We the WeeGamers (Weekend Gamers) are a small German multigame community that has existed since 2011.
Our community attaches great importance to comfortable and relaxed play for young and old.
Build your empire or found a whole nation in our great outdoors.
Alternatively, you can also use one of our plots of land.
Our server is fully NPC and GUI controlled, so only a few commands need to be used.
This ensures easy handling and a relaxed game flow without much hassle.
Shortage of raw materials? Not with us!! With our farm worlds, which are automatically regenerated on a regular basis, this is not an obstacle.
Minigames are firmly integrated into the gameplay with us, so that events are activated at regular intervals, which are
Chat can be joined. A teleport back will be provided!
You can unlock cosmetics for yourself via our VoteShop as well as via events.
All ranks can be reached using in-game currency and unlock additional bonuses for you.
What do we have to offer:
✦ Survival + Freebuild Server
✦ Genuine 1.18.2! Use all new blocks and features
✦ Create zones and set rights yourself
✦ (Everything is automatically safe in the zone, from boxes to animals. Give rights to friends and build together.)
✦ Speech bubbles above players simplify communication between your companions.
✦ Pets and Pets
✦ Family community
✦ Pures Angel-Erlebnis! (LvL, Enchants, Crafting uvm.)
✦ Minigames
✦ Dual wield battles
✦ Revives for real team play
✦ Trade safely (no drops on the ground)
✦ Enemy level system and skills
✦ NPC Shops (Shop-City)
✦ Quests and Dailies
✦ Player auction house
✦ Jobs (Woodcutter, Miner, Farmer, Hunter … +10)
✦ Reittiere (Mounts)
✦ In-game currency
✦ Regular events and games
✦ Teleports
✦ GUI based play without commands
✦ Experience since 2011
✦ Active TeamSpeak³ and Discord community
Our worlds:
Main worlds: Freebuild + plot world
Farm worlds: World, Nether and End
Minigame-Welt: TNTRun, Parkour, Jumpdown, Dropper, FishSlap, HotPotato, Arena, Horse Run …