Active Ass Class Com Community Craft Crafter Crafters End Erver Factions Friend Friendly Game Gamer Gamers Help Helpful Ice Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecrafter Minecrafters Mini Games Mmu Nice Ommunity Pvp Raft Ree Riendly Server Staff Taff Ter


Greetings Minecrafters!


Active Ass Class Com Craft Economy Ect Erver Has Hate Help Hey Ill Inecraft Join Mega Mine Minecraft Mini Games Need Owny Raft Rvival Server Servers Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Town Towny Way

Omega Minecraft

Connection IP:

#1 Towny survival server.

Omega Minecraft always has staff on the servers, we have a total of 30 staff members. They will be there to help you with whatever you need!

Come join us!

Abilities Age Art Ass Basic Class Com Enjin Erver Hard Home Hunger Ill Lit Make Mana Manage Map Mca Mean Mob Mod Noop Open Plugin Plugins Rvival Semi Server Sethome Spawn Star Start Style Survival Vanilla Welcome

MaximumCapabilities Hard Semi-

Welcome to MaximumCapabilities.

Our server is a semi-vanilla survival server set on Hard mode. Hard means lots of mob and hunger. Semi- means we have a few plugins to make management of the map and your arrival a little easier. From the start you get a few basic commands: /home, /sethome and /spawn.


Active Admin Admins Ages Ban Bar Class Community Craft Dark Eco Econ End Friends Fun Great Help Helpful History Ill King Lag Lit Mine Need Nice Original Plugin Plugins Real Realm Rules Server Small Story Survival Multiplayer Who World


DarkRealm is made up of a group of friends who just wanted a way to spend some time on the computer together. The server was originally named CookieCraft, but the name was too childish and funny, being that there wasn’t really anything childish or funny about the server. The server took on a more serious name; DarkRealm. We bumped up the plugins, configured them just right, and perfected user friendliness. The community is very nice and helpful, there are plently of ways to obtain materials of your liking, and there are convenient places among the world that resemble, what we call now DarkRealm.

The Admins are Jararered (Owner), FrostedBooty (Admin), ObservantPillow (Admin), Wikd9 (Admin), Barrell23 (Admin), and Doom (Admin, when he buys Minecarft). Admins are very quick to ban users who break rules. We don’t exactly follow the rules though. We tend to bend around them and give the right people second chances. It hasn’t failed us and it won’t.

The history of this server is very long. Me, the owner, have gone through many stages of developing the server into what it is today. Me, being the host of the server, I managed the server and add plugins if needed and other server duties. The main ideas of the server come from the rest of the admins. Mainly FrostedBooty and ObservantPillow. They come up with many of the great ideas on the server and without them, the server would be a small, little villager in a valley like it used to be. Thanks Mercedes and Sheldon. <3

Back to the plugins, the list to to big for me to even want to write down. The point is, it makes the server work, and make it convenient.

Active Ass Chest Chests Chestshop Class Eco Ect Erver Essential Essentials Grief Hard Hestshop Ill Lwc Mini Minimal Mod Mode Pig Plugin Plugins Port Pro Protect Protection Pvp Ran Server Shop Smp Sport Sts Survival Multiplayer Trans Vanilla

The Saddled Pig

We are a SMP Hard mode server with PvP enabled. Minimal plugins: Grief protection, LWC, ChestShop, Essentials Eco. No TP, vanilla transportation only.

8.2 Ass Ban Banner Class Craft Follow Game Gamer Gamers Inecraft Jack Lin Link Make Mine Minecraf Minecraft Noop Open Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Top

Jackdaw 3

“” (Link:


9.2 Active Ass Build Class Com Erver Gaming Ill Information King Ming Network Please Server Skyblock Soon Ter TERA This Two Work

Terabyte Gaming Network

Coming soon. This information will be filled out. We are still working on the server. please wait while we’ll type this up and build up the server.

Ban Cash Class Community Craft Creative Custom Ftc Game Games Horde Host Inecraft Kit Long Mad Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Noop Open Play Player Players Prison Pro Pvp Real Server Spleef Style Survival Thor Trade World

Hooptiesworld [1.12.2]

were probably the ONLY server that wont ban you. We refuse to ban or kick players. Period.
Were also the ONLY server out there that allows you to earn points on the server which you can trade in for REAL CASH.

We offer, PVP Survival, Spleef, Kit PvP, a few custom made mini-games
along with Creative and a custom prison experince you wont find anywhere else.


Active Ass Blue Class Creative Day Eat Erver Fast Fun Growing Land Lands Multi New Play Player Players Pro Rvival Server Sky Skyland Skylands Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Win World Worlds Zombie


McBluecross fast growing server with a lot of members and new players each day. We provide multiple worlds with a lot of fun. A survival world, creative world, zombie survival world and skylands!

Casino Community Creative Death Dedicated Donor Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Hard Hardcore Mcmmo Minigame Mmo Mob Mod Nether New Online Open Peaceful Perks Play Player Pve Pvp Ranks Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Slimefun Spleef Staff Survival Unique Vanilla

Fantasia Universe 1.9 – 1.14.4

Fantasia Universe – Where dreams and fantasies become reality.

Dedicated 24/7 powerful lagfree server, PVE/PVP, many ranks with perks, stable economy, player based shops, lot/chest protection, friendly staff and community, online for 8.5+ years and still going strong.

= Fantasia Universe Details =

Multi-world universe system with many worlds with their own unique purpose.

Fantasia – Economy based, McMMO, peaceful/survival with all the current biomes. Here you have the choice to play in peaceful OR survival.
Nether – Hardcore survival with more mob types.
Artifex – Creative
Arcadia – Skyblock
Auryn – Minigame world. Pvp/Mob Arena, Spleef, Deathcube, Casino, Chess, and many more.
Callisto – Modded SlimeFun world with lots of new machines, gadgets and gimmicks. Or play vanilla survival in this world.

Many FREE and donor ranks. Each rank will unlock more of the Fantasia experience. Donor ranks are very cheap and offer many perks. Donor rank perk details:

Highly informative site with EVERYTHING you need to know about Fantasia. Visit at

Friendly, tight-knit community.

Top notch, friendly staff here to help you enjoy your Fantasia experience to the fullest.


Active Admin Adventure Adventures Age Ass Build Class Com Dventure Elf Erver Eth Ill Ked Lit Mall Middle Mini Mod Mon Ran Rat Rvival Server Small Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Together Venture Version Ves Welcome World


Welcome to Evolith, where grand adventures awaits! You will find yourself smacked into the middle of survival, you can work together but the enemy is among us.

Server incentives:
– A small server
– Active members eager to build with you
– No world limit
– Version 1.7.2
– Ethical server moderation and administration.

Ark Ass Class Eat Emo End Erver Fight Friend Friends Game Games Gym Lag Mini Mini game Mini Games Mon Park Parkour Poke Pokemon Riends Server Style


Pokemon server, Parkour, Mini Games, NO-LAGG. Fight to friends. Beat the gym.


Active Arena Arenas Base Based Best Buycraft Cash Class Community Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Experience Great Grief Griefing Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mob Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Server Store Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique Website Youtube

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest (SOTF) ►
▬ CashSOTF is a unique PvP, Griefing/Raiding, Economy based server that’s primary goal is to give their players the best Minecraft experience that they have ever had!

» Player VS. Player
» Griefing/Raiding
» Server-based Economic System
» Tons of Mob Arenas
» Infected Arenas
» 24/7
» Great Community

◄ Website: ►
◄ Store: ►
◄ Join Now: ►
◄ Youtube: ►

Action Active Amazing Ass Class Cloud Com Community Core Craft Day Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Games Great Hard Hardcore Hub Join Obsidian Ram Rvival Server Servers Slots Smp Staff Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Today Top

ObsidianCraft Cloud

-= What is ObsidianCraft? =-

ObsidianCraft is a top of the line 32GB RAM Intel Server with 5000 slots. Currently, there are 4 servers, Main SMP, Hardcore, Survival Games, and most recently, Factions!

Join today and experience an amazing community, great staff, and more!

Active Ass Ations Back Chat Class Com Commands Core Enjin Erver Full Help Helpful High Horde Ice King Lin Link Looking Mod People Pro Pvp Ram Rules Server Ssd Survival Multiplayer Ves Voice Website


Server Informations:
Looking for mod’z
Promote the Server(get people)
Follow the rules
know commands
Be helpful
Mumble Chat – east3.voice.enjin.com60527
Main System:
Dual Xeon E5645 Hex Core
500 GB enterprise backup drives
Full Gigabit uplink

Ace Active Allowed Arena Auction Auctions Awesome Bar Car Class Eco Econ Economy Enjoy Enjoyable Fac Faction Factions Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Help Invite Item Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Nocheat Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Tnt Treasure Weekly Who


Hardcore PVP server with *Factions*Economy*McMMO*NoCheat*MobArena* and many more plugins to help make the server an enjoyable place. Weekly item Auctions, Treasure Hunts and Scheduled PVP matches in our awesome Colosseum. Betrayal is allowed so be careful who you invite to your faction.

Abilities Active Admin Build Builds Bukkit Claim Claiming Create Eco Economy End Enjin Fun Good Grief Kit Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Realistic Redstone Server Shop Shops Skills Staff Town Towny Unique Website


We are a fun and active server with 6 GB of RAM to keep all of players lag-less. We have a total of 100 slots and we love when we can get but one player at a time to fill up each and every one of those slots. We will listen to everyones ideas and concerns on both the server and our website page, and we encourage everyone to tell us what they think could help us as the staff of RedstonePowered. On our server we have many things that enhance the regular minecraft game play. Some of which are the bukkit plugins

Towny – A claiming plugin that allows players to start from a little hamlet to a civilization. You can add your friends to your town, toggle a diverse amount of settings and options, such as pvp, mob spawning, and firespread, but is also a great way for any server admin or player to protect their builds from grief.

Economy – We use the SignShop plugin in our server to create a realistic feel of real life economy in our server. The money system is pretty basic but to earn money, you have to sell, buy, trade, and work. With the money you can buy more from other players, from the server shop, or improve your town land space.

mcMMO – A plugin that adds skills and abilities to the world of minecraft. You can level up, and become a stronger payer as you go along. Also, if you level up to certain levels in a skill you can either gain an ability, or just make doing that thing easier.

All of these things make our server unique and fun. If you have any more ideas that could keep the spirit of minecraft yet still add on to our server in a good way then please speak up and tell us. Have fun on RedstonePowered.


Active Battle Class Competitive Craft Creative Eco Econ Economy End Fac Faction Factions Friendly FTB Fun Game Games Great Has Help Inecraft Long Mine Minecraft Mpet Parkour Pet Play Player Players Pvp Server Staff Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer World


Here at MinecraftBattle, we like to make Minecraft a fun and competitive game for everyone, just like you!

Our server has a ton of game and activities to entertain our players!

We have:
-Harcore Pvp
-Survival Games
-Creative World

On our server, we have friendly staff that is ready to help, anytime along the way! So why not come and give our great server a try? You won’t regret it!

18plus Adminswanted Adultserver Adultstaff Brandnew Discord Discordchannel Grian Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftstyle Mumbojumbo Needplayers Needstaff Newserver Promotions Streamers Survival Survivalcraft Survivalworld Vanilla Vanillasurvival Vanillatweaks Youtubefriendly Youtubers Needed Youtubersneeded


TwistedCraft is a brand new survival multiplayer server for grown ups.

Running some of XISUMAVOIDs vanilla tweaks pack, and staying true to the Hermitcraft style.

Entry is whitelisted and is by application only.

18+ Only.
Discord Required.

We want to create a strong adult community of minecrafters to enjoy this game together.

Content creators welcome and wanted! Twitch, youtube, whatever your platform, we welcome all content creators here. Though of course it isn’t a requirement.

Active Ass Ations Class Donation Donations Erver Kit Lmao Mine Nation Nations Need Needed Ree Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tekkit

Minecreep (tekkit)

Survival Tekkit Server.
EE Enabled, donations needed.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Crossplay Server Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!