Active Build Building Bungee City Craft Diamond Eco End Friends Fun Interesting Job Land Lands Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Multiverse Nations Play Player Portals Pvp Resources Server Servers Skills Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Ungee War Who World

The Citadel

The premier Minecraft server for the true enthusiast. We’ve put together multiple servers interconnected with bungee cord and multiverse to provide a truely fun experience for all. Whether you are looking for PVP, survival, to build a town, form a nation, or take over the whole world, we’ve got the plug ins in place for you to do it all. Find a job and raise the cash to build a town. Elect a mayor and put your city planning skills to the test. Make friends, ally, and go to war with your enemies. Conquer your enemies, and absorb their resources. Make friends, and form alliances to take your warfare to the next level. Form nations and protect your resources, or take those of your neighbors. Or perhaps you prefer to go at it alone? Hone your McMMO skills and become the strongest/fastest/richest player in all the lands.

Come on down to The Citadel and see what we have to offer.

Check out the Overviewer Map on our webpage to see what people are building, or use it to scout out the known world and find a location to start your own empire.

Find the secret portals to the alternate worlds, where diamonds spawn above the ground, iron is as common as coal, and other surprises to keep things interesting.

Feeling brave? Give us a try.


Active Ars Ass Best Class Com Community Craft Erver Exp Experience Free Gaming Hard Host Hosted Inecraft King Lag Lin Link Mine Minecraft Ming Mission Mod Nks Pvp Ree Rvival Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer Top War Website

Ingenious Gaming

Here at Ingenious Gaming we are working hard to give you the best Minecraft experience possible. With top of the line hardware to give you a lag-free experience. For the past 2 years we have hosted many Garry’s Mod Servers, and are finally ready to take foot into Minecraft hosting.


Minecraft [PVP/Survival]:

Mumble Server:

Community Website:

Ass Class Creative Eat Erver Follow Forum Game Gamer Gamers Mini Minigame Noop Open Pvp Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Sus


Cel mai nou si mai distractiv server .
Serverul contine momentan la 10 sloturi doar survival
la 20 de sloturi vom adauga si survival si creative
apoi la 30 de sloturi in sus vom incepe sa adaugam si minigameuri asa ca hai si tu si ajuta serverul sa se populeze..


200 Active Ass Class Com Dead Deadmau5 Erver Fun Lin Lmao Max Ree Server Server Ip Survival Multiplayer


Linuslinus2003’s Server .By Maxgree and linus.. Server ip: Hav Fun!

Active Art Ass Car Class Creative Different Eat Erver Game Games Mine Minecart Minecarts Mini Mini game Mini Games Plot Plots Pvp Rts Server Survival Multiplayer

MineCarts is an Creative and PvP server
We offer different sizes of plots and also some mini games.

Build Capture Community Craft Creative Death Diamond End Fac Faction Factions Fair Flag Free Friendly Games Help Lag Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames New Open Parkour Pay Play Player Players Playing Pvp Resources Server Spleef Super Survival Survive War World

Evazion Gaming MC

Evazion Gaming is a gaming community that began around 2 years ago, particularly focusing on the Battlefield series (playing on PC). We have just expanded into Minecraft, opening our own powerful, 500 slot server that we intend to support for an indefinite period of time, and early adopters will often be granted permissions to help manage the server as it grows. The server is primarily a factions survival server with a few twists and a friendly community, although were sure youll find your fair share of enemies too. The server expands outwards from here though, bringing you a selection of minigames, including:
– PvP / Free for all
– Team Deathmatch
– Infection
– Capture the flag
– Parkour
– Spleef
…and a lot more, particularly in our “Minigame party” system which gives (new/unmentioned) minigames to a group of people to play through in speed. All minigames will provide bonuses for winning.
We have a creative world where all players can build freely and try out designs without using precious resources.
We also have a planets world which is super hostile where experienced players can pay a fee to enter a dangerous outer-space area filled with satellite dishes, planets, asteroids and more. This world has planet cores being almost totally random so if you or your group can survive the harsh conditions then you can find rare items, like a planet made of diamond blocks.

Come check out Evazion MC. You wont be disappointed.


Active Ae2 Awesome Best Build Building City Class Community Competitive Eco Econ Economy End Event Fair Forums Friendly Great Greif Help Hub Increased Join King Mod Mods Nations Play Player Players Pvp Server Spawn Survival Multiplayer Top Vanilla Who World


Hey there, thanks for showing interest. We’re looking for friendly players from anywhere in the world who just want to build some awesome stuff as a community, and let loose weekly with some pvp.

Trinity is divided into 3 neighbouring nations, simply dubbed Red, Green and Blue. Each nation has their own style, leader and location all based around a central hub at the spawn in close proximity. We know from experience this has a number of benefits like increased friendly competitiveness, a greater sense of community and avoids laborious travelling. We do not have an official economy, we’ve found that natural bartering between players and nations is what works best. Gameplay is mostly vanilla. Mods here are used primarily as management tools, such as anti-greif or pvp event organisation.

When you join the server, you can read the information about each on our forums ( and pick which you’d rather join. To stop one nation dominating, we may ask that you join a specific nation to keep numbers balanced. When you do join a nation, there’s loads you can do to help make your nation the best. You can:

– Contribute to making your city the greatest by building awesome structures.
– Fight in our weekly pvp* to earn building supplies or general prizes for your nation.
– Graft and gather for your nation to keep it supplied and ready to expand.
– Make deals & agreements with rival nations to benefit all.
– Spy on other tribes to monitor their progress…at your own risk.
*We hope to vary the weekly pvp gamemodes every so often, but on the whole we’ll do our best to keep them fair and balanced.

To those looking to go solo, we feel that this server isn’t compatible with that play-style and recommend you find a more suitable server.

To view the full deion and details, including how to apply, visit the link to our forums here:

Active Blog Build Building Class Community Contest Contests Craft Creative Diamond Eco Econ Economy End Enhanced Event Events Free Friendly Ill Inecraft Join Mature Mine Minecraft New Open Play Player Players Pro Pvp Server Staff Survival Team Vanilla Welcoming

The Minecraft Blog Server

The Minecraft Blog Core Server is an enhanced vanilla survival server for players 16 and up. We aim to provide a mature and creative building community. Our team of friendly staff aim to make the community open and welcoming to all.
We have economy, events, contests, and much more! Visit our site at for more info.

All new players get a free diamond! Join today!

Ass Class Follow Kit Level Lmao Mine Mini Noop Open Pet Pets Play Power Style Survival Multiplayer System


Minekit[Play with Power][Gem System][Level System][Mini Pets][24/7]


Action Actions Active Ass Class Craft Fac Faction Factions King Lmao Looking Port Ports Pvp Raft Rts Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Teleport Teleports

Chemical Craft

Factions | PVP | Teleports | Looking for Staff!

Adventure Adventures Allowed Build Class Craft Creative Custom Denizen Donation Donations Dynmap Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Lag Map Nations Npc Npcs Old Open Play Player Players Playing Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rpg Server Staff Survival Voting Website


Our server ranks are earned by points for PLAYING, using the WEBSITE and VOTING. Everyone can earn top rank with effort. No donations are accepted for ranks.

24/7 – 400 Slots – Friendly Staff – No lag – Economy – Adventurous RPG

OcelotCraftis a revolutionary, RPG server offering players the ability to have custom Denizen adventures, NPCs and Quests made to their direction(within logical limits). You can also play in Survival and Creative,

All players are Ocelots. All staff are wolves. You can play in survival or can quest, and PVP is allowed in certain areas.

We hold weekly build contest that lead up to monthly final for cash prizes.

: :.: For more information about the server and to view the Dynmap, visit our website: :.:

: :.: Dynmap Live View : :.:



8.2 Action Actions Active Arena Ark Ass Bar Class Craft Fac Faction Factions Game Games Has Hun Hunger Hunger Games Join Mob Moba Mobarena Park Parkour Raft Slayer Spleef Survival Multiplayer


SlayerCraft has
– Factions!
– Hunger Games!
– Parkour!
– MobArena!
– Spleef!
And more! Join now!

Ass Class Com Craft Erver Follow Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraftserver Noop Open Play Raft Server Style Survival Multiplayer


Check it out.


Ace Active Admin Admins Ass Byg Class Com Erver Event Events Fac Facebook Job Jobs Lag Mine Mod Mods Owny Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Red Server Super Survival Town Towny Vanilla


– Towny – Bygg en stad eller gå med i en stad som redan finns
– Bra Admins och Mods
– Events
– Bra plugins för att göra servern trevlig och bra
– Inget lagg
– Jobs

Arena Arenas Bee Build Builds Class Craft Create Creative Difficulty Grief Griefing Home House Item Items Join Nether New Noop Normal Open Play Player Players Pro Pvp Rank Reset Server Small Spawn Survival Who World Worlds

Polygon Craft

Welcome to PolygonCraft, where dreams are the limit.
In PolygonCraft, there exist 7 worlds.

Zelox: Zelox is the home on PolygonCraft its our spawn world. Zelox host many things other than spawn, being our PvP Arenas and notable builds.

Yavana: Yavana is our creative world though some items are disabled. Players are unable to bring creative made items into our survival worlds. Griefing is not tollerated atall in PolygonCraft, and that goes for Yavana as well.

Zetvar: Zetvar is our main-outdated survival world which is from 1.5. All our survival worlds are on normal difficulty, and have PvP disabled.

Rivus: Rivus is our 1.7 world. All the new biomes from 1.7 have been implemented into our server one way or another.

Vindemia: Vindemia is our Ice World. It is a small world inhabited only with packed ice.

Infernum: Infernum is our Nether World. It is reset often, and is mainly used for gathering material.

Toxitus: Toxitus is our guest world. Players who first join are guset, and must create a small house to be promoted to the Member Rank. More info on this can be found when you join 😀


Active Ass Canada Cat Class Creeper Creepers Erver Lmao Ree Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

The Creepers survival

The Creepers survival is a survival server located in Canada.

Active Cat Class Com Community Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Erver Everything Exp Experience Factions Fun Has Help Hybrid Ill Inecraft Long Mad Mine Minecraft One Open People Play Player Players Playing Pro Public Pvp Server Staff Survival Who

Everlasting PvP

Everlasting PvP is a Minecraft server open to the public. It is a hybrid server so everyone can have plenty of things to do. We choose staff members from dedicated players who get along with all types of people. If you ever have an issue or problem we will do everything to help. We listen to what the community has to say. Everlasting PvP is made for players to have a fun playing experience.

Active Admin Admins Adventure Class Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy End Fac Faction Factions Great Grief Griefing Has Help Inecraft Join Lag Legacy Legendary Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Need New Pvp Rank Server Survival Survival Multiplayer Venture

Legacy Craft

Welcome to Legacy Craft where your Minecraft adventure begin. This server is a Survival server. This server has Factions, PVP, and Mcmmo. We also have economy with a rank system. We also allow griefing on the server.
This server is a 24/7 server with no Lag. This is a new server. There is great Admins that can help you if need so.
Let your Adventure begin and become Legendary. JOIN NOW:

Ass Class Dank Emc Follow Gen Lmao Noop Open Play Pvp Reward Rime Style Survival Multiplayer Ten Vote War


Hier kun je voten en als dank kun je nog een reward krijgen ervoor.


Active Ban Bans Build Bukkit Cities Eco Economy Elevators Elves End Event Friendly Grief Griefing Kit Lwc Minecraft Mod Moderator New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Redstone Rey Rpg Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Teleportation

EmpyrealCraft is a friendly Minecraft server open to all! We are a RPG/Survival server, and we welcome all players to come and join us. Our server runs the Bukkit server mod with a large number of plugins that provide us with a wide variety of features and commands, as well as giving our staff members the ability to deal with any problems that may arise. Our server is greylisted. This means that new players start out as guests, and have their own world to build in. This lets members live without fear of troublemakers griefing them, lets us weed out the griefers, and allow new players to prove themselves and move up the ranks to become a member.

Stargates – for easy teleportation between cities
Area Protection with block logging to prevent and catch griefers
Monsters, Animals and Health – PVP (Arenas only)
LWC Protection (Locking Chests, Door, Furnaces)
Fire and TNT Protection – MCBans Support
In-Game Economy – sell and buy items at shops and trade gold at the bank for money!
CraftBook – Gates, Bridges, Elevators and Advanced Redstone Circuits
Moderator Requests – Simple way to get staff assistance – And More!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Minecraft Lifesteal. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!