed.

Ava is a whitelisted server. You will need to fill out an application, and be accepted, in order to play.
This modpack is fairly fluid – The mods and settings we have and use may change regularly.

The server is currently LIVE

For more information on how to apply for the server, or to ask any questions, join our Discord.
[Website] [Technic Modpack] [Curse / Twitch Modpack] [APPLICATIONS]

This server is run:
  • In Canada, but should have a stable connection for all countries
  • .On a dedicated machine through OVH – They are highly recommended for advanced server admins. I’ve used them for years and I absolutely love them.
  • With 24GBs of RAM, to cope with the many mods and to prevent any excessive lag from server strain.
  • For fun! We’re not here to make a profit, any donations go straight into the server.
  • Forever. We will not shut down unless absolutely necessary, but will always be back! We also will not restart the world unless vast majority votes to.

  • Categories
    Active Admin Adventure Ass Class Com Community Dventure End Erver Friend Friendly Google Ill Join Mall Mmu Ommunity Pve Riendly Server Silver Small Soon Tool Tools Town Vanilla Venture

    Silver MC

    We are a small friendly community.
    We are a vanilla server with only some minor QOF fixes and admin tools.
    Join a town or go out and adventure on your own, You decide!

    See you soon!

    Active Australia Australian Based Class Community Difficulty End Event Events Family Friendly Friends Fun Game Games Hard Help Join Mcmmo Mmo Network New Pixelmon Play Player Players Playing Race Races Server Survival Survival Games Survive Town Weekly Welcoming

    Wixel Network

    New Australian based Survival Server by Wixel Network and sister server of!

    Mcmmo, hard difficulty and a friendly community welcoming any newcomers to the Wixel Survival Server. Expect friendly players helping you out or maybe even joining a town/community with others!

    Survive with friends or even find some new ones! Our community is always friendly and almost like a family. We love meeting new people and accept anyone!
    When the weekend comes, join in on the weekly Server Events to win prizes and just have fun playing things like The Walls, Survival Games, Boat races and much more!

    Active Build Builds Class Community Craft Discord Explore Fun Game Greif Greifing Grief Griefing Hack Hacking History Join King Lore Mature Mod Network New Original Play Plugin Plugins Reset Safe Server Small Staff Story Survival Team Teleporting Vanilla Website World


    Spinalcraft is a small, tight knit community that loves to hang out and have fun!

    Spinalcraft Legacy is the original server on the Spinalcraft Network. This server has been in operation since August 2013 and features a very vanilla game play! There is an array of anti-greifing plugins on the server to keep our builds safe, and we also feature a Spinalcraft exclusive plugin for teleporting! This server’s world has not been reset, so it features rich history to explore!

    Our staff team is a mature, well-versed team! All of us have been around Spinal for 2+ years and are very reasonable! We as a community however, do not stand for griefing or “mod-hacking” the game!

    Please visit our new website (under construction but working) to join discord and links to all of our stuff!

    Active Barrels Build Class Creative Disguise Edit End Event Exoticgarden Friends Fun Grief Griefprevention Lag Market Mcmmo Mine Mmo Nation Parkour Pets Play Player Plot Plots Prevention Rol Role Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Slimefun Survival Trade Vanilla World Worldedit


    Many different game styles to choose from!
    Survival: GriefPrevention, mcMMO, Friends List
    Disguises, Global Market, Pets, Horses
    Creative: Let your imagination go, and build to the sky! RolePlay,
    plots, Friends List, Disguises, Pets, WorldEdit
    SkyBlock: Friends List, Disguises, Global Market for Player Trades, Villager Block Market, a ton of Parkours
    LionsDen: A SlimeFun survival server with ExoticGardens, LuckyBlocks, CatHearts, Barrels, Chest Terminals and MORE!

    Ass Basic Block Build Chill Chilled Class Com Ect End Erver Free Friendly Hill Ill Join King Looking Mall Mcmmo New Play Player Players Plot Plots Ree Riendly Rvival Server Small Surviva Survival Title Welcome


    Looking for a small, chilled out server with friendly players? Come and join:

    The server is pretty new, but feel free to come and do some Survival, build a Plot, or just hang out! All friendly players welcome! 😀

    Active Awesome Build Builds Claim Community Creative End Event Force Friendly Great Grief Griefprevention Help Home Homes Hub Kit Kits Multiplayer Network New Perks Play Player Prevention Pve Quest Server Skyblock Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla War Website Who

    Diversity Network

    Diversity is a growing survival multiplayer server with a lot of potential. We have a great community and are always looking for new players to come and join us!

    Upon joining you will be forced to read the rules before moving on to play on the server. Make sure you read them! Once you promote yourself, you will then start progressing through the Levels, we currently have 20 levels in total. Levels are gained based on game time. The higher your level, the more perks you will have, these can include homes, claim blocks and kits!

    We have GriefPrevention installed so you can protect your builds. You will start with 100 blocks and you’ll gain 100 claim blocks per hour of game time. We encourage people to claim their builds as this will make life easier for everyone.

    There is a Random Warp Hub available, so you can choose a random location based on your preferred biome and get started straight away where no one can bother you!

    We have a great friendly community and awesome staff who will always be happy to help anyone out with any questions.

    For more information about the server please check out our website:

    About Diversity

    Active Build Building Cat Class Community Craft Discord Districts Economy Erver Free FTB Fun Google Hermit Hermitcraft Join King Map Mod Modded Multi Ores People Play Player Players Pve Pvp Server Style Survival Theme Themed This Towny Welcome

    Fay Forest

    Welcome to Fay Forest Revelation, a modded Hermitcraft style FTB Revelation server. We have multiple themed districts for you to build in with other players. Dont like the idea of building to a theme? We have a massive 16000×16000 map for you to find a location to free build at.
    Does this sound like fun? Were looking to add a few people to our tight knit community. Join our Discord server at

    Active Ass Chill Class Com Community Economy End Enjoy Erver Eso Friend Friendly Fun Google Hill Hole Ill Mmu Ommunity Pve Riendly Server Shroom Staff Survival Taff Towny Welcome Who Wholesome


    Welcome to Fungus! The shroomy chill server, with friendly staff and a wholesome community! We hope you enjoy your stay!

    Active Ass Class Com Core Eam End Forge Google Ill Join Ked Leplay Mon Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Plus Pos Pro Ran Rank Ranked Reforged Rol Role Roleplay Serveur Sur Surv Survie Survival Tea Team Ten Ter


    Ondaria est un serveur Pixelmon Reforged 1.12.2, Survie et Roleplay (en cours).

    En effet, nous proposons des ajouts constant et intéressant !

    à commencer par:
    – Un système de team
    – Un système d’envent inter-team
    – Des ranked pour les plus vaillant d’entre vous !

    Mais bien plus encore !

    Qu’attendez-vous pour nous rejoindre ?

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Pvp Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!